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Raw Normal View History

2018-02-24 12:43:32 +11:00
#version 450
// Somewhere in 1993 - nimitz - 2014-10-10
// Experiments in making low poly terrain.
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
vec4 OutputSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 SourceSize;
uint FrameCount;
} global;
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
const vec2 madd = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = gl_Position.xy;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
float iGlobalTime = float(global.FrameCount)*0.025;
vec2 iResolution = global.OutputSize.xy;
//Somewhere in 1993 by nimitz (twitter: @stormoid)
#define PALETTE 6.8
//3 to 5 works best
#define ITR 100
#define FAR 700.
#define time mod(iGlobalTime,500.)
mat2 mm2(in float a){float c = cos(a), s = sin(a);return mat2(c,-s,s,c);}
float smoothfloor(const in float x, const in float w)
return floor(x)+smoothstep(w, 1.-w,fract(x));
vec3 enpos()
return vec3(sin(time)*100.+50.,sin(time)*30.+30.,300.+sin(time*.9+sin(time*0.88+0.2))*100.);
float square(in vec2 p){ return max(abs(p.x),abs(p.y));}
float loz(in vec2 p){ return abs(p.x)+abs(p.y);}
//from Dave (
vec2 hash2(float p)
vec2 p2 = fract(p * vec2(5.3983, 5.4427));
p2 += dot(p2.yx, p2.xy + vec2(21.5351, 14.3137));
return fract(vec2(p2.x * p2.y * 95.4337, p2.x * p2.y * 97.597));
float line( in vec2 a, in vec2 b, in vec2 p )
vec2 pa = p - a, ba = b - a;
float h = clamp( dot(pa,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0, 1.0 );
return length( pa - ba*h );
float crosshair(in vec2 p , in float tk, in float rt)
float d = abs(p.x)+abs(p.y);
float a = atan(p.y,p.x);
float rz = smoothstep(0.03*tk,.04*tk,abs(d-0.5));
d = sin(a*3.+1.59-time*3.5-rt);
rz += smoothstep(0.0,.07*tk,d);
return rz;
//inspired by otaviogood "runes" (
float text2(in vec2 p)
p = (p+vec2(1.75,-.8))*7.;
p.x *= 1.5;
float sd = floor(time*8.);
vec2 p1 = vec2(0), p2 = hash2(sd);
float d= 1.;
vec2 fl = vec2(2.,2.);
for(float i=0.;i<7.;i++)
p1 = hash2(i+sd);
p2 = hash2(i+sd+1.);
p1 = (floor(p1*fl) + .5)/fl;
p2 = (floor(p2*fl) + .5)/fl;
if (p1 == p2) p2 = vec2(.5);
d = min(line(p1, p2, p), d);
p1 = p2;
p2 = hash2(i+sd+3.);
p2 = (floor(p2*fl) + .5)/fl;
d = min(line(p1, p2, p), d);
p1 = p2;
p2 = hash2(i+sd+5.);
p2 = (floor(p2*fl) + .5)/fl;
if (p1 == p2)
p2 = hash2(i+sd+7.);
p2 = (floor(p2*fl) + .5)/fl;
d = min(line(p1,p2,p),d);
p.x -= .8;
d = smoothstep(0.03, .08,d);
return d;
vec3 makeHud(in vec2 p, in float seek)
float sk1 = smoothstep(0.99, 1., seek);
float sk2 = step(1.-sk1, .5);
