Jan Niehusmann 44019781e2 Use wfi in otherwise empty infinite loops in examples
- Clippy warns about empty loops, https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/6161
- wfi allows to CPU to save some power

WFI was avoided in examples for fear of ill interactions with debuggers.
However the rp2040 debug port does continue to work, as long as the
relevant clocks are not disabled in SLEEP_EN0/SLEEP_EN1. (By default,
all clocks stay enabled in sleep mode.)

This patch replaces several different workarounds with just calling wfi.
2022-08-01 14:54:03 +00:00

188 lines
6.9 KiB

//! # GPIO IRQ Example
//! This application demonstrates use of GPIO Interrupts.
//! It is also intended as a general introduction to interrupts with RP2040.
//! Each GPIO can be triggered on the input being high (LevelHigh), being low (LevelLow)
//! starting high and then going low (EdgeLow) or starting low and becoming high (EdgeHigh)
//! In this example, we trigger on EdgeLow. Our input pin configured to be pulled to the high logic-level
//! via an internal pullup resistor. This resistor is quite weak, so you can bring the logic level back to low
//! via an external jumper wire or switch.
//! Whenever we see the edge transition, we will toggle the output on GPIO25 - this is the LED pin on a Pico.
//! Note that this demo does not perform any [software debouncing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch#Contact_bounce).
//! You can fix that through hardware, or you could disable the button interrupt in the interrupt and re-enable it
//! some time later using one of the Alarms of the Timer peripheral - this is left as an exercise for the reader.
//! It may need to be adapted to your particular board layout and/or pin assignment.
//! See the `Cargo.toml` file for Copyright and license details.
// The macro for our start-up function
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
// Ensure we halt the program on panic (if we don't mention this crate it won't
// be linked)
use panic_halt as _;
// Alias for our HAL crate
use rp2040_hal as hal;
// A shorter alias for the Peripheral Access Crate, which provides low-level
// register access
use hal::pac;
// Some traits we need
use embedded_hal::digital::v2::ToggleableOutputPin;
// Our interrupt macro
use hal::pac::interrupt;
// Some short-cuts to useful types
use core::cell::RefCell;
use cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex;
use rp2040_hal::gpio;
// The GPIO interrupt type we're going to generate
use rp2040_hal::gpio::Interrupt::EdgeLow;
/// The linker will place this boot block at the start of our program image. We
/// need this to help the ROM bootloader get our code up and running.
#[link_section = ".boot2"]
pub static BOOT2: [u8; 256] = rp2040_boot2::BOOT_LOADER_W25Q080;
/// External high-speed crystal on the Raspberry Pi Pico board is 12 MHz. Adjust
/// if your board has a different frequency
const XTAL_FREQ_HZ: u32 = 12_000_000u32;
// Pin types quickly become very long!
// We'll create some type aliases using `type` to help with that
/// This pin will be our output - it will drive an LED if you run this on a Pico
type LedPin = gpio::Pin<gpio::bank0::Gpio25, gpio::PushPullOutput>;
/// This pin will be our interrupt source.
/// It will trigger an interrupt if pulled to ground (via a switch or jumper wire)
type ButtonPin = gpio::Pin<gpio::bank0::Gpio26, gpio::PullUpInput>;
/// Since we're always accessing these pins together we'll store them in a tuple.
/// Giving this tuple a type alias means we won't need to use () when putting them
/// inside an Option. That will be easier to read.
type LedAndButton = (LedPin, ButtonPin);
/// This how we transfer our Led and Button pins into the Interrupt Handler.
/// We'll have the option hold both using the LedAndButton type.
/// This will make it a bit easier to unpack them later.
static GLOBAL_PINS: Mutex<RefCell<Option<LedAndButton>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
/// Entry point to our bare-metal application.
/// The `#[entry]` macro ensures the Cortex-M start-up code calls this function
/// as soon as all global variables are initialised.
/// The function configures the RP2040 peripherals, then toggles a GPIO pin in
/// an infinite loop. If there is an LED connected to that pin, it will blink.
fn main() -> ! {
// Grab our singleton objects
let mut pac = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// Set up the watchdog driver - needed by the clock setup code
let mut watchdog = hal::Watchdog::new(pac.WATCHDOG);
// Configure the clocks
let _clocks = hal::clocks::init_clocks_and_plls(
&mut pac.RESETS,
&mut watchdog,
// The single-cycle I/O block controls our GPIO pins
let sio = hal::Sio::new(pac.SIO);
// Set the pins to their default state
let pins = hal::gpio::Pins::new(
&mut pac.RESETS,
// Configure GPIO 25 as an output to drive our LED.
// we can use into_mode() instead of into_pull_up_input()
// since the variable we're pushing it into has that type
let led = pins.gpio25.into_mode();
// Set up the GPIO pin that will be our input
let in_pin = pins.gpio26.into_mode();
// Trigger on the 'falling edge' of the input pin.
// This will happen as the button is being pressed
in_pin.set_interrupt_enabled(EdgeLow, true);
// Give away our pins by moving them into the `GLOBAL_PINS` variable.
// We won't need to access them in the main thread again
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
GLOBAL_PINS.borrow(cs).replace(Some((led, in_pin)));
// Unmask the IO_BANK0 IRQ so that the NVIC interrupt controller
// will jump to the interrupt function when the interrupt occurs.
// We do this last so that the interrupt can't go off while
// it is in the middle of being configured
unsafe {
loop {
// interrupts handle everything else in this example.
fn IO_IRQ_BANK0() {
// The `#[interrupt]` attribute covertly converts this to `&'static mut Option<LedAndButton>`
static mut LED_AND_BUTTON: Option<LedAndButton> = None;
// This is one-time lazy initialisation. We steal the variables given to us
// via `GLOBAL_PINS`.
if LED_AND_BUTTON.is_none() {
cortex_m::interrupt::free(|cs| {
*LED_AND_BUTTON = GLOBAL_PINS.borrow(cs).take();
// Need to check if our Option<LedAndButtonPins> contains our pins
if let Some(gpios) = LED_AND_BUTTON {
// borrow led and button by *destructuring* the tuple
// these will be of type `&mut LedPin` and `&mut ButtonPin`, so we don't have
// to move them back into the static after we use them
let (led, button) = gpios;
// Check if the interrupt source is from the pushbutton going from high-to-low.
// Note: this will always be true in this example, as that is the only enabled GPIO interrupt source
if button.interrupt_status(EdgeLow) {
// toggle can't fail, but the embedded-hal traits always allow for it
// we can discard the return value by assigning it to an unnamed variable
let _ = led.toggle();
// Our interrupt doesn't clear itself.
// Do that now so we don't immediately jump back to this interrupt handler.
// End of file