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// Soft Vacuum: Airwindows Hard Vacuum port with oversampling
// Copyright (C) 2023 Robbert van der Helm
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use nih_plug::debug::*;
/// The kernel used in `Lanczos3Oversampler`. Specified here as a constant since it is a constant.
/// Precomputed since compile-time floating point arithmetic is still unstable.
/// Computed using:
/// ```python
/// LANCZOS_A = 3
/// x = np.arange(-LANCZOS_A * 2 + 1, LANCZOS_A * 2) / 2
/// np.sinc(x) * np.sinc(x / LANCZOS_A)
/// ```
/// Note the `+1` at the start of the range and the lack of `+1` at the (exclusive) end of the
/// range. This is because we can ommit the first and last point because they are always zero.
const LANCZOS3_UPSAMPLING_KERNEL: [f32; 11] = [
/// `LANCZOS3_UPSAMPLING_KERNEL` divided by two, used for downsampling so that upsampling followed
/// by downsampling results in unity gain.
/// The latency introduced by the two filter kernels defined above, in samples.
/// A barebones multi-stage linear-phase oversampler that uses the lanzcos kernel with a=3 for a
/// good approximation of a windowed sinc with only a 11 point kernel function (the kernel is
/// actually 13 points, but the outer two points are both zero can can thus be omitted). This can be
/// done much more efficiently but I was in a hurry and this is simple to implement without having
/// to look anything up.
/// This only handles a single audio channel. Use multiple instances for multichannel audio.
pub struct Lanczos3Oversampler {
/// The state used for each oversampling stage. Also contains stages that are not being used, so
/// the number of stages can change without allocating. The number of currently active
/// stages/the oversampling factor passed to [`process()`][Self::process()] determines how many
/// of these are actually used.
stages: Vec<Lanzcos3Stage>,
/// The oversampler's latency. Precomputed for each possible number of active stages.
latencies: Vec<u32>,
/// A single oversampling stage. Contains the ring buffers and current position in that ringbuffer
/// used for convolving the filter with the inputs in the upsampling and downsampling parts of the
/// stage.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Lanzcos3Stage {
/// The amount of oversampling that happens at this stage. Will be 2 for the first stage, 4 for
/// the second stage, 8 for the third stage, and so forth. Used to calculate the stage's effect
/// on the oversampling's latency.
oversampling_amount: usize,
/// These ring buffers contain `LANCZOS3_UPSAMPLING_KERNEL.len()` samples. The upsampling ring
/// buffer contains room to delay the signal further to make sure the _total_
/// (upsampling+downsampling) latency imposed on the signal is divisible by the stage's
/// oversampling amount. That is needed to avoid fractional latency.
upsampling_rb: Vec<f32>,
upsampling_write_pos: usize,
/// The additional delay for the upsampling needed to make this stage impose an integer amount
/// of latency. The stage's _total_ (upsampling+downsampling) latency needs to be divisible by
/// the stage's oversampling amount.
additional_upsampling_latency: usize,
/// No additional latency needs to be imposed for the downsampling, so to keep things simple
/// this doesn't add any additional delay.
downsampling_rb: [f32; LANCZOS3_DOWNSAMPLING_KERNEL.len()],
downsampling_write_pos: usize,
scratch_buffer: Vec<f32>,
impl Lanczos3Oversampler {
/// Create a new oversampler that can oversample to up to the specified oversampling factor, or
/// the 2-logarithm of the oversampling amount. 1x oversampling (aka, do nothing) = 0, 2x
/// oversampling = 1, 4x oversampling = 3, etc. The actual amount of oversampling stages used is
/// passed to the `process()` function, and must be set to `max_factor` or lower.
pub fn new(maximum_block_size: usize, max_factor: usize) -> Self {
let mut stages = Vec::with_capacity(max_factor);
for stage in 0..max_factor {
stages.push(Lanzcos3Stage::new(maximum_block_size, stage))
// Since the number of active oversampling stages is passed to the process function, we also
// need to know the effective latencies of all possible oversampling settings in advance.
let latencies = stages
.map(|stage| stage.effective_latency())
.scan(0, |total_latency, latency| {
*total_latency += latency;
Self { stages, latencies }
/// Reset the oversampling filters to their initial states.
