Fork 0

Add basic voice management for PolyModSynth

This of course still misses important things like amplitude envelopes,
so notes will never end on their own. Those will be added as part of
audio processing.
This commit is contained in:
Robbert van der Helm 2022-07-06 16:20:43 +02:00
parent 69aa8433fa
commit c36f29e3ca

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@ -4,19 +4,51 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
/// The number of simultaneous voices for this synth.
const NUM_VOICES: u32 = 16;
/// The maximum size of an audio block. We'll split up the audio in blocks and render smoothed
/// values to buffers since these values may need to be reused for multiple voices.
const MAX_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 64;
/// A simple polyphonic synthesizer with support for CLAP's polyphonic modulation. See
/// `NoteEvent::PolyModulation` for another source of information on how to use this.
struct PolyModSynth {
params: Arc<PolyModSynthParams>,
/// The synth's voices. Inactive voices will be set to `None` values.
voices: [Option<Voice>; NUM_VOICES as usize],
/// The next internal voice ID, used only to figure out the oldest voice for voice stealing.
/// This is incremented by one each time a voice is created.
next_internal_voice_id: u64,
#[derive(Default, Params)]
struct PolyModSynthParams {}
/// Data for a single synth voice. In a real synth where performance matter, you may want to use a
/// struct of arrays instead of having a struct for each voice.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Voice {
/// The identifier for this voice. Polyphonic modulation events are linked to a voice based on
/// these IDs. If the host doesn't provide these IDs, then this is computed through
/// `compute_fallback_voice_id()`. In that case polyphonic modulation will not work, but the
/// basic note events will still have an effect.
voice_id: i32,
/// The note's channel, in `0..16`. Only used for the voice terminated event.
channel: u8,
/// The note's key/note, in `0..128`. Only used for the voice terminated event.
note: u8,
/// The voices internal ID. Each voice has an internal voice ID one higher than the previous
/// voice. This is used to steal the last voice in case all 16 voices are in use.
internal_voice_id: u64,
impl Default for PolyModSynth {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
params: Arc::new(PolyModSynthParams::default()),
// `[None; N]` requires the `Some(T)` to be `Copy`able
voices: [0; NUM_VOICES as usize].map(|_| None),
next_internal_voice_id: 0,
@ -44,24 +76,222 @@ impl Plugin for PolyModSynth {
// If the synth as a variable number of voices, you will need to call
// `context.set_current_voice_capacity()` in `initialize()` and in `process()` (when the
// capacity changes) to inform the host about this.
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.next_internal_voice_id = 0;
fn process(
&mut self,
_buffer: &mut Buffer,
buffer: &mut Buffer,
_aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers,
context: &mut impl ProcessContext,
) -> ProcessStatus {
// TODO: Split blocks, so something cool
while let Some(event) = context.next_event() {
match event {
_ => (),
// NIH-plug has a block-splitting adapter for `Buffer`. While this works great for effect
// plugins, for polyphonic synths the block size should be `min(MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,
// num_remaining_samples, next_event_idx - block_start_idx)`. Because blocks also need to be
// split on note events, it's easier to work with raw audio here and to do the splitting by
// hand.
let output = buffer.as_slice();
let mut next_event = context.next_event();
let mut block_start: usize = 0;
let mut block_end: usize = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE.min(output.len());
while block_start < output.len() {
// First of all, handle all note events that happen at the start of the block, and cut
// the block short if another event happens before the end of it
'events: loop {
match next_event {
// If the event happens now, then we'll keep processing events
Some(event) if (event.timing() as usize) == block_start => {
// This synth doesn't support any of the polyphonic expression events. A
// real synth plugin however will want to support those.
match event {
NoteEvent::NoteOn {
} => {
let voice = self.start_voice(
voice_id.unwrap_or_else(|| {
compute_fallback_voice_id(note, channel)
// TODO: Add and set the other fields
NoteEvent::NoteOff {
} => todo!("Have note-off events fade out the notes"),
NoteEvent::Choke {
} => {
voice_id.unwrap_or_else(|| {
compute_fallback_voice_id(note, channel)
// TODO: Handle poly modulation
NoteEvent::PolyModulation {
} => todo!(),
NoteEvent::MonoAutomation {
} => todo!(),
_ => (),
next_event = context.next_event();
// If the event happens before the end of the block, then the block should be cut
// short so the next block starts at the event
Some(event) if (event.timing() as usize) < block_end => {
block_end = event.timing() as usize;
_ => break,
// We'll start with silence, and then add the output from the active voices
// And then just keep processing blocks until we've run out of buffer to fill
block_start = block_end;
block_end = (block_start + MAX_BLOCK_SIZE).min(output.len());
impl PolyModSynth {
/// Get an active voice by its voice ID, if the voice exists
fn get_voice_mut(&mut self, voice_id: i32) -> Option<&mut Voice> {
self.voices.iter_mut().find_map(|voice| match voice {
Some(voice) if voice.voice_id == voice_id => Some(voice),
_ => None,
/// Start a new voice with the given voice ID. If all voices are currently in use, the oldest
/// voice will be stolen. Returns a reference to the new voice.
fn start_voice(
&mut self,
context: &mut impl ProcessContext,
sample_offset: u32,
voice_id: i32,
channel: u8,
note: u8,
) -> &mut Voice {
let new_voice = Voice {
internal_voice_id: self.next_internal_voice_id,
self.next_internal_voice_id = self.next_internal_voice_id.wrapping_add(1);
// Can't use `.iter_mut().find()` here because nonlexical lifetimes don't apply to return
// values
match self.voices.iter().position(|voice| voice.is_none()) {
Some(free_voice_idx) => {
self.voices[free_voice_idx] = Some(new_voice);
return self.voices[free_voice_idx].as_mut().unwrap();
None => {
// If there is no free voice, find and steal the oldest one
// SAFETY: We can skip a lot of checked unwraps here since we already know all voices are in
// use
let oldest_voice = unsafe {
.min_by_key(|voice| voice.as_ref().unwrap_unchecked().internal_voice_id)
// The stolen voice needs to be terminated so the host can reuse its modulation
// resources
let oldest_voice = oldest_voice.as_ref().unwrap();
context.send_event(NoteEvent::VoiceTerminated {
timing: sample_offset,
voice_id: Some(oldest_voice.voice_id),
channel: oldest_voice.channel,
note: oldest_voice.note,
*oldest_voice = Some(new_voice);
return oldest_voice.as_mut().unwrap();
/// Terminate a voice, removing it from the pool and informing the host that the voice has
/// ended. Returns whether a voice has actually been terminated.
fn terminate_voice(
&mut self,
context: &mut impl ProcessContext,
sample_offset: u32,
voice_id: i32,
) -> bool {
for voice in self.voices.iter_mut() {
match voice {
Some(Voice {
voice_id: found_voice_id,
}) if *found_voice_id == voice_id => {
// This event is very important, as it allows the host to manage its own modulation
// voices
context.send_event(NoteEvent::VoiceTerminated {
timing: sample_offset,
voice_id: Some(voice_id),
channel: *channel,
note: *note,
*voice = None;
return true;
_ => (),
/// Compute a voice ID in case the host doesn't provide them. Polyphonic modulation will not work in
/// this case, but playing notes will.
const fn compute_fallback_voice_id(note: u8, channel: u8) -> i32 {
note as i32 | ((channel as i32) << 16)
impl ClapPlugin for PolyModSynth {
const CLAP_ID: &'static str = "com.moist-plugins-gmbh.poly-mod-synth";
const CLAP_DESCRIPTION: Option<&'static str> =