Get rid of automatically generated bypass params
I thought these were mandatory in VST3, they are not.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 148 additions and 365 deletions
@ -74,9 +74,7 @@ use crate::plugin::{
use crate::util::permit_alloc;
use crate::wrapper::state;
use crate::wrapper::util::{
hash_param_id, process_wrapper, strlcpy, Bypass, BYPASS_PARAM_HASH, BYPASS_PARAM_ID,
use crate::wrapper::util::{hash_param_id, process_wrapper, strlcpy};
/// How many output parameter changes we can store in our output parameter change queue. Storing
/// more than this many parmaeters at a time will cause changes to get lost.
@ -112,9 +110,6 @@ pub struct Wrapper<P: ClapPlugin> {
/// The current buffer configuration, containing the sample rate and the maximum block size.
/// Will be set in `clap_plugin::activate()`.
current_buffer_config: AtomicCell<Option<BufferConfig>>,
/// Contains either a boolean indicating whether the plugin is currently bypassed, or a bypass
/// parameter if the plugin has one.
bypass: Bypass,
/// The incoming events for the plugin, if `P::ACCEPTS_MIDI` is set.
/// TODO: Maybe load these lazily at some point instead of needing to spool them all to this
@ -346,28 +341,19 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
// The plugin either supplies its own bypass parameter, or we'll create one for it
let mut bypass = Bypass::Dummy(AtomicBool::new(false));
for (id, _, ptr, _) in ¶m_id_hashes_ptrs_groups {
let flags = unsafe { ptr.flags() };
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
if id == BYPASS_PARAM_ID && !is_bypass {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Bypass parameters need to be marked with `.make_bypass()`, weird things will happen");
if is_bypass && matches!(bypass, Bypass::Parameter(_)) {
"Duplicate bypass parameters found, using the first one"
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let mut bypass_param_exists = false;
for (_, _, ptr, _) in ¶m_id_hashes_ptrs_groups {
let flags = unsafe { ptr.flags() };
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
if is_bypass {
bypass = Bypass::Parameter(*ptr);
if !cfg!(debug_assertions) {
if is_bypass && bypass_param_exists {
"Duplicate bypass parameters found, the host will only use the first one"
bypass_param_exists |= is_bypass;
@ -454,7 +440,6 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
num_output_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS,
current_buffer_config: AtomicCell::new(None),
input_events: AtomicRefCell::new(VecDeque::with_capacity(512)),
last_process_status: AtomicCell::new(ProcessStatus::Normal),
current_latency: AtomicU32::new(0),
@ -628,17 +613,8 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
update: ClapParamUpdate,
sample_rate: Option<f32>,
) -> bool {
match (&self.bypass, self.param_by_hash.get(&hash)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state), _) if hash == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
match update {
ClapParamUpdate::PlainValueSet(clap_plain_value) => {
|||| >= 0.5, Ordering::SeqCst)
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match self.param_by_hash.get(&hash) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
let normalized_value = match update {
ClapParamUpdate::PlainValueSet(clap_plain_value) => {
clap_plain_value as f32
@ -1214,20 +1190,12 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
// Only process audio if the plugin isn't bypassed. If the plugin provides its
// own bypass parameter then it should decide what to do by itself.
let result = match &wrapper.bypass {
Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state) if bypass_state.load(Ordering::Relaxed) => {
_ => {
let mut plugin = wrapper.plugin.write();
let mut context = wrapper.make_process_context(transport);
let result = plugin.process(&mut output_buffer, &mut context);
let result = {
let mut plugin = wrapper.plugin.write();
let mut context = wrapper.make_process_context(transport);
let result = plugin.process(&mut output_buffer, &mut context);
let clap_result = match result {
@ -1789,13 +1757,7 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
check_null_ptr!(0, plugin);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// NOTE: We add a bypass parameter ourselves on index `self.inner.param_hashes.len()` if the
// plugin does not provide its own bypass parmaeter, in which case these indices will
// all be off by one
match wrapper.bypass {
Bypass::Parameter(_) => wrapper.param_hashes.len() as u32,
Bypass::Dummy(_) => wrapper.param_hashes.len() as u32 + 1,
wrapper.param_hashes.len() as u32
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_get_info(
@ -1810,59 +1772,45 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
return false;
let param_hash = &wrapper.param_hashes[param_index as usize];
let param_group = &wrapper.param_group_by_hash[param_hash];
let param_ptr = &wrapper.param_by_hash[param_hash];
let default_value = param_ptr.default_normalized_value();
let step_count = param_ptr.step_count();
let flags = param_ptr.flags();
let automatable = !flags.contains(ParamFlags::NON_AUTOMATABLE);
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
*param_info = std::mem::zeroed();
// TODO: We don't use the cookies at this point. In theory this would be faster than the ID
// hashmap lookup, but for now we'll stay consistent with the VST3 implementation.
