252 lines
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252 lines
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//! A super simple peak meter widget.
use nih_plug::prelude::util;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use vizia::prelude::*;
use vizia::vg;
/// The thickness of a tick inside of the peak meter's bar.
const TICK_WIDTH: f32 = 1.0;
/// The gap between individual ticks.
const TICK_GAP: f32 = 1.0;
/// The decibel value corresponding to the very left of the bar.
const MIN_TICK: f32 = -90.0;
/// The decibel value corresponding to the very right of the bar.
const MAX_TICK: f32 = 20.0;
/// The ticks that will be shown beneath the peak meter's bar. The first value is shown as
/// -infinity, and at the last position we'll draw the `dBFS` string.
const TEXT_TICKS: [i32; 6] = [-80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 12];
/// A simple horizontal peak meter.
/// TODO: There are currently no styling options at all
/// TODO: Vertical peak meter, this is just a proof of concept to fit the gain GUI example.
pub struct PeakMeter;
/// The bar bit for the peak meter, manually drawn using vertical lines.
struct PeakMeterBar<L, P>
L: Lens<Target = f32>,
P: Lens<Target = f32>,
level_dbfs: L,
peak_dbfs: P,
impl PeakMeter {
/// Creates a new [`PeakMeter`] for the given value in decibel, optionally holding the peak
/// value for a certain amount of time.
pub fn new<L>(cx: &mut Context, level_dbfs: L, hold_time: Option<Duration>) -> Handle<Self>
L: Lens<Target = f32>,
Self.build(cx, |cx| {
// Now for something that may be illegal under some jurisdictions. If a hold time is
// given, then we'll build a new lens that always gives the held peak level for the
// current moment in time by mutating some values captured into the mapping closure.
let held_peak_value_db = Cell::new(f32::MIN);
let last_held_peak_value: Cell<Option<Instant>> = Cell::new(None);
let peak_dbfs = level_dbfs.clone().map(move |level| -> f32 {
match hold_time {
Some(hold_time) => {
let mut peak_level = held_peak_value_db.get();
let peak_time = last_held_peak_value.get();
let now = Instant::now();
if *level >= peak_level
|| peak_time.is_none()
|| now > peak_time.unwrap() + hold_time
peak_level = *level;
None => util::MINUS_INFINITY_DB,
PeakMeterBar {
.build(cx, |_| {})
ZStack::new(cx, |cx| {
const WIDTH_PCT: f32 = 50.0;
for tick_db in TEXT_TICKS {
let tick_fraction = (tick_db as f32 - MIN_TICK) / (MAX_TICK - MIN_TICK);
let tick_pct = tick_fraction * 100.0;
// We'll shift negative numbers slightly to the left so they look more centered
let needs_minus_offset = tick_db < 0;
ZStack::new(cx, |cx| {
let first_tick = tick_db == TEXT_TICKS[0];
let last_tick = tick_db == TEXT_TICKS[TEXT_TICKS.len() - 1];
if !last_tick {
// FIXME: This is not aligned to the pixel grid and some ticks will look
// blurry, is there a way to fix this?
let font_size = {
let current = cx.current();
let draw_cx = DrawContext::new(cx);
draw_cx.font_size(current) * draw_cx.style.dpi_factor as f32
let label = if first_tick {
Label::new(cx, "-inf")
} else if last_tick {
// This is only inclued in the array to make positioning this easier
Label::new(cx, "dBFS")
} else {
Label::new(cx, &tick_db.to_string()).class("ticks__label")
if needs_minus_offset {
label.child_right(Pixels(font_size * 0.15));
.left(Percentage(tick_pct - (WIDTH_PCT / 2.0)))
impl View for PeakMeter {
fn element(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
impl<L, P> View for PeakMeterBar<L, P>
L: Lens<Target = f32>,
P: Lens<Target = f32>,
fn draw(&self, cx: &mut DrawContext, canvas: &mut Canvas) {
let level_dbfs = self.level_dbfs.get(cx);
let peak_dbfs = self.peak_dbfs.get(cx);
// These basics are taken directly from the default implementation of this function
let bounds = cx.bounds();
if bounds.w == 0.0 || bounds.h == 0.0 {
// TODO: It would be cool to allow the text color property to control the gradient here. For
// now we'll only support basic background colors and borders.
