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//! Programmable IO (PIO)
//! See [Chapter 3 of the datasheet](https://rptl.io/rp2040-datasheet#section_pio) for more details.
use crate::{
atomic_register_access::{write_bitmask_clear, write_bitmask_set},
use pio::{Instruction, InstructionOperands, Program, SideSet, Wrap};
use rp2040_pac::{PIO0, PIO1};
const PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT: usize = 32;
/// PIO Instance
pub trait PIOExt:
core::ops::Deref<Target = rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock> + SubsystemReset + Sized + Send
/// Create a new PIO wrapper and split the state machines into individual objects.
#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // Required for symmetry with PIO::free().
fn split(
resets: &mut pac::RESETS,
) -> (
UninitStateMachine<(Self, SM0)>,
UninitStateMachine<(Self, SM1)>,
UninitStateMachine<(Self, SM2)>,
UninitStateMachine<(Self, SM3)>,
) {
let sm0 = UninitStateMachine {
block: self.deref(),
sm: &self.deref().sm[0],
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
let sm1 = UninitStateMachine {
block: self.deref(),
sm: &self.deref().sm[1],
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
let sm2 = UninitStateMachine {
block: self.deref(),
sm: &self.deref().sm[2],
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
let sm3 = UninitStateMachine {
block: self.deref(),
sm: &self.deref().sm[3],
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
used_instruction_space: 0,
pio: self,
impl PIOExt for PIO0 {}
impl PIOExt for PIO1 {}
/// Programmable IO Block
pub struct PIO<P: PIOExt> {
used_instruction_space: u32, // bit for each PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT
pio: P,
impl<P: PIOExt> core::fmt::Debug for PIO<P> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
.field("used_instruction_space", &self.used_instruction_space)
.field("pio", &"PIO { .. }")
// Safety: `PIO` only provides access to those registers which are not directly used by
// `StateMachine`.
unsafe impl<P: PIOExt> Send for PIO<P> {}
// Safety: `PIO` is marked Send so ensure all accesses remain atomic and no new concurrent accesses
// are added.
impl<P: PIOExt> PIO<P> {
/// Free this instance.
/// All output pins are left in their current state.
pub fn free(
_sm0: UninitStateMachine<(P, SM0)>,
_sm1: UninitStateMachine<(P, SM1)>,
_sm2: UninitStateMachine<(P, SM2)>,
_sm3: UninitStateMachine<(P, SM3)>,
) -> P {
// All state machines have already been stopped.
/// This PIO0's interrupts.
pub fn irq0(&self) -> Interrupt<'_, P, 0> {
Interrupt {
block: self.pio.deref(),
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// This PIO0's interrupts.
pub fn irq1(&self) -> Interrupt<'_, P, 1> {
Interrupt {
block: self.pio.deref(),
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Get raw irq flags.
/// The PIO has 8 IRQ flags, of which 4 are visible to the host processor. Each bit of `flags` corresponds to one of
/// the IRQ flags.
pub fn get_irq_raw(&self) -> u8 {
/// Clear PIO's IRQ flags indicated by the bits.
/// The PIO has 8 IRQ flags, of which 4 are visible to the host processor. Each bit of `flags` corresponds to one of
/// the IRQ flags.
// Safety: PIOExt provides exclusive access to the pio.irq register, this must be preserved to
// satisfy Send trait.
pub fn clear_irq(&self, flags: u8) {
self.pio.irq.write(|w| unsafe { w.irq().bits(flags) });
/// Force PIO's IRQ flags indicated by the bits.
/// The PIO has 8 IRQ flags, of which 4 are visible to the host processor. Each bit of `flags` corresponds to one of
/// the IRQ flags.
// Safety: PIOExt provides exclusive access to the pio.irq register, this must be preserved to
// satisfy Send trait.
pub fn force_irq(&self, flags: u8) {
.write(|w| unsafe { w.irq_force().bits(flags) });
/// Calculates a mask with the `len` right-most bits set.
fn instruction_mask(len: usize) -> u32 {
if len < 32 {
(1 << len) - 1
} else {
/// Tries to find an appropriate offset for the instructions, in range 0..=31.
fn find_offset_for_instructions(&self, i: &[u16], origin: Option<u8>) -> Option<u8> {
if i.len() > PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT || i.is_empty() {
} else {
let mask = Self::instruction_mask(i.len());
if let Some(origin) = origin {
if origin as usize > PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT - i.len()
|| self.used_instruction_space & (mask << origin) != 0
} else {
} else {
for i in (0..=32 - (i.len() as u8)).rev() {
if self.used_instruction_space & (mask << i) == 0 {
return Some(i);
/// Allocates space in instruction memory and installs the program.
/// The function returns a handle to the installed program that can be used to configure a
/// `StateMachine` via `PIOBuilder`. The program can be uninstalled to free instruction memory
/// via `uninstall()` once the state machine using the program has been uninitialized.
// Safety: PIOExt is marked send and should be the only object allowed to access pio.instr_mem
pub fn install(
&mut self,
p: &Program<{ pio::RP2040_MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE }>,
) -> Result<InstalledProgram<P>, InstallError> {
if let Some(offset) = self.find_offset_for_instructions(&p.code, p.origin) {
.map(|instr| {
if instr & 0b1110_0000_0000_0000 == 0 {
// this is a JMP instruction -> add offset to address
let address = (instr & 0b11111) as u8;
let address = address + offset;
address < pio::RP2040_MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE as u8,
"Invalid JMP out of the program after offset addition"
instr & (!0b11111) | address as u16
} else {
// this is not a JMP instruction -> keep it unchanged
.for_each(|(i, instr)| {
self.pio.instr_mem[i + offset as usize]
.write(|w| unsafe { w.instr_mem0().bits(instr) })
self.used_instruction_space |= Self::instruction_mask(p.code.len()) << offset;
Ok(InstalledProgram {
offset: offset as u8,
length: p.code.len() as u8,
side_set: p.side_set,
wrap: p.wrap,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
} else {
/// Removes the specified program from instruction memory, freeing the allocated space.
pub fn uninstall(&mut self, p: InstalledProgram<P>) {
let instr_mask = Self::instruction_mask(p.length as usize) << p.offset as u32;
self.used_instruction_space &= !instr_mask;
/// Handle to a program that was placed in the PIO's instruction memory.
/// Objects of this type can be reused for multiple state machines of the same PIO block to save
/// memory if multiple state machines are supposed to perform the same function (for example, if
/// one PIO block is used to implement multiple I2C busses).
/// `PIO::uninstall(program)` can be used to free the space occupied by the program once it is no
/// longer used.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// use rp2040_hal::{pac, pio::PIOBuilder, pio::PIOExt};
/// let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
/// let (mut pio, sm0, _, _, _) = peripherals.PIO0.split(&mut peripherals.RESETS);
/// // Install a program in instruction memory.
