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Robbert van der Helm ae31e416c2 Don't use baseview system scaling on Windows/Linux
Until the UI frameworks make it possible to get the size or scale for
the window, this would cause the window contents to be scaled
incorrectly if the host does not set a scale factor.
2022-04-27 18:33:08 +02:00

381 lines
15 KiB

//! [iced](https://github.com/iced-rs/iced) editor support for NIH plug.
//! This integration requires you to pass your parameters to your editor object through the
//! [`IcedEditor::InitializationFlags`], and to add a message type for your editor to handle
//! parmater updates. This is a minimal example:
//! ```ignore
//! use nih_plug_iced::*;
//! pub(crate) fn default_state() -> Arc<IcedState> {
//! IcedState::from_size(200, 150)
//! }
//! pub(crate) fn create(
//! params: Arc<FooParams>,
//! editor_state: Arc<IcedState>,
//! ) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> {
//! create_iced_editor::<Foo>(editor_state, params)
//! }
//! struct FooEditor {
//! params: Arc<FooParams>,
//! context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
//! foo_slider_state: nih_widgets::param_slider::State,
//! }
//! #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
//! enum Message {
//! /// Update a parameter's value.
//! ParamUpdate(nih_widgets::ParamMessage),
//! }
//! impl IcedEditor for FooEditor {
//! type Executor = executor::Default;
//! type Message = Message;
//! type InitializationFlags = Arc<FooParams>;
//! fn new(
//! params: Self::InitializationFlags,
//! context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
//! ) -> (Self, Command<Self::Message>) {
//! let editor = FooEditor {
//! params,
//! context,
//! foo_slider_state: Default::default(),
//! };
//! (editor, Command::none())
//! }
//! fn context(&self) -> &dyn GuiContext {
//! self.context.as_ref()
//! }
//! fn update(
//! &mut self,
//! _window: &mut WindowQueue,
//! message: Self::Message,
//! ) -> Command<Self::Message> {
//! match message {
//! Message::ParamUpdate(message) => self.handle_param_message(message),
//! }
//! Command::none()
//! }
//! fn view(&mut self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message> {
//! Column::new()
//! .align_items(Alignment::Center)
//! .push(
//! Text::new("Foo")
//! .height(20.into())
//! .width(Length::Fill)
//! .horizontal_alignment(alignment::Horizontal::Center)
//! .vertical_alignment(alignment::Vertical::Center),
//! )
//! .push(
//! nih_widgets::ParamSlider::new(
//! &mut self.foo_slider_state,
//! &self.params.foo,
//! self.context.as_ref(),
//! )
//! .map(Message::ParamUpdate),
//! )
//! .into()
//! }
//! }
//! ```
use baseview::{WindowOpenOptions, WindowScalePolicy};
use crossbeam::atomic::AtomicCell;
use crossbeam::channel;
use nih_plug::prelude::{Editor, GuiContext, ParentWindowHandle};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::widgets::ParamMessage;
/// Re-export for convenience.
// FIXME: Running `cargo doc` on nightly compilers without this attribute triggers an ICE
pub use iced_baseview::*;
pub mod assets;
pub mod widgets;
mod wrapper;
/// Create an [`Editor`] instance using [iced](https://github.com/iced-rs/iced). The rough idea is
/// that you implement [`IcedEditor`], which is roughly analogous to iced's regular [`Application`]
/// trait except that it receives the [`GuiContext`] alongside its initialization flags so it can
/// update the parameter values. The [`IcedState`] passed to this function contains the GUI's
/// intitial size, and this is kept in sync whenever the GUI gets resized. You can also use this to
/// know if the GUI is open, so you can avoid performing potentially expensive calculations while
/// the GUI is not open. If you want this size to be persisted when restoring a plugin instance,
/// then you can store it in a `#[persist = "key"]` field on your parameters struct.
