//! minifb is a cross platform library written in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org) that makes to
//! open windows (usually native to the running operating system) and can optionally show a 32-bit
//! buffer. minifb also support keyboard, mouse input and menus on selected operating systems.
use std::os::raw;

/// Scale will scale the frame buffer and the window that is being sent in when calling the update
/// function. This is useful if you for example want to display a 320 x 256 window on a screen with
/// much higher resolution which would result in that the window is very small.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Scale {
    /// This mode checks your current screen resolution and will caluclate the largest window size
    /// that can be used within that limit and resize it. Useful if you have a small buffer to
    /// display on a high resolution screen.
    /// 1X scale (which means leave the corrdinates sent into Window::new untouched)
    /// 2X window scale (Example: 320 x 200 -> 640 x 400)
    /// 4X window scale (Example: 320 x 200 -> 1280 x 800)
    /// 8X window scale (Example: 320 x 200 -> 2560 x 1600)
    /// 16X window scale (Example: 320 x 200 -> 5120 x 3200)
    /// 32 window scale (Example: 320 x 200 -> 10240 x 6400)

/// Used for is_key_pressed and get_keys_pressed() to indicated if repeat of presses is wanted
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum KeyRepeat {
    /// Use repeat
    /// Don't use repeat

/// The various mouse buttons that are availible
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum MouseButton
    /// Left mouse button
    /// Middle mouse button
    /// Right mouse button

/// The diffrent modes that can be used to decide how mouse coordinates should be handled
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum MouseMode {
    /// Return mouse coords from outside of the window (may be negative)
    /// Clamp the mouse coordinates within the window
    /// Discared if the mouse is outside the window

/// Different style of cursors that can be used
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum CursorStyle {
    /// Regular arrow style (this is what the cursor normal looks like)
    /// Used when indicating insertion (like text field)
    /// Cross-hair cursor
    /// Closed hand which useful for dragging things, may use default hand on unsupported OSes.
    /// Open hand which useful for indicating drangable things, may use default hand on unsupported OSes.
    /// Rezining left-rigth direction
    /// Rezining up-down direction
    /// Resize in all directions

/// This trait can be implemented and set with ```set_input_callback``` to reieve a callback
/// whene there is inputs incoming. Currently only support unicode chars.
pub trait InputCallback {
    fn add_char(&mut self, uni_char: u32);

mod error;
pub use self::error::Error;
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

pub mod key;
pub use key::Key as Key;
pub mod os;
mod mouse_handler;
mod buffer_helper;
mod key_handler;
mod window_flags;
//mod menu;
//pub use menu::Menu as Menu;
//pub use menu::MENU_KEY_COMMAND;
//pub use menu::MENU_KEY_WIN;
//pub use menu::MENU_KEY_SHIFT;
//pub use menu::MENU_KEY_CTRL;
//pub use menu::MENU_KEY_ALT;

#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use self::os::macos as imp;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
use self::os::windows as imp;
use self::os::unix as imp;
#[cfg(target_os = "redox")]
use self::os::redox as imp;
/// Window is used to open up a window. It's possible to optionally display a 32-bit buffer when
/// the widow is set as non-resizable.
pub struct Window(imp::Window);

/// WindowOptions is creation settings for the window. By default the settings are defined for
/// displayng a 32-bit buffer (no scaling of window is possible)
pub struct WindowOptions {
    /// If the window should be borderless (default: false)
    pub borderless: bool,
    /// If the window should have a title (default: true)
    pub title: bool,
    /// If it should be possible to resize the window (default: false)
    pub resize: bool,
    /// Scale of the window that used in conjunction with update_with_buffer (default: X1)
    pub scale: Scale

impl Window {
    /// Opens up a new window
    /// # Examples
    /// Open up a window with default settings
    /// ```ignore
    /// let mut window = match Window::new("Test", 640, 400, WindowOptions::default()) {
    ///    Ok(win) => win,
    ///    Err(err) => {
    ///        println!("Unable to create window {}", err);
    ///        return;
    ///    }
    /// ```
    /// Open up a window that is resizeable
    /// ```ignore
    /// let mut window = match Window::new("Test", 640, 400,
    ///                                     WindowOptions {
    ///                                         resize: true,
    ///                                         ..WindowOptions::default()
    ///                                     }) {
    ///    Ok(win) => win,
    ///    Err(err) => {
    ///        println!("Unable to create window {}", err);
    ///        return;
    ///    }
    /// ```
    pub fn new(name: &str, width: usize, height: usize, opts: WindowOptions) -> Result<Window> {
        imp::Window::new(name, width, height, opts).map(Window)