/// let program = pio_proc::pio_asm!(
/// ".wrap_target",
/// "set pins, 1 [31]",
/// "set pins, 0 [31]",
/// ".wrap"
/// ).program;
/// let installed = pio.install(&program).unwrap();
/// // Configure a state machine to use the program.
/// let (sm, rx, tx) = PIOBuilder::from_program(installed).build(sm0);
/// // Uninitialize the state machine again, freeing the program.
/// let (sm, installed) = sm.uninit(rx, tx);
/// // Uninstall the program to free instruction memory.
/// pio.uninstall(installed);
/// ```
/// # Safety
/// Objects of this type can outlive their `PIO` object. If the PIO block is reinitialized, the API
/// does not prevent the user from calling `uninstall()` when the PIO block does not actually hold
/// the program anymore. The user must therefore make sure that `uninstall()` is only called on the
/// PIO object which was used to install the program.
/// ```ignore
/// let (mut pio, sm0, sm1, sm2, sm3) = pac.PIO0.split(&mut pac.RESETS);
/// // Install a program in instruction memory.
/// let installed = pio.install(&program).unwrap();
/// // Reinitialize PIO.
/// let pio0 = pio.free(sm0, sm1, sm2, sm3);
/// let (mut pio, _, _, _, _) = pio0.split(&mut pac.RESETS);
/// // Do not do the following, the program is not in instruction memory anymore!
/// pio.uninstall(installed);
/// ```
pub struct InstalledProgram<P> {
offset: u8,
length: u8,
side_set: SideSet,
wrap: Wrap,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<P>,
impl<P: PIOExt> InstalledProgram<P> {
/// Get the warp target (entry point) of the instaled program.
pub fn wrap_target(&self) -> u8 {
self.offset + self.wrap.target
/// Get the offset the program is installed at.
pub fn offset(&self) -> u8 {
/// Clones this program handle so that it can be executed by two state machines at the same
/// time.
/// # Safety
/// This function is marked as unsafe because, once this function has been called, the
/// resulting handle can be used to call `PIO::uninstall()` while the program is still running.
/// The user has to make sure to call `PIO::uninstall()` only once and only after all state
/// machines using the program have been uninitialized.
pub unsafe fn share(&self) -> InstalledProgram<P> {
InstalledProgram {
offset: self.offset,
length: self.length,
side_set: self.side_set,
wrap: self.wrap,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// State machine identifier (without a specified PIO block).
pub trait StateMachineIndex: Send {
/// Numerical index of the state machine (0 to 3).
fn id() -> usize;
/// First state machine.
pub struct SM0;
/// Second state machine.
pub struct SM1;
/// Third state machine.
pub struct SM2;
/// Fourth state machine.
pub struct SM3;
impl StateMachineIndex for SM0 {
fn id() -> usize {
impl StateMachineIndex for SM1 {
fn id() -> usize {
impl StateMachineIndex for SM2 {
fn id() -> usize {
impl StateMachineIndex for SM3 {
fn id() -> usize {
/// Trait to identify a single state machine, as a generic type parameter to `UninitStateMachine`,
/// `InitStateMachine`, etc.
pub trait ValidStateMachine {
/// The PIO block to which this state machine belongs.
type PIO: PIOExt;
/// The index of this state machine (between 0 and 3).
fn id() -> usize;
/// First state machine of the first PIO block.
pub type PIO0SM0 = (PIO0, SM0);
/// Second state machine of the first PIO block.
pub type PIO0SM1 = (PIO0, SM1);
/// Third state machine of the first PIO block.
pub type PIO0SM2 = (PIO0, SM2);
/// Fourth state machine of the first PIO block.
pub type PIO0SM3 = (PIO0, SM3);
/// First state machine of the second PIO block.
pub type PIO1SM0 = (PIO1, SM0);
/// Second state machine of the second PIO block.
pub type PIO1SM1 = (PIO1, SM1);
/// Third state machine of the second PIO block.
pub type PIO1SM2 = (PIO1, SM2);
/// Fourth state machine of the second PIO block.
pub type PIO1SM3 = (PIO1, SM3);
impl<P: PIOExt, SM: StateMachineIndex> ValidStateMachine for (P, SM) {
type PIO = P;
fn id() -> usize {
/// Pin State in the PIO
/// Note the GPIO is able to override/invert that.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum PinState {
/// Pin in Low state.
/// Pin in Low state.
/// Pin direction in the PIO
/// Note the GPIO is able to override/invert that.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum PinDir {
/// Pin set as an Input
/// Pin set as an Output.
/// PIO State Machine (uninitialized, without a program).
pub struct UninitStateMachine<SM: ValidStateMachine> {
block: *const rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock,
sm: *const rp2040_pac::pio0::SM,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<SM>,
// Safety: `UninitStateMachine` only uses atomic accesses to shared registers.
unsafe impl<SM: ValidStateMachine + Send> Send for UninitStateMachine<SM> {}
// Safety: `UninitStateMachine` is marked Send so ensure all accesses remain atomic and no new
// concurrent accesses are added.
impl<SM: ValidStateMachine> UninitStateMachine<SM> {
/// Start and stop the state machine.
fn set_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
// Bits 3:0 are SM_ENABLE.
let mask = 1 << SM::id();
if enabled {
} else {
fn restart(&mut self) {
// Bits 7:4 are SM_RESTART.
self.set_ctrl_bits(1 << (SM::id() + 4));
fn reset_clock(&mut self) {
// Bits 11:8 are CLKDIV_RESTART.
self.set_ctrl_bits(1 << (SM::id() + 8));
// Safety: All ctrl set access should go through this function to ensure atomic access.
fn set_ctrl_bits(&mut self, bits: u32) {
// Safety: We only use the atomic alias of the register.
unsafe {
write_bitmask_set((*self.block).ctrl.as_ptr(), bits);
// Safety: All ctrl clear access should go through this function to ensure atomic access.
fn clear_ctrl_bits(&mut self, bits: u32) {
// Safety: We only use the atomic alias of the register.
unsafe {
write_bitmask_clear((*self.block).ctrl.as_ptr(), bits);
// Safety: The Send trait assumes this is the only write to sm_clkdiv
fn set_clock_divisor(&self, int: u16, frac: u8) {
// Safety: This is the only write to this register
unsafe {
.write(|w| w.int().bits(int).frac().bits(frac));
unsafe fn sm(&self) -> &rp2040_pac::pio0::SM {
unsafe fn pio(&self) -> &rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock {
/// PIO State Machine with an associated program.
pub struct StateMachine<SM: ValidStateMachine, State> {
sm: UninitStateMachine<SM>,
program: InstalledProgram<SM::PIO>,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<State>,
/// Marker for an initialized, but stopped state machine.
pub struct Stopped;
/// Marker for an initialized and running state machine.
pub struct Running;
/// Id for the PIO's IRQ
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum PioIRQ {
impl PioIRQ {
const fn to_index(self) -> usize {
match self {
PioIRQ::Irq0 => 0,
PioIRQ::Irq1 => 1,
impl<SM: ValidStateMachine, State> StateMachine<SM, State> {
/// Stops the state machine if it is still running and returns its program.