/// See the [module's documentation][self] for an example on how to use this.
pub fn create_iced_editor<E: IcedEditor>(
iced_state: Arc<IcedState>,
initialization_flags: E::InitializationFlags,
) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> {
// We need some way to communicate parameter changes to the `IcedEditor` since parameter updates
// come from outside of the editor's reactive model. This contains only capacity to store only
// one parameter update, since we're only storing _that_ a parameter update has happened and not
// which parameter so we'd need to redraw the entire GUI either way.
let (parameter_updates_sender, parameter_updates_receiver) = channel::bounded(1);
Some(Box::new(IcedEditorWrapper::<E> {
// TODO: We can't get the size of the window when baseview does its own scaling, so if the
// host does not set a scale factor on Windows or Linux we should just use a factor of
// 1. That may make the GUI tiny but it also prevents it from getting cut off.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
scaling_factor: AtomicCell::new(None),
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
scaling_factor: AtomicCell::new(Some(1.0)),
parameter_updates_receiver: Arc::new(parameter_updates_receiver),
/// A plugin editor using `iced`. This wraps around [`Application`] with the only change being that
/// the usual `new()` function now additionally takes a `Arc<dyn GuiContext>` that the editor can
/// store to interact with the parameters. The editor should have a `Arc<impl Params>` as part
/// of their [`InitializationFlags`][Self::InitializationFlags] so it can read the current parameter
/// values. See [`Application`] for more information.
pub trait IcedEditor: 'static + Send + Sync + Sized {
/// See [`Application::Executor`]. You'll likely want to use [`crate::executor::Default`].
type Executor: Executor;
/// See [`Application::Message`]. You should have one variant containing a [`ParamMessage`].
type Message: 'static + Clone + Debug + Send;
/// See [`Application::Flags`].
type InitializationFlags: 'static + Clone + Send + Sync;
/// See [`Application::new`]. This also receivs the GUI context in addition to the flags.
fn new(
initialization_fags: Self::InitializationFlags,
context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
) -> (Self, Command<Self::Message>);
/// Returns a reference to the GUI context.
/// [`handle_param_message()`][Self::handle_param_message()] uses this to interact with the
/// parameters.
fn context(&self) -> &dyn GuiContext;
/// See [`Application::update`]. When receiving the variant that contains a
/// [`widgets::ParamMessage`] you can call
/// [`handle_param_message()`][Self::handle_param_message()] to handle the parameter update.
fn update(
&mut self,
window: &mut WindowQueue,
message: Self::Message,
) -> Command<Self::Message>;
/// See [`Application::subscription`].
fn subscription(
_window_subs: &mut WindowSubs<Self::Message>,
) -> Subscription<Self::Message> {
/// See [`Application::view`].
fn view(&mut self) -> Element<'_, Self::Message>;
/// See [`Application::background_color`].
fn background_color(&self) -> Color {
/// See [`Application::scale_policy`].
/// TODO: Is this needed? Editors shouldn't change the scale policy.
fn scale_policy(&self) -> WindowScalePolicy {
/// See [`Application::renderer_settings`].
fn renderer_settings() -> iced_baseview::backend::settings::Settings {
iced_baseview::backend::settings::Settings {
// Enable some anti-aliasing by default. Since GUIs are likely very simple and most of
// the work will be on the CPU anyways this should not affect performance much.
antialiasing: Some(iced_baseview::backend::settings::Antialiasing::MSAAx4),
// Use Noto Sans as the default font as that renders a bit more cleanly than the default
// Lato font. This crate also contains other weights and versions of this font you can
// use for individual widgets.
default_font: Some(crate::assets::fonts::NOTO_SANS_REGULAR),
/// Handle a parameter update using the GUI context.
fn handle_param_message(&self, message: ParamMessage) {
// We can't use the fancy ParamSetter here because this needs to be type erased
let context = self.context();
match message {
ParamMessage::BeginSetParameter(p) => unsafe { context.raw_begin_set_parameter(p) },
ParamMessage::SetParameterNormalized(p, v) => unsafe {
context.raw_set_parameter_normalized(p, v)
ParamMessage::EndSetParameter(p) => unsafe { context.raw_end_set_parameter(p) },
// TODO: Once we add resizing, we may want to be able to remember the GUI size. In that case we need
// to make this serializable (only restoring the size of course) so it can be persisted.
pub struct IcedState {
size: AtomicCell<(u32, u32)>,
open: AtomicBool,
impl IcedState {
/// Initialize the GUI's state. This value can be passed to [`create_iced_editor()`]. The window
/// size is in logical pixels, so before it is multiplied by the DPI scaling factor.
pub fn from_size(width: u32, height: u32) -> Arc<IcedState> {
Arc::new(IcedState {
size: AtomicCell::new((width, height)),
open: AtomicBool::new(false),
/// Returns a `(width, height)` pair for the current size of the GUI in logical pixels.
pub fn size(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
/// Whether the GUI is currently visible.
