# Diopser You were expecting Disperser[ยน](#disperser), but it was me, Diopser! Diopser lets you rotate the phase of a signal around a specific frequency without affecting its spectral content. This effect can be used to emphasize transients and other parts of a sound that in a way that isn't possible with regular equalizers or dynamics processors, especially when applied to low pitched or wide band sounds. More extreme settings will make everything sound like a cartoon laser beam, or a psytrance kickdrum. If you are experimenting with those kinds of settings, then you may want to consider temporarily placing a peak limiter after the plugin in case loud resonances start building up. This is a port from https://github.com/robbert-vdh/diopser. <sup id="disperser"> *Disperser is a trademark of Kilohearts AB. Diopser is in no way related to Disperser or Kilohearts AB. </sup> ## Download There are currently no prebuilt downloads available. Check this repository's readme for instructions on how to compile this plugin.