Daniel Collin 38fa50a4ef rustfmt
2019-11-27 07:59:15 +01:00

75 lines
1.8 KiB

extern crate minifb;
use minifb::{Key, Window, WindowOptions};
const WIDTH: usize = 600;
const HEIGHT: usize = 600;
const FRACTAL_DEPTH: u32 = 64;
const GENERATION_INFINITY: f64 = 16.;
fn main() {
let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0; WIDTH * HEIGHT];
let mut window = match Window::new(
"Fractal - ESC to exit",
) {
Ok(win) => win,
Err(err) => {
println!("Unable to create window {}", err);
let range = 2.0;
let x_min = 0. - range;
let y_min = 0. - range;
let x_max = 0. + range;
let y_max = 0. + range;
let mut angle: f64 = 0.0;
while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) {
for i in 0..buffer.len() {
let mut real = map((i % WIDTH) as f64, 0., WIDTH as f64, x_min, x_max);
let mut imag = map((i / HEIGHT) as f64, 0., HEIGHT as f64, y_min, y_max);
let mut n = 0;
while n < FRACTAL_DEPTH {
let re = real.powf(2.) - imag.powf(2.);
let im = 2. * real * imag;
real = re + angle.cos();
imag = im + angle.sin();
if (real + imag).abs() > GENERATION_INFINITY {
break; // Leave when achieve infinity
n += 1;
buffer[i] = fill(n);
angle += 0.1;
// We unwrap here as we want this code to exit if it fails
fn map(val: f64, start1: f64, stop1: f64, start2: f64, stop2: f64) -> f64 {
start2 + (stop2 - start2) * ((val - start1) / (stop1 - start1))
fn fill(n: u32) -> u32 {
return 0x00;
} else {
return n * 32 % 255;