mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 08:17:43 +11:00
324 lines
11 KiB
324 lines
11 KiB
#version 450
#include "config.inc"
#define half_pi 1.5707963267949
// RGB mask: R G B
#define m1 vec3 ( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) //col 1
#define m2 vec3 ( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ) //col 2
#define m3 vec3 ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) //col 3
// RGB mask low dpi (green-magenta, exploiting native rgb subpixels)
#define m1gm vec3 ( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ) //col 1
#define m2gm vec3 ( 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ) //col 2
// Blur sizes must not depend on input resolution
#define scalemod_x (global.in_glow_passSize.x/360.0)
#define scalemod_y (global.in_glow_passSize.y/270.0)
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) out vec2 vOutputCoord;
#include "includes/functions.include.slang"
void main() {
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = get_scaled_coords(TexCoord,global.FinalViewportSize, is_rotated());
vOutputCoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vOutputCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D FXAA_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D in_glow_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform sampler2D halo_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler2D first_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 7) uniform sampler2D avglum_passFeedback;
#include "includes/functions.include.slang"
vec3 pixel_vmask(vec3 source, vec3 white_reference, float over_white) {
int col = int( vOutputCoord.x * params.OutputSize.x );
vec3 pixel_out;
vec3 vmasked;
vec4 vec_mod=(vec4(3,1,2,3) + vec4(VMASK_GAP,0.0,0.0,0.0))* VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE ;
float mask_lightness = 1.0 - RGB_MASK_STRENGTH;
if ( mod(col, vec_mod.x) < vec_mod.y) vmasked = min(m1 + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
else if (mod(col, vec_mod.x) < vec_mod.z) vmasked = min(m2 + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
else if (mod(col, vec_mod.x) < vec_mod.w) vmasked = min(m3 + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
else vmasked = min(vec3(0.0) + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
if (over_white == 1.0) pixel_out = vmasked;
else {
float whiteness=(white_reference.r+white_reference.g+white_reference.b)/3.0;
whiteness-= over_white;
whiteness= clamp(whiteness,0.0,1.0);
pixel_out= mix(vmasked,source,whiteness);
return pixel_out;
vec3 pixel_vmask_gm(vec3 source, vec3 white_reference, float over_white) {
int col = int( vOutputCoord.x * params.OutputSize.x );
vec3 pixel_out;
vec3 vmasked;
vec3 vec_mod=(vec3(2,1,2) + vec3(VMASK_GAP,0.0,0.0))* VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE ;
float mask_lightness = 1.0 - RGB_MASK_STRENGTH;
if (mod(col, vec_mod.x) < vec_mod.y) vmasked = min(m1gm + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
else if (mod(col, vec_mod.x) < vec_mod.z) vmasked = min(m2gm + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
else vmasked = min(vec3(0.0) + mask_lightness,vec3(1.0)) * source;
if (over_white == 1.0) pixel_out = vmasked;
else {
float whiteness=(white_reference.r+white_reference.g+white_reference.b)/3.0;
whiteness-= over_white;
whiteness= clamp(whiteness,0.0,1.0);
pixel_out= mix(vmasked,source,whiteness);
return pixel_out;
vec3 pixel_darklines(vec3 source,float darkline_every, float darkline_trans,
float do_offset, vec3 white_reference,float over_white) {
float Darkline_part_w = (3.0 - VMASK_USE_GM + VMASK_GAP) * VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE;
float Darkline_part_w_x2 = Darkline_part_w*2;
//vec3 pixel_out=source;
float col_2 = vOutputCoord.x * params.OutputSize.x;
float line_2 = vOutputCoord.y * params.OutputSize.y;
darkline_every *= VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE;
if (over_white != 1.0) {
//less effect on bright colors.
float whiteness=(white_reference.r+white_reference.g+white_reference.b)/3.0;
if (do_offset == 1.0) {
if (int(mod(line_2, darkline_every)) < VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE) {
if (int(mod(col_2, Darkline_part_w_x2)) < Darkline_part_w) return source * darkline_trans;
} else if (int(mod(line_2+(darkline_every/2), darkline_every)) < VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE ) {
if ((int(mod(col_2, Darkline_part_w_x2))) < Darkline_part_w)
return source * darkline_trans;
} else {
if ( darkline_every >= 0.0)
if (int(mod(line_2, darkline_every)) < VMASK_DARKLINE_SCALE) return source * darkline_trans;
return source;
float scanline_shape_static_in_lum(vec2 coords, float in_luminance) {
// Modulate scanline weight via in_luminance
float period = (params.OriginalSize.y > MIN_LINES_INTERLACED ) ? 2 : 1 ;
float angle = coords.y * pi * period * params.OriginalSize.y ;
float lines = abs(sin(angle));
lines=clamp(lines, SCANLINE_DARK,1.0);
lines = (lines*lines);
float w = (SCANLINES_BLEEDING * 9.0 * in_luminance +1 ); // + SCANLINES_BLEEDING;
lines = pow(lines,1.0/ w );
return lines;
float scanline_shape_dumb(vec2 coords, bool do_flicker) {
float source_dy = global.first_passSize.w ;
if ( mod(coords.y, source_dy*2) < source_dy ) {
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
float scanline_shape(vec2 coords, bool do_flicker) {
bool alternate = false;
float period = 1.0;
int slow = 1;
if (do_flicker) {
if (params.FrameCount/slow % 2 == 0.0) alternate = true;
if (params.OriginalSize.y > MIN_LINES_INTERLACED ) period = 0.5;
float angle = coords.y * pi * params.OriginalSize.y * period;
float lines;
if (alternate)
lines = -sin(angle+half_pi); //lines = abs(cos(angle));
lines = sin(angle);
lines = (lines*lines);
if (SCANLINE_DARK >= 0.0) {
lines = lines * (1.0 - SCANLINE_DARK) + SCANLINE_DARK;
} else {
float deepness = -SCANLINE_DARK;
lines = lines * ((1-SCANLINE_DARK) ) + SCANLINE_DARK ;
return lines;
vec4 main_wrap(vec2 co) {
bool isinterlaced = is_interlaced();
bool flickering_scanlines = (DO_SCANLINES == 1.0) && scanline_have_to_flicker(isinterlaced) ;
vec3 pixel_in;
vec3 pixel_glowed;
//Get the first available pixel_in:
if (DO_IN_GLOW == 1.0) {
pixel_glowed = texture(in_glow_pass,co).rgb;
pixel_in = pixel_glowed;
else if (DO_FXAA == 1.0)
pixel_in = texture(FXAA_pass,co).rgb ;
pixel_in = texture(first_pass,co).rgb ;
vec3 pixel_out = pixel_in;
vec3 pixel_in_clamped = min(pixel_in,vec3(1.0)); //Clamp here for moth vmask and darklines.
