//! Widgets and utilities for making widgets to integrate VIZIA with NIH-plug.
//! # Note
//! None of these widgets are finalized, and their sizes or looks can change at any point. Feel free
//! to copy the widgets and modify them to your personal taste.

use nih_plug::prelude::{GuiContext, Param, ParamPtr};
use std::sync::Arc;
use vizia::prelude::*;

use super::ViziaState;

mod generic_ui;
pub mod param_base;
mod param_button;
mod param_slider;
mod peak_meter;
mod resize_handle;
pub mod util;

pub use generic_ui::GenericUi;
pub use param_button::{ParamButton, ParamButtonExt};
pub use param_slider::{ParamSlider, ParamSliderExt, ParamSliderStyle};
pub use peak_meter::PeakMeter;
pub use resize_handle::ResizeHandle;

/// Register the default theme for the widgets exported by this module. This is automatically called
/// for you when using [`create_vizia_editor()`][super::create_vizia_editor()].
pub fn register_theme(cx: &mut Context) {

/// An event that updates a parameter's value. Since NIH-plug manages the parameters, interacting
/// with parameter values with VIZIA works a little different from updating any other state. These
/// events are automatically handled by `nih_plug_vizia`.
/// Call the [`upcast()`][Self::upcast()] method to be able to emit this event through an
/// [`EventContext`][EventContext].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ParamEvent<'a, P: Param> {
    /// Begin an automation gesture for a parameter.
    BeginSetParameter(&'a P),
    /// Set a parameter to a new normalized value. This needs to be surrounded by a matching
    /// `BeginSetParameter` and `EndSetParameter`.
    SetParameter(&'a P, P::Plain),
    /// Set a parameter to a new normalized value. This needs to be surrounded by a matching
    /// `BeginSetParameter` and `EndSetParameter`.
    SetParameterNormalized(&'a P, f32),
    /// End an automation gesture for a parameter.
    EndSetParameter(&'a P),

/// The same as [`ParamEvent`], but type erased.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum RawParamEvent {
    /// Begin an automation gesture for a parameter.
    /// Set a parameter to a new normalized value. This needs to be surrounded by a matching
    /// `BeginSetParameter` and `EndSetParameter`.
    SetParameterNormalized(ParamPtr, f32),
    /// End an automation gesture for a parameter.
    /// Sent by the wrapper to indicate that one or more parameter values have changed. Useful when
    /// using properties based on a parameter's value that are computed inside of an event handler.

/// Handles parameter updates for VIZIA GUIs. Registered in
/// [`ViziaEditor::spawn()`][super::ViziaEditor::spawn()].
pub(crate) struct ParamModel {
    pub context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,

/// Handles interactions through `WindowEvent` for VIZIA GUIs by updating the `ViziaState`.
/// Registered in [`ViziaEditor::spawn()`][super::ViziaEditor::spawn()].
pub(crate) struct WindowModel {
    pub context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
    pub vizia_state: Arc<ViziaState>,

impl Model for ParamModel {
    fn event(&mut self, _cx: &mut EventContext, event: &mut Event) {
        // `ParamEvent` gets downcast into `NormalizedParamEvent` by the `Message`
        // implementation below
        event.map(|param_event, _| match *param_event {
            RawParamEvent::BeginSetParameter(p) => unsafe {
            RawParamEvent::SetParameterNormalized(p, v) => unsafe {
                self.context.raw_set_parameter_normalized(p, v)
            RawParamEvent::EndSetParameter(p) => unsafe { self.context.raw_end_set_parameter(p) },
            // This can be used by widgets to be notified when parameter values have changed
            RawParamEvent::ParametersChanged => (),

impl Model for WindowModel {
    fn event(&mut self, cx: &mut EventContext, event: &mut Event) {
        // This gets fired whenever the inner window gets resized
        event.map(|window_event, _| {
            if let WindowEvent::WindowResize = window_event {
                let logical_size = (cx.window_size().width, cx.window_size().height);
                let old_logical_size @ (old_logical_width, old_logical_height) =
                let scale_factor = cx.user_scale_factor();
                let old_user_scale_factor = self.vizia_state.scale_factor.load();

                // Don't do anything if the current size already matches the new size, this could
                // otherwise also cause a feedback loop on resize failure
                if logical_size == old_logical_size && scale_factor == old_user_scale_factor {

                // Our embedded baseview window will have already been resized. If the host does not
                // accept our new size, then we'll try to undo that
                if !self.context.request_resize() {

                    // This will cause the window's size to be reverted on the next event loop
                    cx.set_window_size(WindowSize {
                        width: old_logical_width,
                        height: old_logical_height,

impl<P: Param> From<ParamEvent<'_, P>> for RawParamEvent {
    fn from(event: ParamEvent<'_, P>) -> Self {
        match event {
            ParamEvent::BeginSetParameter(p) => RawParamEvent::BeginSetParameter(p.as_ptr()),
            ParamEvent::SetParameter(p, v) => {
                RawParamEvent::SetParameterNormalized(p.as_ptr(), p.preview_normalized(v))
            ParamEvent::SetParameterNormalized(p, v) => {
                RawParamEvent::SetParameterNormalized(p.as_ptr(), v)
            ParamEvent::EndSetParameter(p) => RawParamEvent::EndSetParameter(p.as_ptr()),

impl<P: Param> ParamEvent<'_, P> {
    /// Convert this event into a type erased version of itself that can be emitted through
    /// [`EventContext::emit()`][EventContext::emit()].
    /// TODO: Think of a better, clearer term for this
    pub fn upcast(self) -> RawParamEvent {