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Paul Daniel Faria d3b0156269 Fix servo example in rp2040-servo, remove unusable aliases.
The servo example included phase correction, which does not work with the
provided divider. Updated comments to explain numbers and also explain
alternate calculation with phase correction enabled.

Remove unusable aliases from all servo pins. The board includes a 180 Ohm
resistor on all servo data pins, which makes the lines not very usable for
Spi, Uart or I2C. The aliases were removed given they will rarely, if ever,
be used with this board.
2022-09-21 18:00:37 +10:00

136 lines
4.3 KiB

//! # Pimoroni Servo2040 PWM Micro Servo Example
//! Moves the micro servo on a Servo2040 board using the PWM peripheral.
//! This will move in different positions the motor attached to GP0.
// GPIO traits
use embedded_hal::timer::CountDown;
use embedded_hal::PwmPin;
// Traits for converting integers to amounts of time
use fugit::ExtU64;
// Ensure we halt the program on panic (if we don't mention this crate it won't
// be linked)
use panic_halt as _;
// A shorter alias for the Peripheral Access Crate, which provides low-level
// register access
use pimoroni_servo2040::hal::pac;
// A shorter alias for the Hardware Abstraction Layer, which provides
// higher-level drivers.
use pimoroni_servo2040::hal;
/// Number of microseconds for the pwm signal period.
const PERIOD_US: u32 = 20_000;
/// Max resolution for the pwm signal.
const TOP: u16 = u16::MAX;
fn main() -> ! {
let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut watchdog = hal::Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
let sio = hal::Sio::new(pac.SIO);
let _clocks = hal::clocks::init_clocks_and_plls(
&mut pac.RESETS,
&mut watchdog,
// Configure the Timer peripheral in count-down mode
let timer = hal::Timer::new(pac.TIMER, &mut pac.RESETS);
let mut count_down = timer.count_down();
let pins = pimoroni_servo2040::Pins::new(
&mut pac.RESETS,
let pwm_slices = hal::pwm::Slices::new(pac.PWM, &mut pac.RESETS);
const MIN_PULSE: u16 = 1000;
const MID_PULSE: u16 = 1500;
const MAX_PULSE: u16 = 2000;
let mut pwm: hal::pwm::Slice<_, _> = pwm_slices.pwm0;
// 50Hz desired frequency
// Rp2040 clock = 125MHz
// Top = 65_535, resolution for counter (maximum possible u16 value)
// Wrap = Top+1 (number of possible values)
// Phase correction multiplier = 2 if phase correction enabled, else 1
// Divider = rp2040_clock / (Wrap * phase_correction_multiplier * desired_frequency)
// Divider = 125,000,000/(65_536 * 1 * 50)
// Divider = 38.14639
// Divider int = 38
// Divider frac = 3 (3/16 = 0.1875, smallest frac greater than desired clock divider).
// If phase correction enabled, then values would be:
// Divider = rp2040_clock / (Wrap * phase_correction_multiplier * desired_frequency)
// Divider = 125,000,000/(65_536 * 2 * 50)
// Divider = 19.073195
// Divider int = 19
// Divider frac = 2 (2/16 = .1250, smallest frac greater than desired clock divider).
// pwm.set_ph_correct();
// pwm.set_div_int(19);
// pwm.set_div_frac(2);
// Output channel A on PWM0 to the GPIO0/servo1 pin
let mut channel_a = pwm.channel_a;
let _channel_a_pin = channel_a.output_to(pins.servo1);
let movement_delay = 400.millis();
// Infinite loop, moving micro servo from one position to another.
// You may need to adjust the pulse width since several servos from
// different manufacturers respond differently.
loop {
// move to 0°
let _ = nb::block!(count_down.wait());
// 0° to 90°
let _ = nb::block!(count_down.wait());
// 90° to 0°
let _ = nb::block!(count_down.wait());
// 0° to -90°
let _ = nb::block!(count_down.wait());
/// Convert microseconds to duty value.
/// This function uses the constants TOP and PERIOD_US defined at the top of the file.
fn us_to_duty(us: u16) -> u16 {
// Do math in u32 so we maintain higher precision. If we do math in u16, we need to divide first
// and lose some precision when truncating the remainder.
(TOP as u32 * us as u32 / PERIOD_US) as u16