//! [iced](https://github.com/iced-rs/iced) editor support for NIH plug.
//! This integration requires you to pass your parameters to your editor object through the
//! [`IcedEditor::InitializationFlags`], and to add a message type for your editor to handle
//! parmater updates. This is a minimal example:
//! ```ignore
//! use nih_plug_iced::*;
//! pub(crate) fn default_state() -> Arc<IcedState> {
//!     IcedState::from_size(200, 150)
//! }
//! pub(crate) fn create(
//!     params: Arc<FooParams>,
//!     editor_state: Arc<IcedState>,
//! ) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> {
//!     create_iced_editor::<Foo>(editor_state, params)
//! }
//! struct FooEditor {
//!     params: Arc<FooParams>,
//!     context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
//!     foo_slider_state: nih_widgets::param_slider::State,
//! }
//! #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
//! enum Message {
//!     /// Update a parameter's value.
//!     ParamUpdate(nih_widgets::ParamMessage),
//! }
//! impl IcedEditor for FooEditor {
//!     type Executor = executor::Default;
//!     type Message = Message;
//!     type InitializationFlags = Arc<FooParams>;
//!     fn new(
//!         params: Self::InitializationFlags,
//!         context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
//!     ) -> (Self, Command<Self::Message>) {
//!         let editor = FooEditor {
//!             params,
//!             context,
//!             foo_slider_state: Default::default(),
//!         };
//!         (editor, Command::none())
//!     }
//!     fn context(&self) -> &dyn GuiContext {
//!         self.context.as_ref()
//!     }
//!     fn update(
//!         &mut self,
//!         _window: &mut WindowQueue,
//!         message: Self::Message,
//!     ) -> Command<Self::Message> {
//!         match message {
//!             Message::ParamUpdate(message) => self.handle_param_message(message),
//!         }
//!         Command::none()
//!     }
//!     fn view(&mut self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message> {
//!         Column::new()
//!             .align_items(Alignment::Center)
//!             .push(
//!                 Text::new("Foo")
//!                     .height(20.into())
//!                     .width(Length::Fill)
//!                     .horizontal_alignment(alignment::Horizontal::Center)
//!                     .vertical_alignment(alignment::Vertical::Center),
//!             )
//!             .push(
//!                 nih_widgets::ParamSlider::new(
//!                     &mut self.foo_slider_state,
//!                     &self.params.foo,
//!                     self.context.as_ref(),
//!                 )
//!                 .map(Message::ParamUpdate),
//!             )
//!             .into()
//!     }
//! }
//! ```

use baseview::WindowScalePolicy;
use crossbeam::atomic::AtomicCell;
use crossbeam::channel;
use nih_plug::params::persist::PersistentField;
use nih_plug::prelude::{Editor, GuiContext};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::widgets::ParamMessage;

/// Re-export for convenience.
// FIXME: Running `cargo doc` on nightly compilers without this attribute triggers an ICE
pub use iced_baseview::*;

pub mod assets;
mod editor;
pub mod widgets;
mod wrapper;

/// Create an [`Editor`] instance using [iced](https://github.com/iced-rs/iced). The rough idea is
/// that you implement [`IcedEditor`], which is roughly analogous to iced's regular [`Application`]
/// trait except that it receives the [`GuiContext`] alongside its initialization flags so it can
/// update the parameter values. The [`IcedState`] passed to this function contains the GUI's
/// intitial size, and this is kept in sync whenever the GUI gets resized. You can also use this to
/// know if the GUI is open, so you can avoid performing potentially expensive calculations while
/// the GUI is not open. If you want this size to be persisted when restoring a plugin instance,
/// then you can store it in a `#[persist = "key"]` field on your parameters struct.
/// See the [module's documentation][self] for an example on how to use this.
pub fn create_iced_editor<E: IcedEditor>(
    iced_state: Arc<IcedState>,
    initialization_flags: E::InitializationFlags,
) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> {
    // We need some way to communicate parameter changes to the `IcedEditor` since parameter updates
    // come from outside of the editor's reactive model. This contains only capacity to store only
    // one parameter update, since we're only storing _that_ a parameter update has happened and not
    // which parameter so we'd need to redraw the entire GUI either way.
    let (parameter_updates_sender, parameter_updates_receiver) = channel::bounded(1);