let param_info = &mut *param_info;
if matches!(wrapper.bypass, Bypass::Dummy(_))
&& param_index == wrapper.param_hashes.len() as u32
param_info.flags =
param_info.cookie = ptr::null_mut();
strlcpy(&mut, "Bypass");
strlcpy(&mut param_info.module, "");
param_info.min_value = 0.0;
param_info.max_value = 1.0;
param_info.default_value = 0.0;
|||| = *param_hash;
// TODO: Somehow expose modulation and per note/channel/port variations
param_info.flags = if automatable {
} else {
let param_hash = &wrapper.param_hashes[param_index as usize];
let param_group = &wrapper.param_group_by_hash[param_hash];
let param_ptr = &wrapper.param_by_hash[param_hash];
let default_value = param_ptr.default_normalized_value();
let step_count = param_ptr.step_count();
let flags = param_ptr.flags();
let automatable = !flags.contains(ParamFlags::NON_AUTOMATABLE);
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
// TODO: Somehow expose modulation and per note/channel/port variations
|||| = *param_hash;
param_info.flags = if automatable {
} else {
if is_bypass {
param_info.flags |= CLAP_PARAM_IS_BYPASS
if step_count.is_some() {
param_info.flags |= CLAP_PARAM_IS_STEPPED
param_info.cookie = ptr::null_mut();
strlcpy(&mut param_info.module, param_group);
// We don't use the actual minimum and maximum values here because that would not scale
// with skewed integer ranges. Instead, just treat all parameters as `[0, 1]` normalized
// paramters multiplied by the step size.
param_info.min_value = 0.0;
// Stepped parameters are unnormalized float parameters since there's no separate step
// range option
// TODO: This should probably be encapsulated in some way so we don't forget about this in one place
param_info.max_value = step_count.unwrap_or(1) as f64;
param_info.default_value = default_value as f64 * step_count.unwrap_or(1) as f64;
if is_bypass {
param_info.flags |= CLAP_PARAM_IS_BYPASS
if step_count.is_some() {
param_info.flags |= CLAP_PARAM_IS_STEPPED
param_info.cookie = ptr::null_mut();
strlcpy(&mut param_info.module, param_group);
// We don't use the actual minimum and maximum values here because that would not scale
// with skewed integer ranges. Instead, just treat all parameters as `[0, 1]` normalized
// paramters multiplied by the step size.
