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2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel - Creates a graphic treatment for the game play area to give a retro feel
Copyright (C) 2019-2021 HyperspaceMadness -
Incorporates much great feedback from the libretro forum, and thanks
to Hunterk who helped me get started
See more at the libretro forum
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "../base/common/"
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 7) out vec2 UNFLIPPED_VIEWPORT_COORD;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord * 1.00001;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 7) in vec2 UNFLIPPED_VIEWPORT_COORD;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D Source;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D InfoCachePass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D TubeDiffuseImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform sampler2D TubeShadowImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 6) uniform sampler2D TubeColoredGelImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 7) uniform sampler2D TubeStaticReflectionImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 8) uniform sampler2D BackgroundImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 9) uniform sampler2D BackgroundVertImage;
layout(set = 0, binding = 10) uniform sampler2D NightLightingImage;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
layout(set = 0, binding = 11) uniform sampler2D NightLighting2Image;
layout(set = 0, binding = 12) uniform sampler2D IntroPass;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
layout(set = 0, binding = 13) uniform sampler2D MBZ_PostCRTPassFeedback;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
#define PassFeedback MBZ_PostCRTPassFeedback
// Torridgristle - ScanlineSimple pass - Public domain
vec4 HSM_ApplyScanlineMask(vec4 in_color, vec2 screen_scale, vec2 in_coord, vec2 in_curved_coord, float in_scanline_opacity)
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Stuff to try implementing
// Try mame hlsl darkening
// Check Lottes tone mapping
in_coord = mix(in_coord, in_curved_coord, HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_CURVATURE);
/* Scanlines */
float scanline_roll_offset = float(mod(global.FrameCount, 1280)) / 1280 * HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_ROLL;
// float scans = clamp( 0.35+0.18*sin(6.0*time-curved_uv.y*resolution.y*1.5), 0.0, 1.0);
// float s = pow(scans,0.9);
// col = col * vec3(s);
float scan_axis_pos = USE_VERTICAL_SCANLINES * in_coord.x + (1 - USE_VERTICAL_SCANLINES) * in_coord.y;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
scan_axis_pos += scanline_roll_offset;
vec2 screen_size = global.OutputSize.xy * screen_scale;
float scan_axis_screen_scale_res = USE_VERTICAL_SCANLINES * screen_size.x + (1 - USE_VERTICAL_SCANLINES) * screen_size.y;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
float scanline_size = scan_axis_screen_scale_res / simulated_scanline_res;
scanline_size = ceil(scanline_size);
float scan = mod(scan_axis_pos * scan_axis_screen_scale_res, scanline_size) / scanline_size;
// Alternate, modulating the scanline width depending on brightness
//float scanline_mask = HHLP_EasePowerOut(1 - abs(scan - 0.5) * 2, 0.5 + 2 * smoothstep(0.4, 0.9, (in_color.r + in_color.g + in_color.b) / 3));
float color_brightness_modulation = HHLP_EasePowerOut(smoothstep(0.4, 0.99, (in_color.r + in_color.g + in_color.b) / 3), 2);
float scanline_mask = 1 - abs(scan - 0.5) * 2;
scanline_mask = pow(1 - scanline_mask, 1);
float final_scanline_mask = clamp(1 * scanline_mask, 0, 1);
color_brightness_modulation = HHLP_EasePowerOut(smoothstep(0.4, HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_BRIGHTNESS_CUTOFF + 1.5, (in_color.r + in_color.g + in_color.b) / 3), 2);
final_scanline_mask = clamp(mix(1, mix(final_scanline_mask, 1, color_brightness_modulation), in_scanline_opacity), 0, 1);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec4 masked_color = in_color;
masked_color *= 1 + 0.5 * in_scanline_opacity;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
masked_color = clamp(final_scanline_mask * masked_color, 0, 1);
masked_color.w = in_color.w;
return clamp(masked_color, 0, 1);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
vec4 HSM_GetTubeHighlight(vec2 tube_curved_coord, bool apply_to_mirror, in sampler2D TubeStaticReflectionImage)
tube_curved_coord = HSM_GetViewportCoordWithFlip(tube_curved_coord);
vec4 out_color = vec4(0);
vec2 mirrored_tube_coord = tube_curved_coord;
if (apply_to_mirror)
mirrored_tube_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(tube_curved_coord);
vec2 tube_highlight_coord = (mirrored_tube_coord - 0.5) / vec2(HSM_TUBE_STATIC_SCALE * HSM_TUBE_STATIC_SCALE_X, HSM_TUBE_STATIC_SCALE) + 0.5;