//Mask and darklines:
if (RGB_MASK_STRENGTH > 0.0) {
//Use RGB pattern or exploit RGB layout with green and magenta?
if (VMASK_USE_GM < 1.0) {
pixel_out = pixel_vmask(pixel_in, pixel_in_clamped, VMASK_OVERWHITE);
} else {
pixel_out = pixel_vmask_gm(pixel_in, pixel_in_clamped, VMASK_OVERWHITE);
//Screen lines
vec3 pixel_haloed;
if (DO_HALO == 1.0 ) {
pixel_haloed = texture(halo_pass,co).rgb;
pixel_out += pixel_haloed;
pixel_out = clamp(pixel_out,0.0,HALO_CLAMP);
// Non flickering scanlines
if ( DO_SCANLINES == 1.0 ) {
vec3 pixel_bleed ;
if (! ( isinterlaced && (SCANLINE_DISABLE_ON_INTERLACE == 1.0)) ) {
if (DO_IN_GLOW + DO_HALO > 0.0) {
if (DO_HALO == 1.0) pixel_bleed = pixel_haloed;
else if (DO_IN_GLOW == 1.0) pixel_bleed = pixel_glowed;
else pixel_bleed = pixel_in;
float scanline_shape = scanline_shape(co, flickering_scanlines ) ;
vec3 pixel_scanlined = scanline_shape * pixel_out;
pixel_out = pixel_scanlined + (pixel_out * pixel_bleed * SCANLINES_BLEEDING * (1-scanline_shape));
if (DO_CCORRECTION == 1.0) pixel_out = pow(pixel_out,vec3(GAMMA_OUT));
return vec4(pixel_out,1.0) ; //* border(border_coords);
//Test masks to be used with pixel_vmask_test()
// Actually slower than pixel_vmask(), but handy for quick test
//first element of the array is the useful size.
const vec3 oo = vec3(0); //padding
const vec3 mask_RGB[10] = vec3[]( vec3(3), vec3(1,0,0), vec3(0,1,0), vec3(0,0,1), oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo);
const vec3 mask_GM[10] = vec3[]( vec3(2), vec3(0,1,0), vec3(1,0,1), oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo);
vec3 pixel_vmask_test(vec3 color_in, vec3[10] vmask, int multiplier, float gap, vec3 white_reference, float over_white) {
int col = int( vOutputCoord.x * params.OutputSize.x );
vec3 vmasked;
float size = (vmask[0].x + gap) * multiplier;
for (int i = multiplier ; i <= size * multiplier ; i+=multiplier) {
if (mod(col, size) < i) {
vmasked = min (vmask[i/multiplier] + 1.0 - RGB_MASK_STRENGTH, vec3(1.0)) * color_in;
if (over_white == 1.0) return vmasked;
else {
float whiteness=(white_reference.r+white_reference.g+white_reference.b)/3.0;
whiteness-= over_white;
whiteness= clamp(whiteness,0.0,1.0);
return mix(vmasked, color_in, whiteness);
void main() {
vec2 coords = vTexCoord;
if (DO_DYNZOOM == 1.0) {
float zoomin = 1.0 + (texture(avglum_passFeedback, vec2(0.25,0.25) ).a/ DYNZOOM_FACTOR);
coords = zoom(vTexCoord, zoomin);
vec2 coords_curved = coords;
//Curvature: set coords_curved coordinate: (global var)
if (DO_CURVATURE == 1.0) {
if ((GEOM_WARP_X > 0.0) || (GEOM_WARP_Y > 0.0))
coords_curved = Warp(coords_curved,GEOM_WARP_X,GEOM_WARP_Y);
if (DO_BEZEL == 1.0) {
coords_curved = zoomout_coords(coords_curved, -BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM , 1.0);
coords = zoomout_coords(coords, -BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM , 1.0);
//FIXME: bezel may need a wider border when zoomed in.
//But for performance reasons we can wide the border in relation to the desidered reflection area.
//by now, just wide by BEZEL_REFLECTION_AREA_SIZE defined in config.inc
bool is_border = false;
if (border_needed()) {
bool b_is_rotated = is_rotated();
bool is_outside_x = ((coords.x > 1.0+WIDEN ) || (coords.x < 0.0 - WIDEN) );
bool is_outside_y = ((coords.y > 1.0+WIDEN ) || (coords.y < 0.0 - WIDEN) );
is_border = (b_is_rotated && is_outside_y) || (!b_is_rotated && is_outside_x);
if (is_border)
FragColor = mark_outer_frame(vec3(0.0));
FragColor = main_wrap(coords_curved);