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#version 450
Merge Dithering and Pseudo Transparency Shader v2.8 - Pass 3
by Sp00kyFox, 2014
Backpropagation and checkerboard smoothing.
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
} params;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
} global;
#pragma parameter MDAPT_MODE " Mode - OFF | Strict | Relaxed | Stripes" 0 0 3 1
#define TEX(dx,dy) texture(Source, vTexCoord+vec2((dx),(dy))*params.SourceSize.zw)
#define TEXt0(dx,dy) texture(PreDeDitheringPass, vTexCoord+vec2((dx),(dy))*params.SourceSize.zw)
bool eq(vec3 A, vec3 B){
return (A == B);
float and_(float a, float b){
return min(a,b);
float or_(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h, float i){
return max(a, max(b, max(c, max(d, max(e, max(f, max(g, max(h,i))))))));
vec2 and_(vec2 a, vec2 b){
return min(a,b);
vec2 or_(vec2 a, vec2 b){
return max(a,b);
vec2 or_(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 c, vec2 d){
return max(a, max(b, max(c,d)));
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D PreDeDitheringPass;
void main()
if (global.MDAPT_MODE < 1)
FragColor = texture(Source, vTexCoord);
vec4 C = TEX( 0., 0.); vec3 c = TEXt0( 0., 0.).xyz;
vec2 L = TEX(-1., 0.).xy; vec3 l = TEXt0(-1., 0.).xyz;
vec2 R = TEX( 1., 0.).xy; vec3 r = TEXt0( 1., 0.).xyz;
vec2 U = TEX( 0.,-1.).xy; vec3 u = TEXt0( 0.,-1.).xyz;
vec2 D = TEX( 0., 1.).xy; vec3 d = TEXt0( 0., 1.).xyz;
float UL = TEX(-1.,-1.).y; vec3 ul = TEXt0(-1.,-1.).xyz;
float UR = TEX( 1.,-1.).y; vec3 ur = TEXt0( 1.,-1.).xyz;
float DL = TEX(-1., 1.).y; vec3 dl = TEXt0(-1., 1.).xyz;
float DR = TEX( 1., 1.).y; vec3 dr = TEXt0( 1., 1.).xyz;
// Backpropagation
C.xy = or_(C.xy, and_(C.zw, or_(L, R, U, D)));
// Checkerboard Smoothing
C.y = or_(C.y, min(U.y, float(eq(c,u))), min(D.y, float(eq(c,d))), min(L.y, float(eq(c,l))), min(R.y, float(eq(c,r))), min(UL, float(eq(c,ul))), min(UR, float(eq(c,ur))), min(DL, float(eq(c,dl))), min(DR, float(eq(c,dr))));
FragColor = vec4(C);