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// Loudness War Winner: Because negative LUFS are boring
// Copyright (C) 2022 Robbert van der Helm
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use nih_plug::prelude::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
mod filter;
/// The length of silence after which the signal should start fading out into silence. This is to
/// avoid outputting a constant DC signal.
const SILENCE_FADEOUT_START_MS: f32 = 1000.0;
/// The time it takes after `SILENCE_FADEOUT_START_MS` to fade from a full scale DC signal to silence.
/// The center frequency for our optional bandpass filter, in Hertz.
const BP_FREQUENCY: f32 = 5500.0;
struct LoudnessWarWinner {
params: Arc<LoudnessWarWinnerParams>,
sample_rate: f32,
/// To win even harder we'll band-pass the signal around 5.5 kHz when the `WIN HARDER` parameter
/// is enabled. And we'll cascade four of these filters while we're at it.
bp_filters: Vec<[filter::Biquad<f32>; 4]>,
/// The number of samples since the last non-zero sample. This is used to fade into silence when
/// the input has also been silent for a while instead of outputting a constant DC signal. All
/// channels need to be silent for a signal to be considered silent.
num_silent_samples: u32,
/// `SILENCE_FADEOUT_START_MS` converted to samples.
silence_fadeout_start_samples: u32,
/// `SILENCE_FADEOUT_END_MS` converted to samples.
silence_fadeout_end_samples: u32,
/// The length of the fadeout, in samples.
silence_fadeout_length_samples: u32,
struct LoudnessWarWinnerParams {
/// The output gain, set to -24 dB by default because oof ouchie.
#[id = "output"]
output_gain: FloatParam,
/// When non-zero, this engages a bandpass filter around 5.5 kHz to help with the LUFS
/// K-Weighting. This is a fraction in `[0, 1]`. [`LoudnessWarWinner::update_bp_filters()`]
/// calculates the filter's Q value basedo n this.
#[id = "powah"]
win_harder_factor: FloatParam,
impl Default for LoudnessWarWinner {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
params: Arc::new(LoudnessWarWinnerParams::default()),
sample_rate: 1.0,
bp_filters: Vec::new(),
num_silent_samples: 0,
silence_fadeout_start_samples: 0,
silence_fadeout_end_samples: 0,
silence_fadeout_length_samples: 0,
impl Default for LoudnessWarWinnerParams {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
output_gain: FloatParam::new(
"Output Gain",
// Because we're representing gain as decibels the range is already logarithmic
FloatRange::Linear {
min: util::db_to_gain(-24.0),
max: util::db_to_gain(0.0),
.with_unit(" dB")
win_harder_factor: FloatParam::new(
// This ramps up hard, so we'll make sure the 'usable' (for a lack of a better word)
// value range is larger
FloatRange::Skewed {
min: 0.0,
max: 1.0,
factor: FloatRange::skew_factor(-2.0),
impl Plugin for LoudnessWarWinner {
const NAME: &'static str = "Loudness War Winner";
const VENDOR: &'static str = "Robbert van der Helm";
const URL: &'static str = "https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug";
const EMAIL: &'static str = "mail@robbertvanderhelm.nl";
const VERSION: &'static str = "0.1.0";
const DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS: u32 = 2;
const DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS: u32 = 2;
fn params(&self) -> Arc<dyn Params> {
fn accepts_bus_config(&self, config: &BusConfig) -> bool {
config.num_input_channels == config.num_output_channels && config.num_input_channels > 0
fn initialize(
&mut self,
bus_config: &BusConfig,
buffer_config: &BufferConfig,
_context: &mut impl InitContext,
) -> bool {
self.sample_rate = buffer_config.sample_rate;
bus_config.num_output_channels as usize,
[filter::Biquad::default(); 4],
self.silence_fadeout_start_samples =
(SILENCE_FADEOUT_START_MS / 1000.0 * buffer_config.sample_rate).round() as u32;
self.silence_fadeout_end_samples =
(SILENCE_FADEOUT_END_MS / 1000.0 * buffer_config.sample_rate).round() as u32;
self.silence_fadeout_length_samples =
self.silence_fadeout_end_samples - self.silence_fadeout_start_samples;
fn reset(&mut self) {
for filters in &mut self.bp_filters {
for filter in filters {
// Start with silence, so we don't immediately output a DC signal if the plugin is inserted
// on a silent channel
self.num_silent_samples = self.silence_fadeout_end_samples;
fn process(
&mut self,
buffer: &mut Buffer,
_aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers,
_context: &mut impl ProcessContext,
) -> ProcessStatus {
for mut channel_samples in buffer.iter_samples() {
let output_gain = self.params.output_gain.smoothed.next();
// When the `WIN_HARDER` parameter is engaged, we'll band-pass the signal around 5 kHz
if self.params.win_harder_factor.smoothed.is_smoothing() {
let apply_bp_filters = self.params.win_harder_factor.smoothed.previous_value() > 0.0;
let mut is_silent = true;
for (sample, bp_filters) in channel_samples.iter_mut().zip(&mut self.bp_filters) {
is_silent &= *sample == 0.0;
// For better performance we can move this conditional to an outer loop, but right
// now it shouldn't be too bad
if apply_bp_filters {
for filter in bp_filters {
*sample = filter.process(*sample);
*sample = if *sample >= 0.0 { 1.0 } else { -1.0 } * output_gain;
// To avoid outputting a constant DC signal even when there's no input we'll slowly fade
// into silence
if is_silent {
self.num_silent_samples += 1;
if self.num_silent_samples >= self.silence_fadeout_end_samples {
for sample in channel_samples {
*sample = 0.0;
} else if self.num_silent_samples >= self.silence_fadeout_start_samples {
let fadeout_gain = 1.0
- ((self.num_silent_samples - self.silence_fadeout_start_samples) as f32
/ self.silence_fadeout_length_samples as f32);
for sample in channel_samples {
*sample *= fadeout_gain;
} else {
self.num_silent_samples = 0;
impl LoudnessWarWinner {
/// Update the band-pass filters. This should only be called during processing if
/// `self.params.win_harder_factor.smoothed.is_smoothing()`.
fn update_bp_filters(&mut self) {
let q = 0.00001 + (self.params.win_harder_factor.smoothed.next() * 30.0);
let biquad_coefficients =
filter::BiquadCoefficients::bandpass(self.sample_rate, BP_FREQUENCY, q);
for filters in &mut self.bp_filters {
for filter in filters {
filter.coefficients = biquad_coefficients;
impl ClapPlugin for LoudnessWarWinner {
const CLAP_ID: &'static str = "nl.robbertvanderhelm.loudness-war-winner";
const CLAP_DESCRIPTION: Option<&'static str> = Some("Win the loudness war with ease");
const CLAP_MANUAL_URL: Option<&'static str> = Some(Self::URL);
const CLAP_SUPPORT_URL: Option<&'static str> = None;
const CLAP_FEATURES: &'static [ClapFeature] = &[
impl Vst3Plugin for LoudnessWarWinner {
const VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16] = *b"LoudnessWar.RvdH";
const VST3_CATEGORIES: &'static str = "Fx|Dynamics|Distortion";