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synced 2025-02-23 23:57:43 +11:00
Merge pull request #165 from 42-technology-ltd/bootrom_functions_update
Bootrom functions update
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 526 additions and 221 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
//! # 'ROM Functions' Example
//! This application demonstrates how to call functions in the RP2040's boot ROM.
//! It may need to be adapted to your particular board layout and/or pin assignment.
//! See the `Cargo.toml` file for Copyright and licence details.
// The macro for our start-up function
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
// Ensure we halt the program on panic (if we don't mention this crate it won't
// be linked)
use panic_halt as _;
// Alias for our HAL crate
use rp2040_hal as hal;
// A shorter alias for the Peripheral Access Crate, which provides low-level
// register access
use hal::pac;
// Some traits we need
use core::fmt::Write;
/// The linker will place this boot block at the start of our program image. We
// need this to help the ROM bootloader get our code up and running.
#[link_section = ".boot2"]
pub static BOOT2: [u8; 256] = rp2040_boot2::BOOT_LOADER;
/// External high-speed crystal on the Raspberry Pi Pico board is 12 MHz. Adjust
/// if your board has a different frequency
const XTAL_FREQ_HZ: u32 = 12_000_000u32;
/// Our Cortex-M systick goes from this value down to zero. For our timer maths
/// to work, this value must be of the form `2**N - 1`.
const SYSTICK_RELOAD: u32 = 0x00FF_FFFF;
/// Entry point to our bare-metal application.
/// The `#[entry]` macro ensures the Cortex-M start-up code calls this function
/// as soon as all global variables are initialised.
/// The function configures the RP2040 peripherals, then writes to the UART in
/// an inifinite loop.
fn main() -> ! {
// Grab our singleton objects
let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut core = pac::CorePeripherals::take().unwrap();
// Set up the watchdog driver - needed by the clock setup code
let mut watchdog = hal::watchdog::Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
// Configure the clocks
let clocks = hal::clocks::init_clocks_and_plls(
&mut pac.RESETS,
&mut watchdog,
// The single-cycle I/O block controls our GPIO pins
let sio = hal::sio::Sio::new(pac.SIO);
// Set the pins to their default state
let pins = hal::gpio::Pins::new(
&mut pac.RESETS,
let mut uart = hal::uart::UartPeripheral::<_, _>::enable(
&mut pac.RESETS,
// UART TX (characters sent from RP2040) on pin 1 (GPIO0)
let _tx_pin = pins.gpio0.into_mode::<hal::gpio::FunctionUart>();
// UART RX (characters reveived by RP2040) on pin 2 (GPIO1)
let _rx_pin = pins.gpio1.into_mode::<hal::gpio::FunctionUart>();
writeln!(uart, "ROM Copyright: {}", hal::rom_data::copyright_string()).unwrap();
"ROM Git Revision: 0x{:x}",
// Some ROM functions are exported directly, so we can just call them
"popcount32(0xF000_0001) = {}",
// Try to hide the numbers from the compiler so it is forced to do the maths
let x = hal::rom_data::popcount32(0xFF) as f32; // 8
let y = hal::rom_data::popcount32(0xFFF) as f32; // 12
// Use systick as a count-down timer
// Do some simple sums
let start_soft = cortex_m::peripheral::SYST::get_current();
let soft_result = x * y;
let end_soft = cortex_m::peripheral::SYST::get_current();
"{} x {} = {} in {} systicks (doing soft-float maths)",
calc_delta(start_soft, end_soft)
// Some functions require a look-up in a table. First we do the lookup and
// find the function pointer in ROM (you only want to do this once per
// function).
let fmul = hal::rom_data::float_funcs::fmul();
// Then we can call the function whenever we want
let start_rom = cortex_m::peripheral::SYST::get_current();
let rom_result = fmul(x, y);
let end_rom = cortex_m::peripheral::SYST::get_current();
"{} x {} = {} in {} systicks (using the ROM)",
calc_delta(start_rom, end_rom)
// Now just spin (whilst the UART does its thing)
for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
// Reboot back into USB mode (no activity, both interfaces enabled)
rp2040_hal::rom_data::reset_to_usb_boot(0, 0);
// In case the reboot fails
loop {
/// Calculate the number of systicks elapsed between two counter readings.