param_info.min_value = 0.0;
// Stepped parameters are unnormalized float parameters since there's no separate step
// range option
// TODO: This should probably be encapsulated in some way so we don't forget about this in one place
param_info.max_value = step_count.unwrap_or(1) as f64;
param_info.default_value = default_value as f64 * step_count.unwrap_or(1) as f64;
@ -1875,17 +1823,8 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, value);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
match (&wrapper.bypass, wrapper.param_by_hash.get(¶m_id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state), _) if param_id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
*value = if bypass_state.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
} else {
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match wrapper.param_by_hash.get(¶m_id) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
*value = param_ptr.normalized_value() as f64
* param_ptr.step_count().unwrap_or(1) as f64;
@ -1907,17 +1846,8 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
let dest = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(display, size as usize);
match (&wrapper.bypass, wrapper.param_by_hash.get(¶m_id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(_), _) if param_id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
if value > 0.5 {
strlcpy(dest, "Bypassed")
} else {
strlcpy(dest, "Not Bypassed")
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match wrapper.param_by_hash.get(¶m_id) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
// CLAP does not have a separate unit, so we'll include the unit here
@ -1947,21 +1877,8 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
Err(_) => return false,
match (&wrapper.bypass, wrapper.param_by_hash.get(¶m_id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(_), _) if param_id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
let display = display.trim();
let normalized_valeu = if display.eq_ignore_ascii_case("bypassed") {
} else if display.eq_ignore_ascii_case("not bypassed") {
} else {
return false;
*value = normalized_valeu;
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match wrapper.param_by_hash.get(¶m_id) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
let normalized_value = match param_ptr.string_to_normalized_value(display) {
Some(v) => v as f64,
None => return false,
@ -2002,7 +1919,6 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
match serialized {
Ok(serialized) => {
@ -2064,7 +1980,6 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
if !success {
return false;
@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use super::util::{Bypass, BYPASS_PARAM_ID};
use crate::param::internals::{ParamPtr, Params};
use crate::param::Param;
use crate::plugin::BufferConfig;
@ -41,10 +39,9 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn serialize(
plugin_params: Pin<&dyn Params>,
param_by_hash: &HashMap<u32, ParamPtr>,
param_id_to_hash: &HashMap<String, u32>,
bypass: &Bypass,
) -> serde_json::Result<Vec<u8>> {
// We'll serialize parmaeter values as a simple `string_param_id: display_value` map.
let mut params: HashMap<_, _> = param_id_to_hash
let params: HashMap<_, _> = param_id_to_hash
.filter_map(|(param_id_str, hash)| {
let param_ptr = param_by_hash.get(hash)?;
@ -72,14 +69,6 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn serialize(
// Don't forget about the bypass parameter if we added one for the plugin
if let Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state) = bypass {
// The plugin can also persist arbitrary fields alongside its parameters. This is useful for
// storing things like sample data.
let fields = plugin_params.serialize_fields();
@ -99,7 +88,6 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn deserialize(
param_by_hash: &HashMap<u32, ParamPtr>,
param_id_to_hash: &HashMap<String, u32>,
current_buffer_config: Option<&BufferConfig>,
bypass: &Bypass,
) -> bool {
let state: State = match serde_json::from_slice(state) {
Ok(s) => s,
@ -111,55 +99,39 @@ pub(crate) unsafe fn deserialize(
let sample_rate =|c| c.sample_rate);
for (param_id_str, param_value) in state.params {
// Handle the automatically generated bypass parameter separately
match bypass {
Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state) if param_id_str == BYPASS_PARAM_ID => {
match param_value {
ParamValue::Bool(b) =>, Ordering::SeqCst),
_ => nih_debug_assert_failure!(
"Invalid serialized value {:?} for parameter \"{}\"",
let param_ptr = match param_id_to_hash
.and_then(|hash| param_by_hash.get(hash))
Some(ptr) => ptr,
None => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Unknown parameter: {}", param_id_str);
_ => {
let param_ptr = match param_id_to_hash
.and_then(|hash| param_by_hash.get(hash))
Some(ptr) => ptr,
None => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Unknown parameter: {}", param_id_str);
match (param_ptr, param_value) {
(ParamPtr::FloatParam(p), ParamValue::F32(v)) => (**p).set_plain_value(v),
(ParamPtr::IntParam(p), ParamValue::I32(v)) => (**p).set_plain_value(v),
(ParamPtr::BoolParam(p), ParamValue::Bool(v)) => (**p).set_plain_value(v),
// Enums are serialized based on the active variant's index (which may not be the
// same as the discriminator)
(ParamPtr::EnumParam(p), ParamValue::I32(variant_idx)) => {
(param_ptr, param_value) => {
"Invalid serialized value {:?} for parameter \"{}\" ({:?})",
// Make sure everything starts out in sync
if let Some(sample_rate) = sample_rate {
param_ptr.update_smoother(sample_rate, true);
match (param_ptr, param_value) {
(ParamPtr::FloatParam(p), ParamValue::F32(v)) => (**p).set_plain_value(v),
(ParamPtr::IntParam(p), ParamValue::I32(v)) => (**p).set_plain_value(v),
(ParamPtr::BoolParam(p), ParamValue::Bool(v)) => (**p).set_plain_value(v),
// Enums are serialized based on the active variant's index (which may not be the same
// as the discriminator)
(ParamPtr::EnumParam(p), ParamValue::I32(variant_idx)) => {
(param_ptr, param_value) => {
"Invalid serialized value {:?} for parameter \"{}\" ({:?})",
// Make sure everything starts out in sync
if let Some(sample_rate) = sample_rate {
param_ptr.update_smoother(sample_rate, true);
@ -1,36 +1,13 @@
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::cmp;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use vst3_sys::vst::TChar;
use widestring::U16CString;
use crate::param::internals::ParamPtr;
#[cfg(all(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_process_allocs"))]
static A: assert_no_alloc::AllocDisabler = assert_no_alloc::AllocDisabler;
/// The ID of the automatically generated bypass parameter. Added if the plugin does not define its
/// own bypass parameter.