/// The program can be uninstalled to free space once it is no longer used by any state
/// machine.
pub fn uninit(
mut self,
_rx: Rx<SM>,
_tx: Tx<SM>,
) -> (UninitStateMachine<SM>, InstalledProgram<SM::PIO>) {
(self.sm, self.program)
/// The address of the instruction currently being executed.
pub fn instruction_address(&self) -> u32 {
// Safety: Read only access without side effect
unsafe { self.sm.sm().sm_addr.read().bits() }
#[deprecated(note = "Renamed to exec_instruction")]
/// Execute the instruction immediately.
pub fn set_instruction(&mut self, instruction: u16) {
let instruction =
Instruction::decode(instruction, self.program.side_set).expect("Invalid instruction");
/// Execute the instruction immediately.
/// If an instruction written to INSTR stalls, it is stored in the same instruction latch used
/// by OUT EXEC and MOV EXEC, and will overwrite an in-progress instruction there. If EXEC
/// instructions are used, instructions written to INSTR must not stall.
pub fn exec_instruction(&mut self, instruction: Instruction) {
let instruction = instruction.encode(self.program.side_set);
// Safety: all accesses to this register are controlled by this instance
unsafe {
.write(|w| w.sm0_instr().bits(instruction))
/// Check if the current instruction is stalled.
pub fn stalled(&self) -> bool {
// Safety: read only access without side effect
unsafe { self.sm.sm().sm_execctrl.read().exec_stalled().bits() }
/// Drain Tx fifo.
pub fn drain_tx_fifo(&mut self) {
// According to the datasheet Page 358:
// When autopull is enabled, the behaviour of 'PULL' is altered: it becomes a no-op
// if the OSR is full. This is to avoid a race condition against the system
// DMA. It behaves as a fence: either an autopull has already taken place, in which case
// the 'PULL' has no effect, or the program will stall on the 'PULL' until data becomes
// available in the FIFO.
// TODO: encode at compile time once pio 0.3.0 is out
const OUT: InstructionOperands = InstructionOperands::OUT {
destination: pio::OutDestination::NULL,
bit_count: 32,
const PULL: InstructionOperands = InstructionOperands::PULL {
if_empty: false,
block: false,
// Safety: all accesses to these registers are controlled by this instance
unsafe {
let sm = &self.sm.sm();
let sm_pinctrl = &sm.sm_pinctrl;
let sm_instr = &sm.sm_instr;
let fstat = &self.sm.pio().fstat;
let operands = if sm.sm_shiftctrl.read().autopull().bit_is_set() {
} else {
// Safety: sm0_instr may be accessed from SM::exec_instruction.
let mut saved_sideset_count = 0;
sm_pinctrl.modify(|r, w| {
saved_sideset_count = r.sideset_count().bits();
let mask = 1 << SM::id();
// white tx fifo is not empty
while (fstat.read().txempty().bits() & mask) == 0 {
sm_instr.write(|w| w.sm0_instr().bits(operands))
if saved_sideset_count != 0 {
sm_pinctrl.modify(|_, w| w.sideset_count().bits(saved_sideset_count));
// Safety: All shared register accesses are atomic.
unsafe impl<SM: ValidStateMachine + Send, State> Send for StateMachine<SM, State> {}
// Safety: `StateMachine` is marked Send so ensure all accesses remain atomic and no new concurrent
// accesses are added.
impl<SM: ValidStateMachine> StateMachine<SM, Stopped> {
/// Starts execution of the selected program.
pub fn start(mut self) -> StateMachine<SM, Running> {
// Enable SM
StateMachine {
sm: self.sm,
program: self.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Change the clock divider of a stopped state machine.
pub fn set_clock_divisor(&mut self, divisor: f32) {
// sm frequency = clock freq / (CLKDIV_INT + CLKDIV_FRAC / 256)
let int = divisor as u16;
let frac = ((divisor - int as f32) * 256.0) as u8;
self.sm.set_clock_divisor(int, frac);
/// Change the clock divider of a stopped state machine using a 16.8 fixed point value.
pub fn clock_divisor_fixed_point(&mut self, int: u16, frac: u8) {
self.sm.set_clock_divisor(int, frac);
/// Sets the pin state for the specified pins.
/// The user has to make sure that they do not select any pins that are in use by any
/// other state machines of the same PIO block.
/// The iterator's item are pairs of `(pin_number, pin_state)`.
pub fn set_pins(&mut self, pins: impl IntoIterator<Item = (u8, PinState)>) {
// TODO: turn those three into const once pio 0.3.0 is released
let set_high_instr = InstructionOperands::SET {
destination: pio::SetDestination::PINS,
data: 1,
let set_low_instr = InstructionOperands::SET {
destination: pio::SetDestination::PINS,
data: 0,
// Safety: all accesses to these registers are controlled by this instance
unsafe {
let sm = self.sm.sm();
let sm_pinctrl = &sm.sm_pinctrl;
let sm_execctrl = &sm.sm_execctrl;
let sm_instr = &sm.sm_instr;
// sideset_count is implicitly set to 0 when the set_base/set_count are written (rather
// than modified)
let saved_pin_ctrl = sm_pinctrl.read().bits();
let mut saved_execctrl = 0;
sm_execctrl.modify(|r, w| {
saved_execctrl = r.bits();
for (pin_num, pin_state) in pins {
sm_pinctrl.write(|w| w.set_base().bits(pin_num).set_count().bits(1));
let instruction = if pin_state == PinState::High {
} else {
sm_instr.write(|w| w.sm0_instr().bits(instruction))
sm_pinctrl.write(|w| w.bits(saved_pin_ctrl));
sm_execctrl.write(|w| w.bits(saved_execctrl));
/// Set pin directions.
/// The user has to make sure that they do not select any pins that are in use by any
/// other state machines of the same PIO block.