    /// Allows you to set a new title of the window after creation
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// let mut window = match Window::new("Test", 640, 400, WindowOptions::default()).unwrap();
    /// window.set_title("My New Title!");
    /// ```
    pub fn set_title(&mut self, title: &str) {

    /// Returns the native handle for a window which is an opaque pointer/handle which
    /// dependens on the current operating system:
    /// ```ignore
    /// Windows HWND
    /// MacOS   NSWindow
    /// X11     XWindow
    /// ```
    pub fn get_window_handle(&self) -> *mut raw::c_void {

    /// Updates the window with a 32-bit pixel buffer. Notice that the buffer needs to be at least
    /// the size of the created window
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0; 640 * 400];
    /// let mut window = match Window::new("Test", 640, 400, WindowOptions::default()).unwrap();
    /// window.update_with_buffer(&buffer).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn update_with_buffer(&mut self, buffer: &[u32]) -> Result<()> {

    /// Updates the window (this is required to call in order to get keyboard/mouse input, etc)
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0; 640 * 400];
    /// let mut window = match Window::new("Test", 640, 400, WindowOptions::default()).unwrap();
    /// window.update();
    /// ```
    pub fn update(&mut self) {

    /// Checks if the window is still open. A window can be closed by the user (by for example
    /// pressing the close button on the window) It's up to the user to make sure that this is
    /// being checked and take action depending on the state.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// while window.is_open() {
    ///     window.update(...)
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn is_open(&self) -> bool {

    /// Sets the position of the window. This is useful if you have
    /// more than one window and want to align them up on the screen
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// // Moves the window to pixel position 20, 20 on the screen
    /// window.set_position(20, 20);
    /// ```
    pub fn set_position(&mut self, x: isize, y: isize) {
        self.0.set_position(x, y)

    /// Returns the current size of the window
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// let size = window.get_size();
    /// println!("width {} height {}", size.0, size.1);
    /// ```
    pub fn get_size(&self) -> (usize, usize) {

    /// Get the current position of the mouse relative to the current window
    /// The coordinate system is as 0, 0 as the upper left corner
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.get_mouse_pos(MouseMode::Clamp).map(|mouse| {
    ///     println!("x {} y {}", mouse.0, mouse.1);
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn get_mouse_pos(&self, mode: MouseMode) -> Option<(f32, f32)> {

    /// Get the current position of the mouse relative to the current window
    /// The coordinate system is as 0, 0 as the upper left corner and ignores
    /// any scaling set to the window.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.get_unscaled_mouse_pos(MouseMode::Clamp).map(|mouse| {
    ///     println!("x {} y {}", mouse.0, mouse.1);
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn get_unscaled_mouse_pos(&self, mode: MouseMode) -> Option<(f32, f32)> {

    /// Check if a mouse button is down or not
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// let left_down = window.get_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left);
    /// println!("is left down? {}", left_down)
    /// ```
    pub fn get_mouse_down(&self, button: MouseButton) -> bool {

    /// Get the current movement of the scroll wheel.
    /// Scroll wheel can mean different thing depending on the device attach.
    /// For example on Mac with trackpad "scroll wheel" means two finger
    /// swiping up/down (y axis) and to the sides (x-axis)
    /// When using a mouse this assumes the scroll wheel which often is only y direction.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.get_scroll_wheel().map(|scroll| {
    ///     println!("scrolling - x {} y {}", scroll.0, scroll.1);
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn get_scroll_wheel(&self) -> Option<(f32, f32)> {

    /// Set a different cursor style. This can be used if you have resizing
    /// elements or something like that
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.set_cursor_style(CursorStyle::ResizeLeftRight);
    /// ```
    pub fn set_cursor_style(&mut self, cursor: CursorStyle) {