pub const BYPASS_PARAM_ID: &str = "bypass";
lazy_static! {
pub static ref BYPASS_PARAM_HASH: u32 = hash_param_id(BYPASS_PARAM_ID);
/// The plugin's bypass parameter. If [`Plugin::params()`] contains a [`ParamFlags::BYPASS`]
/// parameter then that will be used as the plugin's bypass parameter. Otherwise NIH-plug will add a
/// dummy boolean parameter.
pub enum Bypass {
/// A parameter from `P` that's marked as a bypass parameter.
/// A boolean that keeps track of the plugin's bypass state. Added automatically if the plugin
/// doesn't have a bypass parameter.
/// A Rabin fingerprint based string hash for parameter ID strings.
pub fn hash_param_id(id: &str) -> u32 {
let mut overflow;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32};
use std::sync::Arc;
use vst3_sys::base::{kInvalidArgument, kResultOk, tresult};
use vst3_sys::vst::IComponentHandler;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use crate::event_loop::{EventLoop, MainThreadExecutor, OsEventLoop};
use crate::param::internals::ParamPtr;
use crate::param::ParamFlags;
use crate::plugin::{BufferConfig, BusConfig, Editor, NoteEvent, ProcessStatus, Vst3Plugin};
use crate::wrapper::util::{hash_param_id, Bypass, BYPASS_PARAM_HASH, BYPASS_PARAM_ID};
use crate::wrapper::util::hash_param_id;
/// The actual wrapper bits. We need this as an `Arc<T>` so we can safely use our event loop API.
/// Since we can't combine that with VST3's interior reference counting this just has to be moved to
@ -57,9 +57,6 @@ pub(crate) struct WrapperInner<P: Vst3Plugin> {
/// The current buffer configuration, containing the sample rate and the maximum block size.
/// Will be set in `IAudioProcessor::setupProcessing()`.
pub current_buffer_config: AtomicCell<Option<BufferConfig>>,
/// Contains either a boolean indicating whether the plugin is currently bypassed, or a bypass
/// parameter if the plugin has one.
pub bypass: Bypass,
/// The last process status returned by the plugin. This is used for tail handling.
pub last_process_status: AtomicCell<ProcessStatus>,
/// The current latency in samples, as set by the plugin through the [`ProcessContext`].