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
for stage in &mut self.stages {
/// Get the latency in samples for the given oversampling factor. Fractional latency is
/// automatically avoided.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `factor > max_factor`.
pub fn latency(&self, factor: usize) -> u32 {
if factor == 0 {
} else {
self.latencies[factor - 1]
/// Upsample `block` using the specified oversampling factor, process the upsampled version
/// using `f`, and then downsample it again and write the results back to `block` with a
/// [`latency()`][Self::latency()] sample delay.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `factor > max_factor`, or if `block`'s length is longer than the maximum block
/// size.
pub fn process(&mut self, block: &mut [f32], factor: usize, f: impl FnOnce(&mut [f32])) {
assert!(factor <= self.stages.len());
// This is the 1x oversampling case, this should also modify the block to be consistent
if factor == 0 {
block.len() <= self.stages[0].scratch_buffer.len() / 2,
"The block's size exceeds the maximum block size"
let upsampled = self.upsample_from(block, factor);
self.downsample_to(block, factor)
/// An upsample-only version of `process` that returns the upsampled version of the signal that
/// would normally be passed to `process`'s callback. Useful for upsampling control signals.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `factor > max_factor`, or if `block`'s length is longer than the maximum block
/// size.
pub fn upsample_only<'a>(&'a mut self, block: &'a mut [f32], factor: usize) -> &'a mut [f32] {
assert!(factor <= self.stages.len());
// This is the 1x oversampling case, this should also modify the block to be consistent
if factor == 0 {
return block;
block.len() <= self.stages[0].scratch_buffer.len() / 2,
"The block's size exceeds the maximum block size"
self.upsample_from(block, factor)
/// Upsample `block` through `factor` oversampling stages. Returns a reference to the
/// oversampled output stored in the last `LancZos3Stage`'s scratch buffer **with the correct
/// length**. This is a multiple of `block`'s length, which may be shorter than the entire
/// scratch buffer's length if `block` is shorter than the configured maximum block length.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `block`'s length is longer than the maximum block size, if the number of
/// oversampling is smaller than `factor`, or if `factor` is zero. This is already checked for
/// in the process function.
fn upsample_from(&mut self, block: &[f32], factor: usize) -> &mut [f32] {
assert_ne!(factor, 0);
assert!(factor <= self.stages.len());
// The first stage is upsampled from `block`, and everything after that is upsampled from
// the stage preceeding it
let mut previous_upsampled_block_len = block.len() * 2;
for to_stage_idx in 1..factor {
// This requires splitting the vector so we can borrow the from-stage immutably and the
// to-stage mutably at the same time
let ([.., from], [to, ..]) = self.stages.split_at_mut(to_stage_idx) else {
previous_upsampled_block_len *= 2;
&mut self.stages[factor - 1].scratch_buffer[..previous_upsampled_block_len]
/// Downsample starting from the `factor`th oversampling stage, writing the results from
/// downsampling the first stage to `block`. `block`'s actual length is taken into account to
/// compute the length of the oversampled blocks.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `block`'s length is longer than the maximum block size, if the number of
/// oversampling is smaller than `factor`, or if `factor` is zero. This is already checked for
/// in the process function.
fn downsample_to(&mut self, block: &mut [f32], factor: usize) {
assert_ne!(factor, 0);
assert!(factor <= self.stages.len());
// This is the reverse of `upsample_from`. Starting from the last stage, the oversampling
// stages are downsampled to the previous stage and then the first stage is downsampled to
// `block`.
let mut next_downsampled_block_len = block.len() * 2usize.pow(factor as u32 - 1);
for to_stage_idx in (1..factor).rev() {
// This requires splitting the vector so we can borrow the from-stage immutably and the
// to-stage mutably at the same time
let ([.., to], [from, ..]) = self.stages.split_at_mut(to_stage_idx) else {
from.downsample_to(&mut to.scratch_buffer[..next_downsampled_block_len]);
next_downsampled_block_len /= 2;
// And then the first stage downsamples to `block`
assert_eq!(next_downsampled_block_len, block.len());
impl Lanzcos3Stage {
/// Create a `stage_number`th oversampling stage, where `stage_number` is this stage's
/// zero-based index in a list of stages. Stage 0 handles the 2x oversampling, stage 1 handles
/// the 4x oversampling, stage 2 handles the 8x oversampling, etc.. This is used to make sure
/// the stage's effect on the total latency is always an integer amount.
/// The maximum block size is used to allocate enough scratch space for oversampling that many
/// samples *at the base sample rate*. The scratch buffer's size automatically takes the stage
/// number into account.
pub fn new(maximum_block_size: usize, stage_number: usize) -> Self {
let oversampling_amount = 2usize.pow(stage_number as u32 + 1);
// In theory we would only need to delay one of these, but we'll distribute the delay
// cleanly
assert!(LANCZOS3_UPSAMPLING_KERNEL.len() % 2 == 1);
// This is the latency of the upsampling and downsampling filter, at the base sample rate.
// Because this stage's filtering happens at a higher sample rate (`oversampling_amount`
// times the base sample rate), we need to make sure that the delay imposed _on this higher
// sample rate_ results in an integer amount of latency at the base sample rate. To do that,
// the delay needs to be divisible by `oversampling_amount`. This extra delay is only
// applied to the upsampling part to keep the downsampling simpler.
let uncompensated_stage_latency = LANZCOS3_KERNEL_LATENCY + LANZCOS3_KERNEL_LATENCY;
// Say the oversampling amount is 4, then an uncompensated stage latency of 8 results in 0
// additional samples of delay, 9 in 3, 10 in 2, 11 in 1, 12 in 0, etc. This is added to the
// upsampling filter.
let additional_delay_required = (-(uncompensated_stage_latency as isize))
.rem_euclid(oversampling_amount as isize)
as usize;
Self {
upsampling_rb: vec![0.0; LANCZOS3_UPSAMPLING_KERNEL.len() + additional_delay_required],
upsampling_write_pos: 0,
additional_upsampling_latency: additional_delay_required,
downsampling_rb: [0.0; LANCZOS3_DOWNSAMPLING_KERNEL.len()],
downsampling_write_pos: 0,
scratch_buffer: vec![0.0; maximum_block_size * oversampling_amount],
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
// Resetting the positions is not needed, but it also doesn't hurt
self.upsampling_write_pos = 0;
self.downsampling_write_pos = 0;
/// The stage's effect on the oversampling's latency as a whole. This is already divided by the
/// stage's oversampling amount.
pub fn effective_latency(&self) -> u32 {
let uncompensated_stage_latency = LANZCOS3_KERNEL_LATENCY + LANZCOS3_KERNEL_LATENCY;
let total_stage_latency = uncompensated_stage_latency + self.additional_upsampling_latency;
let effective_latency = total_stage_latency as f32 / self.oversampling_amount as f32;
assert!(effective_latency.fract() == 0.0);
effective_latency as u32
/// Upsample `block` 2x and write the results to this stage's scratch buffer.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `block`'s times two exceeds the scratch buffer's size.
pub fn upsample_from(&mut self, block: &[f32]) {
let output_length = block.len() * 2;
assert!(output_length <= self.scratch_buffer.len());
// We'll first zero-stuff the input, and then run that through the lanczos halfband filter
for (input_sample_idx, input_sample) in block.iter().enumerate() {
let output_sample_idx = input_sample_idx * 2;
self.scratch_buffer[output_sample_idx] = *input_sample;
self.scratch_buffer[output_sample_idx + 1] = 0.0;
// The zero-stuffed input is now run through the lanczos filter, which is a windowed sinc
// filter where every even tap has a value of zero. That means that if the filter is
// centered on a non-zero sample, the output must be equal to that sample and we can thus
// skip the convolution step entirely. Another important consideration is that we are
// imposing an additional `self.additional_upsampling_latency` samples of delay on the input
// to make sure the effective latency of the oversampling is always an integer amount.