/// The iterator's item are pairs of `(pin_number, pin_dir)`.
pub fn set_pindirs(&mut self, pindirs: impl IntoIterator<Item = (u8, PinDir)>) {
// TODO: turn those three into const once pio 0.3.0 is released
let set_output_instr = InstructionOperands::SET {
destination: pio::SetDestination::PINDIRS,
data: 1,
let set_input_instr = InstructionOperands::SET {
destination: pio::SetDestination::PINDIRS,
data: 0,
// Safety: all accesses to these registers are controlled by this instance
unsafe {
let sm = self.sm.sm();
let sm_pinctrl = &sm.sm_pinctrl;
let sm_execctrl = &sm.sm_execctrl;
let sm_instr = &sm.sm_instr;
// sideset_count is implicitly set to 0 when the set_base/set_count are written (rather
// than modified)
let saved_pin_ctrl = sm_pinctrl.read().bits();
let mut saved_execctrl = 0;
sm_execctrl.modify(|r, w| {
saved_execctrl = r.bits();
for (pin_num, pin_dir) in pindirs {
sm_pinctrl.write(|w| w.set_base().bits(pin_num).set_count().bits(1));
let instruction = if pin_dir == PinDir::Output {
} else {
sm_instr.write(|w| w.sm0_instr().bits(instruction))
sm_pinctrl.write(|w| w.bits(saved_pin_ctrl));
sm_execctrl.write(|w| w.bits(saved_execctrl));
impl<P: PIOExt, SM: StateMachineIndex> StateMachine<(P, SM), Stopped> {
/// Restarts the clock dividers for the specified state machines.
/// As a result, the clock will be synchronous for the state machines, which is a precondition
/// for synchronous operation.
/// The function returns an object that, once destructed, restarts the clock dividers. This
/// object allows further state machines to be added if more than two shall be synchronized.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// sm0.synchronize_with(sm1).and_with(sm2);
/// ```
pub fn synchronize_with<'sm, SM2: StateMachineIndex>(
&'sm mut self,
_other_sm: &'sm mut StateMachine<(P, SM2), Stopped>,
) -> Synchronize<'sm, (P, SM)> {
let sm_mask = (1 << SM::id()) | (1 << SM2::id());
Synchronize { sm: self, sm_mask }
impl<P: PIOExt, SM: StateMachineIndex, State> StateMachine<(P, SM), State> {
/// Create a group of state machines, which can be started/stopped synchronously
pub fn with<SM2: StateMachineIndex>(
other_sm: StateMachine<(P, SM2), State>,
) -> StateMachineGroup2<P, SM, SM2, State> {
StateMachineGroup2 {
sm1: self,
sm2: other_sm,
/// Group of 2 state machines, which can be started/stopped synchronously.
pub struct StateMachineGroup2<
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> {
sm1: StateMachine<(P, SM1Idx), State>,
sm2: StateMachine<(P, SM2Idx), State>,
/// Group of 3 state machines, which can be started/stopped synchronously.
pub struct StateMachineGroup3<
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> {
sm1: StateMachine<(P, SM1Idx), State>,
sm2: StateMachine<(P, SM2Idx), State>,
sm3: StateMachine<(P, SM3Idx), State>,
/// Group of 4 state machines, which can be started/stopped synchronously.
pub struct StateMachineGroup4<
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM4Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> {
sm1: StateMachine<(P, SM1Idx), State>,
sm2: StateMachine<(P, SM2Idx), State>,
sm3: StateMachine<(P, SM3Idx), State>,
sm4: StateMachine<(P, SM4Idx), State>,
impl<P: PIOExt, SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex, SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex, State>
StateMachineGroup2<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, State>
/// Split the group, releasing the contained state machines
pub fn free(
) -> (
StateMachine<(P, SM1Idx), State>,
StateMachine<(P, SM2Idx), State>,
) {
(self.sm1, self.sm2)
/// Add another state machine to the group
pub fn with<SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex>(
other_sm: StateMachine<(P, SM3Idx), State>,
) -> StateMachineGroup3<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, State> {
StateMachineGroup3 {
sm1: self.sm1,
sm2: self.sm2,
sm3: other_sm,
fn mask(&self) -> u32 {
(1 << SM1Idx::id()) | (1 << SM2Idx::id())
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> StateMachineGroup3<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, State>
/// Split the group, releasing the contained state machines
pub fn free(
) -> (
StateMachine<(P, SM1Idx), State>,
StateMachine<(P, SM2Idx), State>,
StateMachine<(P, SM3Idx), State>,
) {
(self.sm1, self.sm2, self.sm3)
/// Add another state machine to the group
pub fn with<SM4Idx: StateMachineIndex>(
other_sm: StateMachine<(P, SM4Idx), State>,
) -> StateMachineGroup4<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, SM4Idx, State> {
StateMachineGroup4 {
sm1: self.sm1,
sm2: self.sm2,
sm3: self.sm3,
sm4: other_sm,
fn mask(&self) -> u32 {
(1 << SM1Idx::id()) | (1 << SM2Idx::id()) | (1 << SM3Idx::id())
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM4Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> StateMachineGroup4<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, SM4Idx, State>
/// Split the group, releasing the contained state machines
pub fn free(
) -> (
StateMachine<(P, SM1Idx), State>,
StateMachine<(P, SM2Idx), State>,
StateMachine<(P, SM3Idx), State>,
StateMachine<(P, SM4Idx), State>,
) {
(self.sm1, self.sm2, self.sm3, self.sm4)
fn mask(&self) -> u32 {
(1 << SM1Idx::id()) | (1 << SM2Idx::id()) | (1 << SM3Idx::id()) | (1 << SM4Idx::id())
impl<P: PIOExt, SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex, SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex>
StateMachineGroup2<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, Stopped>
/// Start grouped state machines
pub fn start(mut self) -> StateMachineGroup2<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, Running> {
StateMachineGroup2 {
sm1: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm1.sm,
program: self.sm1.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm2: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm2.sm,
program: self.sm2.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Sync grouped state machines
pub fn sync(mut self) -> Self {
self.sm1.sm.set_ctrl_bits(self.mask() << 8);
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> StateMachineGroup3<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, Stopped>
/// Start grouped state machines
pub fn start(mut self) -> StateMachineGroup3<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, Running> {
StateMachineGroup3 {
sm1: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm1.sm,
program: self.sm1.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm2: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm2.sm,
program: self.sm2.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm3: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm3.sm,
program: self.sm3.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Sync grouped state machines
pub fn sync(mut self) -> Self {
self.sm1.sm.set_ctrl_bits(self.mask() << 8);
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM4Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> StateMachineGroup4<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, SM4Idx, Stopped>
/// Start grouped state machines
pub fn start(mut self) -> StateMachineGroup4<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, SM4Idx, Running> {
StateMachineGroup4 {
sm1: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm1.sm,
program: self.sm1.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm2: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm2.sm,
program: self.sm2.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm3: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm3.sm,
program: self.sm3.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm4: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm4.sm,
program: self.sm4.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Sync grouped state machines
pub fn sync(mut self) -> Self {
self.sm1.sm.set_ctrl_bits(self.mask() << 8);
impl<P: PIOExt, SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex, SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex>
StateMachineGroup2<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, Running>
/// Stop grouped state machines
pub fn stop(mut self) -> StateMachineGroup2<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, Stopped> {
StateMachineGroup2 {
sm1: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm1.sm,
program: self.sm1.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm2: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm2.sm,
program: self.sm2.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> StateMachineGroup3<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, Running>
/// Stop grouped state machines
pub fn stop(mut self) -> StateMachineGroup3<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, Stopped> {
StateMachineGroup3 {
sm1: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm1.sm,
program: self.sm1.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm2: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm2.sm,
program: self.sm2.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm3: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm3.sm,
program: self.sm3.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
P: PIOExt,
SM1Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM2Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM3Idx: StateMachineIndex,
SM4Idx: StateMachineIndex,
> StateMachineGroup4<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, SM4Idx, Running>
/// Stop grouped state machines
pub fn stop(mut self) -> StateMachineGroup4<P, SM1Idx, SM2Idx, SM3Idx, SM4Idx, Stopped> {
StateMachineGroup4 {
sm1: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm1.sm,
program: self.sm1.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm2: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm2.sm,
program: self.sm2.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm3: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm3.sm,
program: self.sm3.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
sm4: StateMachine {
sm: self.sm4.sm,
program: self.sm4.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Sync grouped state machines
pub fn sync(mut self) -> Self {
self.sm1.sm.set_ctrl_bits(self.mask() << 8);
/// Type which, once destructed, restarts the clock dividers for all selected state machines,
/// effectively synchronizing them.