    /// Get the current keys that are down.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.get_keys().map(|keys| {
    ///     for t in keys {
    ///         match t {
    ///             Key::W => println!("holding w"),
    ///             Key::T => println!("holding t"),
    ///             _ => (),
    ///         }
    ///     }
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn get_keys(&self) -> Option<Vec<Key>> {

    /// Get the current pressed keys. Repeat can be used to control if keys should
    /// be repeated if down or not.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.get_keys_pressed(KeyRepeat::No).map(|keys| {
    ///     for t in keys {
    ///         match t {
    ///             Key::W => println!("pressed w"),
    ///             Key::T => println!("pressed t"),
    ///             _ => (),
    ///         }
    ///     }
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn get_keys_pressed(&self, repeat: KeyRepeat) -> Option<Vec<Key>> {

    /// Check if a single key is down.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// if window.is_key_down(Key::A) {
    ///     println!("Key A is down");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn is_key_down(&self, key: Key) -> bool {

    /// Check if a single key is pressed. KeyRepeat will control if the key should be repeated or
    /// not while being pressed.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// if window.is_key_pressed(KeyRepeat::No) {
    ///     println!("Key A is down");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn is_key_pressed(&self, key: Key, repeat: KeyRepeat) -> bool {
        self.0.is_key_pressed(key, repeat)

    /// Sets the delay for when a key is being held before it starts being repeated the default
    /// value is 0.25 sec
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.set_key_repeat_delay(0.5) // 0.5 sec before repeat starts
    /// ```
    pub fn set_key_repeat_delay(&mut self, delay: f32) {

    /// Sets the rate in between when the keys has passed the initial repeat_delay. The default
    /// value is 0.05 sec
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// window.set_key_repeat_rate(0.01) // 0.01 sec between keys
    /// ```
    pub fn set_key_repeat_rate(&mut self, rate: f32) {

    /// Returns if this windows is the current active one
    pub fn is_active(&mut self) -> bool {

    /// Set input callback to recive callback on char input
    pub fn set_input_callback(&mut self, callback: Box<InputCallback>)  {

    /// This allows adding menus to your windows. As menus behaves a bit diffrently depending on
    /// Operating system here is how it works.
    /// ```ignore
    /// Windows:
    ///   Each window has their own menu and shortcuts are active depending on active window.
    /// Mac:
    ///   As Mac uses one menu for the whole program the menu will change depending
    ///   on which window you have active.
    /// Linux/BSD/etc:
    ///   Menus aren't supported as they depend on each WindowManager and is outside of the
    ///   scope for this library to support. Use [get_unix_menus] to get a structure
    /// ```
    pub fn add_menu(&mut self, menu: &Menu) -> MenuHandle {

    /// Remove a menu that has been added with [#add_menu]
    pub fn remove_menu(&mut self, handle: MenuHandle) {

    /// Get Unix menu. Will only return menus on Unix class OSes
    /// otherwise ```None```
    pub fn get_unix_menus(&self) -> Option<&Vec<UnixMenu>> {

    pub fn get_unix_menus(&self) -> Option<&Vec<UnixMenu>> {

    /// Check if a menu item has been pressed
    pub fn is_menu_pressed(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {

/// Command key on Mac OS
pub const MENU_KEY_COMMAND: usize = 1;
/// Windows key on Windows
pub const MENU_KEY_WIN: usize = 2;
/// Shift key
pub const MENU_KEY_SHIFT: usize = 4;
/// Control key
pub const MENU_KEY_CTRL: usize = 8;
/// Alt key
pub const MENU_KEY_ALT: usize = 16;

const MENU_ID_SEPARATOR:usize = 0xffffffff;

/// Used on Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, etc) as menus aren't supported in a native where there.
/// This structure can be used by calling [#get_unix_menus] on Window.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct UnixMenu {
	/// Name of the menu
	pub name: String,
	/// All items of the menu.
	pub items: Vec<UnixMenuItem>,
	pub handle: MenuHandle,
	pub item_counter: MenuItemHandle,

