2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00

2023-01-25 12:59:48 -05:00
Mega Bezel is updated to V1.9.0_2023-01-22
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
2023-01-25 12:59:48 -05:00
* Added some more Sinden presets for SCREEN-ONLY and POTATO
* Added Screen Region to Resolution Debug text
* Good for getting the screen region pixel coordinates if you need them
* Adjusted Ambient Lighting Scaling when using the Inherit Zoom scale mode
* Now when you zoom out it is much less likely to generate a black frame covering the outer parts of the background image
* The minimum size of the lighting texture will be close to the height of the current viewport
* This reduces the likelihood that we will see the cutoff
* ScaleFx: Exposed more of the settings so they can be tweaked
* Default Settings changed:
* ScaleFx Threshold: now 0.43 (was 0.5)
* ScaleFx Filter Corners: now 0 (was 1)
* These settings result in a slighly clearer picture and less rounding of square corners
* SMOOTH-ADV ntsc presets: ntsc_scale adjusted so it visually matches the regular ADV ntsc presets
2022-08-24 22:32:58 -04:00
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
2022-07-28 21:56:28 -04:00
--- TODO ---------------------------------------
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
2022-08-24 22:32:58 -04:00
2023-01-25 12:59:48 -05:00
* Add back Raster Bloom
* Do new release
* Add Z-Fast to libretro repo
* Check difference between old and new NTSC
* Check out duplicate params in NTSC
* Check out independent bezel scale and reflection, reflection is not following the bezel
* Check brighter reflection in new NTSC
* Update Dual Screen to use params files
* Swap out // for # in base presets
* Add ability to have layers appear on top of the bezel but below the reflection
* One way to do this would be to have a CRT/Reflection layer offset which forces layers below to be composited on top of the bezel
* Fix CRT Blend Amount
* Adjustable softness of bezel outer edge for reflection
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* Adjustable Bezel Curvature per side?
* Revisit Tate Mode / Vertical Scanline and Rotate CRT artifacts
* Fast Sharpen & Sharp Smoother currently work on x axis, should be relative to scanline direction
* Get GTU to respect scanline direction
* NTSC is causing blurriness when using FB Neo and Rotate CRT - Test Game Batrider
* We need to know what orientation the game is in the first place to do this
* When in interlacing mode for vertical opposite mult should do something
* Use brightness values of sides to control static corner highlight
* Fix Megatron Reflection
* Create 4K Royale Preset
2022-08-24 22:32:58 -04:00
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Add .params #reference to with all parameters commented out
2022-10-10 16:26:21 -04:00
* We should have a middle pass which has the device behind the CRT tube
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
--- Examples --------------------------------------
2022-09-26 21:38:41 -04:00
Recent Performance 2022-09-18
Spec RTX-2060, at 4K:
240p image
ADV 175
2K image
ADV 105
4K image
ADV 48
XBR-ADV Crashed
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
--- Post V1 ---------------------------------------
* Auto Rotate
* Guess White/Black Matting?
* Auto Shadow for image Layers above screen
* Mega Back Light a la philips Hue/Ambient
* Night light single glow - Place Glows
* Fix Corner Shading
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Double Bezel
* Swap option for Blurry vs Sharp Tube Reflection
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* Do some OrionsAngel Arcade Presets
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Add Rewind Effect?
* Rotate Dual Screen
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* LCD behavior when reaching resolution limit?
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Shadow from Cutout?
* Large Slotmask Bitmap Mask
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* Hyllian Sync Version?
* Black frames in Mupen64Plus-Next using parallel RDP, seen in Perfect Dark
* Original scaling mode to deal with black final viewport in Parallel RDP in both mupen and Parallel cores.
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
Scene Dynamic Lighting
* Reflection from screen on additional elements
* Side Panels, Speaker Panel, Table
* Masking of main and additional reflection
2023-01-25 12:59:48 -05:00
* Colored Mask to define areas
* Up rgb(128, 255, 128)
* Down rgb(128, 0, 128)
* Left rgb(0, 128, 128)
* Right rgb(255, 128, 128)
* Center rgb(128, 128, 255)
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* Bounce lighting from screen to room back to the scene
* Masking behind devices
* Sprite sheet for arcade Lighting loop
* Sprite sheets for left and right machine attract mode loops
* Split Normal vs Additive in layers
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* More Reflection from closer to middle of screen on bezel
* Additional Screens driven by Sprite Sheets
* Night Lighting - Modulate Range on top of Hue & Value
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
--- Independent Shader Stuff for Main Repo --------
* Add Test_Max_Resources to Repo
* Make Resolution text shader it's own pass for Repo
* Show Original Res, Previous Pass Res, Next Pass Res, Viewport
* Move Resolution Debug to be top justified
* Gameboy
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* Fix DMG Shader or make new one
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Fix Low Contrast Issue
* Multiple palettes including Custom for Gameboy
* Add Gameboy Palettes https://www.deviantart.com/thewolfbunny/gallery/69987002/game-boy-palettes
* Independent Bezel Scaling not the same as non-int scale
* Why? Maybe only in Portrait Res?
