// Spectral Compressor: an FFT based compressor
// Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Robbert van der Helm
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use nih_plug::prelude::*;
use realfft::num_complex::Complex32;
/// Type alias for the compressor parameters. These two are split up so the parameter list/tree
/// looks a bit nicer.
pub type CompressorParams<'a> = (&'a ThresholdParams, &'a CompressorBankParams);
/// A bank of compressors so each FFT bin can be compressed individually. The vectors in this struct
/// will have a capacity of `MAX_WINDOW_SIZE / 2 + 1` and a size that matches the current complex
/// FFT buffer size. This is stored as a struct of arrays to make SIMD-ing easier in the future.
pub struct CompressorBank {
/// If set, then the downwards thresholds should be updated on the next processing cycle. Can be
/// set from a parameter value change listener, and is also set when calling `.reset_for_size`.
pub should_update_downwards_thresholds: Arc,
/// The same as `should_update_downwards_thresholds`, but for upwards thresholds.
pub should_update_upwards_thresholds: Arc,
/// If set, then the downwards ratios should be updated on the next processing cycle. Can be set
/// from a parameter value change listener, and is also set when calling `.reset_for_size`.
pub should_update_downwards_ratios: Arc,
/// The same as `should_update_downwards_ratios`, but for upwards ratios.
pub should_update_upwards_ratios: Arc,
/// For each compressor bin, `log2(freq)` where `freq` is the frequency associated with that
/// compressor. This is precomputed since all update functions need it.
log2_freqs: Vec,
/// Downwards compressor thresholds, in linear space.
downwards_thresholds: Vec,
/// Upwards compressor thresholds, in linear space.
upwards_thresholds: Vec,
/// The reciprocals of the downwards compressor ratios. At 1.0 the cmopressor won't do anything.
/// If [`CompressorBankParams::high_freq_ratio_rolloff`] is set to 1.0, then this will be the
/// same for each compressor. We're doing the compression in linear space to avoid a logarithm,
/// so the division by the ratio becomes an nth-root, or exponentation by the reciprocal of the
/// ratio.
downwards_ratio_recips: Vec,
/// The same as `downwards_ratio_recipss`, but for the upwards compression.
upwards_ratio_recips: Vec,
/// The current envelope value for this bin, in linear space. Indexed by
/// `[channel_idx][compressor_idx]`.
envelopes: Vec>,
/// The window size this compressor bank was configured for. This is used to compute the
/// coefficients for the envelope followers in the process function.
window_size: usize,
/// The sample rate this compressor bank was configured for. This is used to compute the
/// coefficients for the envelope followers in the process function.
sample_rate: f32,
pub struct ThresholdParams {
// TODO: Sidechaining
/// The center frqeuency for the target curve when sidechaining is not enabled. The curve is a
/// polynomial `threshold_db + curve_slope*x + curve_curve*(x^2)` that evaluates to a decibel
/// value, where `x = log2(center_frequency) - log2(bin_frequency)`. In other words, this is
/// evaluated in the log/log domain for decibels and octaves.
#[id = "thresh_center_freq"]
center_frequency: FloatParam,
/// The compressor threshold at the center frequency. When sidechaining is enabled, the input
/// signal is gained by the inverse of this value. This replaces the input gain in the original
/// Spectral Compressor. In the polynomial above, this is the intercept.
#[id = "input_db"]
threshold_db: FloatParam,
/// The slope for the curve, in the log/log domain. See the polynomial above.
#[id = "thresh_curve_slope"]
curve_slope: FloatParam,
/// The, uh, 'curve' for the curve, in the logarithmic domain. This is the third coefficient in
/// the quadratic polynomial and controls the parabolic behavior. Positive values turn the curve
/// into a v-shaped curve, while negative values attenuate everything outside of the center
/// frequency. See the polynomial above.
#[id = "thresh_curve_curve"]
curve_curve: FloatParam,
pub struct CompressorBankParams {
// TODO: Target curve options
/// The downwards compression threshold relative to the target curve.
#[id = "thresh_down_off"]
downwards_threshold_offset_db: FloatParam,
/// The upwards compression threshold relative to the target curve.
