You now need to bring your own buffer instead of the smoother having a built in vector you would need to pre-allocate. This makes the API simpler, and also much more flexible when doing polyphonic modulation. In addition, the new API is much more efficient when there is no smoothing going on anymore.
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//! Implementation details for the parameter management.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use super::{Param, ParamFlags, ParamMut};
pub use nih_plug_derive::Params;
/// Re-export for use in the [`Params`] proc-macro.
pub use serde_json::from_str as deserialize_field;
/// Re-export for use in the [`Params`] proc-macro.
pub use serde_json::to_string as serialize_field;
/// Describes a struct containing parameters and other persistent fields.
/// This trait can be derived on a struct containing [`FloatParam`][super::FloatParam] and other
/// parameter fields. When deriving this trait, any of those parameter fields should have the `#[id
/// = "stable"]` attribute, where `stable` is an up to 6 character long string (to avoid collisions)
/// that will be used to identify the parameter internall so you can safely move it around and
/// rename the field without breaking compatibility with old presets.
/// The struct can also contain other fields that should be persisted along with the rest of the
/// preset data. These fields should be [`PersistentField`]s annotated with the `#[persist = "key"]`
/// attribute containing types that can be serialized and deserialized with
/// [Serde](https://serde.rs/).
/// And finally when deriving this trait, it is also possible to inherit the parameters from other
/// `Params` objects by adding the `#[nested = "Group Name"]` attribute to those fields. These
/// groups will be displayed as a tree-like structure if your DAW supports it. Parameter IDs and
/// persisting keys still need to be **unique** when usting nested parameter structs. This currently
/// has the following caveats:
/// - Enforcing that parameter IDs and persist keys are unique does not work across nested structs.
/// - Deserializing persisted fields will give false positives about fields not existing.
/// Take a look at the example gain plugin to see how this should be used.
/// # Safety
/// This implementation is safe when using from the wrapper because the plugin's returned `Params`
/// object lives in an `Arc`, and the wrapper also holds a reference to this `Arc`.
pub unsafe trait Params: 'static + Send + Sync {
/// Create a mapping from unique parameter IDs to parameter pointers along with the name of the
/// group/unit/module they are in, as a `(param_id, param_ptr, group)` triple. The order of the
/// `Vec` determines the display order in the (host's) generic UI. The group name is either an
/// empty string for top level parameters, or a slash/delimited `"Group Name 1/Group Name 2"` if
/// this `Params` object contains nested child objects. All components of a group path must
/// exist or you may encounter panics. The derive macro does this for every parameter field
/// marked with `#[id = "stable"]`, and it also inlines all fields from nested child `Params`
/// structs marked with `#[nested = "Group Name"]` while prefixing that group name before the
/// parameter's originanl group name. Dereferencing the pointers stored in the values is only
/// valid as long as this object is valid.
/// # Note
/// This uses `String` even though for the `Params` derive macro `&'static str` would have been
/// fine to be able to support custom reusable Params implemnetations.
fn param_map(&self) -> Vec<(String, ParamPtr, String)>;
/// Serialize all fields marked with `#[persist = "stable_name"]` into a hash map containing
/// JSON-representations of those fields so they can be written to the plugin's state and
/// recalled later. This uses [`serialize_field()`] under the hood.
fn serialize_fields(&self) -> BTreeMap<String, String> {
/// Restore all fields marked with `#[persist = "stable_name"]` from a hashmap created by
/// [`serialize_fields()`][Self::serialize_fields()]. All of thse fields should be wrapped in a
/// [`PersistentField`] with thread safe interior mutability, like an `RwLock` or a `Mutex`.
/// This gets called when the plugin's state is being restored. This uses [deserialize_field()]
/// under the hood.
fn deserialize_fields(&self, serialized: &BTreeMap<String, String>) {}
/// Internal pointers to parameters. This is an implementation detail used by the wrappers for type
/// erasure.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub enum ParamPtr {
FloatParam(*mut super::FloatParam),
IntParam(*mut super::IntParam),
BoolParam(*mut super::BoolParam),
/// Since we can't encode the actual enum here, this inner parameter struct contains all of the
/// relevant information from the enum so it can be type erased.
EnumParam(*mut super::enums::EnumParamInner),
// These pointers only point to fields on structs kept in an `Arc<dyn Params>`, and the caller
// always needs to make sure that dereferencing them is safe. To do that the plugin wrappers will
// keep references to that `Arc` around for the entire lifetime of the plugin.
unsafe impl Send for ParamPtr {}
unsafe impl Sync for ParamPtr {}
/// Handles the functionality needed for persisting a non-parameter fields in a plugin's state.
/// These types can be used with [`Params`]' `#[persist = "..."]` attributes.
/// This should be implemented for some type with interior mutability containing a `T`.