let background_color = cx.background_color().cloned().unwrap_or_default();
let border_color = cx.border_color().cloned().unwrap_or_default();
let opacity = cx.opacity();
let mut background_color: vg::Color = background_color.into();
background_color.set_alphaf(background_color.a * opacity);
let mut border_color: vg::Color = border_color.into();
border_color.set_alphaf(border_color.a * opacity);
let border_width = match cx.border_width().unwrap_or_default() {
Units::Pixels(val) => val,
Units::Percentage(val) => bounds.w.min(bounds.h) * (val / 100.0),
_ => 0.0,
let mut path = vg::Path::new();
let x = bounds.x + border_width / 2.0;
let y = bounds.y + border_width / 2.0;
let w = bounds.w - border_width;
let h = bounds.h - border_width;
path.move_to(x, y);
path.line_to(x, y + h);
path.line_to(x + w, y + h);
path.line_to(x + w, y);
path.line_to(x, y);
// Fill with background color
let paint = vg::Paint::color(background_color);
canvas.fill_path(&mut path, &paint);
// And now for the fun stuff. We'll try to not overlap the border, but we'll draw that last
// just in case.
let bar_bounds = bounds.shrink(border_width / 2.0);
let bar_ticks_start_x = bar_bounds.left().floor() as i32;
let bar_ticks_end_x = bar_bounds.right().ceil() as i32;
// NOTE: We'll scale this with the nearest integer DPI ratio. That way it will still look
// good at 2x scaling, and it won't look blurry at 1.x times scaling.
let dpi_scale = cx.logical_to_physical(1.0).floor().max(1.0);
let bar_tick_coordinates = (bar_ticks_start_x..bar_ticks_end_x)
.step_by(((TICK_WIDTH + TICK_GAP) * dpi_scale).round() as usize);
for tick_x in bar_tick_coordinates {
let tick_fraction =
(tick_x - bar_ticks_start_x) as f32 / (bar_ticks_end_x - bar_ticks_start_x) as f32;
let tick_db = (tick_fraction * (MAX_TICK - MIN_TICK)) + MIN_TICK;
if tick_db > level_dbfs {
// femtovg draws paths centered on these coordinates, so in order to be pixel perfect we
// need to account for that. Otherwise the ticks will be 2px wide instead of 1px.
let mut path = vg::Path::new();
path.move_to(tick_x as f32 + (dpi_scale / 2.0), bar_bounds.top());
path.line_to(tick_x as f32 + (dpi_scale / 2.0), bar_bounds.bottom());
let grayscale_color = 0.3 + ((1.0 - tick_fraction) * 0.5);
let mut paint = vg::Paint::color(vg::Color::rgbaf(
paint.set_line_width(TICK_WIDTH * dpi_scale);
canvas.stroke_path(&mut path, &paint);
// Draw the hold peak value if the hold time option has been set
let db_to_x_coord = |db: f32| {
let tick_fraction = (db - MIN_TICK) / (MAX_TICK - MIN_TICK);
bar_ticks_start_x as f32
+ ((bar_ticks_end_x - bar_ticks_start_x) as f32 * tick_fraction).round()
if (MIN_TICK..MAX_TICK).contains(&peak_dbfs) {
// femtovg draws paths centered on these coordinates, so in order to be pixel perfect we
// need to account for that. Otherwise the ticks will be 2px wide instead of 1px.
let peak_x = db_to_x_coord(peak_dbfs);
let mut path = vg::Path::new();
path.move_to(peak_x + (dpi_scale / 2.0), bar_bounds.top());
path.line_to(peak_x + (dpi_scale / 2.0), bar_bounds.bottom());
let mut paint = vg::Paint::color(vg::Color::rgbaf(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, opacity));
paint.set_line_width(TICK_WIDTH * dpi_scale);
canvas.stroke_path(&mut path, &paint);
// Draw border last
let mut paint = vg::Paint::color(border_color);
canvas.stroke_path(&mut path, &paint);