#[id = "thresh_up_off"]
upwards_threshold_offset_db: FloatParam,
/// A `[0, 1]` scaling factor that causes the compressors for the higher registers to have lower
/// ratios than the compressors for the lower registers. The scaling is applied logarithmically
/// rather than linearly over the compressors.
/// TODO: Decide on whether or not this should only apply on upwards ratios, or if we may need
/// separate controls for both
#[id = "ratio_hi_freq_rolloff"]
high_freq_ratio_rolloff: FloatParam,
/// The downwards compression ratio. At 1.0 the downwards compressor is disengaged.
#[id = "ratio_down"]
downwards_ratio: FloatParam,
/// The upwards compression ratio. At 1.0 the upwards compressor is disengaged.
#[id = "ratio_up"]
upwards_ratio: FloatParam,
/// The downwards compression knee width, in decibels.
#[id = "knee_down_off"]
downwards_knee_width_db: FloatParam,
/// The upwards compression knee width, in decibels.
#[id = "knee_up_off"]
upwards_knee_width_db: FloatParam,
/// The compressor's attack time in milliseconds. Controls both upwards and downwards
/// compression.
#[id = "attack"]
compressor_attack_ms: FloatParam,
/// The compressor's release time in milliseconds. Controls both upwards and downwards
/// compression.
#[id = "release"]
compressor_release_ms: FloatParam,
impl ThresholdParams {
/// Create a new [`ThresholdParams`] object. Changing any of the threshold parameters causes the
/// passed compressor bank's thresholds to be updated.
pub fn new(compressor_bank: &CompressorBank) -> Self {
let should_update_downwards_thresholds =
let should_update_upwards_thresholds =
let set_update_both_thresholds = Arc::new(move |_| {
should_update_downwards_thresholds.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
should_update_upwards_thresholds.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
ThresholdParams {
center_frequency: FloatParam::new(
"Threshold Center",
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 20.0,
max: 20_000.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.0),
// This includes the unit
// These are polynomial coefficients that are evaluated in the log/log domain
// (octaves/decibels). The threshold is the intercept.
threshold_db: FloatParam::new(
"Global Threshold",
FloatRange::Linear {
min: -50.0,
max: 50.0,
.with_unit(" dB")
curve_slope: FloatParam::new(
"Threshold Slope",
FloatRange::Linear {
min: -24.0,
max: 24.0,
.with_unit(" dB/oct")
curve_curve: FloatParam::new(
"Threshold Curve",
FloatRange::Linear {
min: -24.0,
max: 24.0,
.with_unit(" dB/oct²")
impl CompressorBankParams {
/// Create a new [`CompressorBankParams`] object. Changing any of the threshold or ratio
/// parameters causes the passed compressor bank's parameters to be updated.
pub fn new(compressor_bank: &CompressorBank) -> Self {
let should_update_downwards_thresholds =
let set_update_downwards_thresholds =
Arc::new(move |_| should_update_downwards_thresholds.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst));
let should_update_upwards_thresholds =
let set_update_upwards_thresholds =
Arc::new(move |_| should_update_upwards_thresholds.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst));
let should_update_downwards_ratios = compressor_bank.should_update_downwards_ratios.clone();
let set_update_downwards_ratios =
Arc::new(move |_| should_update_downwards_ratios.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst));
let should_update_upwards_ratios = compressor_bank.should_update_upwards_ratios.clone();
let set_update_upwards_ratios =
Arc::new(move |_| should_update_upwards_ratios.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst));
let should_update_downwards_ratios = compressor_bank.should_update_downwards_ratios.clone();
let should_update_upwards_ratios = compressor_bank.should_update_upwards_ratios.clone();
let set_update_both_ratios = Arc::new(move |_| {
should_update_downwards_ratios.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
should_update_upwards_ratios.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
CompressorBankParams {
// TODO: Set nicer default values for these things
// As explained above, these offsets are relative to the target curve
downwards_threshold_offset_db: FloatParam::new(
"Downwards Offset",
FloatRange::Linear {
min: -50.0,
max: 50.0,
.with_unit(" dB")
upwards_threshold_offset_db: FloatParam::new(
"Upwards Offset",
FloatRange::Linear {
min: -50.0,
max: 50.0,
.with_unit(" dB")
high_freq_ratio_rolloff: FloatParam::new(
"High-freq Ratio Rolloff",
FloatRange::Linear { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 },
downwards_ratio: FloatParam::new(
"Downwards Ratio",
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 1.0,
max: 300.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.0),
upwards_ratio: FloatParam::new(
"Upwards Ratio",
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 1.0,
max: 300.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.0),
downwards_knee_width_db: FloatParam::new(
"Downwards Knee",
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 0.0,
max: 36.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-1.0),
.with_unit(" dB")
upwards_knee_width_db: FloatParam::new(
"Upwards Knee",
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 0.0,
max: 36.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-1.0),
.with_unit(" dB")
compressor_attack_ms: FloatParam::new(
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 0.0,
max: 10_000.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.0),
.with_unit(" ms")
compressor_release_ms: FloatParam::new(
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 0.0,
max: 10_000.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.0),
.with_unit(" ms")
impl CompressorBank {
/// Set up the compressor for the given channel count and maximum FFT window size. The
/// compressors won't be initialized yet.
