Fork 0
Robbert van der Helm f7bfbb8d95 Add stable IDs to the plugin's enum parameters
Existing instances will automatically be upgraded to these IDs when the
instance gets saved. This makes it possible to rearrange things later
when needed.
2022-06-04 13:36:17 +02:00

418 lines
16 KiB

// Diopser: a phase rotation plugin
// Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Robbert van der Helm
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "simd", feature(portable_simd))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "simd"))]
compile_error!("Compiling without SIMD support is currently not supported");
use nih_plug::prelude::*;
use nih_plug_vizia::ViziaState;
use std::simd::f32x2;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::spectrum::{SpectrumInput, SpectrumOutput};
mod editor;
mod filter;
mod spectrum;
/// How many all-pass filters we can have in series at most. The filter stages parameter determines
/// how many filters are actually active.
const MAX_NUM_FILTERS: usize = 512;
/// The minimum step size for smoothing the filter parameters.
/// The maximum step size for smoothing the filter parameters. Updating these parameters can be
/// expensive, so updating them in larger steps can be useful.
const MAX_AUTOMATION_STEP_SIZE: u32 = 512;
// All features from the original Diopser have been implemented (and the spread control has been
// improved). Other features I want to implement are:
// - Briefly muting the output when changing the number of filters to get rid of the clicks
// - A proper GUI
struct Diopser {
params: Arc<DiopserParams>,
editor_state: Arc<ViziaState>,
/// Needed for computing the filter coefficients.
sample_rate: f32,
/// All of the all-pass filters, with vectorized coefficients so they can be calculated for
/// multiple channels at once. [`DiopserParams::num_stages`] controls how many filters are
/// actually active.
filters: [filter::Biquad<f32x2>; MAX_NUM_FILTERS],
/// If this is set at the start of the processing cycle, then the filter coefficients should be
/// updated. For the regular filter parameters we can look at the smoothers, but this is needed
/// when changing the number of active filters.
should_update_filters: Arc<AtomicBool>,
/// If this is 1 and any of the filter parameters are still smoothing, thenn the filter
/// coefficients should be recalculated on the next sample. After that, this gets reset to
/// `unnormalize_automation_precision(self.params.automation_precision.value)`. This is to
/// reduce the DSP load of automation parameters. It can also cause some fun sounding glitchy
/// effects when the precision is low.
next_filter_smoothing_in: i32,
/// When the GUI is open we compute the spectrum on the audio thread and send it to the GUI.
spectrum_input: SpectrumInput,
/// This can be cloned and moved into the editor.
spectrum_output: Arc<SpectrumOutput>,
// TODO: Some combinations of parameters can cause really loud resonance. We should limit the
// resonance and filter stages parameter ranges in the GUI until the user unlocks.
struct DiopserParams {
/// The number of all-pass filters applied in series.
#[id = "stages"]
filter_stages: IntParam,
/// The filter's center frequqency. When this is applied, the filters are spread around this
/// frequency.
#[id = "cutoff"]
filter_frequency: FloatParam,
/// The Q parameter for the filters.
#[id = "res"]
filter_resonance: FloatParam,
/// Controls a frequency spread between the filter stages in octaves. When this value is 0, the
/// same coefficients are used for every filter. Otherwise, the earliest stage's frequency will
/// be offset by `-filter_spread_octave_amount`, while the latest stage will be offset by
/// `filter_spread_octave_amount`. If the filter spread style is set to linear then the negative
/// range will cover the same frequency range as the positive range.
#[id = "spread"]
filter_spread_octaves: FloatParam,
/// How the spread range should be distributed. The octaves mode will sound more musical while
/// the linear mode can be useful for sound design purposes.
#[id = "spstyl"]
filter_spread_style: EnumParam<SpreadStyle>,
/// The precision of the automation, determines the step size. This is presented to the userq as
/// a percentage, and it's stored here as `[0, 1]` float because smaller step sizes are more
/// precise so having this be an integer would result in odd situations.
#[id = "autopr"]
automation_precision: FloatParam,
/// Very important.
#[id = "ignore"]
very_important: BoolParam,
impl Default for Diopser {
fn default() -> Self {
let should_update_filters = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
// We only do stereo right now so this is simple
let (spectrum_input, spectrum_output) =
SpectrumInput::new(Self::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS as usize);
Self {
params: Arc::new(DiopserParams::new(should_update_filters.clone())),
editor_state: editor::default_state(),
sample_rate: 1.0,
filters: [filter::Biquad::default(); MAX_NUM_FILTERS],
next_filter_smoothing_in: 1,
spectrum_output: Arc::new(spectrum_output),
impl DiopserParams {
fn new(should_update_filters: Arc<AtomicBool>) -> Self {
Self {
filter_stages: IntParam::new(
"Filter Stages",
IntRange::Linear {
min: 0,
max: MAX_NUM_FILTERS as i32,
let should_update_filters = should_update_filters.clone();
Arc::new(move |_| should_update_filters.store(true, Ordering::Release))
// Smoothed parameters don't need the callback as we can just look at whether the
// smoother is still smoothing
filter_frequency: FloatParam::new(
"Filter Frequency",
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 5.0, // This must never reach 0
max: 20_000.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.5),
// This needs quite a bit of smoothing to avoid artifacts
// This includes the unit
filter_resonance: FloatParam::new(
"Filter Resonance",
// The actual default neutral Q-value would be `sqrt(2) / 2`, but this value
// produces slightly less ringing.