@ -161,28 +158,19 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> WrapperInner<P> {
// The plugin either supplies its own bypass parameter, or we'll create one for it
let mut bypass = Bypass::Dummy(AtomicBool::new(false));
for (id, _, ptr, _) in ¶m_id_hashes_ptrs_groups {
let flags = unsafe { ptr.flags() };
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
if id == BYPASS_PARAM_ID && !is_bypass {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Bypass parameters need to be marked with `.make_bypass()`, weird things will happen");
if is_bypass && matches!(bypass, Bypass::Parameter(_)) {
"Duplicate bypass parameters found, using the first one"
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let mut bypass_param_exists = false;
for (_, _, ptr, _) in ¶m_id_hashes_ptrs_groups {
let flags = unsafe { ptr.flags() };
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
if is_bypass {
bypass = Bypass::Parameter(*ptr);
if !cfg!(debug_assertions) {
if is_bypass && bypass_param_exists {
"Duplicate bypass parameters found, the host will only use the first one"
bypass_param_exists |= is_bypass;
@ -229,7 +217,6 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> WrapperInner<P> {
num_output_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS,
current_buffer_config: AtomicCell::new(None),
last_process_status: AtomicCell::new(ProcessStatus::Normal),
current_latency: AtomicU32::new(0),
output_buffer: AtomicRefCell::new(Buffer::default()),
@ -293,13 +280,8 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> WrapperInner<P> {
normalized_value: f32,
sample_rate: Option<f32>,
) -> tresult {
match (&self.bypass, self.param_by_hash.get(&hash)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state), _) if hash == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
|||| >= 0.5, Ordering::Relaxed);
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match self.param_by_hash.get(&hash) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
// Also update the parameter's smoothing if applicable
match (param_ptr, sample_rate) {
(_, Some(sample_rate)) => unsafe {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use crate::context::Transport;
use crate::param::ParamFlags;
use crate::plugin::{BufferConfig, BusConfig, NoteEvent, ProcessStatus, Vst3Plugin};
use crate::wrapper::state;
use crate::wrapper::util::{process_wrapper, u16strlcpy, Bypass, BYPASS_PARAM_HASH};
use crate::wrapper::util::{process_wrapper, u16strlcpy};
use crate::wrapper::vst3::inner::ParameterChange;
// Alias needed for the VST3 attribute macro
@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IComponent for Wrapper<P> {
if !success {
return kResultFalse;
@ -260,7 +259,6 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IComponent for Wrapper<P> {
match serialized {
Ok(serialized) => {
@ -302,13 +300,7 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IEditController for Wrapper<P> {
unsafe fn get_parameter_count(&self) -> i32 {
// NOTE: We add a bypass parameter ourselves on index `self.inner.param_hashes.len()` if the
// plugin does not provide its own bypass parmaeter, in which case these indices will
// all be off by one
match self.inner.bypass {
Bypass::Parameter(_) => self.inner.param_hashes.len() as i32,
Bypass::Dummy(_) => self.inner.param_hashes.len() as i32 + 1,
self.inner.param_hashes.len() as i32
unsafe fn get_parameter_info(
@ -322,49 +314,35 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IEditController for Wrapper<P> {
return kInvalidArgument;
let param_hash = &self.inner.param_hashes[param_index as usize];
let param_unit = &self
.expect("Inconsistent parameter data");
let param_ptr = &self.inner.param_by_hash[param_hash];
let default_value = param_ptr.default_normalized_value();
let flags = param_ptr.flags();
let automatable = !flags.contains(ParamFlags::NON_AUTOMATABLE);
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
*info = std::mem::zeroed();
let info = &mut *info;
if matches!(self.inner.bypass, Bypass::Dummy(_))
&& param_index == self.inner.param_hashes.len() as i32
u16strlcpy(&mut info.title, "Bypass");
u16strlcpy(&mut info.short_title, "Bypass");
u16strlcpy(&mut info.units, "");
info.step_count = 1;
info.default_normalized_value = 0.0;
info.unit_id = vst3_sys::vst::kRootUnitId;
info.flags = vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kCanAutomate as i32
| vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kIsBypass as i32;
|||| = *param_hash;
u16strlcpy(&mut info.title,;
u16strlcpy(&mut info.short_title,;
u16strlcpy(&mut info.units, param_ptr.unit());
info.step_count = param_ptr.step_count().unwrap_or(0) as i32;
info.default_normalized_value = default_value as f64;
info.unit_id = *param_unit;
info.flags = if automatable {
vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kCanAutomate as i32
} else {
let param_hash = &self.inner.param_hashes[param_index as usize];
let param_unit = &self
.expect("Inconsistent parameter data");
let param_ptr = &self.inner.param_by_hash[param_hash];