/// Note: SYSTICK starts at `SYSTICK_RELOAD` and counts down towards zero, so
/// these comparisons might appear to be backwards.
/// ```
/// assert_eq!(1, calc_delta(SYSTICK_RELOAD, SYSTICK_RELOAD - 1));
/// assert_eq!(2, calc_delta(0, SYSTICK_RELOAD - 1));
//// ```
fn calc_delta(start: u32, end: u32) -> u32 {
if start < end {
(start.wrapping_sub(end)) & SYSTICK_RELOAD
} else {
start - end
// End of file
@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
//! Functions and data from the RPI Bootrom.
//! From the [RP2040 datasheet](https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/rp2040/rp2040-datasheet.pdf), Section
//! > The Bootrom contains a number of public functions that provide useful
//! > RP2040 functionality that might be needed in the absence of any other code
//! > on the device, as well as highly optimized versions of certain key
//! > functionality that would otherwise have to take up space in most user
//! > binaries.
/// A bootrom function table code.
pub type RomFnTableCode = [u8; 2];
@ -6,15 +14,15 @@ pub type RomFnTableCode = [u8; 2];
/// This function searches for (table)
type RomTableLookupFn<T> = unsafe extern "C" fn(*const u16, u32) -> T;
/// The following addresses are described at `2.8.3. Bootrom Contents`
/// The following addresses are described at `2.8.2. Bootrom Contents`
/// Pointer to the lookup table function supplied by the rom.
const ROM_TABLE_LOOKUP_PTR: *const u16 = 0x18 as _;
const ROM_TABLE_LOOKUP_PTR: *const u16 = 0x0000_0018 as _;
/// Pointer to helper functions lookup table.
const FUNC_TABLE: *const u16 = 0x14 as _;
const FUNC_TABLE: *const u16 = 0x0000_0014 as _;
/// Pointer to the public data lookup table.
const DATA_TABLE: *const u16 = 0x16 as _;
const DATA_TABLE: *const u16 = 0x0000_0016 as _;
/// Retrive rom content from a table using a code.
fn rom_table_lookup<T>(table: *const u16, tag: RomFnTableCode) -> T {
@ -28,6 +36,12 @@ fn rom_table_lookup<T>(table: *const u16, tag: RomFnTableCode) -> T {
/// To save space, the ROM likes to store memory pointers (which are 32-bit on
/// the Cortex-M0+) using only the bottom 16-bits. The assumption is that the
/// values they point at live in the first 64 KiB of ROM, and the ROM is mapped
/// to address `0x0000_0000` and so 16-bits are always sufficient.
/// This functions grabs a 16-bit value from ROM and expands it out to a full 32-bit pointer.
unsafe fn rom_hword_as_ptr(rom_address: *const u16) -> *const u32 {
let ptr: u16 = *rom_address;
ptr as *const u32
@ -101,8 +115,10 @@ rom_funcs_unsafe! {
/// Sets n bytes start at ptr to the value c and returns ptr
b"MS" memset(ptr: *mut u8, c: u8, n: u8) -> *mut u8;
/// Sets n bytes start at ptr to the value c and returns ptr. Note this is a slightly more
/// efficient variant of _memset that may only be used if ptr is word aligned.
/// Sets n bytes start at ptr to the value c and returns ptr.
/// Note this is a slightly more efficient variant of _memset that may only
/// be used if ptr is word aligned.
b"M4" memset4(ptr: *mut u32, c: u8, n: u32) -> *mut u32;
/// Copies n bytes starting at src to dest and returns dest. The results are undefined if the
@ -110,7 +126,9 @@ rom_funcs_unsafe! {
b"MC" memcpy(dest: *mut u8, src: *mut u8, n: u32) -> u8;
/// Copies n bytes starting at src to dest and returns dest. The results are undefined if the
/// regions overlap. Note this is a slightly more efficient variant of _memcpy that may only be
/// regions overlap.
/// Note this is a slightly more efficient variant of _memcpy that may only be
/// used if dest and src are word aligned.
b"C4" memcpy44(dest: *mut u32, src: *mut u32, n: u32) -> *mut u8;
@ -118,6 +136,7 @@ rom_funcs_unsafe! {
b"IF" connect_internal_flash() -> ();
/// First set up the SSI for serial-mode operations, then issue the fixed XIP exit sequence.
