##### Appveyor Rust Install Script ##### # This is the most important part of the Appveyor configuration. This installs the version of Rust # specified by the "channel" and "target" environment variables from the build matrix. By default, # Rust will be installed to C:\Rust for easy usage, but this path can be overridden by setting the # RUST_INSTALL_DIR environment variable. The URL to download rust distributions defaults to # https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/ but can overridden by setting the RUST_DOWNLOAD_URL environment # variable. # # For simple configurations, instead of using the build matrix, you can override the channel and # target environment variables with the --channel and --target script arguments. # # If no channel or target arguments or environment variables are specified, will default to stable # channel and x86_64-pc-windows-msvc target. param([string]$channel=${env:channel}, [string]$target=${env:target}) # Initialize our parameters from arguments and environment variables, falling back to defaults if (!$channel) { $channel = "stable" } if (!$target) { $target = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" } $downloadUrl = "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/" if ($env:RUST_DOWNLOAD_URL) { $downloadUrl = $env:RUST_DOWNLOAD_URL } $installDir = "C:\Rust" if ($env:RUST_INSTALL_DIR) { $installUrl = $env:RUST_INSTALL_DIR } # Download manifest so we can find actual filename of installer to download. Needed mostly for # stable channel. echo "Downloading $channel channel manifest" $manifest = "${env:Temp}\channel-rust-${channel}" Start-FileDownload "${downloadUrl}channel-rust-${channel}" -FileName "$manifest" # Search the manifest lines for the correct filename based on target $match = Get-Content "$manifest" | Select-String -pattern "${target}.exe" -simplematch if (!$match -or !$match.line) { throw "Could not find $target in $channel channel manifest" } $installer = $match.line # Download installer echo "Downloading ${downloadUrl}$installer" Start-FileDownload "${downloadUrl}$installer" -FileName "${env:Temp}\$installer" # Execute installer and wait for it to finish echo "Installing $installer to $installDir" &"${env:Temp}\$installer" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /DIR="$installDir" | Write-Output # Add Rust to the path. $env:Path += ";${installDir}\bin;C:\MinGW\bin" echo "Installation of $channel Rust $target completed" # Test and display installed version information for rustc and cargo rustc -V cargo -V