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 0.01, // This must also never reach 0
max: 30.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.5),
filter_spread_octaves: FloatParam::new(
"Filter Spread Octaves",
FloatRange::SymmetricalSkewed {
min: -5.0,
max: 5.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-1.0),
center: 0.0,
filter_spread_style: EnumParam::new("Filter Spread Style", SpreadStyle::Octaves)
.with_callback(Arc::new(move |_| {
should_update_filters.store(true, Ordering::Release)
very_important: BoolParam::new("Don't touch this", true)
.with_value_to_string(Arc::new(|value| {
String::from(if value { "please don't" } else { "stop it" })
automation_precision: FloatParam::new(
"Automation precision",
FloatRange::Linear { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 },
#[derive(Enum, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum SpreadStyle {
#[id = "octaves"]
#[id = "linear"]
impl Plugin for Diopser {
const NAME: &'static str = "Diopser";
const VENDOR: &'static str = "Robbert van der Helm";
const URL: &'static str = "https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug";
const EMAIL: &'static str = "mail@robbertvanderhelm.nl";
const VERSION: &'static str = "0.2.0";
const DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS: u32 = 2;
const DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS: u32 = 2;
fn params(&self) -> Arc<dyn Params> {
fn editor(&self) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> {
editor::create(self.params.clone(), self.editor_state.clone())
fn accepts_bus_config(&self, config: &BusConfig) -> bool {
// The SIMD version only supports stereo
config.num_input_channels == config.num_output_channels && config.num_input_channels == 2
fn initialize(
&mut self,
_bus_config: &BusConfig,
buffer_config: &BufferConfig,
_context: &mut impl InitContext,
) -> bool {
self.sample_rate = buffer_config.sample_rate;
fn reset(&mut self) {
// Initialize and/or reset the filters on the next process call
self.should_update_filters.store(true, Ordering::Release);
fn process(
&mut self,
buffer: &mut Buffer,
_aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers,
_context: &mut impl ProcessContext,
) -> ProcessStatus {
// Since this is an expensive operation, only update the filters when it's actually
// necessary, and allow smoothing only every n samples using the automation precision
// parameter
let smoothing_interval =
for mut channel_samples in buffer.iter_samples() {
// We can compute the filters for both channels at once. The SIMD version thus now only
// supports steroo audio.
let mut samples = unsafe { channel_samples.to_simd_unchecked() };
for filter in self
.take(self.params.filter_stages.value as usize)
samples = filter.process(samples);
unsafe { channel_samples.from_simd_unchecked(samples) };
// Compute a spectrum for the GUI if needed
if self.editor_state.is_open() {
impl Diopser {
/// Check if the filters need to be updated beased on
/// [`should_update_filters`][Self::should_update_filters] and the smoothing interval, and
/// update them as needed.
fn maybe_update_filters(&mut self, smoothing_interval: u32) {
// In addition to updating the filters, we should also clear the filter's state when
// changing a setting we can't neatly interpolate between.
let reset_filters = self
.compare_exchange(true, false, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed)
let should_update_filters = reset_filters
|| ((self.params.filter_frequency.smoothed.is_smoothing()
|| self.params.filter_resonance.smoothed.is_smoothing()
|| self.params.filter_spread_octaves.smoothed.is_smoothing())
&& self.next_filter_smoothing_in <= 1);
if should_update_filters {
self.update_filters(smoothing_interval, reset_filters);
self.next_filter_smoothing_in = smoothing_interval as i32;
} else {
self.next_filter_smoothing_in -= 1;
/// Recompute the filter coefficients based on the smoothed paraetersm. We can skip forwardq in
/// larger steps to reduce the DSP load.
fn update_filters(&mut self, smoothing_interval: u32, reset_filters: bool) {
if self.filters.is_empty() {
let frequency = self
let resonance = self
let spread_octaves = self
let spread_style = self.params.filter_spread_style.value();
// Used to calculate the linear spread. This is calculated in such a way that the range
// never dips below 0.
let max_octave_spread = if spread_octaves >= 0.0 {
frequency - (frequency * 2.0f32.powf(-spread_octaves))
} else {
(frequency * 2.0f32.powf(spread_octaves)) - frequency
// TODO: This wrecks the DSP load at high smoothing accuracy, perhaps also use SIMD here
const MIN_FREQUENCY: f32 = 5.0;
let max_frequency = self.sample_rate / 2.05;
for filter_idx in 0..self.params.filter_stages.value as usize {
// The index of the filter normalized to range [-1, 1]
let filter_proportion =
(filter_idx as f32 / self.params.filter_stages.value as f32) * 2.0 - 1.0;
// The spread parameter adds an offset to the frequency depending on the number of the
// filter
let filter_frequency = match spread_style {
SpreadStyle::Octaves => frequency * 2.0f32.powf(spread_octaves * filter_proportion),
SpreadStyle::Linear => frequency + (max_octave_spread * filter_proportion),
.clamp(MIN_FREQUENCY, max_frequency);
self.filters[filter_idx].coefficients =
filter::BiquadCoefficients::allpass(self.sample_rate, filter_frequency, resonance);
if reset_filters {
fn normalize_automation_precision(step_size: u32) -> f32 {
(MAX_AUTOMATION_STEP_SIZE - step_size) as f32
fn unnormalize_automation_precision(normalized: f32) -> u32 {
- (normalized * (MAX_AUTOMATION_STEP_SIZE - MIN_AUTOMATION_STEP_SIZE) as f32).round() as u32
impl ClapPlugin for Diopser {
const CLAP_ID: &'static str = "nl.robbertvanderhelm.diopser";
const CLAP_DESCRIPTION: &'static str = "A totally original phase rotation plugin";
const CLAP_FEATURES: &'static [ClapFeature] = &[
const CLAP_MANUAL_URL: &'static str = Self::URL;
const CLAP_SUPPORT_URL: &'static str = Self::URL;
impl Vst3Plugin for Diopser {
const VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16] = *b"DiopserPlugRvdH.";
const VST3_CATEGORIES: &'static str = "Fx|Filter";