//lens deformation
float ll = abs(p.x)+abs(p.y)*0.25;
p *= ll * -.3+1.29;
p *= 2.;
vec3 col = vec3(0);
float d= 1.;
float rz = crosshair(p*1.1, .9,1.+sk1);
rz = min(rz,crosshair(p*2.7,2., -time*6.5-1.1-sk1));
//minimap (top right)
float d2 = square(p+vec2(-1.45, -0.67))+0.02;
d = smoothstep(0.3,0.31,d2);
d = max(d,smoothstep(0.35,.55,min(sin(p.x*80.+1.9),sin(p.y*80.+time*15.))+1.4));
d = min(d,smoothstep(0.002,0.009,abs(d2-0.3)));
vec3 enp = enpos()/1000.;
enp.z = 1.-enp.z;
float en = smoothstep(0.025, 0.033, loz(enp.xz+p-vec2(1.47, 1.4))) ;
en += mod(floor(time*2.5), 2.);
d = min(d,en);
rz = min(d,rz);
//text (top left)
rz= min(rz,text2(p));
//altitude bars
d = min(rz,sin(p.y*100.+sin(time)*20.)*3.+3.);
d2 = max(d,(p.x+0.59)*200.);
d2 = max(d2,-(p.x+0.66)*200.);
float d3 = max(d,(p.x-0.66)*200.);
d3 = max(d3,-(p.x-.59)*200.);
d2 = min(d2,d3);
d2 += smoothstep(0.59, .6, -p.y);
d2 += smoothstep(0.59, .6, p.y);
rz = min(rz,d2);
//bottom left "status"
float num = mod(floor(time*12.),12.);
vec2 p2 = p+vec2(-1.32,.94);
d = 1.;
for(float i=0.;i<5.;i++)
d = min(d,length(p2)+float(num==i));
p2.x -= 0.1;
d = smoothstep(0.023,.03,d);
rz = min(d,rz);
vec3 hcol = (sin(vec3(0.35,0.4,0.48)*(3.35)*PALETTE)*0.5+.5); -= sk2;
hcol.r += sk2;
return hcol*(1.-rz);
float tri(in float x)
return abs(fract(x)-0.5);
mat2 m2 = mat2( 0.80, 0.60, -0.60, 0.80 );
float tnoise(in vec2 p)
float z=2.;
float rz = 0.;
for (float i= 1.;i < TERRAIN_COMPLEXITY;i++ )
rz+= tri(p.x+tri(p.y*1.))/z;
z = z*2.;
p = p*1.8;
p*= m2;
return rz*9.;
float oct(in vec3 p){ return dot(vec3(0.5773),abs(p));}
vec2 ou( vec2 d1, vec2 d2 ){return (d1.x<d2.x) ? d1 : d2;}
vec3 roty(vec3 p, float a)
float s = sin(a), c = cos(a);
return vec3(c*p.x + s*p.z, p.y, -s*p.x + c*p.z);
vec2 map(vec3 p)
vec2 d = vec2(6.*tnoise(p.xz)+p.y+20.+(tri(p.z*0.001)-0.4)*22.,1.);
//xlog(x) seems to work nicely for a valley
d.x -= abs(p.x*0.5*log(abs(p.x)))*0.05-8.;
//flat water
d = ou(d,vec2(p.y+30., 2.));
vec3 enp = enpos();
enp.z += time*50.;
d = ou(d,vec2((oct(roty(p-enp, time*2.5))-6.)*0.66,8.));
return d;
vec2 march(in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd)
float precis = .1;
float h=precis*2.0;
float d = 0.;
float c = 1.;
for( int i=0; i<ITR; i++ )
if( abs(h)<precis || d>FAR ) break;
d += h;
vec2 res = map(ro+rd*d);
h = res.x*1.4;
c = res.y;
return vec2(d,c);
vec3 normal(const in vec3 p)
vec2 e = vec2(-1., 1.)*.1;
return normalize(e.yxx*map(p + e.yxx).x + e.xxy*map(p + e.xxy).x +
e.xyx*map(p + e.xyx).x + e.yyy*map(p + e.yyy).x );
//(from eiffie, who thought it was from iq, dont know who actually wrote it)
