//! Registration functions for Vizia's built-in fonts. These are not enabled by default in //! `nih_plug_vizia` to save on binary size. use vizia::prelude::*; // This module provides a re-export and simple font wrappers around the re-exported fonts. pub use vizia::fonts; /// The font name for the Roboto (Regular) font, needs to be registered using [`register_roboto()`] /// first. pub const ROBOTO: &str = "Roboto"; /// The font name for the Roboto Bold font, needs to be registered using [`register_roboto_bold()`] /// first. pub const ROBOTO_BOLD: &str = "Roboto Bold"; /// The font name for the icon font (Entypo), needs to be registered using [`register_icons()`] /// first. pub const ICONS: &str = "Entypo"; /// The font name for the emoji font (Open Sans Eomji), needs to be registered using /// [`register_emoji()`] first. pub const EMOJI: &str = "OpenSansEmoji"; /// The font name for the arabic font (Amiri Regular), needs to be registered using /// [`register_arabic()`] first. pub const ARABIC: &str = "Amiri"; /// The font name for the material font (Material Icons), needs to be registered using /// [`register_material()`] first. pub const MATERIAL: &str = "Material Icons"; pub fn register_roboto(cx: &mut Context) { cx.add_fonts_mem(&[fonts::ROBOTO_REGULAR]); } pub fn register_roboto_bold(cx: &mut Context) { cx.add_fonts_mem(&[fonts::ROBOTO_BOLD]); } pub fn register_icons(cx: &mut Context) { cx.add_fonts_mem(&[fonts::ENTYPO]); } pub fn register_emoji(cx: &mut Context) { cx.add_fonts_mem(&[fonts::OPEN_SANS_EMOJI]); } pub fn register_arabic(cx: &mut Context) { cx.add_fonts_mem(&[fonts::AMIRI_REGULAR]); } pub fn register_material(cx: &mut Context) { cx.add_fonts_mem(&[fonts::MATERIAL_ICONS_REGULAR]); }