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gain_to_db formatter fix

Copy fix from v2s_f32_rounded
This commit is contained in:
Jussi Viiri 2023-08-01 22:47:05 +03:00 committed by Robbert van der Helm
parent 5ae23f52f4
commit ff89e25d2f

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@ -79,17 +79,23 @@ pub fn s2v_compression_ratio() -> Arc<dyn Fn(&str) -> Option<f32> + Send + Sync>
/// Turn an `f32` value from voltage gain to decibels using the semantics described in
/// [`util::gain_to_db()]. You should use either `" dB"` or `" dBFS"` for the parameter's unit.
/// `0.0` will be formatted as `-inf`.
/// `0.0` will be formatted as `-inf`. Avoids returning negative zero values to make sure
/// string->value->string roundtrips work correctly. Otherwise `-0.001` rounded to two digits
/// would result in `-0.00`.
pub fn v2s_f32_gain_to_db(digits: usize) -> Arc<dyn Fn(f32) -> String + Send + Sync> {
let rounding_multiplier = 10u32.pow(digits as u32) as f32;
Arc::new(move |value| {
if value < util::MINUS_INFINITY_GAIN {
} else {
// Never print -0.0 since that just looks weird and confusing
let value_db = util::gain_to_db(value);
let value_db = if value_db.abs() < 1e-6 { 0.0 } else { value_db };
// See above
if (value_db * rounding_multiplier).round() / rounding_multiplier == 0.0 {
format!("{:.digits$}", 0.0)
} else {