/// Used for on Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, etc) as menus aren't supported in a native where there.
/// This structure holds info for each item in a #UnixMenu
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct UnixMenuItem {
    /// Set to a menu if there is a Item is a sub_menu otherwise None
	pub sub_menu: Option<Box<UnixMenu>>,
	/// Handle of the MenuItem
	pub handle: MenuItemHandle,
	/// Id of the item (set by the user from the outside and should be reported back when pressed)
    pub id: usize,
    /// Name of the item
    pub label: String,
    /// Set to true if enabled otherwise false
    pub enabled: bool,
    /// Shortcut key
    pub key: Key,
    /// Modifier for the key (Shift, Ctrl, etc)
    pub modifier: usize,

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MenuItemHandle(pub u64);

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MenuHandle(pub u64);

/// Menu holds info for menus
pub struct Menu(imp::Menu);

impl Menu {
    /// Create a new menu. Returns error if failed
    pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result<Menu> {

    /// Destroys a menu. Currently not implemented
    pub fn destroy_menu(&mut self) {

    /// Adds a sub menu to the current menu
    pub fn add_sub_menu(&mut self, name: &str, menu: &Menu) {
        self.0.add_sub_menu(name, &menu.0)

    /// Adds a menu separator
    pub fn add_separator(&mut self) {
        self.add_menu_item(&MenuItem { id: MENU_ID_SEPARATOR, ..MenuItem::default() });

    /// Adds an item to the menu
    pub fn add_menu_item(&mut self, item: &MenuItem) -> MenuItemHandle {

    /// Adds an item to the menu. Notice that you need to call "build" to finish the add
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// menu.add_item("test", 1).shortcut(Key::A, 0).build()
    /// ```
    pub fn add_item(&mut self, name: &str, id: usize) -> MenuItem {
        MenuItem {
            id: id,
            label: name.to_owned(),
            menu: Some(self),

    /// Removes an item from the menu
    pub fn remove_item(&mut self, item: &MenuItemHandle) {

/// Holds info about each item in a menu
pub struct MenuItem<'a> {
    pub id: usize,
    pub label: String,
    pub enabled: bool,
    pub key: Key,
    pub modifier: usize,
    pub menu: Option<&'a mut Menu>,

impl<'a> Default for MenuItem<'a> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        MenuItem {
            id: MENU_ID_SEPARATOR,
            label: "".to_owned(),
            enabled: true,
            key: Key::Unknown,
            modifier: 0,
            menu: None,

impl<'a> Clone for MenuItem<'a> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        MenuItem {
            id: self.id,
            label: self.label.clone(),
            enabled: self.enabled,
            key: self.key,
            modifier: self.modifier,
            menu: None,

impl<'a> MenuItem<'a> {
    /// Creates a new menu item
    pub fn new(name: &str, id: usize) -> MenuItem {
        MenuItem {
            id: id,
            label: name.to_owned(),
    /// Sets a shortcut key and modifer (and returns itself)
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// menu.add_item("test", 1).shortcut(Key::A, 0).build()
    /// ```
    pub fn shortcut(self, key: Key, modifier: usize) -> Self {
        MenuItem {
            key: key,
            modifier: modifier,
            .. self
    /// Sets item to a separator
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// menu.add_item("", 0).separator().build()
    /// ```
    /// Notice that it's usually easier to just call ```menu.add_separator()``` directly
    pub fn separator(self) -> Self {
        MenuItem {
            id: MENU_ID_SEPARATOR,
            .. self
    /// Sets the menu item disabled/or not
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// menu.add_item("test", 1).enabled(false).build()
    /// ```
    pub fn enabled(self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
        MenuItem {
            enabled: enabled,
            .. self
    /// Must be called to finalize building of a menu item when started with ```menu.add_item()```
    /// # Examples
    /// ```ignore
    /// menu.add_item("test", 1).enabled(false).build()
    /// ```
    pub fn build(&mut self) -> MenuItemHandle {
        let t = self.clone();
        if let Some(ref mut menu) = self.menu {
        } else {

// Impl for WindowOptions

impl Default for WindowOptions {
    fn default() -> WindowOptions {
        WindowOptions {
            borderless: false,
            title: true,
            resize: false,
            scale: Scale::X1,