use egui::{vec2, Response, Sense, Stroke, TextStyle, Ui, Vec2, Widget, WidgetText}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use super::util; use nih_plug::prelude::{Param, ParamSetter}; /// When shift+dragging a parameter, one pixel dragged corresponds to this much change in the /// noramlized parameter. const GRANULAR_DRAG_MULTIPLIER: f32 = 0.0015; lazy_static! { static ref DRAG_NORMALIZED_START_VALUE_MEMORY_ID: egui::Id = egui::Id::new((file!(), 0)); static ref DRAG_AMOUNT_MEMORY_ID: egui::Id = egui::Id::new((file!(), 1)); } /// A slider widget similar to [`egui::widgets::Slider`] that knows about NIH-plug parameters ranges /// and can get values for it. /// /// TODO: Vertical orientation /// TODO: Check below for more input methods that should be added /// TODO: Decouple the logic from the drawing so we can also do things like nobs without having to /// repeat everything /// TODO: Add WidgetInfo annotations for accessibility #[must_use = "You should put this widget in an ui with `ui.add(widget);`"] pub struct ParamSlider<'a, P: Param> { param: &'a P, setter: &'a ParamSetter<'a>, draw_value: bool, slider_width: Option, } impl<'a, P: Param> ParamSlider<'a, P> { /// Create a new slider for a parameter. Use the other methods to modify the slider before /// passing it to [`Ui::add()`]. pub fn for_param(param: &'a P, setter: &'a ParamSetter<'a>) -> Self { Self { param, setter, draw_value: true, slider_width: None, } } /// Don't draw the text slider's current value after the slider. pub fn without_value(mut self) -> Self { self.draw_value = false; self } /// Set a custom width for the slider. pub fn with_width(mut self, width: f32) -> Self { self.slider_width = Some(width); self } fn normalized_value(&self) -> f32 { self.param.normalized_value() } fn begin_drag(&self) { self.setter.begin_set_parameter(self.param); } fn set_normalized_value(&self, normalized: f32) { if normalized != self.normalized_value() { // This snaps to the nearest plain value if the parameter is stepped in some wayA // TODO: As an optimization, we could add a `const CONTINUOUS: bool` to the parameter to // avoid this normalized->plain->normalized conversion for parameters that don't need // it let value = self.param.preview_plain(normalized); self.setter.set_parameter(self.param, value); } } // This still needs to be part of a drag gestur fn reset_param(&self) { let normalized_default = self.setter.default_normalized_param_value(self.param); self.setter .set_parameter_normalized(self.param, normalized_default); } fn granular_drag(&self, ui: &Ui, drag_delta: Vec2) { // Remember the intial position when we started with the granular drag. This value gets // reset whenever we have a normal itneraction with the slider. let start_value = if Self::get_drag_amount_memory(ui) == 0.0 { Self::set_drag_normalized_start_value_memory(ui, self.normalized_value()); self.normalized_value() } else { Self::get_drag_normalized_start_value_memory(ui) }; let total_drag_distance = drag_delta.x + Self::get_drag_amount_memory(ui); Self::set_drag_amount_memory(ui, total_drag_distance); self.set_normalized_value( (start_value + (total_drag_distance * GRANULAR_DRAG_MULTIPLIER)).clamp(0.0, 1.0), ); } fn end_drag(&self) { self.setter.end_set_parameter(self.param); } fn get_drag_normalized_start_value_memory(ui: &Ui) -> f32 { ui.memory() .data .get_temp(*DRAG_NORMALIZED_START_VALUE_MEMORY_ID) .unwrap_or(0.5) } fn set_drag_normalized_start_value_memory(ui: &Ui, amount: f32) { ui.memory() .data .insert_temp(*DRAG_NORMALIZED_START_VALUE_MEMORY_ID, amount); } fn get_drag_amount_memory(ui: &Ui) -> f32 { ui.memory() .data .get_temp(*DRAG_AMOUNT_MEMORY_ID) .unwrap_or(0.0) } fn set_drag_amount_memory(ui: &Ui, amount: f32) { ui.memory().data.insert_temp(*DRAG_AMOUNT_MEMORY_ID, amount); } fn slider_ui(&self, ui: &mut Ui, response: &Response) { // Handle user input // TODO: Optionally (since it can be annoying) add scrolling behind a builder option // TODO: Optionally add alt+click for value entry? if response.drag_started() { // When beginning a drag or dragging normally, reset the memory used to keep track of // our granular drag self.begin_drag(); Self::set_drag_amount_memory(ui, 0.0); } if let Some(click_pos) = response.interact_pointer_pos() { if ui.input().modifiers.command { // Like double clicking, Ctrl+Click should reset the parameter self.reset_param(); } else if ui.input().modifiers.shift { // And shift dragging should switch to a more granulra input method self.granular_drag(ui, response.drag_delta()); } else { let proportion = egui::emath::remap_clamp(click_pos.x, response.rect.x_range(), 0.0..=1.0) as f64; self.set_normalized_value(proportion as f32); Self::set_drag_amount_memory(ui, 0.0); } } if response.double_clicked() { self.reset_param(); } if response.drag_released() { self.end_drag(); } // And finally draw the thing if ui.is_rect_visible(response.rect) { // We'll do a flat widget with background -> filled foreground -> slight border ui.painter() .rect_filled(response.rect, 0.0, ui.visuals().widgets.inactive.bg_fill); let filled_proportion = self.normalized_value(); if filled_proportion > 0.0 { let mut filled_rect = response.rect; filled_rect.set_width(response.rect.width() * filled_proportion); let filled_bg = if response.dragged() { util::add_hsv(ui.visuals().selection.bg_fill, 0.0, -0.1, 0.1) } else { ui.visuals().selection.bg_fill }; ui.painter().rect_filled(filled_rect, 0.0, filled_bg); } ui.painter().rect_stroke( response.rect, 0.0, Stroke::new(1.0, ui.visuals(), ); } } fn value_ui(&self, ui: &mut Ui) { let visuals = ui.visuals().widgets.inactive; let should_draw_frame = ui.visuals().button_frame; let padding = ui.spacing().button_padding; let text = WidgetText::from(format!("{}", self.param)).into_galley( ui, None, ui.available_width() - (padding.x * 2.0), TextStyle::Button, ); let (_, rect) = ui.allocate_space(text.size() + (padding * 2.0)); if ui.is_rect_visible(rect) { if should_draw_frame { let fill = visuals.bg_fill; let stroke = visuals.bg_stroke; ui.painter().rect( rect.expand(visuals.expansion), visuals.rounding, fill, stroke, ); } let text_pos = ui .layout() .align_size_within_rect(text.size(), rect.shrink2(padding)) .min; text.paint_with_visuals(ui.painter(), text_pos, &visuals); } } } impl Widget for ParamSlider<'_, P> { fn ui(self, ui: &mut Ui) -> Response { let slider_width = self .slider_width .unwrap_or_else(|| ui.spacing().slider_width); ui.horizontal(|ui| { // Allocate space, but add some padding on the top and bottom to make it look a bit slimmer. let height = ui .text_style_height(&TextStyle::Body) .max(ui.spacing().interact_size.y * 0.8); let slider_height = ui.painter().round_to_pixel(height * 0.8); let response = ui .vertical(|ui| { ui.allocate_space(vec2(slider_width, (height - slider_height) / 2.0)); let response = ui.allocate_response( vec2(slider_width, slider_height), Sense::click_and_drag(), ); ui.allocate_space(vec2(slider_width, (height - slider_height) / 2.0)); response }) .inner; self.slider_ui(ui, &response); if self.draw_value { self.value_ui(ui); } response }) .inner } }