pub struct Synchronize<'sm, SM: ValidStateMachine> {
sm: &'sm mut StateMachine<SM, Stopped>,
sm_mask: u32,
impl<'sm, P: PIOExt, SM: StateMachineIndex> Synchronize<'sm, (P, SM)> {
/// Adds another state machine to be synchronized.
pub fn and_with<SM2: StateMachineIndex>(
mut self,
_other_sm: &'sm mut StateMachine<(P, SM2), Stopped>,
) -> Self {
// Add another state machine index to the mask.
self.sm_mask |= 1 << SM2::id();
impl<'sm, SM: ValidStateMachine> Drop for Synchronize<'sm, SM> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Restart the clocks of all state machines specified by the mask.
// Bits 11:8 of CTRL contain CLKDIV_RESTART.
let sm_mask = self.sm_mask << 8;
impl<SM: ValidStateMachine> StateMachine<SM, Running> {
/// Stops execution of the selected program.
pub fn stop(mut self) -> StateMachine<SM, Stopped> {
// Enable SM
StateMachine {
sm: self.sm,
program: self.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Restarts the execution of the selected program from its wrap target.
pub fn restart(&mut self) {
// pause the state machine
// Safety: all accesses to these registers are controlled by this instance
unsafe {
let sm = self.sm.sm();
let sm_pinctrl = &sm.sm_pinctrl;
let sm_instr = &sm.sm_instr;
// save exec_ctrl & make side_set optional
let mut saved_sideset_count = 0;
sm_pinctrl.modify(|r, w| {
saved_sideset_count = r.sideset_count().bits();
// revert it to its wrap target
let instruction = InstructionOperands::JMP {
condition: pio::JmpCondition::Always,
address: self.program.wrap_target(),
sm_instr.write(|w| w.sm0_instr().bits(instruction));
// restore exec_ctrl
if saved_sideset_count != 0 {
sm_pinctrl.modify(|_, w| w.sideset_count().bits(saved_sideset_count));
// clear osr/isr
// unpause the state machine
/// PIO RX FIFO handle.
pub struct Rx<SM: ValidStateMachine> {
block: *const rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<SM>,
// Safety: All shared register accesses are atomic.
unsafe impl<SM: ValidStateMachine + Send> Send for Rx<SM> {}
// Safety: `Rx` is marked Send so ensure all accesses remain atomic and no new concurrent accesses
// are added.
impl<SM: ValidStateMachine> Rx<SM> {
unsafe fn block(&self) -> &pac::pio0::RegisterBlock {
/// Gets the FIFO's address.
/// This is useful if you want to DMA from this peripheral.
/// NB: You are responsible for using the pointer correctly and not
/// underflowing the buffer.
pub fn fifo_address(&self) -> *const u32 {
// Safety: returning the address is safe as such. The user is responsible for any
// dereference ops at that address.
unsafe { self.block().rxf[SM::id()].as_ptr() }
/// Gets the FIFO's `DREQ` value.
/// This is a value between 0 and 39. Each FIFO on each state machine on
/// each PIO has a unique value.
pub fn dreq_value(&self) -> u8 {
if self.block as usize == 0x5020_0000usize {
crate::dma::DREQ_PIO0_RX0 + (SM::id() as u8)
} else {
crate::dma::DREQ_PIO1_RX0 + (SM::id() as u8)
/// Get the next element from RX FIFO.
/// Returns `None` if the FIFO is empty.
pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
if self.is_empty() {
return None;
// Safety: The register is unique to this Rx instance.
Some(unsafe { core::ptr::read_volatile(self.fifo_address()) })
/// Enable/Disable the autopush feature of the state machine.
// Safety: This register is read by Rx, this is the only write.
pub fn enable_autopush(&mut self, enable: bool) {
// Safety: only instance reading/writing to autopush bit and no other write to this
// register
unsafe {
.modify(|_, w| w.autopush().bit(enable))
/// Indicate if the rx FIFO is empty
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
// Safety: Read only access without side effect
unsafe { self.block().fstat.read().rxempty().bits() & (1 << SM::id()) != 0 }
/// Indicate if the rx FIFO is full
pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
// Safety: Read only access without side effect
unsafe { self.block().fstat.read().rxfull().bits() & (1 << SM::id()) != 0 }
/// Enable RX FIFO not empty interrupt.
/// This interrupt is raised when the RX FIFO is not empty, i.e. one could read more data from it.
pub fn enable_rx_not_empty_interrupt(&self, id: PioIRQ) {
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
1 << SM::id(),
/// Disable RX FIFO not empty interrupt.
pub fn disable_rx_not_empty_interrupt(&self, id: PioIRQ) {
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
1 << SM::id(),
/// Force RX FIFO not empty interrupt.
pub fn force_rx_not_empty_interrupt(&self, id: PioIRQ, state: bool) {
let action = if state {
} else {
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
1 << SM::id(),
/// PIO TX FIFO handle.
pub struct Tx<SM: ValidStateMachine> {
block: *const rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<SM>,
// Safety: All shared register accesses are atomic.
unsafe impl<SM: ValidStateMachine + Send> Send for Tx<SM> {}
// Safety: `Tx` is marked Send so ensure all accesses remain atomic and no new concurrent accesses
// are added.
impl<SM: ValidStateMachine> Tx<SM> {
unsafe fn block(&self) -> &pac::pio0::RegisterBlock {
fn write_generic<T>(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
if !self.is_full() {
// Safety: Only accessed by this instance (unless DMA is used).
unsafe {
let reg_ptr = self.fifo_address() as *mut T;
} else {
/// Gets the FIFO's address.
