use nih_plug::prelude::*; use std::pin::Pin; const WINDOW_SIZE: usize = 2048; struct Stft { params: Pin>, stft: util::StftHelper, } #[derive(Params)] struct StftParams {} impl Default for Stft { fn default() -> Self { Self { params: Box::pin(StftParams::default()), stft: util::StftHelper::new(2, WINDOW_SIZE), } } } impl Default for StftParams { fn default() -> Self { Self {} } } impl Plugin for Stft { const NAME: &'static str = "STFT Example"; const VENDOR: &'static str = "Moist Plugins GmbH"; const URL: &'static str = ""; const EMAIL: &'static str = ""; const VERSION: &'static str = "0.0.1"; const DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS: u32 = 2; const DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS: u32 = 2; const ACCEPTS_MIDI: bool = false; fn params(&self) -> Pin<&dyn Params> { self.params.as_ref() } fn accepts_bus_config(&self, config: &BusConfig) -> bool { // We'll only do stereo for simplicity's sake config.num_input_channels == config.num_output_channels && config.num_input_channels == 2 } fn initialize( &mut self, _bus_config: &BusConfig, _buffer_config: &BufferConfig, context: &mut impl ProcessContext, ) -> bool { // Normally we'd also initialize the STFT helper for the correct channel count here, but we // only do stereo so that's not necessary self.stft.set_block_size(WINDOW_SIZE); context.set_latency_samples(self.stft.latency_samples()); true } fn process( &mut self, buffer: &mut Buffer, _context: &mut impl ProcessContext, ) -> ProcessStatus { self.stft.process(buffer, [], |block, _| { for channel_samples in block.iter_mut() { for sample in channel_samples { // TODO: Use the FFTW bindings and do some STFT operation here instead of // reducing the gain at a 512 sample latency... *sample *= 0.5; } } }); ProcessStatus::Normal } } impl ClapPlugin for Stft { const CLAP_ID: &'static str = "com.moist-plugins-gmbh.stft"; const CLAP_DESCRIPTION: &'static str = "An example plugin using the STFT helper"; const CLAP_FEATURES: &'static [&'static str] = &["audio_effect", "stereo", "tool"]; const CLAP_MANUAL_URL: &'static str = Self::URL; const CLAP_SUPPORT_URL: &'static str = Self::URL; } impl Vst3Plugin for Stft { const VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16] = *b"StftMoistestPlug"; const VST3_CATEGORIES: &'static str = "Fx|Tools"; } nih_export_clap!(Stft); nih_export_vst3!(Stft);