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//! Enum parameters. `enum` is a keyword, so `enums` it is.
use std::fmt::Display;
use super::internals::ParamPtr;
use super::range::Range;
use super::{IntParam, Param};
// Re-export for the [EnumParam]
// TODO: Consider re-exporting this from a non-root module to make it a bit less spammy:w
pub use strum::{Display, EnumIter, EnumMessage, IntoEnumIterator as EnumIter};
/// An [IntParam]-backed categorical parameter that allows convenient conversion to and from a
/// simple enum. This enum must derive the re-exported [EnumIter] and [EnumMessage] and [Display]
/// traits. You can use the `#[strum(message = "Foo Bar")]` to override the name of the variant.
// TODO: Figure out a more sound way to get the same interface
pub struct EnumParam<T: EnumIter + EnumMessage + Eq + Copy + Display> {
/// The integer parameter backing this enum parameter.
pub inner: IntParam,
/// An associative list of the variants converted to an i32 and their names. We need this
/// because we're doing some nasty type erasure things with [ParamPtr::EnumParam], so we can't
/// directly query the associated functions on `T` after the parameter when handling function
/// calls from the wrapper.
variants: Vec<(T, String)>,
impl<T: EnumIter + EnumMessage + Eq + Copy + Display + Default> Default for EnumParam<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
let variants: Vec<_> = Self::build_variants();
let default = T::default();
Self {
inner: IntParam {
value: variants
.position(|(v, _)| v == &default)
.expect("Invalid variant in init") as i32,
range: Range::Linear {
min: 0,
max: variants.len() as i32 - 1,
impl<T: EnumIter + EnumMessage + Eq + Copy + Display> Display for EnumParam<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.variants[self.inner.plain_value() as usize].1)
impl<T: EnumIter + EnumMessage + Eq + Copy + Display> Param for EnumParam<T> {
type Plain = T;
fn update_smoother(&mut self, sample_rate: f32, reset: bool) {
self.inner.update_smoother(sample_rate, reset)
fn set_from_string(&mut self, string: &str) -> bool {
match self.variants.iter().find(|(_, repr)| repr == string) {
Some((variant, _)) => {
None => false,
fn plain_value(&self) -> Self::Plain {
fn set_plain_value(&mut self, plain: Self::Plain) {
fn normalized_value(&self) -> f32 {
fn set_normalized_value(&mut self, normalized: f32) {
fn normalized_value_to_string(&self, normalized: f32, _include_unit: bool) -> String {
// XXX: As mentioned below, our type punning would cause `.to_string()` to print the
// incorect value. Because of that, we already stored the string representations for
// variants values in this struct.
let plain = self.preview_plain(normalized);
let index = self.to_index(plain);
self.variants[index as usize].1.clone()
fn string_to_normalized_value(&self, string: &str) -> Option<f32> {
.find(|(_, repr)| repr == string)
.map(|(variant, _)| self.preview_normalized(*variant))
fn preview_normalized(&self, plain: Self::Plain) -> f32 {
fn preview_plain(&self, normalized: f32) -> Self::Plain {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> ParamPtr {
self as *const EnumParam<T> as *mut EnumParam<T>
as *mut EnumParam<super::internals::AnyEnum>,
impl<T: EnumIter + EnumMessage + Eq + Copy + Display> EnumParam<T> {
/// Build a new [Self]. Use the other associated functions to modify the behavior of the
/// parameter.
pub fn new(name: &'static str, default: T) -> Self {
let variants: Vec<_> = Self::build_variants();
Self {
inner: IntParam {
value: variants
.position(|(v, _)| v == &default)
.expect("Invalid variant in init") as i32,
range: Range::Linear {
min: 0,
max: variants.len() as i32 - 1,
// We currently don't implement callbacks here. If we want to do that, then we'll need to add
// the IntParam fields to the parameter itself.
// TODO: Do exactly that
impl<T: EnumIter + EnumMessage + Eq + Copy + Display> EnumParam<T> {
// TODO: There doesn't seem to be a single enum crate that gives you a dense [0, n_variatns)
// mapping between integers and enum variants. So far linear search over this variants has
// been the best approach. We should probably replace this with our own macro at some
// point.
/// The number of variants for this parameter
// This is part of the magic sauce that lets [ParamPtr::Enum] work. The type parmaeter there is
// a dummy type, acting as a somewhat unsound way to do type erasure. Because all data is stored
// in the struct after initialization (i.e. we no longer rely on T's specifics) and AnyParam is
// represented by an i32 this EnumParam behaves correctly even when casted between Ts.
// TODO: Come up with a sounder way to do this.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Get the index associated to an enum variant.
fn to_index(&self, variant: T) -> i32 {
// This is somewhat shady, as `T` is going to be `AnyEnum` when this is indirectly
// called from the wrapper.
.position(|(v, _)| v == &variant)
.expect("Invalid enum variant") as i32
/// Get a variant from a index.
/// # Panics
/// indices `>= Self::len()` will trigger a panic.
fn from_index(&self, index: i32) -> T {
self.variants[index as usize].0
fn build_variants() -> Vec<(T, String)> {
.map(|v| {
.map(|custom_name| custom_name.to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|| v.to_string()),