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//! Documentation is still a work in progress. The best way to learn right now is to browse through
//! the examples and to browse through these docs. There is no full guide yet, but here are some
//! pointers to get started:
//! - All useful functionality is exported through the [`prelude`] module. Add
//! `use nih_plug::prelude::*;` to the top of your `lib.rs` file to get started.
//! - Make sure to check out the macros from the [`debug`] module. These should be used instead of,
//! `println!()`/`eprint!()`, `dbg!()` and similar macros, and they are re-exported from the
//! prelude. NIH-plug sets up a flexible logger for you that all of these functions will output
//! to. By default, the output is logged to STDERR unless you're running Windows and a Windows
//! debugger is attached, in which case the output is logged to the debug console instead. The
//! `NIH_LOG` environment variable controls whether output is logged to STDERR, the Windows debug
//! console, or to a file. Check the [`nih_log!()`] macro for more information.
//! - The aforementioned debug module also contains non-fatal debug-assertions macros that are only
//! evaluated during debug builds. The framework uses these all over the place to check for
//! invariants, so it's important to test your plugins using debug builds while developing.
//! - Check out the features list in NIH-plug's `Cargo.toml` file for optional features you can
//! enable. This includes things like SIMD support for the buffer adapters and panicking on
//! allocations during DSP code in debug mode.
//! - An NIH-plug plugin consists of an implementation of the [`Plugin`][prelude::Plugin] trait and
//! a call to [`nih_export_vst3!()`] and/or [`nih_export_clap!()`] in your `lib.rs` file to expose
//! the plugin functionality. Some of these traits will require you to implement an additional
//! trait containing API-specific information for the plugin.
//! - NIH-plug comes with a bundler that creates plugin bundles for you based on the exported plugin
//! formats and the operating system and architecture you're compiling for. Check out the
//! readme for
//! [`nih_plug_xtask`](https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug/tree/master/nih_plug_xtask) for
//! instructions on how to use this within your own project.
//! - It's also possible to export a standalone application from a plugin using the
//! [`nih_export_standalone()`][prelude::nih_export_standalone()] function. Check that function's
//! documentation to learn how to do this. This requires enabling the `standalone` crate feature.
//! - Everything is described in more detail on the [`Plugin`][prelude::Plugin] trait and everything
//! linked from there, but a plugin's general lifecycle involves the following function calls.
//! 1. When the host loads the plugin, your plugin object will be instantiated using its
//! [`Default`] implementation. The plugin should refrain from performing expensive
//! calculations or IO at this point.
//! 2. The host or the plugin wrapper will call
//! [`Plugin::accepts_bus_config()`][prelude::Plugin::accepts_bus_config()] several times with
//! different IO configurations to poll whether your plugin supports certain IO configurations.
//! The plugin should not do any work at this point and just reply with boolean whether it
//! supports the configuration or not.
//! 3. After that, [`Plugin::initialize()`][prelude::Plugin::initialize()] will be called with the
//! the selected IO configuration and the audio buffer settings. Here you should allocate any
//! data structures you need or precompute data that depends on the sample rate or maximum
//! buffer size. This is the only place where you can safely allocate memory.
//! 4. The [`Plugin::reset()`][prelude::Plugin::reset()] function is always called immediately
//! after `initialize()`. This is where you should clear out coefficients, envelopes, phases,
//! and other runtime data. The reason for this split is that this function may be called at
//! any time by the host from the audio thread, and it thus needs to be realtime-safe.
//! Whenever a preset is loaded, both of these functions will be called again.
//! 5. After that the [`Plugin::process()`][prelude::Plugin::process()] function will be called
//! repeatedly until the plugin is deactivated. Here the plugin receives a
//! [`Buffer`][prelude::Buffer] object that contains the input audio (if the plugin has inputs)
//! which the plugin should overwrite with output audio. Check the documentation on the
//! `Buffer` object for all of the ways you can use this API. You can access note events,
//! transport data, and more through the [`ProcessContext`][prelude::ProcessContext] that's
//! also passed to the process function.
//! 6. [`Plugin::deactivate()`][prelude::Plugin::deactivate()] is called from the when the plugin
//! gets deactivated. You probably don't need to do anything here, but you could deallocate or
//! clean up resources here.
//! - Plugin parameters are managed automatically by creating a struct deriving the
//! [`Params`][prelude::Params] trait and returning a handle to it from the
//! [`Plugin::params()`][prelude::Plugin::params()] function. Any
//! [`FloatParam`][prelude::FloatParam], [`IntParam`][prelude::IntParam],
//! [`BoolParam`][prelude::BoolParam] or [`EnumParam`][prelude::EnumParam] fields on that struct
//! will automatically be registered as a parameter if they have an `#[id = "foobar"]` attribute.
//! The string `"foobar"` here uniquely identifies the parameter, making it possible to reorder
//! and rename parameters as long as this string stays constant. You can also store persistent
//! non-parameter data and other parameter objects in a `Params` struct. Check out the trait's
//! documentation for details on all supported features, and also be sure to take a look at the
//! [example plugins](https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug/tree/master/plugins).
//! - After calling `.with_smoother()` during an integer or floating point parameter's creation,
//! you can use `param.smoothed` to access smoothed values for that parameter. Be sure to check
//! out the [`Smoother`][prelude::Smoother] API for more details.
//! There's a whole lot more to discuss, but once you understand the above you should be able to
//! figure out the rest by reading through the examples and the API documentation. Good luck!
#![cfg_attr(feature = "docs", feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "simd", feature(portable_simd))]
// Around Rust 1.64 Clippy started throwing this for all instances of `dyn Fn(...) -> ... + Send +
// Sync`. Creating type aliases for all of these callbacks probably won't make things easier to read.
// This lint was added in CLAP 1.65 because it thinks `i32::from(foo.bar() <= 4)` is more readable
// than `if foo.bar() > 4 { 0 } else { 1 }`. I disagree.
// These macros are also in the crate root and in the prelude, but having the module itself be pub
// as well makes it easy to import _just_ the macros without using `#[macro_use] extern crate nih_plug;`
pub mod debug;
/// A re-export of the `log` crate for use in the debug macros. This should not be used directly.
pub use log;
/// Everything you'll need to use NIH-plug. Import this with `use nih_plug::prelude::*;`.
pub mod prelude;
// These modules have also been re-exported in the prelude.
pub mod formatters;
pub mod util;
pub mod buffer;
pub mod context;
pub mod editor;
mod event_loop;
pub mod midi;
pub mod params;
pub mod plugin;
pub mod wrapper;