* Outer reflection corner radius should be independent when in independent mode
* See why very inner edge seems not affected by reflection mask
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Startup Animation - Sprite Sheet
* Frame Shading
* Shading on frame interior edge?
* Frame Inner edge static lighter line
* Frame Interior Edge thickness
* Fix shading with rounded outer corner
* Frame shadow should follow corner radius
* When reflection is off still see inner bezel edge reflection
* Put Torridgristle LUT back in for blue skys?
New install of retroarch
Turn all overlays off
I have rings, wavy distortions (Moire)
The Waves you are seeing are called a Moire effect, it’ s the same effect you see through a screen door sometimes.
It is caused by using a crt shader with scanlines and tube curvature and made worse when the resolution is limited. It is a thorny problem , and sometimes hard to get rid of at 1080, it is much less of a problem at 4k.
Things which can help/fix the problem
Reducing strength of scanlines,
Reducing or curvature or setting it to 0 will definitely fix it.
If you keep using curvature using Integer scale in the shader parameters can sometimes help.
If making own presets reference from crt-Base presets
Old Megabezel https://github.com/HyperspaceMadness/shaders_slang/tree/adf6dc3c0f09db11ebf4fbcf85098ac8232acfcc
--- Retroarch Features -----------------------------
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
* Add Core Provided Aspect as Uniform
* Add Rotation as Uniforms
* Replace Text, for shader type, game & core, content directory
* core_name
* game_name
* [shadertype], [gamename], [corename], [contentdirectory]
* Check textures and use default if not found
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Append (Prepend) Shader Preset - to add a shader preset to the beginning of the chain
* Fix edit shader in UI - Changes are currently lost or need to apply twice
* Fix loss of current parameter values when retroarch goes from full screen to window
* Fix saving with same name with different capitalization creates self reference
* Shaders folder as a path token, e.g. "[shaders]/shaders_slang/" [shaders_dir]?
* Hide Parameters
* Stop Reloading Shader multiple times on Save (Keep optional param)
* Choose Textures in UI
* Shader Textures in Sub Menu - Add ability to set texture overrides in retroarch UI
* Shader Passes in Sub Menu
* Dropdowns for indexed parameters?
* Multiple references in one file for adding passes and parameter overrides
* Edit Multiple References in UI vs Shader Passes, Discreetly change between Simple and Full
* Onscreen Display of current shader preset
* Reload Last Preset
* Next/Previous Shader does not work well if shader was loaded as Game preset
* Sometimes uses different directories, probably related to shader_path in live shader rather than originally loaded preset
* Pass Scaling Types
* Original scaling Type
* MaxAbsolute scaling type?
* If res is lower don't scale if larger scale to this res, good for PSX Upscaling
* Would avoid people crashing with internal resolution multiple
* Add "Timer" uniform variable vec4(total-count, count-since-shader-load, oscillator[1,0,1,0,1,...], [unknown/undefined])
* Unknown could be frames since direction change, good for rewind effect
* Check for alias used multiple times appears as semantic error now
* global.x is semantic error if x not in global
* GIF support
Questions for Survey
2022-12-22 00:16:29 -05:00
What kind of intro would you like as default in the Mega Bezel?
Snow Only
Snow + CH 04
Snow + Mega Bezel Logo
2022-06-24 20:06:45 -04:00
* Old Perf Numbers before Caching
* Performance of Base presets at 3840x2160 on Nvidia RTX2060:
* ADVANCED - 78 FPS - No comparable old preset
* GLASS - 150 FPS - Old Glass Preset 128 FPS
* STANDARD - 135 FPS - Old Full Preset 140 FPS
* BASIC-BORDER-WITH-REFLECTION - 175 FPS - Old Reflect Only Preset 165 FPS
* BASIC-BORDER - 295 FPS - Old Screen Scale Preset 370 FPS
* Performance on HD-CORE E.G. 1920x1080: