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2022-10-20 12:26:12 +02:00

510 lines
22 KiB

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
pub fn derive_params(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as syn::DeriveInput);
let struct_name = &ast.ident;
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = ast.generics.split_for_impl();
let fields = match ast.data {
syn::Data::Struct(syn::DataStruct {
fields: syn::Fields::Named(named_fields),
}) => named_fields,
_ => {
return syn::Error::new(
"Deriving Params is only supported on structs with named fields",
// We only care about fields with `id`, `persist`, and `nested` attributes. For the `id` fields
// we'll build a mapping function that creates a hashmap containing pointers to those
// parameters. For the `persist` function we'll create functions that serialize and deserialize
// those fields individually (so they can be added and removed independently of eachother) using
// JSON. The `nested` fields should also implement the `Params` trait and their fields will be
// inherited and added to this field's lists. We'll also enforce that there are no duplicate
// keys at compile time.
// TODO: This duplication check doesn't work for nested fields since we don't know anything
// about the fields on the nested structs
let mut params: Vec<Param> = Vec::new();
let mut persistent_fields: Vec<PersistentField> = Vec::new();
let mut nested_params: Vec<NestedParams> = Vec::new();
for field in fields.named {
let field_name = match &field.ident {
Some(ident) => ident,
_ => continue,
// All attributes are mutually exclusive. If we encounter multiple or duplicate attributes,
// then we'll error out.
let mut processed_attribute = false;
for attr in &field.attrs {
if attr.path.is_ident("id") {
match attr.parse_meta() {
Ok(syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue {
lit: syn::Lit::Str(s),
})) => {
if processed_attribute {
return syn::Error::new(
"Duplicate or incompatible attribute found",
// This is a vector since we want to preserve the order. If structs get
// large enough to the point where a linear search starts being expensive,
// then the plugin should probably start splitting up their parameters.
if params.iter().any(|p| p.id == s) {
return syn::Error::new(
"Multiple parameters with the same ID found",
params.push(Param {
id: s,
field: field_name.clone(),
processed_attribute = true;
_ => {
return syn::Error::new(
"The id attribute should be a key-value pair with a string argument: \
#[id = \"foo_bar\"]",
} else if attr.path.is_ident("persist") {
match attr.parse_meta() {
Ok(syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue {
lit: syn::Lit::Str(s),
})) => {
if processed_attribute {
return syn::Error::new(
"Duplicate or incompatible attribute found",
if persistent_fields.iter().any(|p| p.key == s) {
return syn::Error::new(
"Multiple persistent fields with the same key found",
persistent_fields.push(PersistentField {
key: s,
field: field_name.clone(),
processed_attribute = true;
_ => {
return syn::Error::new(
"The persist attribute should be a key-value pair with a string \
argument: #[persist = \"foo_bar\"]",
} else if attr.path.is_ident("nested") {
// This one is more complicated. Support an `array` attribute, an `id_prefix =
// "foo"` attribute, and a `group = "group name"` attribute. All are optional, and
// the first two are mutually exclusive.
let mut nested_array = false;
let mut nested_id_prefix: Option<syn::LitStr> = None;
let mut nested_group: Option<syn::LitStr> = None;
match attr.parse_meta() {
Ok(syn::Meta::List(syn::MetaList {
nested: nested_attrs,
})) => {
if processed_attribute {
return syn::Error::new(
"Duplicate or incompatible attribute found",
for nested_attr in nested_attrs {
match nested_attr {
if p.is_ident("array") =>
nested_array = true;
syn::MetaNameValue {
lit: syn::Lit::Str(s),
)) if path.is_ident("id_prefix") => {
nested_id_prefix = Some(s.clone());
syn::MetaNameValue {
lit: syn::Lit::Str(s),
)) if path.is_ident("group") => {
let group_name = s.value();
if group_name.is_empty() {
return syn::Error::new(
"Group names cannot be empty",
} else if group_name.contains('/') {
return syn::Error::new(
"Group names may not contain slashes",
} else {
nested_group = Some(s.clone());
_ => {
return syn::Error::new(
"Unknown attribute. See the Params trait documentation \
for more information.",
nested_params.push(match (nested_array, nested_id_prefix) {
(true, None) => NestedParams::Array {
field: field_name.clone(),
group: nested_group,
(false, Some(id_prefix)) => NestedParams::Prefixed {
field: field_name.clone(),
group: nested_group,
(false, None) => NestedParams::Inline {
field: field_name.clone(),
group: nested_group,
(true, Some(_)) => {
return syn::Error::new(
"'array' cannot be used together with 'id_prefix'",
processed_attribute = true;
_ => {
return syn::Error::new(
"The nested attribute should be a list in the following format: \
#[nested([array | id_prefix = \"foo\"], [group = \"group name\"])]",
// The next step is build the gathered information into tokens that can be spliced into a
// `Params` implementation
let param_map_tokens = {
// `param_map` adds the parameters from this struct, and then handles the nested tokens.
let param_mapping_self_tokens = params.into_iter().map(
|Param {field, id}| quote! { (String::from(#id), self.#field.as_ptr(), String::new()) },
// How nested parameters are handled depends on the `NestedParams` variant.
// These are pairs of `(parameter_id, param_ptr, param_group)`. The specific
// parameter types know how to convert themselves into the correct ParamPtr variant.