pub fn new(num_channels: usize, max_window_size: usize) -> Self {
let complex_buffer_len = max_window_size / 2 + 1;
CompressorBank {
should_update_downwards_thresholds: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)),
should_update_upwards_thresholds: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)),
should_update_downwards_ratios: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)),
should_update_upwards_ratios: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)),
log2_freqs: Vec::with_capacity(complex_buffer_len),
downwards_thresholds: Vec::with_capacity(complex_buffer_len),
upwards_thresholds: Vec::with_capacity(complex_buffer_len),
downwards_ratio_recips: Vec::with_capacity(complex_buffer_len),
upwards_ratio_recips: Vec::with_capacity(complex_buffer_len),
envelopes: vec![Vec::with_capacity(complex_buffer_len); num_channels],
window_size: 0,
sample_rate: 1.0,
/// Change the capacities of the internal buffers to fit new parameters. Use the
/// `.reset_for_size()` method to clear the buffers and set the current window size.
pub fn update_capacity(&mut self, num_channels: usize, max_window_size: usize) {
let complex_buffer_len = max_window_size / 2 + 1;
self.envelopes.resize_with(num_channels, Vec::new);
for envelopes in self.envelopes.iter_mut() {
/// Resize the number of compressors to match the current window size. Also precomputes the
/// 2-log frequencies for each bin.
/// If the window size is larger than the maximum window size, then this will allocate.
pub fn resize(&mut self, buffer_config: &BufferConfig, window_size: usize) {
let complex_buffer_len = window_size / 2 + 1;
// These 2-log frequencies are needed when updating the compressor parameters, so we'll just
// precompute them to avoid having to repeat the same expensive computations all the time
self.log2_freqs.resize(complex_buffer_len, 0.0);
for (i, log2_freq) in self.log2_freqs.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let freq = (i as f32 / window_size as f32) * buffer_config.sample_rate;
*log2_freq = freq.log2();
self.downwards_thresholds.resize(complex_buffer_len, 1.0);
self.upwards_thresholds.resize(complex_buffer_len, 1.0);
self.downwards_ratio_recips.resize(complex_buffer_len, 1.0);
self.upwards_ratio_recips.resize(complex_buffer_len, 1.0);
for envelopes in self.envelopes.iter_mut() {
envelopes.resize(complex_buffer_len, 0.0);
self.window_size = window_size;
self.sample_rate = buffer_config.sample_rate;
// The compressors need to be updated on the next processing cycle
.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Clear out the envelope followers.
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
for envelopes in self.envelopes.iter_mut() {
/// Apply the magnitude compression to a buffer of FFT bins. The compressors are first updated
/// if needed. The overlap amount is needed to compute the effective sample rate. The
/// `skip_bins_below` argument is used to avoid compressing DC bins, or the neighbouring bins
/// the DC signal may have been convolved into because of the Hann window function.
pub fn process(
&mut self,
buffer: &mut [Complex32],
channel_idx: usize,
params: CompressorParams,
overlap_times: usize,
skip_bins_below: usize,
) {
assert_eq!(buffer.len(), self.log2_freqs.len());
self.update_envelopes(buffer, channel_idx, params, overlap_times, skip_bins_below);
// TODO: Actually compress things
/// Update the envelope followers based on the bin magnetudes.
fn update_envelopes(
&mut self,
buffer: &mut [Complex32],
channel_idx: usize,
(_, compressor): CompressorParams,
overlap_times: usize,
skip_bins_below: usize,
) {
// The coefficient the old envelope value is multiplied by when the current rectified sample
// value is above the envelope's value. The 0 to 1 step response retains 36.8% of the old
// value after the attack time has elapsed, and current value is 63.2% of the way towards 1.
