You now need to bring your own buffer instead of the smoother having a built in vector you would need to pre-allocate. This makes the API simpler, and also much more flexible when doing polyphonic modulation. In addition, the new API is much more efficient when there is no smoothing going on anymore.
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//! Traits and structs describing plugins and editors.
use raw_window_handle::{HasRawWindowHandle, RawWindowHandle};
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::buffer::Buffer;
use crate::context::{GuiContext, InitContext, ProcessContext};
use crate::midi::MidiConfig;
use crate::param::internals::Params;
use crate::wrapper::clap::features::ClapFeature;
/// Basic functionality that needs to be implemented by a plugin. The wrappers will use this to
/// expose the plugin in a particular plugin format.
/// The main thing you need to do is define a `[Params]` struct containing all of your parameters.
/// See the trait's documentation for more information on how to do that, or check out the examples.
/// This is super basic, and lots of things I didn't need or want to use yet haven't been
/// implemented. Notable missing features include:
/// - MIDI SysEx and MIDI2 for CLAP, note expressions, polyphonic modulation and MIDI1 are already
/// supported
/// - Audio thread thread pools (with host integration in CLAP)
pub trait Plugin: Default + Send + Sync + 'static {
const NAME: &'static str;
const VENDOR: &'static str;
const URL: &'static str;
const EMAIL: &'static str;
/// Semver compatible version string (e.g. `0.0.1`). Hosts likely won't do anything with this,
/// but just in case they do this should only contain decimals values and dots.
const VERSION: &'static str;
/// The default number of input channels. This merely serves as a default. The host will probe
/// the plugin's supported configuration using
/// [`accepts_bus_config()`][Self::accepts_bus_config()], and the selected configuration is
/// passed to [`initialize()`][Self::initialize()]. Some hosts like, like Bitwig and Ardour, use
/// the defaults instead of setting up the busses properly.
/// Setting this to zero causes the plugin to have no main input bus.
const DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS: u32 = 2;
/// The default number of output channels. All of the same caveats mentioned for
/// `DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS` apply here.
/// Setting this to zero causes the plugin to have no main output bus.
const DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS: u32 = 2;
/// If set, then the plugin will have this many sidechain input busses with a default number of
/// channels. Not all hosts support more than one sidechain input bus. Negotiating the actual
/// configuration wroks the same was as with `DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS`.
const DEFAULT_AUX_INPUTS: Option<AuxiliaryIOConfig> = None;
/// If set, then the plugin will have this many auxiliary output busses with a default number of
/// channels. Negotiating the actual configuration wroks the same was as with
const DEFAULT_AUX_OUTPUTS: Option<AuxiliaryIOConfig> = None;
/// Optional names for the main and auxiliary input and output ports. Will be generated if not
/// set. This is mostly useful to give descriptive names to the outputs for multi-output
/// plugins.
const PORT_NAMES: PortNames = PortNames {
main_input: None,
main_output: None,
aux_inputs: None,
aux_outputs: None,
/// Whether the plugin accepts note events, and what which events it wants to receive. If this
/// is set to [`MidiConfig::None`], then the plugin won't receive any note events.
const MIDI_INPUT: MidiConfig = MidiConfig::None;
/// Whether the plugin can output note events. If this is set to [`MidiConfig::None`], then the
/// plugin won't have a note output port. When this is set to another value, then in most hsots
/// the plugin will consume all note and MIDI CC input. If you don't want that, then you will
/// need to forward those events yourself.
const MIDI_OUTPUT: MidiConfig = MidiConfig::None;
/// If enabled, the audio processing cycle may be split up into multiple smaller chunks if
/// parameter values change occur in the middle of the buffer. Depending on the host these
/// blocks may be as small as a single sample. Bitwig Studio sends at most one parameter change
/// every 64 samples.
/// If this is set to true, then the plugin will report itself as having a hard realtime
/// processing requirement when the host asks for it. Supported hosts will never ask the plugin
/// to do offline processing.
const HARD_REALTIME_ONLY: bool = false;
/// The plugin's parameters. The host will update the parameter values before calling
/// `process()`. These parameters are identified by strings that should never change when the
/// plugin receives an update.
fn params(&self) -> Arc<dyn Params>;
/// The plugin's editor, if it has one. The actual editor instance is created in
/// [`Editor::spawn()`]. A plugin editor likely wants to interact with the plugin's parameters
/// and other shared data, so you'll need to move [`Arc`] pointing to any data you want to
/// access into the editor. You can later modify the parameters through the
/// [`GuiContext`][crate::prelude::GuiContext] and [`ParamSetter`][crate::prelude::ParamSetter] after the editor
/// GUI has been created.
fn editor(&self) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> {
// The following functions follow the lifetime of the plugin.