// Top-level parameters have no group, and we'll prefix the group name specified in
// the `#[nested(...)]` attribute to fields coming from nested groups
let param_mapping_nested_tokens = nested_params.iter().map(|nested| match nested {
// TODO: No idea how to splice this as an `Option<&str>`, so this involves some
// copy-pasting
NestedParams::Inline { field, group: Some(group) } => quote! {
param_map.extend(self.#field.param_map().into_iter().map(|(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)| {
if nested_group_name.is_empty() {
(param_id, param_ptr, String::from(#group))
} else {
(param_id, param_ptr, format!("{}/{}", #group, nested_group_name))
NestedParams::Inline { field, group: None } => quote! {
NestedParams::Prefixed {
group: Some(group),
} => quote! {
param_map.extend(self.#field.param_map().into_iter().map(|(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)| {
let param_id = format!("{}_{}", #id_prefix, param_id);
if nested_group_name.is_empty() {
(param_id, param_ptr, String::from(#group))
} else {
(param_id, param_ptr, format!("{}/{}", #group, nested_group_name))
NestedParams::Prefixed {
group: None,
} => quote! {
param_map.extend(self.#field.param_map().into_iter().map(|(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)| {
let param_id = format!("{}_{}", #id_prefix, param_id);
(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)
// We'll start at index 1 for display purposes. Both the group and the parameter ID get
// a suffix matching the array index.
NestedParams::Array { field, group: Some(group) } => quote! {
param_map.extend(self.#field.iter().enumerate().flat_map(|(idx, params)| {
let idx = idx + 1;
params.param_map().into_iter().map(move |(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)| {
let param_id = format!("{}_{}", param_id, idx);
let group = format!("{} {}", #group, idx);
// Note that this is different from the other variants
if nested_group_name.is_empty() {
(param_id, param_ptr, group)
} else {
(param_id, param_ptr, format!("{}/{}", group, nested_group_name))
NestedParams::Array { field, group: None } => quote! {
param_map.extend(self.#field.iter().enumerate().flat_map(|(idx, params)| {
let idx = idx + 1;
params.param_map().into_iter().map(move |(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)| {
let param_id = format!("{}_{}", param_id, idx);
(param_id, param_ptr, nested_group_name)
quote! {
// This may not be in scope otherwise, used to call .as_ptr()
use ::nih_plug::params::Param;
let mut param_map = vec![#(#param_mapping_self_tokens),*];
let (serialize_fields_tokens, deserialize_fields_tokens) = {
// Like with `param_map()`, we'll try to do the serialization for this struct and then
// recursively call the child parameter structs. We don't know anything about the actual
// field types, but because we can generate this function we can get type erasure for free
// since we only need to worry about byte vectors.
let (serialize_fields_self_tokens, deserialize_fields_match_self_tokens): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
.map(|PersistentField { field, key }| {
quote! {
match ::nih_plug::params::persist::PersistentField::map(
) {
Ok(data) => {
serialized.insert(String::from(#key), data);
Err(err) => {
"Could not serialize '{}': {}",
quote! {
#key => {
match ::nih_plug::params::persist::deserialize_field(&data) {
Ok(deserialized) => {
Err(err) => {
"Could not deserialize '{}': {}",
let (serialize_fields_nested_tokens, deserialize_fields_nested_tokens): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
.map(|nested| match nested {
NestedParams::Inline { field, .. } | NestedParams::Prefixed { field, .. } => (
// TODO: For some reason the macro won't parse correctly if you inline this
quote! {
let inlineme = self.#field.serialize_fields();
quote! { self.#field.deserialize_fields(serialized) },
NestedParams::Array { field, .. } => (
quote! {
for field in self.#field.iter() {
quote! {
for field in self.#field.iter() {
let serialize_fields_tokens = quote! {
let mut serialized = ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
let deserialize_fields_tokens = quote! {
for (field_name, data) in serialized {
match field_name.as_str() {
_ => ::nih_plug::nih_debug_assert_failure!("Unknown serialized field name: {} (this may not be accurate)", field_name),
// FIXME: The above warning will course give false postiives when using nested
// parameter structs. An easy fix would be to use
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/struct.HashMap.html#method.drain_filter
// once that gets stabilized.
(serialize_fields_tokens, deserialize_fields_tokens)
quote! {
unsafe impl #impl_generics Params for #struct_name #ty_generics #where_clause {
fn param_map(&self) -> Vec<(String, nih_plug::prelude::ParamPtr, String)> {
fn serialize_fields(&self) -> ::std::collections::BTreeMap<String, String> {
fn deserialize_fields(&self, serialized: &::std::collections::BTreeMap<String, String>) {
/// A parameter that should be added to the parameter map.
struct Param {
/// The name of the parameter's field on the struct.
field: syn::Ident,
/// The parameter's unique ID.
id: syn::LitStr,
/// A field containing data that must be stored in the plugin's state.
struct PersistentField {
/// The name of the field on the struct.
field: syn::Ident,
/// The field's unique key.
key: syn::LitStr,
/// A field containing another object whose parameters and persistent fields should be added to this
/// struct's.
enum NestedParams {
/// The nested struct's parameters are taken as is.
Inline {
field: syn::Ident,
group: Option<syn::LitStr>,
/// The nested struct's parameters will get an ID prefix. The original parmaeter with ID `foo`
/// will become `{id_prefix}_foo`.
Prefixed {
field: syn::Ident,
id_prefix: syn::LitStr,
group: Option<syn::LitStr>,
/// This field is an array-like data structure containing nested parameter structs. The
/// parameter `foo` will get the new parameter ID `foo_{array_idx + 1}`, and if the group name
/// is set then the group will be `{group_name} {array_idx + 1}`.
Array {
field: syn::Ident,
group: Option<syn::LitStr>,