/// This is useful if you want to DMA to this peripheral.
/// NB: You are responsible for using the pointer correctly and not
/// overflowing the buffer.
pub fn fifo_address(&self) -> *const u32 {
// Safety: The only access to this register
unsafe { self.block().txf[SM::id()].as_ptr() }
/// Gets the FIFO's `DREQ` value.
/// This is a value between 0 and 39. Each FIFO on each state machine on
/// each PIO has a unique value.
pub fn dreq_value(&self) -> u8 {
if self.block as usize == 0x5020_0000usize {
crate::dma::DREQ_PIO0_TX0 + (SM::id() as u8)
} else {
crate::dma::DREQ_PIO1_TX0 + (SM::id() as u8)
/// Write a u32 value to TX FIFO.
/// Returns `true` if the value was written to FIFO, `false` otherwise.
pub fn write(&mut self, value: u32) -> bool {
/// Write a replicated u8 value to TX FIFO.
/// Memory mapped register writes that are smaller than 32bits will trigger
/// "Narrow IO Register Write" behaviour in RP2040 - the value written will
/// be replicated to the rest of the register as described in
/// [RP2040 Datasheet: 2.1.4. - Narrow IO Register Writes][section_2_1_4]
/// This 8bit write will set all 4 bytes of the FIFO to `value`
/// Eg: if you write `0xBA` the value written to the the FIFO will be
/// `0xBABABABA`
/// If you wish to write an 8bit number without replication,
/// use `write(my_u8 as u32)` instead.
/// Returns `true` if the value was written to FIFO, `false` otherwise.
/// [section_2_1_4]: <https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/rp2040/rp2040-datasheet.pdf#_narrow_io_register_writes>
pub fn write_u8_replicated(&mut self, value: u8) -> bool {
/// Write a replicated 16bit value to TX FIFO.
/// Memory mapped register writes that are smaller than 32bits will trigger
/// "Narrow IO Register Write" behaviour in RP2040 - the value written will
/// be replicated to the rest of the register as described in
/// [RP2040 Datasheet: 2.1.4. - Narrow IO Register Writes][section_2_1_4]
/// This 16bit write will set both the upper and lower half of the FIFO entry to `value`.
/// For example, if you write `0xC0DA` the value written to the FIFO will be
/// `0xC0DAC0DA`
/// If you wish to write a 16bit number without replication,
/// use `write(my_u16 as u32)` instead.
/// Returns `true` if the value was written to FIFO, `false` otherwise.
/// [section_2_1_4]: <https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/rp2040/rp2040-datasheet.pdf#_narrow_io_register_writes>
pub fn write_u16_replicated(&mut self, value: u16) -> bool {
/// Checks if the state machine has stalled on empty TX FIFO during a blocking PULL, or an OUT
/// with autopull enabled.
/// **Note this is a sticky flag and may not reflect the current state of the machine.**
pub fn has_stalled(&self) -> bool {
let mask = 1 << SM::id();
// Safety: read-only access without side-effect
unsafe { self.block().fdebug.read().txstall().bits() & mask == mask }
/// Clears the `tx_stalled` flag.
pub fn clear_stalled_flag(&self) {
let mask = 1 << SM::id();
// Safety: These bits are WC, only the one corresponding to this SM is set.
unsafe {
self.block().fdebug.write(|w| w.txstall().bits(mask));
/// Indicate if the tx FIFO is empty
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
// Safety: read-only access without side-effect
unsafe { self.block().fstat.read().txempty().bits() & (1 << SM::id()) != 0 }
/// Indicate if the tx FIFO is full
pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
// Safety: read-only access without side-effect
unsafe { self.block().fstat.read().txfull().bits() & (1 << SM::id()) != 0 }
/// Enable TX FIFO not full interrupt.
/// This interrupt is raised when the TX FIFO is not full, i.e. one could push more data to it.
pub fn enable_tx_not_full_interrupt(&self, id: PioIRQ) {
// Safety: Atomic access to the register. Bit only modified by this Tx<SM>
unsafe {
1 << (SM::id() + 4),
/// Disable TX FIFO not full interrupt.
pub fn disable_tx_not_full_interrupt(&self, id: PioIRQ) {
// Safety: Atomic access to the register. Bit only modified by this Tx<SM>
unsafe {
1 << (SM::id() + 4),
/// Force TX FIFO not full interrupt.
pub fn force_tx_not_full_interrupt(&self, id: PioIRQ) {
// Safety: Atomic access to the register. Bit only modified by this Tx<SM>
unsafe {
1 << (SM::id() + 4),
/// PIO Interrupt controller.
pub struct Interrupt<'a, P: PIOExt, const IRQ: usize> {
block: *const rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<&'a P>,
// Safety: `Interrupt` provides exclusive access to interrupt registers.
unsafe impl<'a, P: PIOExt, const IRQ: usize> Send for Interrupt<'a, P, IRQ> {}
// Safety: `Interrupt` is marked Send so ensure all accesses remain atomic and no new concurrent
// accesses are added.
// `Interrupt` provides exclusive access to `irq_intf` to `irq_inte` for it's state machine, this
// must remain true to satisfy Send.
impl<'a, P: PIOExt, const IRQ: usize> Interrupt<'a, P, IRQ> {
/// Enable interrupts raised by state machines.
/// The PIO peripheral has 4 outside visible interrupts that can be raised by the state machines. Note that this
/// does not correspond with the state machine index; any state machine can raise any one of the four interrupts.
pub fn enable_sm_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_set(self.irq().irq_inte.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 8));
/// Disable interrupts raised by state machines.
/// See [`Self::enable_sm_interrupt`] for info about the index.
pub fn disable_sm_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_clear(self.irq().irq_inte.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 8));
/// Force state machine interrupt.
/// Note that this doesn't affect the state seen by the state machine. For that, see [`PIO::force_irq`].
/// See [`Self::enable_sm_interrupt`] for info about the index.
pub fn force_sm_interrupt(&self, id: u8, set: bool) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
if set {
write_bitmask_set(self.irq().irq_intf.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 8));
} else {
write_bitmask_clear(self.irq().irq_intf.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 8));
/// Enable TX FIFO not full interrupt.
/// Each of the 4 state machines have their own TX FIFO. This interrupt is raised when the TX FIFO is not full, i.e.