/// Note that the bootrom code uses the IO forcing logic to drive the CS pin, which must be
/// cleared before returning the SSI to XIP mode (e.g. by a call to _flash_flush_cache). This
/// function configures the SSI with a fixed SCK clock divisor of /6.
@ -130,8 +149,9 @@ rom_funcs_unsafe! {
/// 4096 bytes.
b"RE" flash_range_erase(addr: u32, count: usize, block_size: u32, block_cmd: u8) -> ();
/// Program data to a range of flash addresses starting at addr (offset from the start of flash)
/// and count bytesin size. addr must be aligned to a 256-byte boundary, and count must be a
/// Program data to a range of flash addresses starting at `addr` (and
/// offset from the start of flash) and `count` bytes in size. The value
/// `addr` must be aligned to a 256-byte boundary, and `count` must be a
/// multiple of 256.
b"RP" flash_range_program(addr: u32, data: *const u8, count: usize) -> ();
@ -173,15 +193,17 @@ pub fn git_revision() -> u32 {
unsafe { *s }
/// The start address of the floating point library code and data. This and fplib_end along with the individual
/// function pointers in soft_float_table can be used to copy the floating point implementation into RAM if
/// desired.
/// The start address of the floating point library code and data.
/// This and fplib_end along with the individual function pointers in
/// soft_float_table can be used to copy the floating point implementation into
/// RAM if desired.
pub fn fplib_start() -> *const u8 {
rom_table_lookup(DATA_TABLE, *b"FS")
/// See Table 181 for the contents of this table.
pub fn soft_float_table() -> *const u16 {
/// See Table 180 in the RP2040 datasheet for the contents of this table.
pub fn soft_float_table() -> *const usize {
rom_table_lookup(DATA_TABLE, *b"SF")
@ -190,221 +212,315 @@ pub fn fplib_end() -> *const u8 {
rom_table_lookup(DATA_TABLE, *b"FE")
/// This entry is only present in the V2 bootrom. See Table 182 for the contents of this table.
pub fn soft_double_table() -> *const u16 {
/// This entry is only present in the V2 bootrom. See Table 182 in the RP2040 datasheet for the contents of this table.
pub fn soft_double_table() -> *const usize {
rom_table_lookup(DATA_TABLE, *b"SD")
macro_rules! float_funcs {
$offset:literal $name:ident (
$( $aname:ident : $aty:ty ),*
) -> $ret:ty;
) => {
pub fn $name() -> extern "C" fn( $( $aname : $aty ),* ) -> $ret {
let table: *const *const u16 = rom_table_lookup(DATA_TABLE, *b"SF");
unsafe {
/// ROM functions using single-precision arithmetic (i.e. 'f32' in Rust terms)
pub mod float_funcs {
macro_rules! make_functions {
$offset:literal $name:ident (
$( $aname:ident : $aty:ty ),*
) -> $ret:ty;
) => {
pub fn $name() -> extern "C" fn( $( $aname : $aty ),* ) -> $ret {
let table: *const usize = $crate::rom_data::soft_float_table() as *const usize;
unsafe {
// This is the entry in the table. Our offset is given as a
// byte offset, but we want the table index (each pointer in
// the table is 4 bytes long)
let entry: *const usize = table.offset($offset / 4);
// Read the pointer from the table
let ptr: usize = core::ptr::read(entry);
// Convert the pointer we read into a function
make_functions! {
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a + b`
0x00 fadd(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a - b`
0x04 fsub(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a * b`
0x08 fmul(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a / b`
0x0c fdiv(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
// 0x10 and 0x14 are deprecated
/// Returns a function that will calculate `sqrt(v)` (or return -Infinity if v is negative)
0x18 fsqrt(v: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to a signed integer,
/// rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie within the
/// range `-0x80000000` to `0x7FFFFFFF`
0x1c float_to_int(v: f32) -> i32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to an signed fixed point
/// integer representation where n specifies the position of the binary
/// point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g.
/// `f(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity,
/// and clamps the resulting integer to lie within the range `0x00000000` to
/// `0xFFFFFFFF`
0x20 float_to_fix(v: f32, n: i32) -> i32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to an unsigned integer,
/// rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie within the
/// range `0x00000000` to `0xFFFFFFFF`
0x24 float_to_uint(v: f32) -> u32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to an unsigned fixed point
/// integer representation where n specifies the position of the binary
/// point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g.