/// Whether the plugin supports a bus config. This only acts as a check, and the plugin
/// shouldn't do anything beyond returning true or false.
fn accepts_bus_config(&self, config: &BusConfig) -> bool {
config.num_input_channels == Self::DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS
&& config.num_output_channels == Self::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS
/// Initialize the plugin for the given bus and buffer configurations. These configurations will
/// not change until this function is called again, so feel free to copy these objects to your
/// plugin's object. If the plugin is being restored from an old state, then that state will
/// have already been restored at this point. If based on those parameters (or for any reason
/// whatsoever) the plugin needs to introduce latency, then you can do so here using the process
/// context. Depending on how the host restores plugin state, this function may also be called
/// twice in rapid succession. If the plugin fails to inialize for whatever reason, then this
/// should return `false`.
/// Before this point, the plugin should not have done any expensive initialization. Please
/// don't be that plugin that takes twenty seconds to scan.
/// After this function [`reset()`][Self::reset()] will always be called. If you need to clear
/// state, such as filters or envelopes, then you should do so in that function inistead.
fn initialize(
&mut self,
bus_config: &BusConfig,
buffer_config: &BufferConfig,
context: &mut impl InitContext,
) -> bool {
/// Clear internal state such as filters and envelopes. This is always called after
/// [`initialize()`][Self::initialize()], and it may also be called at any other time from the
/// audio thread. You should thus not do any allocations in this function.
fn reset(&mut self) {}
/// Process audio. The host's input buffers have already been copied to the output buffers if
/// they are not processing audio in place (most hosts do however). All channels are also
/// guarenteed to contain the same number of samples. Lastly, denormals have already been taken
/// case of by NIH-plug, and you can optionally enable the `assert_process_allocs` feature to
/// abort the program when any allocation accurs in the process function while running in debug
/// mode.
/// The framework provides convenient iterators on the [`Buffer`] object to process audio either
/// either per-sample per-channel, or per-block per-channel per-sample. The first approach is
/// preferred for plugins that don't require block-based processing because of their use of
/// per-sample SIMD or excessive branching. The parameter smoothers can also work in both modes:
/// use [`Smoother::next()`][crate::prelude::Smoother::next()] for per-sample processing, and
/// [`Smoother::next_block()`][crate::prelude::Smoother::next_block()] for block-based
/// processing.
/// The `context` object contains context information as well as callbacks for working with note
/// events. The [`AuxiliaryBuffers`] contain the plugin's sidechain input buffers and
/// auxiliary output buffers if it has any.
/// TODO: Provide a way to access auxiliary input channels if the IO configuration is
/// assymetric
fn process(
&mut self,
buffer: &mut Buffer,
aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers,
context: &mut impl ProcessContext,
) -> ProcessStatus;
/// Called when the plugin is deactivated. The host will call
/// [`initialize()`][Self::initialize()] again before the plugin resumes processing audio. These
/// two functions will not be called when the host only temporarily stops processing audio. You
/// can clean up or deallocate resources here. In most cases you can safely ignore this.
/// There is no one-to-one relationship between calls to `initialize()` and `deactivate()`.
/// `initialize()` may be called more than once before `deactivate()` is called, for instance
/// when restoring state while the plugin is still activate.
fn deactivate(&mut self) {}
/// Provides auxiliary metadata needed for a CLAP plugin.
pub trait ClapPlugin: Plugin {
/// A unique ID that identifies this particular plugin. This is usually in reverse domain name
/// notation, e.g. `com.manufacturer.plugin-name`.
const CLAP_ID: &'static str;
/// An optional short description for the plugin.
const CLAP_DESCRIPTION: Option<&'static str>;
/// The URL to the plugin's manual, if available.
const CLAP_MANUAL_URL: Option<&'static str>;
/// The URL to the plugin's support page, if available.
const CLAP_SUPPORT_URL: Option<&'static str>;
/// Keywords describing the plugin. The host may use this to classify the plugin in its plugin
/// browser.
const CLAP_FEATURES: &'static [ClapFeature];
/// If set, this informs the host about the plugin's capabilities for polyphonic modulation.
const CLAP_POLY_MODULATION_CONFIG: Option<PolyModulationConfig> = None;
/// Provides auxiliary metadata needed for a VST3 plugin.
pub trait Vst3Plugin: Plugin {
/// The unique class ID that identifies this particular plugin. You can use the
/// `*b"fooofooofooofooo"` syntax for this.
