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synced 2025-03-23 12:21:20 +11:00
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360 lines
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#version 450
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
float g_csize;
float g_bsize;
float g_flicker;
float g_shaker;
float g_refltog;
float g_reflstr;
float g_reflgrain;
float g_fresnel;
float g_reflblur;
float gz;
float gx;
float gy;
float gzr;
float gzg;
float gzb;
float goxr;
float goyr;
float goxg;
float goyg;
float goxb;
float goyb;
float TO;
float PH;
float PER;
float ASAT;
CRT Glass shader
> CRT related artifacts:
::glass inner reflection
::glass outer reflection
::chromatic aberration (for beam deconvergence and glass diffraction)
::screen flicker
::screen jitter
::afterglow (dr-venom's mod)
::CRT border corner (cgwg's crt-geom)
> Stack just before scanlines. Works better with curved geometry modes.
Author: Dogway
License: Public domain
#pragma parameter g_csize "Corner Size" 0.0 0.0 0.07 0.01
#pragma parameter g_bsize "Border Smoothness" 600.0 100.0 600.0 25.0
#pragma parameter g_flicker "Screen Flicker" 0.25 0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_shaker "Screen Shake" 0.02 0.0 0.5 0.01
#pragma parameter g_refltog "Reflection Toggle" 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.00
#pragma parameter g_reflgrain "Refl. Deband Grain" 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_reflstr "Refl. Brightness" 0.25 0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_fresnel "Refl. Fresnel" 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.10
#pragma parameter g_reflblur "Refl. Blur" 0.6 0.0 1.0 0.10
#pragma parameter gz "Zoom" 1.2 1.0 1.5 0.01
#pragma parameter gx "Shift-X" 0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter gy "Shift-Y" -0.01 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter gzr "Zoom Red" 1.03 1.0 1.5 0.01
#pragma parameter gzg "Zoom Green" 1.01 1.0 1.5 0.01
#pragma parameter gzb "Zoom Blue" 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.01
#pragma parameter goxr "Shift-X Red" 0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter goyr "Shift-Y Red" -0.01 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter goxg "Shift-X Green" 0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter goyg "Shift-Y Green" -0.01 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter goxb "Shift-X Blue" 0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter goyb "Shift-Y Blue" 0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
// https://www.desmos.com/calculator/1nfq4uubnx
// PER = 2.0 for realistic (1.0 or less when using scanlines). Phosphor Index; it's the same as in the "grade" shader
#pragma parameter TO "Afterglow OFF/ON" 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
#pragma parameter PH "AG Phosphor (1:NTSC-U 2:NTSC-J 3:PAL)" 2.0 0.0 3.0 1.0
#pragma parameter ASAT "Afterglow Saturation" 0.20 0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter PER "Persistence (more is less)" 0.75 0.5 2.0 0.1
#define SW params.TO
#define PH params.PH
#define sat params.ASAT
#define PER params.PER
#define GRAIN params.g_reflgrain
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
vec4 OutputSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 SourceSize;
uint FrameCount;
#include "../include/img/param_floats.h"
} global;
#include "../include/img/helper_macros.h"
#include "../include/img/white_point.h"
#define temperature global.temperature
#define reflblur params.g_reflblur
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 t1;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 t2;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 t3;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
float blur = abs(1. - reflblur) + 1.;
float dx = global.SourceSize.z / blur;
float dy = global.SourceSize.w / blur;
t1 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, -dy);
t2 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, 0.0);
t3 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, dy);
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 t1;
layout(location = 2) in vec4 t2;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 t3;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D OriginalHistory1;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D OriginalHistory2;
layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform sampler2D OriginalHistory3;
layout(set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler2D OriginalHistory4;
layout(set = 0, binding = 7) uniform sampler2D OriginalHistory5;
layout(set = 0, binding = 8) uniform sampler2D OriginalHistory6;
#define Prev1Texture OriginalHistory1
#define Prev2Texture OriginalHistory2
#define Prev3Texture OriginalHistory3
#define Prev4Texture OriginalHistory4
#define Prev5Texture OriginalHistory5
#define Prev6Texture OriginalHistory6
#define TEX0 vTexCoord
// Wide usage friendly PRNG, shamelessly stolen from a GLSL tricks forum post.