/// `f(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity,
/// and clamps the resulting integer to lie within the range `0x00000000` to
/// `0xFFFFFFFF`
0x28 float_to_ufix(v: f32, n: i32) -> u32;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed integer to the nearest
/// f32 value, rounding to even on tie
0x2c int_to_float(v: i32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed fixed point integer
/// representation to the nearest f32 value, rounding to even on tie. `n`
/// specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so `f =
/// nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x30 fix_to_float(v: i32, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned integer to the nearest
/// f32 value, rounding to even on tie
0x34 uint_to_float(v: u32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned fixed point integer
/// representation to the nearest f32 value, rounding to even on tie. `n`
/// specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so `f =
/// nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x38 ufix_to_float(v: u32, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the cosine of `angle`. The value
/// of `angle` is in radians, and must be in the range `-1024` to `1024`
0x3c fcos(angle: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the sine of `angle`. The value of
/// `angle` is in radians, and must be in the range `-1024` to `1024`
0x40 fsin(angle: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the tangent of `angle`. The value
/// of `angle` is in radians, and must be in the range `-1024` to `1024`
0x44 ftan(angle: f32) -> f32;
// 0x48 is deprecated
/// Returns a function that will calculate the exponential value of `v`,
/// i.e. `e ** v`
0x4c fexp(v: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the natural logarithm of `v`. If `v <= 0` return -Infinity
0x50 fln(v: f32) -> f32;
// These are only on BootROM v2 or higher
/// Returns a function that will compare two floating point numbers, returning:
/// • 0 if a == b
/// • -1 if a < b
/// • 1 if a > b
0x54 fcmp(a: f32, b: f32) -> i32;
/// Returns a function that will compute the arc tangent of `y/x` using the
/// signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant
0x58 fatan2(y: f32, x: f32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed 64-bit integer to the
/// nearest f32 value, rounding to even on tie
0x5c int64_to_float(v: i64) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed fixed point 64-bit integer
/// representation to the nearest f32 value, rounding to even on tie. `n`
/// specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so `f =
/// nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x60 fix64_to_float(v: i64, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to the
/// nearest f32 value, rounding to even on tie
0x64 uint64_to_float(v: u64) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned fixed point 64-bit
/// integer representation to the nearest f32 value, rounding to even on
/// tie. `n` specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// `f = nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x68 ufix64_to_float(v: u64, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Convert an f32 to a signed 64-bit integer, rounding towards -Infinity,
/// and clamping the result to lie within the range `-0x8000000000000000` to
0x6c float_to_int64(v: f32) -> i64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to a signed fixed point
/// 64-bit integer representation where n specifies the position of the
/// binary point in the resulting fixed point representation - e.g. `f(0.5f,
/// 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the
/// resulting integer to lie within the range `-0x8000000000000000` to
0x70 float_to_fix64(v: f32, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to an unsigned 64-bit
/// integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie
/// within the range `0x0000000000000000` to `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF`
0x74 float_to_uint64(v: f32) -> u64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f32 to an unsigned fixed point
/// 64-bit integer representation where n specifies the position of the
/// binary point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g. `f(0.5f,
/// 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the
/// resulting integer to lie within the range `0x0000000000000000` to
0x78 float_to_ufix64(v: f32, n: i32) -> u64;
/// Converts an f32 to an f64.
0x7c float_to_double(v: f32) -> f64;
float_funcs! {
/// Return a + b.
0x00 fadd(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Return a - b.
0x04 fsub(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Return a * b.
0x08 fmul(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Return a / b.
0x0c fdiv(a: f32, b: f32) -> f32;
/// Return the square root of v or -INFINITY if v is negative.
0x18 fsqrt(v: f32) -> f32;
/// Convert a float to a signed integer, rounding towards -INFINITY, and clamping the result
/// to lie within the range -0x80000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF.
0x1c float_to_int(v: f32) -> i32;
/// Convert a float to a signed fixed point integer reprsentation where n specifies the
/// position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation. e.g.
/// float_to_fix(0.5, 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -INFINITY, and clamps
/// the resulting integer to lie within the range -800000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF.