// Called `is_open()` instead of `open()` to avoid the ambiguity.
pub fn is_open(&self) -> bool {
/// A marker struct to indicate that a parameter update has happened.
pub(crate) struct ParameterUpdate;
/// An [`Editor`] implementation that renders an iced [`Application`].
struct IcedEditorWrapper<E: IcedEditor> {
iced_state: Arc<IcedState>,
initialization_flags: E::InitializationFlags,
/// The scaling factor reported by the host, if any. On macOS this will never be set and we
/// should use the system scaling factor instead.
scaling_factor: AtomicCell<Option<f32>>,
/// A subscription for sending messages about parameter updates to the `IcedEditor`.
parameter_updates_sender: channel::Sender<ParameterUpdate>,
parameter_updates_receiver: Arc<channel::Receiver<ParameterUpdate>>,
impl<E: IcedEditor> Editor for IcedEditorWrapper<E> {
fn spawn(
parent: ParentWindowHandle,
context: Arc<dyn GuiContext>,
) -> Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send + Sync> {
let (unscaled_width, unscaled_height) = self.iced_state.size();
let scaling_factor = self.scaling_factor.load();
// TODO: iced_baseview does not have gracefuly error handling for context creation failures.
// This will panic if the context could not be created.
let window = IcedWindow::<wrapper::IcedEditorWrapperApplication<E>>::open_parented(
Settings {
window: WindowOpenOptions {
title: String::from("iced window"),
// Baseview should be doing the DPI scaling for us
size: baseview::Size::new(unscaled_width as f64, unscaled_height as f64),
// NOTE: For some reason passing 1.0 here causes the UI to be scaled on macOS but
// not the mouse events.
scale: scaling_factor
.map(|factor| WindowScalePolicy::ScaleFactor(factor as f64))
#[cfg(feature = "opengl")]
gl_config: Some(baseview::gl::GlConfig {
// FIXME: glow_glyph forgot to add an `#extension`, so this won't work under
// OpenGL 3.2 at the moment. With that change applied this should work on
// OpenGL 3.2/macOS.
version: (3, 3),
red_bits: 8,
blue_bits: 8,
green_bits: 8,
alpha_bits: 8,
depth_bits: 24,
stencil_bits: 8,
samples: None,
srgb: true,
double_buffer: true,
vsync: true,
// FIXME: Rust analyzer always thinks baseview/opengl is enabled even if we
// don't explicitly enable it, so you'd get a compile error if this line
// is missing
#[cfg(not(feature = "opengl"))]
gl_config: None,
iced_baseview: IcedBaseviewSettings {
ignore_non_modifier_keys: false,
always_redraw: true,
// We use this wrapper to be able to pass the GUI context to the editor
flags: (
self.iced_state.open.store(true, Ordering::Release);
Box::new(IcedEditorHandle {
iced_state: self.iced_state.clone(),
fn size(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
fn set_scale_factor(&self, factor: f32) -> bool {
fn param_values_changed(&self) {
if self.iced_state.is_open() {
// If there's already a paramter change notification in the channel then we don't need
// to do anything else. This avoids queueing up redundant GUI redraws.
let _ = self.parameter_updates_sender.try_send(ParameterUpdate);
/// The window handle used for [`IcedEditorWrapper`].
struct IcedEditorHandle<Message: 'static + Send> {
iced_state: Arc<IcedState>,
window: iced_baseview::WindowHandle<Message>,
/// The window handle enum stored within 'WindowHandle' contains raw pointers. Is there a way around
/// having this requirement?
unsafe impl<Message: Send> Send for IcedEditorHandle<Message> {}
unsafe impl<Message: Send> Sync for IcedEditorHandle<Message> {}
impl<Message: Send> Drop for IcedEditorHandle<Message> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.iced_state.open.store(false, Ordering::Release);