// Obtain random numbers by calling rand(h), followed by h = permute(h) to
// update the state. Assumes the texture was hooked.
float mod289(float x)
return x - floor(x / 289.0) * 289.0;
float permute(float x)
return mod289((34.0 * x + 1.0) * x);
float randg(float x)
return fract(x * 0.024390243);
float rand(float co, float size){
return fract(sin(dot(co, 12.9898)) * size);
vec3 afterglow(float Pho, vec3 decay)
// Rec.601
vec3 RGB = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
vec3 NTSC = vec3(0.310, 0.595, 0.095);
// JAP
vec3 NTSC_J = vec3(0.280, 0.605, 0.115);
// PAL
vec3 PAL = vec3(0.290, 0.600, 0.110);
vec3 p_in;
if (Pho == 0.0) { p_in = RGB; } else
if (Pho == 1.0) { p_in = NTSC; } else
if (Pho == 2.0) { p_in = NTSC_J; } else
if (Pho == 3.0) { p_in = PAL; }
// Phosphor Response / Cone Response
vec3 p_res = (p_in / (vec3(0.21264933049678802, 0.71516913175582890, 0.07218152284622192)) / 10.0);
float decr = clamp((log(1. / p_res.r) + 0.2) / (decay.r), 0., 1.);
float decg = clamp((log(1. / p_res.g) + 0.2) / (decay.g), 0., 1.);
float decb = clamp((log(1. / p_res.b) + 0.2) / (decay.b), 0., 1.);
return vec3(decr, decg, decb);
// Borrowed from cgwg's crt-geom, under GPL
float corner(vec2 coord)
coord *= global.OriginalSize.xy / global.SourceSize.xy;
coord = (coord - vec2(0.5)) * 1.0 + vec2(0.5);
coord = min(coord, vec2(1.0)-coord) * vec2(1.0, global.OutputSize.y/global.OutputSize.x);
vec2 cdist = vec2(max(params.g_csize, max((1.0-smoothstep(100.0,600.0,params.g_bsize))*0.01,0.002)));
coord = (cdist - min(coord,cdist));
float dist = sqrt(dot(coord,coord));
return clamp((cdist.x-dist)*params.g_bsize,0.0, 1.0);
void main()
vec2 c_dist = (vec2(0.5) * global.SourceSize.xy) / global.OutputSize.xy;
vec2 ch_dist = (global.SourceSize.xy / global.OutputSize.xy) / 2.;
vec2 vpos = vTexCoord * (global.OutputSize.xy / global.SourceSize.xy);
float vert_msk = abs(1. - vpos.y);
float center_msk = clamp(abs(1. - (vTexCoord.x) * global.SourceSize.x / global.OutputSize.x - ch_dist.x), 0., 1.);
float horiz_msk = clamp(max(center_msk - 0.2, 0.0) + 0.1, 0., 1.);
float zoom = fract(params.gz) / 10.;
// Screen Jitter ------------------------------------
float scale = 2.0 + params.g_shaker / 0.05;
float prob = 0.5 + params.g_shaker / 3.0;
float shaker = rand(float(global.FrameCount), 43758.5453) * \
rand(float(global.FrameCount), 4.37585453) * params.g_shaker;
shaker = shaker + shaker * round(rand(float(global.FrameCount), 53.7585453) * prob) * scale * clamp(params.g_shaker, 0., 0.01) * 100.;
vec2 coords = vec2(params.gx, params.gy + shaker * 0.5);
vec2 coordsr = vec2(params.goxr, params.goyr + shaker);
vec2 coordsg = vec2(params.goxg, params.goyg + shaker);
vec2 coordsb = vec2(params.goxb, params.goyb + shaker);
// Screen Zoom ------------------------------------
float cr = texture(Source, (vTexCoord.xy - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/20. + 1.) + c_dist + coordsr/40.).r;
float cg = texture(Source, (vTexCoord.xy - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/20. + 1.) + c_dist + coordsg/40.).g;
float cb = texture(Source, (vTexCoord.xy - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/20. + 1.) + c_dist + coordsb/40.).b;
vec3 color = vec3(cr,cg,cb);
// AfterGlow --------------------------------------
vec3 color1 = texture(Prev1Texture, TEX0.xy).rgb * afterglow(PH, vec3(PER) * 10.);
vec3 color2 = texture(Prev2Texture, TEX0.xy).rgb * afterglow(PH, vec3(PER) * 20.);
vec3 color3 = texture(Prev3Texture, TEX0.xy).rgb * afterglow(PH, vec3(PER) * 30.);
vec3 color4 = texture(Prev4Texture, TEX0.xy).rgb * afterglow(PH, vec3(PER) * 40.);
vec3 color5 = texture(Prev5Texture, TEX0.xy).rgb * afterglow(PH, vec3(PER) * 50.);
vec3 color6 = texture(Prev6Texture, TEX0.xy).rgb * afterglow(PH, vec3(PER) * 60.);
vec3 glow = max(max(max(max(max(color1, color2), color3), color4), color5), color6);
glow = normalize(pow(glow + vec3(0.001), vec3(sat)))*length(glow);
vec3 glowl = pow(glow, vec3(2.2));
vec3 colorl = pow(color, vec3(2.2));
float glowY = glowl.r * 0.21265 + glowl.g * 0.71517 + glowl.b * 0.07218;
float colorY = colorl.r * 0.21265 + colorl.g * 0.71517 + colorl.b * 0.07218;
vec3 colormax = (colorY > glowY) ? color : glow;