// The effective sample rate needs to compensate for the periodic nature of the STFT
// operation. Since with a 2048 sample window and 4x overlap, you'd run this function once
// for every 512 samples.
let effective_sample_rate =
self.sample_rate / (self.window_size as f32 / overlap_times as f32);
let attack_old_t = if compressor.compressor_attack_ms.value == 0.0 {
} else {
(-1.0 / (compressor.compressor_attack_ms.value / 1000.0 * effective_sample_rate)).exp()
let attack_new_t = 1.0 - attack_old_t;
// The same as `attack_old_t`, but for the release phase of the envelope follower
let release_old_t = if compressor.compressor_release_ms.value == 0.0 {
} else {
(-1.0 / (compressor.compressor_release_ms.value / 1000.0 * effective_sample_rate)).exp()
let release_new_t = 1.0 - release_old_t;
for (bin, envelope) in buffer
let magnitude = bin.norm();
if *envelope > magnitude {
// Release stage
*envelope = (release_old_t * *envelope) + (release_new_t * magnitude);
} else {
// Attack stage
*envelope = (attack_old_t * *envelope) + (attack_new_t * magnitude);
/// Update the compressors if needed. This is called just before processing, and the compressors
/// are updated in accordance to the atomic flags set on this struct.
fn update_if_needed(&mut self, (threshold, compressor): CompressorParams) {
// The threshold curve is a polynomial in log-log (decibels-octaves) space. The reuslt from
// evaluating this needs to be converted to linear gain for the compressors.
let intercept = threshold.threshold_db.value;
// The cheeky 3 additional dB/octave attenuation is to match pink noise with the default
// settings
let slope = threshold.curve_slope.value - 3.0;
let curve = threshold.curve_curve.value;
let log2_center_freq = threshold.center_frequency.value.log2();
let high_freq_ratio_rolloff = compressor.high_freq_ratio_rolloff.value;
let log2_nyquist_freq = self
.expect("The CompressorBank has not yet been resized");
if self
.compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst)
let intercept = intercept + compressor.downwards_threshold_offset_db.value;
for (log2_freq, threshold) in self
let offset = log2_center_freq - log2_freq;
let threshold_db = intercept + (slope * offset) + (curve * offset * offset);
*threshold = util::db_to_gain(threshold_db)
if self
.compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst)
let intercept = intercept + compressor.upwards_threshold_offset_db.value;
for (log2_freq, threshold) in self
let offset = log2_center_freq - log2_freq;
let threshold_db = intercept + (slope * offset) + (curve * offset * offset);
*threshold = util::db_to_gain(threshold_db)
if self
.compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst)
// If the high-frequency rolloff is enabled then higher frequency bins will have their
// ratios reduced to reduce harshness. This follows the octave scale.
let target_ratio_recip = compressor.downwards_ratio.value.recip();
if high_freq_ratio_rolloff == 0.0 {
} else {
for (log2_freq, ratio) in self
let octave_fraction = log2_freq / log2_nyquist_freq;
let rolloff_t = octave_fraction * high_freq_ratio_rolloff;
// If the octave fraction times the rolloff amount is high, then this should get
// closer to `high_freq_ratio_rolloff` (which is in [0, 1]).
*ratio = (target_ratio_recip * (1.0 - rolloff_t)) + rolloff_t;
if self
.compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst)
let target_ratio_recip = compressor.upwards_ratio.value.recip();
if high_freq_ratio_rolloff == 0.0 {
} else {
for (log2_freq, ratio) in self
let octave_fraction = log2_freq / log2_nyquist_freq;
let rolloff_t = octave_fraction * high_freq_ratio_rolloff;
*ratio = (target_ratio_recip * (1.0 - rolloff_t)) + rolloff_t;