let default_value = param_ptr.default_normalized_value();
let flags = param_ptr.flags();
let automatable = !flags.contains(ParamFlags::NON_AUTOMATABLE);
let is_bypass = flags.contains(ParamFlags::BYPASS);
|||| = *param_hash;
u16strlcpy(&mut info.title,;
u16strlcpy(&mut info.short_title,;
u16strlcpy(&mut info.units, param_ptr.unit());
info.step_count = param_ptr.step_count().unwrap_or(0) as i32;
info.default_normalized_value = default_value as f64;
info.unit_id = *param_unit;
info.flags = if automatable {
vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kCanAutomate as i32
} else {
vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kIsReadOnly as i32 | (1 << 4) // kIsHidden
if is_bypass {
info.flags |= vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kIsBypass as i32;
vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kIsReadOnly as i32 | (1 << 4) // kIsHidden
if is_bypass {
info.flags |= vst3_sys::vst::ParameterFlags::kIsBypass as i32;
@ -380,17 +358,8 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IEditController for Wrapper<P> {
let dest = &mut *(string as *mut [TChar; 128]);
match (&self.inner.bypass, self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(_), _) if id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
if value_normalized > 0.5 {
u16strlcpy(dest, "Bypassed")
} else {
u16strlcpy(dest, "Not Bypassed")
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
¶m_ptr.normalized_value_to_string(value_normalized as f32, false),
@ -415,21 +384,8 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IEditController for Wrapper<P> {
Err(_) => return kInvalidArgument,
match (&self.inner.bypass, self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(_), _) if id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
let string = string.trim();
let value = if string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("bypassed") {
} else if string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("not bypassed") {
} else {
return kInvalidArgument;
*value_normalized = value;
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => {
match self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id) {
Some(param_ptr) => {
let value = match param_ptr.string_to_normalized_value(&string) {
Some(v) => v as f64,
None => return kResultFalse,
@ -443,31 +399,22 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IEditController for Wrapper<P> {
unsafe fn normalized_param_to_plain(&self, id: u32, value_normalized: f64) -> f64 {
match (&self.inner.bypass, self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(_), _) if id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => value_normalized.clamp(0.0, 1.0),
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => param_ptr.preview_plain(value_normalized as f32) as f64,
match self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id) {
Some(param_ptr) => param_ptr.preview_plain(value_normalized as f32) as f64,
_ => 0.5,
unsafe fn plain_param_to_normalized(&self, id: u32, plain_value: f64) -> f64 {
match (&self.inner.bypass, self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(_), _) if id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => plain_value.clamp(0.0, 1.0),
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => param_ptr.preview_normalized(plain_value as f32) as f64,
match self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id) {
Some(param_ptr) => param_ptr.preview_normalized(plain_value as f32) as f64,
_ => 0.5,
unsafe fn get_param_normalized(&self, id: u32) -> f64 {
match (&self.inner.bypass, self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id)) {
(Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state), _) if id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH => {
if bypass_state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
} else {
(_, Some(param_ptr)) => param_ptr.normalized_value() as f64,
match self.inner.param_by_hash.get(&id) {
Some(param_ptr) => param_ptr.normalized_value() as f64,
_ => 0.5,
@ -943,25 +890,15 @@ impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IAudioProcessor for Wrapper<P> {
let mut plugin = self.inner.plugin.write();
let mut context = self.inner.make_process_context(transport);
// Only process audio if the plugin isn't bypassed. If the plugin provides its
// own bypass parameter then it should decide what to do by itself.
match &self.inner.bypass {
Bypass::Dummy(bypass_state) if bypass_state.load(Ordering::Relaxed) => {
_ => {
let result = plugin.process(&mut output_buffer, &mut context);
match result {
ProcessStatus::Error(err) => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Process error: {}", err);
let result = plugin.process(&mut output_buffer, &mut context);
match result {
ProcessStatus::Error(err) => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Process error: {}", err);
return kResultFalse;
_ => kResultOk,
return kResultFalse;
_ => kResultOk,
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