float segm(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, vec3 p1, vec3 p2)
vec3 p = p1-ro;
vec3 di = p2-ro-p;
float proj = dot(rd, di);
float m = clamp((dot(rd,p)*proj-dot(p,di))/(dot(di,di)-proj*proj), 0., 1.);
p += di*m;
p = dot(p, rd)*rd-p;
return smoothstep(0.9985,.999,1.-dot(p,p));
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 p = fragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy-0.5;
vec2 bp = p+0.5;
vec2 um = vec2(0);
um.x = 0.5+(smoothstep(-2.,2.,sin(time*.7-0.1))-0.5)*.1;
um.y = sin(time+1.)*0.02;
vec3 ro = vec3((smoothstep(-2., 2., sin(time*0.7+1.57))-0.5)*50., sin(time)*5.-1., time*50.);
um.x *= 3.;
vec3 eye = normalize(vec3(cos(um.x),um.y*5.,sin(um.x)));
vec3 right = normalize(vec3(cos(um.x+1.5708),0.,sin(um.x+1.5708)));
mat2 ori = mm2( smoothstep(-.5,.5,sin(time*0.7+0.78))-.5 + smoothfloor(time*0.04,.45)*6.28 );
right.xy *= ori;
vec3 up = normalize(cross(right,eye));
vec3 rd=normalize((p.x*right+p.y*up)*.75+eye);
vec3 bg = sin(vec3(0.35,0.4,0.48)*11.3*PALETTE)*0.5+.5;
vec3 col = bg*floor(-rd.y*50.+6.)*0.06;
vec2 rz = march(ro,rd);
if ( rz.x < FAR )
vec3 pos = ro+rz.x*rd;
vec3 nor = normal( pos );
vec3 ligt = normalize(vec3(-.7,0.2, 0.1));
float dif = clamp(dot(nor, ligt), 0., 1.);
float fre = pow(clamp(1. + dot(nor, rd), 0., 1.), 2.);
if (rz.y == 1.)
float mx = abs(pos.x*.1)-10.;
mx = smoothstep(-20.,10.,mx);
col = mix(vec3(0.,0.37,0),vec3(0.2,.17,0.15),mx);
col = sin(vec3(0.35,0.4,0.48)*rz.y*PALETTE)*0.5+.55;
col = col*dif + col*0.4 + .3*fre*col;
vec3 enp =enpos();
enp.z += time*50.;
vec3 rn = enp - ro;
float tgt = dot(eye, normalize(rn));
if (tgt > .997)
vec3 ray1 = vec3(0.7, 1., -1);
vec3 ray2 = vec3(-0.7, 1., -1);
ray1.xy *= ori; ray2.xy *= ori;
float lz = segm(ro,rd,ro-ray1,up*0.5+ro+(eye-ray1*0.01)*30.);
lz += segm(ro,rd,ro-ray2,up*.5+ro+(eye-ray2*0.01)*30.);
float sw = mod(floor(time*20.),2.);
lz *= sw;
col = col*(1.-smoothstep(0.0,1.,lz))+lz*vec3(1.,0.,0.);
//hit (cant really have explosions since I don't have a function for hit times)
if (tgt > .999)
vec2 d = hash2(time);
rd.xy += d*0.03;
rn.xy += d*10.;
float s = sw*smoothstep(0.9998, .9999,dot(rd,normalize(rn)));
col = col*(1.-smoothstep(0., 1., s))+s*vec3(1.-d.x, .0, 0.1);
float lk = 0.;
if (tgt > .99)lk = 4.;
vec3 hud = makeHud(p,tgt);
col = col*(1.-smoothstep(0., 1., hud.y+hud.x+hud.z))+hud;
col *= (sin(p.y*1.3*iResolution.x)*0.15)*(sin(p.y*10.+time*410.)*0.4)+1.;
fragColor = vec4( col, 1.0 );
void main(void)
//just some shit to wrap shadertoy's stuff
vec2 FragmentCoord = vTexCoord.xy*global.OutputSize.xy;
FragmentCoord.y = -FragmentCoord.y;