// TODO: Modifying these fields (or any parameter for that matter) should mark the plugin's state
// as dirty.
pub trait PersistentField<'a, T>: Send + Sync
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a>,
/// Update the stored `T` value using interior mutability.
fn set(&self, new_value: T);
/// Get a reference to the stored `T` value, and apply a function to it. This is used to
/// serialize the `T` value.
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R;
/// Generate a [`ParamPtr`] function that forwards the function call to the underlying `Param`. We
/// can't have an `.as_param()` function since the return type would differ depending on the
/// underlying parameter type, so instead we need to type erase all of the functions individually.
macro_rules! param_ptr_forward(
($vis:vis unsafe fn $method:ident(&self $(, $arg_name:ident: $arg_ty:ty)*) $(-> $ret:ty)?) => {
/// Calls the corresponding method on the underlying [`Param`] object.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this [`ParamPtr`] was created
/// for is still alive.
$vis unsafe fn $method(&self $(, $arg_name: $arg_ty)*) $(-> $ret)? {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
// XXX: Is there a way to combine these two? Hygienic macros don't let you call `&self` without
// it being defined in the macro.
($vis:vis unsafe fn $method:ident(&mut self $(, $arg_name:ident: $arg_ty:ty)*) $(-> $ret:ty)?) => {
/// Calls the corresponding method on the underlying [`Param`] object.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this [`ParamPtr`] was created
/// for is still alive.
$vis unsafe fn $method(&mut self $(, $arg_name: $arg_ty)*) $(-> $ret)? {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
impl ParamPtr {
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn name(&self) -> &str);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn unit(&self) -> &'static str);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn poly_modulation_id(&self) -> Option<u32>);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn normalized_value(&self) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn unmodulated_normalized_value(&self) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn default_normalized_value(&self) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn step_count(&self) -> Option<usize>);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn previous_normalized_step(&self, from: f32) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn next_normalized_step(&self, from: f32) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn normalized_value_to_string(&self, normalized: f32, include_unit: bool) -> String);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn string_to_normalized_value(&self, string: &str) -> Option<f32>);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn flags(&self) -> ParamFlags);
param_ptr_forward!(pub(crate) unsafe fn set_normalized_value(&self, normalized: f32));
param_ptr_forward!(pub(crate) unsafe fn modulate_value(&self, modulation_offset: f32));
param_ptr_forward!(pub(crate) unsafe fn update_smoother(&self, sample_rate: f32, reset: bool));
// These functions involve casts since the plugin formats only do floating point types, so we
// can't generate them with the macro:
/// Get the parameter's plain, unnormalized value, converted to a float. Useful in conjunction
/// with [`preview_plain()`][Self::preview_plain()] to compare a snapped discrete value to a
/// parameter's current snapped value without having to do a back and forth conversion using
/// normalized values.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn plain_value(&self) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).plain_value(),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).plain_value() as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).normalized_value(),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).plain_value() as f32,
/// Get the parameter's plain, unnormalized value, converted to a float, before any monophonic
/// host modulation has been applied. This is useful for handling modulated parameters for CLAP
/// plugins in Bitwig in a way where the actual parameter does not move in the GUI while the
/// parameter is being modulated. You can also use this to show the difference between the
/// unmodulated value and the current value. Useful in conjunction with
/// [`preview_plain()`][Self::preview_plain()] to compare a snapped discrete value to a
/// parameter's current snapped value without having to do a back and forth conversion using
/// normalized values.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn unmodulated_plain_value(&self) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_plain_value(),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_plain_value() as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_normalized_value(),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_plain_value() as f32,
/// Get the parameter's default value as a plain, unnormalized value, converted to a float.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn default_plain_value(&self) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).default_plain_value(),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).default_plain_value() as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).normalized_value(),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).default_plain_value() as f32,
/// Get the normalized value for a plain, unnormalized value, as a float. Used as part of the
/// wrappers.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn preview_normalized(&self, plain: f32) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).preview_normalized(plain),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).preview_normalized(plain as i32),
ParamPtr::BoolParam(_) => plain,
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).preview_normalized(plain as i32),
/// Get the plain, unnormalized value for a normalized value, as a float. Used as part of the
/// wrappers.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn preview_plain(&self, normalized: f32) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).preview_plain(normalized),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).preview_plain(normalized) as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(_) => normalized,
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).preview_plain(normalized) as f32,
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for std::sync::RwLock<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.write().expect("Poisoned RwLock on write") = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
f(&self.read().expect("Poisoned RwLock on read"))
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for parking_lot::RwLock<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.write() = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for std::sync::Mutex<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.lock().expect("Poisoned Mutex") = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
f(&self.lock().expect("Poisoned Mutex"))
macro_rules! impl_persistent_field_parking_lot_mutex {
($ty:ty) => {
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for $ty
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.lock() = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for atomic_refcell::AtomicRefCell<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.borrow_mut() = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,