0x20 float_to_fix(v: f32, n: i32) -> i32;
/// Convert a float to an unsigned integer, rounding towards -INFINITY, and clamping the result
/// to lie within the range 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF
0x24 float_to_uint(v: f32) -> u32;
/// Convert a float to an unsigned fixed point integer representation where n specifies the
/// position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g.
/// float_to_ufix(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the
/// resulting integer to lie within the range 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF.
0x28 float_to_ufix(v: f32, n: i32) -> u32;
/// Convert a signed integer to the nearest float value, rounding to even on tie.
0x2c int_to_float(v: i32) -> f32;
/// Convert a signed fixed point integer representation to the nearest float value, rounding
/// to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/2^n).
0x30 fix_to_float(v: i32, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Convert an unsigned integer to the nearest float value, rounding to even on tie.
0x34 uint_to_float(v: u32) -> f32;
/// Convert a unsigned fixed point integer representation to the nearest float value, rounding
/// to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/2^n).
0x38 ufix_to_float(v: u32, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Return the cosine of angle. angle is in radians, and must be in the range -128 to 128.
0x3c fcos(angle: f32) -> f32;
/// Return the sine of angle. angle is in radians, and must be in the range -128 to 128.
0x40 fsin(angle: f32) -> f32;
/// Return the tangent of angle. angle is in radians, and must be in the range -128 to 128.
0x44 ftan(angle: f32) -> f32;
/// Return the exponential value of v, i.e. so e^v.
0x4c fexp(v: f32) -> f32;
/// Return the natural logarithm of v. If v <= 0 return -Infinity.
0x50 fln(v: f32) -> f32;
/// Compares two floating point numbers, returning:
/// * 0 if a == b
/// * -1 if a < b
/// * 1 if a > b
0x54 fcmp(a: f32, b: f32) -> i32;
/// Computes the arc tangent of y/x using the signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant.
0x58 fatan2(y: f32, x: f32) -> f32;
/// Convert a signed 64-bit integer to the nearest float value, rounding to even on tie.
0x5c int64_to_float(v: i64) -> f32;
/// Convert a signed fixed point integer representation to the nearest float value, rounding
/// to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/2^n).
0x60 fix64_to_float(v: i64, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to the nearest float value, rounding to even on tie.
0x64 uint64_to_float(v: u64) -> f32;
/// Convert an unsigned fixed point integer representation to the nearest float value, rounding
/// to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/2^n).
0x68 ufix64_to_float(v: u64, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Convert a float to a signed 64-bit integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping
/// the result to lie within the range -0x8000000000000000 to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
0x6c float_to_int64(v: f32) -> i64;
/// Convert a float to a signed fixed point 64-bit integer representation where n
/// specifies the position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation -
/// e.g. _float2fix(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and
/// clamps the resulting integer to lie within the range -0x8000000000000000 to
0x70 float_to_fix64(v: f32, n: i32) -> f32;
/// Convert a float to an unsigned 64-bit integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and
/// clamping the result to lie within the range 0x0000000000000000 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
0x74 float_to_uint64(v: f32) -> u64;
/// Convert a float to an unsigned fixed point 64-bit integer representation where n
/// specifies the position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation,
/// e.g. _float2ufix(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and
/// clamps the resulting integer to lie within the range 0x0000000000000000 to
/// 0x78 float_to_ufix64(v: f32, n: i32) -> u64;
/// Converts a float to a double.
0x7c float_to_double(v: f32) -> f64;
/// Functions using double-precision arithmetic (i.e. 'f64' in Rust terms)
pub mod double_funcs {
macro_rules! double_funcs {
$offset:literal $name:ident (
$( $aname:ident : $aty:ty ),*
) -> $ret:ty;
) => {
pub fn $name() -> extern "C" fn( $( $aname : $aty ),* ) -> $ret {
let table: *const *const u16 = rom_table_lookup(DATA_TABLE, *b"SD");
unsafe {
macro_rules! make_double_funcs {
$offset:literal $name:ident (
$( $aname:ident : $aty:ty ),*
) -> $ret:ty;
) => {
pub fn $name() -> extern "C" fn( $( $aname : $aty ),* ) -> $ret {
let table: *const usize = $crate::rom_data::soft_double_table() as *const usize;
unsafe {
// This is the entry in the table. Our offset is given as a
// byte offset, but we want the table index (each pointer in
// the table is 4 bytes long)
let entry: *const usize = table.offset($offset / 4);
// Read the pointer from the table
let ptr: usize = core::ptr::read(entry);
// Convert the pointer we read into a function
make_double_funcs! {
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a + b`
0x00 dadd(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a - b`
0x04 dsub(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a * b`
0x08 dmul(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate `a / b`
0x0c ddiv(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
// 0x10 and 0x14 are deprecated
/// Returns a function that will calculate `sqrt(v)` (or return -Infinity if v is negative)
0x18 dsqrt(v: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to a signed integer,
/// rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie within the
/// range `-0x80000000` to `0x7FFFFFFF`
0x1c double_to_int(v: f64) -> i32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to an signed fixed point
/// integer representation where n specifies the position of the binary
/// point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g.