let mut direct_read_pos =
(self.upsampling_write_pos + LANZCOS3_KERNEL_LATENCY) % self.upsampling_rb.len();
for output_sample_idx in 0..output_length {
// For a more intuitive description, imagine that `self.additional_upsampling_latency`
// is 2, and `self.upsampling_write_pos` is currently 0. For an 11-tap filter (like the
// lanczos3 kernel with the zero points removed from both ends), the situation after
// this statement would look like this:
// [n, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
// ^-- self.upsampling_write_pos
self.upsampling_rb[self.upsampling_write_pos] = self.scratch_buffer[output_sample_idx];
// The read/write head position needs to be incremented before filtering so that the
// just-added sample becomes the last sample in the ring buffer (if the additional
// latency/delay is 0)
self.upsampling_write_pos += 1;
if self.upsampling_write_pos == self.upsampling_rb.len() {
self.upsampling_write_pos = 0;
direct_read_pos += 1;
if direct_read_pos == self.upsampling_rb.len() {
direct_read_pos = 0;
// We can now read starting from the new `self.upsampling_write_pos`. This will cause
// the output to be delayed by `self.additional_upsampling_latency` samples. The range
// used for convolution is visualized below. It in this example it takes 2 additional
// iterations of this loop before sample `n` is considered again. Even output samples
// can directly be read from the ring buffer without convolution at the visualized
// offset.
// [n, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
// ^--------------^---------------^
// └- direct_read_position
// NOTE: 'Even samples' is considered from the perspective of a zero latency filter. In
// this case the evenness of the filter's latency also needs to be considered. If
// it's odd then the direct reading should also happen for odd indexed samples.
self.scratch_buffer[output_sample_idx] =
if output_sample_idx % 2 == (LANZCOS3_KERNEL_LATENCY % 2) {
self.upsampling_rb[(direct_read_pos + self.upsampling_rb.len() - 1)
% self.upsampling_rb.len()],
self.upsampling_rb[(direct_read_pos + 1) % self.upsampling_rb.len()],
} else {
/// Downsample starting from the last oversampling stage, writing the results from downsampling
/// the first stage to `block`. `block`'s actual length is taken into account to compute the
/// length of the oversampled blocks.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `block`'s divided by two exceeds the scratch buffer's size.
pub fn downsample_to(&mut self, block: &mut [f32]) {
let input_length = block.len() * 2;
assert!(input_length <= self.scratch_buffer.len());
// The additional delay to make the latency integer has already been taken into account in
// the upsampling part, so the downsampling is more straightforward
for input_sample_idx in 0..input_length {
self.downsampling_rb[self.downsampling_write_pos] =
// The read/write head position needs to be incremented before filtering so that the
// just-added sample becomes the last sample in the ring buffer
self.downsampling_write_pos += 1;
if self.downsampling_write_pos == LANCZOS3_DOWNSAMPLING_KERNEL.len() {
self.downsampling_write_pos = 0;
// Because downsampling by a factor of two is filtering followed by decimation (where
// you take every even sample), we only need to compute the filtered output for the even
// samples. This is similar to how we only need to filter half the samples in the
// upsampling step.
if input_sample_idx % 2 == 0 {
let output_sample_idx = input_sample_idx / 2;
block[output_sample_idx] = convolve_rb(
// NOTE: This is `LANCZOS3_UPSAMPLING_KERNEL`, but with a factor two gain
// decrease to compensate for the 2x gain increase that happened during
// the upsampling
/// Convolve `input_ring_buffer` with `kernel`, with `input_ring_buffer` rotated so that it starts
/// at `ring_buffer_pos` and then wraps back around to the start.