/// This will be shuffled into a different byte order on Windows for project-compatibility.
const VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16];
/// One or more categories, separated by pipe characters (`|`), up to 127 characters. Anything
/// logner than that will be truncated. See the VST3 SDK for examples of common categories:
/// <>
// TODO: Create a category enum similar to ClapFeature
const VST3_CATEGORIES: &'static str;
/// [`VST3_CLASS_ID`][Self::VST3_CLASS_ID`] in the correct order for the current platform so
/// projects and presets can be shared between platforms. This should not be overridden.
const PLATFORM_VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16] = swap_vst3_uid_byte_order(Self::VST3_CLASS_ID);
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
const fn swap_vst3_uid_byte_order(uid: [u8; 16]) -> [u8; 16] {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
const fn swap_vst3_uid_byte_order(mut uid: [u8; 16]) -> [u8; 16] {
// No mutable references in const functions, so we can't use `uid.swap()`
let original_uid = uid;
uid[0] = original_uid[3];
uid[1] = original_uid[2];
uid[2] = original_uid[1];
uid[3] = original_uid[0];
uid[4] = original_uid[5];
uid[5] = original_uid[4];
uid[6] = original_uid[7];
uid[7] = original_uid[6];
/// An editor for a [`Plugin`].
pub trait Editor: Send + Sync {
/// Create an instance of the plugin's editor and embed it in the parent window. As explained in
/// [`Plugin::editor()`], you can then read the parameter values directly from your [`Params`]
/// object, and modifying the values can be done using the functions on the
/// [`ParamSetter`][crate::prelude::ParamSetter]. When you change a parameter value that way it will be
/// broadcasted to the host and also updated in your [`Params`] struct.
/// This function should return a handle to the editor, which will be dropped when the editor
/// gets closed. Implement the [`Drop`] trait on the returned handle if you need to explicitly
/// handle the editor's closing behavior.
/// If [`set_scale_factor()`][Self::set_scale_factor()] has been called, then any created
/// windows should have their sizes multiplied by that factor.
/// The wrapper guarantees that a previous handle has been dropped before this function is
/// called again.
// TODO: Think of how this would work with the event loop. On Linux the wrapper must provide a
// timer using VST3's `IRunLoop` interface, but on Window and macOS the window would
// normally register its own timer. Right now we just ignore this because it would
// otherwise be basically impossible to have this still be GUI-framework agnostic. Any
// callback that deos involve actual GUI operations will still be spooled to the IRunLoop
// instance.
// TODO: This function should return an `Option` instead. Right now window opening failures are
// always fatal. This would need to be fixed in basevie first.
fn spawn(
parent: ParentWindowHandle,
context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
) -> Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync>;
/// Returns the (currnent) size of the editor in pixels as a `(width, height)` pair. This size
/// must be reported in _logical pixels_, i.e. the size before being multiplied by the DPI
/// scaling factor to get the actual physical screen pixels.
fn size(&self) -> (u32, u32);
/// Set the DPI scaling factor, if supported. The plugin APIs don't make any guarantees on when
/// this is called, but for now just assume it will be the first function that gets called
/// before creating the editor. If this is set, then any windows created by this editor should
/// have their sizes multiplied by this scaling factor on Windows and Linux.
/// Right now this is never called on macOS since DPI scaling is built into the operating system
/// there.
fn set_scale_factor(&self, factor: f32) -> bool;
/// A callback that will be called wheneer the parameter values changed while the editor is
/// open. You don't need to do anything with this, but this can be used to force a redraw when
/// the host sends a new value for a parameter or when a parameter change sent to the host gets
/// processed.
/// This function will be called from the **audio thread**. It must thus be lock-free and may
/// not allocate.
fn param_values_changed(&self);
// TODO: Reconsider adding a tick function here for the Linux `IRunLoop`. To keep this platform
// and API agnostic, add a way to ask the GuiContext if the wrapper already provides a
// tick function. If it does not, then the Editor implementation must handle this by
// itself. This would also need an associated `PREFERRED_FRAME_RATE` constant.