/// `f(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity,
/// and clamps the resulting integer to lie within the range `0x00000000` to
/// `0xFFFFFFFF`
0x20 double_to_fix(v: f64, n: i32) -> i32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to an unsigned integer,
/// rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie within the
/// range `0x00000000` to `0xFFFFFFFF`
0x24 double_to_uint(v: f64) -> u32;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to an unsigned fixed point
/// integer representation where n specifies the position of the binary
/// point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g.
/// `f(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity,
/// and clamps the resulting integer to lie within the range `0x00000000` to
/// `0xFFFFFFFF`
0x28 double_to_ufix(v: f64, n: i32) -> u32;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed integer to the nearest
/// double value, rounding to even on tie
0x2c int_to_double(v: i32) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed fixed point integer
/// representation to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie. `n`
/// specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so `f =
/// nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x30 fix_to_double(v: i32, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned integer to the nearest
/// double value, rounding to even on tie
0x34 uint_to_double(v: u32) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned fixed point integer
/// representation to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie. `n`
/// specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so f =
/// nearest(v/(2^n))
0x38 ufix_to_double(v: u32, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the cosine of `angle`. The value
/// of `angle` is in radians, and must be in the range `-1024` to `1024`
0x3c dcos(angle: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the sine of `angle`. The value of
/// `angle` is in radians, and must be in the range `-1024` to `1024`
0x40 dsin(angle: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the tangent of `angle`. The value
/// of `angle` is in radians, and must be in the range `-1024` to `1024`
0x44 dtan(angle: f64) -> f64;
// 0x48 is deprecated
/// Returns a function that will calculate the exponential value of `v`,
/// i.e. `e ** v`
0x4c dexp(v: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will calculate the natural logarithm of v. If v <= 0 return -Infinity
0x50 dln(v: f64) -> f64;
// These are only on BootROM v2 or higher
/// Returns a function that will compare two floating point numbers, returning:
/// • 0 if a == b
/// • -1 if a < b
/// • 1 if a > b
0x54 dcmp(a: f64, b: f64) -> i32;
/// Returns a function that will compute the arc tangent of `y/x` using the
/// signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant
0x58 datan2(y: f64, x: f64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed 64-bit integer to the
/// nearest double value, rounding to even on tie
0x5c int64_to_double(v: i64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert a signed fixed point 64-bit integer
/// representation to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie. `n`
/// specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so `f =
/// nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x60 fix64_to_doubl(v: i64, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to the
/// nearest double value, rounding to even on tie
0x64 uint64_to_double(v: u64) -> f64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an unsigned fixed point 64-bit
/// integer representation to the nearest double value, rounding to even on
/// tie. `n` specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// `f = nearest(v/(2^n))`
0x68 ufix64_to_double(v: u64, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Convert an f64 to a signed 64-bit integer, rounding towards -Infinity,
/// and clamping the result to lie within the range `-0x8000000000000000` to
0x6c double_to_int64(v: f64) -> i64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to a signed fixed point
/// 64-bit integer representation where n specifies the position of the
/// binary point in the resulting fixed point representation - e.g. `f(0.5f,
/// 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the
/// resulting integer to lie within the range `-0x8000000000000000` to
0x70 double_to_fix64(v: f64, n: i32) -> i64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to an unsigned 64-bit
/// integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie
/// within the range `0x0000000000000000` to `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF`
0x74 double_to_uint64(v: f64) -> u64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to an unsigned fixed point
/// 64-bit integer representation where n specifies the position of the
/// binary point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g. `f(0.5f,
/// 16) == 0x8000`. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the
/// resulting integer to lie within the range `0x0000000000000000` to