/// one could push more data to it.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use the dedicated method on the state machine"
pub fn enable_tx_not_full_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_set(self.irq().irq_inte.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 4));
/// Disable TX FIFO not full interrupt.
/// See [`Self::enable_tx_not_full_interrupt`] for info about the index.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use the dedicated method on the state machine"
pub fn disable_tx_not_full_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_clear(self.irq().irq_inte.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 4));
/// Force TX FIFO not full interrupt.
/// See [`Self::enable_tx_not_full_interrupt`] for info about the index.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use the dedicated method on the state machine"
pub fn force_tx_not_full_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_set(self.irq().irq_intf.as_ptr(), 1 << (id + 4));
/// Enable RX FIFO not empty interrupt.
/// Each of the 4 state machines have their own RX FIFO. This interrupt is raised when the RX FIFO is not empty,
/// i.e. one could read more data from it.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use the dedicated method on the state machine"
pub fn enable_rx_not_empty_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_set(self.irq().irq_inte.as_ptr(), 1 << id);
/// Disable RX FIFO not empty interrupt.
/// See [`Self::enable_rx_not_empty_interrupt`] for info about the index.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use the dedicated method on the state machine"
pub fn disable_rx_not_empty_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_clear(self.irq().irq_inte.as_ptr(), 1 << id);
/// Force RX FIFO not empty interrupt.
/// See [`Self::enable_rx_not_empty_interrupt`] for info about the index.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Use the dedicated method on the state machine"
pub fn force_rx_not_empty_interrupt(&self, id: u8) {
assert!(id < 4, "invalid state machine interrupt number");
// Safety: Atomic write to a single bit owned by this instance
unsafe {
write_bitmask_set(self.irq().irq_intf.as_ptr(), 1 << id);
/// Get the raw interrupt state.
/// This is the state of the interrupts without interrupt masking and forcing.
pub fn raw(&self) -> InterruptState {
// Safety: Read only access without side effect
unsafe { self.block().intr.read().bits() },
/// Get the interrupt state.
/// This is the state of the interrupts after interrupt masking and forcing.
pub fn state(&self) -> InterruptState {
// Safety: Read only access without side effect
unsafe { self.irq().irq_ints.read().bits() },
unsafe fn block(&self) -> &rp2040_pac::pio0::RegisterBlock {
unsafe fn irq(&self) -> &rp2040_pac::pio0::SM_IRQ {
/// Provides easy access for decoding PIO's interrupt state.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct InterruptState(u32);
macro_rules! raw_interrupt_accessor {
($name:ident, $doc:literal, $idx:expr) => {
#[doc = concat!("Check whether interrupt ", $doc, " has been raised.")]
pub fn $name(self) -> bool {
self.0 & (1 << $idx) != 0
impl InterruptState {
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm0_rx_not_empty, "SM0_RXNEMPTY", 0);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm1_rx_not_empty, "SM1_RXNEMPTY", 1);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm2_rx_not_empty, "SM2_RXNEMPTY", 2);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm3_rx_not_empty, "SM3_RXNEMPTY", 3);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm0_tx_not_full, "SM0_TXNFULL", 4);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm1_tx_not_full, "SM1_TXNFULL", 5);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm2_tx_not_full, "SM2_TXNFULL", 6);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm3_tx_not_full, "SM3_TXNFULL", 7);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm0, "SM0", 8);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm1, "SM1", 9);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm2, "SM2", 10);
raw_interrupt_accessor!(sm3, "SM3", 11);
/// Comparison used for `mov x, status` instruction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum MovStatusConfig {
/// The `mov x, status` instruction returns all ones if TX FIFO level is below the set status, otherwise all zeros.
/// The `mov x, status` instruction returns all ones if RX FIFO level is below the set status, otherwise all zeros.
/// Shift direction for input and output shifting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ShiftDirection {
/// Shift register to left.
/// Shift register to right.
impl ShiftDirection {
fn bit(self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Left => false,
Self::Right => true,
/// Builder to deploy a fully configured PIO program on one of the state
/// machines.
pub struct PIOBuilder<P> {
/// Clock divisor.
clock_divisor: (u16, u8),
/// Program location and configuration.
program: InstalledProgram<P>,
/// GPIO pin used by `jmp pin` instruction.
jmp_pin: u8,
/// Continuously assert the most recent OUT/SET to the pins.
out_sticky: bool,
/// Use a bit of OUT data as an auxilary write enable.
/// When [`out_sticky`](Self::out_sticky) is enabled, setting the bit to 0 deasserts for that instr.
inline_out: Option<u8>,
/// Config for `mov x, status` instruction.
mov_status: MovStatusConfig,
/// Config for FIFO joining.
fifo_join: Buffers,
/// Number of bits shifted out of `OSR` before autopull or conditional pull will take place.
pull_threshold: u8,
/// Number of bits shifted into `ISR` before autopush or conditional push will take place.
push_threshold: u8,
/// Shift direction for `OUT` instruction.
out_shiftdir: ShiftDirection,
/// Shift direction for `IN` instruction.
in_shiftdir: ShiftDirection,
/// Enable autopull.
autopull: bool,
/// Enable autopush.
autopush: bool,
/// Number of pins asserted by a `SET`.
set_count: u8,
/// Number of pins asserted by an `OUT PINS`, `OUT PINDIRS` or `MOV PINS` instruction.
out_count: u8,
/// The first pin that is assigned in state machine's `IN` data bus.
in_base: u8,
/// The first pin that is affected by side-set operations.
side_set_base: u8,
/// The first pin that is affected by `SET PINS` or `SET PINDIRS` instructions.
set_base: u8,
/// The first pin that is affected by `OUT PINS`, `OUT PINDIRS` or `MOV PINS` instructions.
out_base: u8,
/// Buffer sharing configuration.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Buffers {
/// No sharing.
/// The memory of the RX FIFO is given to the TX FIFO to double its depth.
/// The memory of the TX FIFO is given to the RX FIFO to double its depth.
/// Errors that occurred during `PIO::install`.
pub enum InstallError {
/// There was not enough space for the instructions on the selected PIO.
impl<P: PIOExt> PIOBuilder<P> {
/// Set config settings based on information from the given [`pio::Program`].
/// Additional configuration may be needed in addition to this.
pub fn from_program(p: InstalledProgram<P>) -> Self {
PIOBuilder {
clock_divisor: (1, 0),
program: p,
jmp_pin: 0,
out_sticky: false,
inline_out: None,
mov_status: MovStatusConfig::Tx(0),
fifo_join: Buffers::RxTx,
pull_threshold: 0,
push_threshold: 0,
out_shiftdir: ShiftDirection::Left,
in_shiftdir: ShiftDirection::Left,
autopull: false,
autopush: false,
set_count: 5,
out_count: 0,
in_base: 0,
side_set_base: 0,
set_base: 0,
out_base: 0,
/// Set the pins asserted by `SET` instruction.