// TODO: Host->Plugin resizing
/// A raw window handle for platform and GUI framework agnostic editors.
pub struct ParentWindowHandle {
pub handle: RawWindowHandle,
unsafe impl HasRawWindowHandle for ParentWindowHandle {
fn raw_window_handle(&self) -> RawWindowHandle {
/// The plugin's IO configuration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BusConfig {
/// The number of input channels for the plugin.
pub num_input_channels: u32,
/// The number of output channels for the plugin.
pub num_output_channels: u32,
/// Any additional sidechain inputs.
pub aux_input_busses: AuxiliaryIOConfig,
/// Any additional outputs.
pub aux_output_busses: AuxiliaryIOConfig,
/// Configuration for auxiliary inputs or outputs on [`BusCofnig`].
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct AuxiliaryIOConfig {
/// The number of auxiliary input or output busses.
pub num_busses: u32,
/// The number of channels in each bus.
pub num_channels: u32,
/// Contains names for the main input and output ports as well as for all of the auxiliary input and
/// output ports. Setting these is optional, but it makes working with multi-output plugins much
/// more convenient.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct PortNames {
/// The name for the main input port. Will be generated if not set.
pub main_input: Option<&'static str>,
/// The name for the main output port. Will be generated if not set.
pub main_output: Option<&'static str>,
/// Names for auxiliary (sidechain) input ports. Will be generated if not set or if this slice
/// does not contain enough names.
pub aux_inputs: Option<&'static [&'static str]>,
/// Names for auxiliary output ports. Will be generated if not set or if this slice does not
/// contain enough names.
pub aux_outputs: Option<&'static [&'static str]>,
/// Configuration for (the host's) audio buffers.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct BufferConfig {
/// The current sample rate.
pub sample_rate: f32,
/// The minimum buffer size the host will use. This may not be set.
pub min_buffer_size: Option<u32>,
/// The maximum buffer size the host will use. The plugin should be able to accept variable
/// sized buffers up to this size, or between the minimum and the maximum buffer size if both
/// are set.
pub max_buffer_size: u32,
/// The current processing mode. The host will reinitialize the plugin any time this changes.
pub process_mode: ProcessMode,
/// Contains auxiliary (sidechain) input and output buffers for a process call.
pub struct AuxiliaryBuffers<'a> {
/// All auxiliary (sidechain) inputs defined for this plugin. The data in these buffers can
/// safely be overwritten. Auxiliary inputs can be defined by setting
/// [`Plugin::DEFAULT_AUX_INPUTS`][`crate::prelude::Plugin::DEFAULT_AUX_INPUTS`].
pub inputs: &'a mut [Buffer<'a>],
/// Get all auxiliary outputs defined for this plugin. Auxiliary outputs can be defined by
/// setting [`Plugin::DEFAULT_AUX_OUTPUTS`][`crate::prelude::Plugin::DEFAULT_AUX_OUTPUTS`].
pub outputs: &'a mut [Buffer<'a>],
/// Indicates the current situation after the plugin has processed audio.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ProcessStatus {
/// Something went wrong while processing audio.
Error(&'static str),
/// The plugin has finished processing audio. When the input is silent, the most may suspend the
/// plugin to save resources as it sees fit.
/// The plugin has a (reverb) tail with a specific length in samples.
/// This plugin will continue to produce sound regardless of whether or not the input is silent,
/// and should thus not be deactivated by the host. This is essentially the same as having an
/// infite tail.
/// The plugin's current processing mode. Can be queried through [`ProcessContext::process_mode()`].
/// The host will reinitialize the plugin whenever this changes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ProcessMode {
/// The plugin is processing audio in real time at a fixed rate.
/// The plugin is processing audio at a real time-like pace, but at irregular intervals. The
/// host may do this to process audio ahead of time to loosen realtime constraints and to reduce
/// the chance of xruns happening. This is only used by VST3.
/// The plugin is rendering audio offline, potentially faster than realtime ('freewheeling').
/// The host will continuously call the process function back to back until all audio has been
/// processed.
/// Configuration for the plugin's polyphonic modulation options, if it supports .
pub struct PolyModulationConfig {
/// The maximum number of voices this plugin will ever use. Call the context's
/// `set_current_voice_capacity()` method during initialization or audio processing to set the
/// polyphony limit.
pub max_voice_capacity: u32,
/// If set to `true`, then the host may send note events for the same channel and key, but using
/// different voice IDs. Bitwig Studio, for instance, can use this to do voice stacking. After
/// enabling this, you should always prioritize using voice IDs to map note events to voices.
pub supports_overlapping_voices: bool,