0x78 double_to_ufix64(v: f64, n: i32) -> u64;
/// Returns a function that will convert an f64 to an f32
0x7c double_to_float(v: f64) -> f32;
double_funcs! {
/// Return a + b
0x00 dadd(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Return a - b
0x04 dsub(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Return a * b
0x08 dmul(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Return a / b
0x0c ddiv(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64;
/// Return sqrt(v) or -Infinity if v is negative
0x18 dsqrt(v: f64) -> f64;
/// Convert a double to a signed integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result to lie
/// within the range -0x80000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF
0x1c double_to_int(v: f64) -> i32;
/// Convert a double to an unsigned fixed point integer representation where n specifies the
/// position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g. _double2ufix(0.5f,
/// 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the resulting integer to lie
/// within the range 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF
0x20 double_to_fix(v: f64, n: i32) -> i32;
/// Convert a double to an unsigned integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the result
/// to lie within the range 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF 0x24 double_to_uint(v: f64) -> u32;
0x28 double_to_ufix(v: f64, n: i32) -> u32;
/// Convert a signed integer to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie
0x2c int_to_double(v: i32) -> f64;
/// Convert a signed fixed point integer representation to the nearest double value, rounding to
/// even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so f = nearest(v/(2^n))
0x30 fix_to_double(v: i32, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Convert an unsigned integer to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie
0x34 uint_to_double(v: u32) -> f64;
/// Convert an unsigned fixed point integer representation to the nearest double value, rounding
/// to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/(2^n))
0x38 ufix_to_double(v: u32, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Return the cosine of angle. angle is in radians, and must be in the range -1024 to 1024
0x3c dcos(angle: f64) -> f64;
/// Return the sine of angle. angle is in radians, and must be in the range -1024 to 1024
0x40 dsin(angle: f64) -> f64;
/// Return the tangent of angle. angle is in radians, and must be in the range -1024 to 1024
0x44 dtan(angle: f64) -> f64;
/// Return the exponential value of v, i.e. so
0x4c dexp(v: f64) -> f64;
/// Return the natural logarithm of v. If v <= 0 return -Infinity
0x50 dln(v: f64) -> f64;
/// Compares two floating point numbers, returning:
/// • 0 if a == b
/// • -1 if a < b
/// • 1 if a > b
0x54 dcmp(a: f64, b: f64) -> i32;
/// Computes the arc tangent of y/x using the signs of arguments to determine the correct
/// quadrant
0x58 datan2(y: f64, x: f64) -> f64;
/// Convert a signed 64-bit integer to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie
0x5c int64_to_double(v: i64) -> f64;
/// Convert a signed fixed point 64-bit integer representation to the nearest double value,
/// rounding to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/(2^n))
0x60 fix64_to_doubl(v: i64, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Convert an unsigned 64-bit integer to the nearest double value, rounding to even on tie
0x64 uint64_to_double(v: u64) -> f64;
/// Convert an unsigned fixed point 64-bit integer representation to the nearest double value,
/// rounding to even on tie. n specifies the position of the binary point in fixed point, so
/// f = nearest(v/(2^n))
0x68 ufix64_to_double(v: u64, n: i32) -> f64;
/// Convert a double to a signed 64-bit integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and
0x6c double_to_int64(v: f64) -> i64;
/// Convert a double to a signed fixed point 64-bit integer representation where n specifies the
/// position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation - e.g. _double2fix(0.5f,
/// 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the resulting integer to lie
/// within the range -0x8000000000000000 to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
0x70 double_to_fix64(v: f64, n: i32) -> i64;
/// Convert a double to an unsigned 64-bit integer, rounding towards -Infinity, and clamping the
/// result to lie within the range 0x0000000000000000 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
0x74 double_to_uint64(v: f64) -> u64;
/// Convert a double to an unsigned fixed point 64-bit integer representation where n specifies
/// the position of the binary point in the resulting fixed point representation, e.g.
/// _double2ufix(0.5f, 16) == 0x8000. This method rounds towards -Infinity, and clamps the
/// resulting integer to lie within the range 0x0000000000000000 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
0x78 double_to_ufix64(v: f64, n: i32) -> u64;
/// Converts a double to a float
0x7c double_to_float(v: f64) -> f32;
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