color = (SW == 0.0) ? color : clamp(colormax,0.0,1.0);
float rA = texture(Source, (t1.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rB = texture(Source, (t1.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rC = texture(Source, (t1.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rD = texture(Source, (t2.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rE = texture(Source, (t2.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rF = texture(Source, (t2.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rG = texture(Source, (t3.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rH = texture(Source, (t3.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float rI = texture(Source, (t3.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzr)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsr + coords)/20.).x;
float gA = texture(Source, (t1.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gB = texture(Source, (t1.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gC = texture(Source, (t1.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gD = texture(Source, (t2.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gE = texture(Source, (t2.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gF = texture(Source, (t2.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gG = texture(Source, (t3.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gH = texture(Source, (t3.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float gI = texture(Source, (t3.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzg)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsg + coords)/20.).y;
float bA = texture(Source, (t1.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bB = texture(Source, (t1.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bC = texture(Source, (t1.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bD = texture(Source, (t2.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bE = texture(Source, (t2.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bF = texture(Source, (t2.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bG = texture(Source, (t3.xw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bH = texture(Source, (t3.yw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
float bI = texture(Source, (t3.zw - c_dist) / (fract(params.gzb)/10. + zoom + 1.) + c_dist + (coordsb + coords)/20.).z;
vec3 sumA = vec3(rA, gA, bA);
vec3 sumB = vec3(rB, gB, bB);
vec3 sumC = vec3(rC, gC, bC);
vec3 sumD = vec3(rD, gD, bD);
vec3 sumE = vec3(rE, gE, bE);
vec3 sumF = vec3(rF, gF, bF);
vec3 sumG = vec3(rG, gG, bG);
vec3 sumH = vec3(rH, gH, bH);
vec3 sumI = vec3(rI, gI, bI);
vec3 blurred = (sumE+sumA+sumC+sumD+sumF+sumG+sumI+sumB+sumH) / 9.0;
vpos *= 1. - vpos.xy;
float vig = vpos.x * vpos.y * 10.;
float vig_msk = abs(1. - vig) * (center_msk * 2. + 0.3);
vig = abs(1. - pow(vig, 0.1)) * vert_msk * (center_msk * 2. + 0.3);
blurred = min((vig_msk + (1. - params.g_fresnel)), 1.0) * blurred;
vig = clamp(vig * params.g_fresnel, 0.001, 1.0);
vec3 vig_c = white_point(vec3(vig));
// Reflection in
vec4 reflection = clamp(vec4((1. - (1. - color ) * (1. - blurred.rgb * params.g_reflstr)) / (1. + params.g_reflstr / 3.), 1.), 0., 1.);
// Reflection-out noise dithering, from deband.slang
// Initialize the PRNG by hashing the position + a random uniform
vec3 m = vec3(vTexCoord, randg(sin(vTexCoord.x / vTexCoord.y) * mod(global.FrameCount, 79) + 22.759)) + vec3(1.);
float h = permute(permute(permute(m.x) + m.y) + m.z);
if (GRAIN > 0.0)
vec3 noise;
noise.x = randg(h); h = permute(h);
noise.y = randg(h); h = permute(h);
noise.z = randg(h); h = permute(h);
vig_c.rgb += GRAIN * (noise - vec3(0.5));
// Reflection out
reflection = clamp(vec4(1. - (1. - reflection.rgb ) * (1. - vec3(vig_c / 7.)), 1.), 0., 1.);
// Corner Size
vpos *= (global.SourceSize.xy/global.OutputSize.xy);
// Screen Flicker
float flicker = (params.g_flicker == 0.0) ? 1.0 : mix(1. - params.g_flicker / 10., 1.0, rand(float(global.FrameCount), 4.37585453));
reflection = (params.g_refltog == 0.0) ? clamp(texture(Source, vTexCoord.xy) * flicker, 0., 1.) : clamp(reflection * flicker, 0., 1.);
FragColor = corner(vpos) * reflection;