    Some(Box::new(editor::IcedEditorWrapper::<E> {

        // TODO: We can't get the size of the window when baseview does its own scaling, so if the
        //       host does not set a scale factor on Windows or Linux we should just use a factor of
        //       1. That may make the GUI tiny but it also prevents it from getting cut off.
        #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
        scaling_factor: AtomicCell::new(None),
        #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
        scaling_factor: AtomicCell::new(Some(1.0)),

        parameter_updates_receiver: Arc::new(parameter_updates_receiver),

/// A plugin editor using `iced`. This wraps around [`Application`] with the only change being that
/// the usual `new()` function now additionally takes a `Arc<dyn GuiContext>` that the editor can
/// store to interact with the parameters. The editor should have a `Arc<impl Params>` as part
/// of their [`InitializationFlags`][Self::InitializationFlags] so it can read the current parameter
/// values. See [`Application`] for more information.
pub trait IcedEditor: 'static + Send + Sync + Sized {
    /// See [`Application::Executor`]. You'll likely want to use [`crate::executor::Default`].
    type Executor: Executor;
    /// See [`Application::Message`]. You should have one variant containing a [`ParamMessage`].
    type Message: 'static + Clone + Debug + Send;
    /// See [`Application::Flags`].
    type InitializationFlags: 'static + Clone + Send + Sync;

    /// See [`Application::new`]. This also receivs the GUI context in addition to the flags.
    fn new(
        initialization_fags: Self::InitializationFlags,
        context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
    ) -> (Self, Command<Self::Message>);

    /// Returns a reference to the GUI context.
    /// [`handle_param_message()`][Self::handle_param_message()] uses this to interact with the
    /// parameters.
    fn context(&self) -> &dyn GuiContext;

    /// See [`Application::update`]. When receiving the variant that contains a
    /// [`widgets::ParamMessage`] you can call
    /// [`handle_param_message()`][Self::handle_param_message()] to handle the parameter update.
    fn update(
        &mut self,
        window: &mut WindowQueue,
        message: Self::Message,
    ) -> Command<Self::Message>;

    /// See [`Application::subscription`].
    fn subscription(
        _window_subs: &mut WindowSubs<Self::Message>,
    ) -> Subscription<Self::Message> {

    /// See [`Application::view`].
    fn view(&mut self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message>;

    /// See [`Application::background_color`].
    fn background_color(&self) -> Color {

    /// See [`Application::scale_policy`].
    /// TODO: Is this needed? Editors shouldn't change the scale policy.
    fn scale_policy(&self) -> WindowScalePolicy {

    /// See [`Application::renderer_settings`].
    fn renderer_settings() -> iced_baseview::backend::settings::Settings {
        iced_baseview::backend::settings::Settings {
            // Enable some anti-aliasing by default. Since GUIs are likely very simple and most of
            // the work will be on the CPU anyways this should not affect performance much.
            antialiasing: Some(iced_baseview::backend::settings::Antialiasing::MSAAx4),
            // Use Noto Sans as the default font as that renders a bit more cleanly than the default
            // Lato font. This crate also contains other weights and versions of this font you can
            // use for individual widgets.
            default_font: Some(crate::assets::fonts::NOTO_SANS_REGULAR),

    /// Handle a parameter update using the GUI context.
    fn handle_param_message(&self, message: ParamMessage) {
        // We can't use the fancy ParamSetter here because this needs to be type erased
        let context = self.context();
        match message {
            ParamMessage::BeginSetParameter(p) => unsafe { context.raw_begin_set_parameter(p) },
            ParamMessage::SetParameterNormalized(p, v) => unsafe {
                context.raw_set_parameter_normalized(p, v)
            ParamMessage::EndSetParameter(p) => unsafe { context.raw_end_set_parameter(p) },

/// State for an `nih_plug_iced` editor.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct IcedState {
    /// The window's size in logical pixels before applying `scale_factor`.
    #[serde(with = "nih_plug::params::persist::serialize_atomic_cell")]
    size: AtomicCell<(u32, u32)>,
    /// Whether the editor's window is currently open.
    open: AtomicBool,

impl<'a> PersistentField<'a, IcedState> for Arc<IcedState> {
    fn set(&self, new_value: IcedState) {

    fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
        F: Fn(&IcedState) -> R,

impl IcedState {
    /// Initialize the GUI's state. This value can be passed to [`create_iced_editor()`]. The window
    /// size is in logical pixels, so before it is multiplied by the DPI scaling factor.
    pub fn from_size(width: u32, height: u32) -> Arc<IcedState> {
        Arc::new(IcedState {
            size: AtomicCell::new((width, height)),
            open: AtomicBool::new(false),

    /// Returns a `(width, height)` pair for the current size of the GUI in logical pixels.
    pub fn size(&self) -> (u32, u32) {

    /// Whether the GUI is currently visible.
    // Called `is_open()` instead of `open()` to avoid the ambiguity.
    pub fn is_open(&self) -> bool {

/// A marker struct to indicate that a parameter update has happened.
pub(crate) struct ParameterUpdate;