//! Clocks (CLOCKS) // See [Chapter 2 Section 15](https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/rp2040/rp2040_datasheet.pdf) for more details use crate::pac::*; #[macro_use] mod macros; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] /// Provides refs to the CLOCKS block. pub struct ShareableClocks { _internal: (), } impl ShareableClocks { fn new(_clocks: &mut CLOCKS) -> Self { ShareableClocks { _internal: () } } unsafe fn get(&self) -> &clocks::RegisterBlock { &*CLOCKS::ptr() } } /// Abstraction layer providing Clock Management. pub struct ClocksManager { clocks: CLOCKS, shared_clocks: ShareableClocks, } impl ClocksManager { /// Exchanges CLOCKS block against Self. pub fn new(mut clocks_block: CLOCKS) -> Self { let shared_clocks = ShareableClocks::new(&mut clocks_block); ClocksManager { clocks: clocks_block, shared_clocks, } } /// Releases the CLOCKS block pub fn free(self) -> CLOCKS { self.clocks } /// Getter for the Reference Clock. pub fn ref_clock(&self) -> ReferenceClock { ReferenceClock { shared_dev: self.shared_clocks, } } /// Getter for the System Clock pub fn sys_clock(&self) -> SystemClock { SystemClock { shared_dev: self.shared_clocks, } } /// Getter for the PeripheralClock pub fn peripheral_clock(&self) -> PeripheralClock { PeripheralClock { shared_dev: self.shared_clocks, } } } /// For clocks with an integer divider. pub trait IntegerDivision { /// Set integer divider value. fn set_int_div(&mut self, div: usize); } /// For clocks with a fraction divider. pub trait FractionDivision { /// Set fraction divider value. fn set_frac_div(&mut self, div: usize); } /// For clocks that can have XOSC as source. pub trait XOSCClockSource { /// Set XOSC as a source. fn set_xosc_src(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have ROSC as source. pub trait ROSCClockSource { /// set ROSC as a source. fn set_rosc_src(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have ... itself (?) as a source (is that the "glitchless mux" ?) pub trait SelfAuxClockSource { /// Set ... fn set_self_aux_src(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have the Reference Clock as source. pub trait ClockREFClockSource { /// Set Reference Clock as fn set_clkref_src(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have the System Clock as an auxilliary source. pub trait ClockSYSClockAuxSource { /// Set System Clock as source. fn set_clksys_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have XOSC as an auxilliary source. pub trait XOSCClockAuxSource { /// Set XOSC as auxilliary source. fn set_xosc_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have ROSC as an auxilliary source. pub trait ROSCClockAuxSource { /// Set ROSC as auxilliary source. fn set_rosc_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have ROSC_PH as an auxilliary source. pub trait ROSCPHClockAuxSource { /// Set ROSC_PH as auxilliary source. fn set_rosc_ph_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have PLL_USB as an auxilliary source. pub trait PLLUSBClockAuxSource { /// Set PLL_USB as auxilliary source. fn set_pll_usb_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have PLL_SYS as an auxilliary source. pub trait PLLSYSClockAuxSource { /// Set PLL_SYS as auxilliary source. fn set_pll_sys_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have gpin0 as an auxilliary source. pub trait Gpin0ClockAuxSource { /// Set clock to be received from gpin0 (auxilliary) fn set_gpin0_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks that can have gpin1 as an auxilliary source. pub trait Gpin1ClockAuxSource { /// Set clock to be received from gpin1 fn set_gpin1_auxsrc(&mut self); } /// For clocks having a generator. pub trait ClockGenerator { /// Enables the clock. fn enable(&mut self); /// Disables the clock. fn disable(&mut self); /// Kills the clock. fn kill(&mut self); } /// Reference Clock pub struct ReferenceClock { shared_dev: ShareableClocks, } xosc_source!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_ctrl); rosc_source!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_ctrl); selfaux_source!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_ctrl, clksrc_clk_ref_aux); gpin0_auxsource!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_ctrl); gpin1_auxsource!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_ctrl); pll_usb_auxsource!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_ctrl); int_division!(ReferenceClock, clk_ref_div, u8); /// System Clock pub struct SystemClock { shared_dev: ShareableClocks, } impl SystemClock { /// WIP - Helper function to reset source (blocking) pub fn reset_source_await(&self) { let shared_dev = unsafe { self.shared_dev.get() }; shared_dev.clk_sys_ctrl.write(|w| { w.src().clear_bit(); w }); self.await_select(0x1); } /// WIP - Helper function to select new source (blocking) pub fn await_select(&self, clock: u8) { let shared_dev = unsafe { self.shared_dev.get() }; while shared_dev.clk_sys_selected.read().bits() != clock as u32 { cortex_m::asm::nop(); } } } selfaux_source!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl, clksrc_clk_sys_aux); clockref_source!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); gpin0_auxsource!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); gpin1_auxsource!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); pll_usb_auxsource!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); pll_sys_auxsource!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); xosc_auxsource!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); rosc_auxsource!(SystemClock, clk_sys_ctrl); int_division!(SystemClock, clk_sys_div, u32); frac_division!(SystemClock, clk_sys_div, u8); /// Peripheral Clock pub struct PeripheralClock { shared_dev: ShareableClocks, } gpin0_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); gpin1_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); pll_usb_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); pll_sys_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); xosc_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); rosc_ph_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); clocksys_auxsource!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl); clock_generator!(PeripheralClock, clk_peri_ctrl);