/// The least-significant bit of `SET` instruction asserts the state of the pin indicated by `base`, the next bit
/// asserts the state of the next pin, and so on up to `count` pins. The pin numbers are considered modulo 32.
pub fn set_pins(mut self, base: u8, count: u8) -> Self {
assert!(count <= 5);
self.set_base = base;
self.set_count = count;
/// Set the pins asserted by `OUT` instruction.
/// The least-significant bit of `OUT` instruction asserts the state of the pin indicated by `base`, the next bit
/// asserts the state of the next pin, and so on up to `count` pins. The pin numbers are considered modulo 32.
pub fn out_pins(mut self, base: u8, count: u8) -> Self {
assert!(count <= 32);
self.out_base = base;
self.out_count = count;
/// Set the pins used by `IN` instruction.
/// The `IN` instruction reads the least significant bit from the pin indicated by `base`, the next bit from the
/// next pin, and so on. The pin numbers are considered modulo 32.
pub fn in_pin_base(mut self, base: u8) -> Self {
self.in_base = base;
/// Set the pin used by `JMP PIN` instruction.
/// When the pin set by this function is high, the jump is taken, otherwise not.
pub fn jmp_pin(mut self, pin: u8) -> Self {
self.jmp_pin = pin;
/// Set the pins used by side-set instructions.
/// The least-significant side-set bit asserts the state of the pin indicated by `base`, the next bit asserts the
/// state of the next pin, and so on up to [`pio::SideSet::bits()`] bits as configured in
/// [`pio::Program`].
pub fn side_set_pin_base(mut self, base: u8) -> Self {
self.side_set_base = base;
/// Set buffer sharing.
/// See [`Buffers`] for more information.
pub fn buffers(mut self, buffers: Buffers) -> Self {
self.fifo_join = buffers;
/// Set the clock divisor.
/// The is based on the sys_clk. Set 1 for full speed. A clock divisor of `n` will cause the state machine to run 1
/// cycle every `n` clock cycles. For small values of `n`, a fractional divisor may introduce unacceptable jitter.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "Pulls in floating points. Use the fixed point alternative: clock_divisor_fixed_point"
pub fn clock_divisor(mut self, divisor: f32) -> Self {
self.clock_divisor = (divisor as u16, (divisor * 256.0) as u8);
/// The clock is based on the `sys_clk` and will execute an intruction every `int + (frac/256)` ticks.
/// A clock divisor of `n` will cause the state machine to run 1 cycle every `n` clock cycles. If the integer part
/// is 0 then the fractional part must be 0. This is interpreted by the device as the integer 65536.
/// For small values of `int`, a fractional divisor may introduce unacceptable jitter.
pub fn clock_divisor_fixed_point(mut self, int: u16, frac: u8) -> Self {
assert!(int != 0 || frac == 0);
self.clock_divisor = (int, frac);
/// Set the output sticky state.
/// When the output is set to be sticky, the PIO hardware continuously asserts the most recent `OUT`/`SET` to the
/// pins.
pub fn out_sticky(mut self, out_sticky: bool) -> Self {
self.out_sticky = out_sticky;
/// Set the inline `OUT` enable bit.
/// When set to value, the given bit of `OUT` instruction's data is used as an auxiliary write enable. When used
/// with [`Self::out_sticky`], writes with enable 0 will deassert the latest pin write.
pub fn inline_out(mut self, inline_out: Option<u8>) -> Self {
self.inline_out = inline_out;
/// Set the autopush state.
/// When autopush is enabled, the `IN` instruction automatically pushes the data once the number of bits reaches
/// threshold set by [`Self::push_threshold`].
pub fn autopush(mut self, autopush: bool) -> Self {
self.autopush = autopush;
/// Set the number of bits pushed into ISR before autopush or conditional push will take place.
pub fn push_threshold(mut self, threshold: u8) -> Self {
self.push_threshold = threshold;
/// Set the autopull state.
/// When autopull is enabled, the `OUT` instruction automatically pulls the data once the number of bits reaches
/// threshold set by [`Self::pull_threshold`].
pub fn autopull(mut self, autopull: bool) -> Self {
self.autopull = autopull;
/// Set the number of bits pulled from out of OSR before autopull or conditional pull will take place.
pub fn pull_threshold(mut self, threshold: u8) -> Self {
self.pull_threshold = threshold;
/// Set the ISR shift direction for `IN` instruction.
/// For example `ShiftDirection::Right` means that ISR is shifted to right, i.e. data enters from left.
pub fn in_shift_direction(mut self, direction: ShiftDirection) -> Self {
self.in_shiftdir = direction;
/// Set the OSR shift direction for `OUT` instruction.
/// For example `ShiftDirection::Right` means that OSR is shifted to right, i.e. data is taken from the right side.
pub fn out_shift_direction(mut self, direction: ShiftDirection) -> Self {
self.out_shiftdir = direction;
/// Build the config and deploy it to a StateMachine.
#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // The return type cannot really be simplified.
pub fn build<SM: StateMachineIndex>(
mut sm: UninitStateMachine<(P, SM)>,
) -> (StateMachine<(P, SM), Stopped>, Rx<(P, SM)>, Tx<(P, SM)>) {
let offset = self.program.offset;
// Stop the SM
// Write all configuration bits
sm.set_clock_divisor(self.clock_divisor.0, self.clock_divisor.1);
// Safety: Only instance owning the SM
unsafe {
sm.sm().sm_execctrl.write(|w| {
if let Some(inline_out) = self.inline_out {
} else {
w.wrap_top().bits(offset as u8 + self.program.wrap.source);
.bits(offset as u8 + self.program.wrap.target);
let n = match self.mov_status {
MovStatusConfig::Tx(n) => {
MovStatusConfig::Rx(n) => {
sm.sm().sm_shiftctrl.write(|w| {
let (fjoin_rx, fjoin_tx) = match self.fifo_join {
Buffers::RxTx => (false, false),
Buffers::OnlyTx => (false, true),
Buffers::OnlyRx => (true, false),
// TODO: Encode 32 as zero, and error on 0
sm.sm().sm_pinctrl.write(|w| {
// Restart SM and its clock
// Set starting location by forcing the state machine to execute a jmp
// to the beginning of the program we loaded in.
let instr = InstructionOperands::JMP {
condition: pio::JmpCondition::Always,
address: offset as u8,
// Safety: Only instance owning the SM
unsafe {
sm.sm().sm_instr.write(|w| w.sm0_instr().bits(instr));
let rx = Rx {
block: sm.block,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
let tx = Tx {
block: sm.block,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
StateMachine {
program: self.program,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,