/// # Panics
/// Assumes `input_ring_buffer` and `kernel` have the same length. May panic if they don't.
fn convolve_rb(input_ring_buffer: &[f32], kernel: &[f32], ring_buffer_pos: usize) -> f32 {
let mut total = 0.0;
nih_debug_assert!(input_ring_buffer.len() >= kernel.len());
// This is straightforward convolution. Could be implemented much more efficiently, but for our
// 11-tap filter this works fine
let num_samples_until_wraparound =
(input_ring_buffer.len() - ring_buffer_pos).min(kernel.len());
for (read_pos_offset, kernel_sample) in kernel
total += kernel_sample * input_ring_buffer[ring_buffer_pos + read_pos_offset];
for (read_pos, kernel_sample) in kernel
// Needs to happen before the `enumerate`
total += kernel_sample * input_ring_buffer[read_pos];
mod tests {
use super::*;
mod convolve_rb {
use super::*;
fn test_with_wrap() {
let input_rb = [1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.0];
let kernel = [1.0, 2.0, -0.0, -1.0];
let input_pos = 2;
// This should be `(-3.0 * -1.0) + (4.0 * 0.0) + (1.0 * 2.0) + (2.0 * 1.0) = 7.0`
let result = convolve_rb(&input_rb, &kernel, input_pos);
assert_eq!(result, 7.0);
fn test_no_wrap() {
let input_rb = [1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.0];
let kernel = [1.0, 2.0, 0.0, -1.0];
let input_pos = 0;
// This should be `(1.0 * -1.0) + (2.0 * 0.0) + (-3.0 * 2.0) + (4.0 * 1.0) = 7.0`
let result = convolve_rb(&input_rb, &kernel, input_pos);
assert_eq!(result, -3.0);
mod oversampling {
use super::*;
fn argmax(iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = f32>) -> usize {
.max_by(|(_, value_a), (_, value_b)| value_a.total_cmp(value_b))
/// Makes sure that the reported latency is correct and is (more or less) an integer value
fn test_latency(oversampling_factor: usize) {
let mut delta_impulse = [0.0f32; 64];
delta_impulse[0] = 1.0;
let mut oversampler =
Lanczos3Oversampler::new(delta_impulse.len(), oversampling_factor);
let reported_latency = oversampler.latency(oversampling_factor) as usize;
delta_impulse.len() > reported_latency,
"The delta impulse array is too small to test the latency at oversampling factor \
{oversampling_factor}, this is an error with the test case"
oversampler.process(&mut delta_impulse, oversampling_factor, |_| ());
let new_impulse_idx = argmax(delta_impulse);
assert_eq!(new_impulse_idx, reported_latency);
// The latency should also not be fractional
assert!(delta_impulse[new_impulse_idx] > delta_impulse[new_impulse_idx - 1]);
assert!(delta_impulse[new_impulse_idx] > delta_impulse[new_impulse_idx + 1]);
/// Checks whether the output matches the input when compensating for the latency. Also
/// applies a gain offset to make sure the process callback actually works.
fn test_sine_output(oversampling_factor: usize) {
// The gain applied to the oversampled version
const GAIN: f32 = 2.0;
// As a fraction of the sampling frequency
const FREQUENCY: f32 = 0.125;
let mut input = [0.0f32; 128];
for (i, sample) in input.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*sample = (i as f32 * (FREQUENCY * 2.0 * std::f32::consts::PI)).sin();
let mut output = input;
let mut oversampler = Lanczos3Oversampler::new(output.len(), oversampling_factor);
oversampler.process(&mut output, oversampling_factor, |upsampled| {
for sample in upsampled {
*sample *= GAIN;
let reported_latency = oversampler.latency(oversampling_factor) as usize;
for (input_sample_idx, input_sample) in input
.take(input.len() - reported_latency)
let output_sample_idx = input_sample_idx + reported_latency;
let output_sample = output[output_sample_idx];
// There can be quite a big difference between the input and output thanks to the
// filter's ringing
approx::assert_relative_eq!(input_sample * GAIN, output_sample, epsilon = 0.1);
fn latency_2x() {
fn latency_4x() {
fn latency_8x() {
fn latency_16x() {
fn sine_output_2x() {
fn sine_output_4x() {
fn sine_output_8x() {
fn sine_output_16x() {