tube_highlight_coord = (tube_highlight_coord - 0.5) / vec2(HSM_TUBE_STATIC_SCALE_X, 1) + 0.5;
tube_highlight_coord.x = (tube_highlight_coord.x + HSM_TUBE_STATIC_POS_X - 0.5) * HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_HORIZONTAL + 0.5;
tube_highlight_coord.y = (tube_highlight_coord.y + HSM_TUBE_STATIC_POS_Y - 0.5) * HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_VERTICAL + 0.5;
// Mask the very outer edge of the tube for a very small shadowing effect
float tube_highlight_mask = HSM_GetCornerMask((tube_curved_coord - 0.5) + 0.5 , TUBE_DIFFUSE_ASPECT, HSM_BZL_INNER_CORNER_RADIUS_SCALE * HSM_GLOBAL_CORNER_RADIUS, 0.9);
vec4 tube_highlight_image = vec4(0);
// Dithering for the glass reflection if needed to reduce banding
tube_highlight_image = HSM_GetStoichaicBlurredSample(TubeStaticReflectionImage, tube_highlight_coord, HSM_TUBE_STATIC_DITHER_SAMPLES, HSM_TUBE_STATIC_DITHER_DISTANCE, HSM_TUBE_STATIC_DITHER_AMOUNT);
tube_highlight_image = HSM_GetMipmappedTexSample(TubeStaticReflectionImage, tube_highlight_coord, TUBE_SCALE, 0);
tube_highlight_image = HSM_Linearize(tube_highlight_image, DEFAULT_SRGB_GAMMA) * tube_highlight_mask;
out_color = HSM_TUBE_STATIC_REFLECTION_IMAGE_OPACITY * tube_highlight_image * tube_highlight_image.a;
return out_color;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
vec4 HSM_GetPostCrtPreppedColor(vec4 in_color_with_gamma, vec2 VIEWPORT_COORD, vec2 screen_curved_coord, in sampler2D source_pass, bool source_is_linear, in sampler2D TubeDiffuseImage, in sampler2D TubeColoredGelImage, in sampler2D TubeStaticReflectionImage, in sampler2D BackgroundImage, in sampler2D BackgroundVertImage, in sampler2D NightLightingImage, in sampler2D NightLighting2Image)
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
in_color_with_gamma = HSM_ApplyMonochrome(in_color_with_gamma);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
vec4 crt_color = HSM_Linearize(in_color_with_gamma, DEFAULT_SRGB_GAMMA);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec2 mirrored_screen_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(screen_curved_coord);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
vec4 out_color = vec4(0);
// TODO we see artifacts of the reflection at the edge of the screen when there is extra tube thickness and the reflection is scaled
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
float screen_mask = HSM_GetCornerMask((screen_curved_coord - 0.5) * 0.999 + 0.5, SCREEN_ASPECT, HSM_GLOBAL_CORNER_RADIUS * HSM_SCREEN_CORNER_RADIUS_SCALE, 0.9);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec2 mirrored_tube_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(tube_curved_coord);
float vignette_factor = HSM_GetScreenVignetteFactor(mirrored_tube_coord);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
if (HSM_GetUseScreenVignette())
float vignette_factor_outside_screen = HSM_SCREEN_VIGNETTE_IN_REFLECTION * vignette_factor + (1 - HSM_SCREEN_VIGNETTE_IN_REFLECTION) * 1;
vignette_factor = screen_mask * vignette_factor + (1 - screen_mask) * vignette_factor_outside_screen;
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
crt_color *= vignette_factor;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
// TODO Try to get rid of vignette lines at the edges outside of the screen
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec2 ab_screen_coord = HSM_CRT_CURVATURE_SCALE * screen_curved_coord + (1 - HSM_CRT_CURVATURE_SCALE) * SCREEN_COORD;
ab_screen_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(ab_screen_coord);
vec4 source_color = HSM_GetCroppedTexSample(source_pass, ab_screen_coord);
if (!source_is_linear)
source_color = HSM_Linearize(source_color, GAMMA_INPUT);
source_color = HSM_Delinearize(source_color, HSM_GAMMA_OUT_CRT);
source_color = HSM_Linearize(source_color, DEFAULT_SRGB_GAMMA);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
crt_color = source_color;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
vec4 scanline_masked_color = HSM_ApplyScanlineMask(crt_color, SCREEN_SCALE, SCREEN_COORD, screen_curved_coord, HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_OPACITY);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Darken the outside image a bit
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
crt_color = mix(crt_color, crt_color * 0.9, HSM_FAKE_SCANLINE_OPACITY);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Show scanlines only in the tube area
float tube_highlight_mask = HSM_GetCornerMask((tube_curved_coord - 0.5) * 0.995 + 0.5 , TUBE_DIFFUSE_ASPECT, HSM_BZL_INNER_CORNER_RADIUS_SCALE * HSM_GLOBAL_CORNER_RADIUS, 0.05);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
crt_color = mix(crt_color, scanline_masked_color, tube_highlight_mask);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
float tube_mask = HSM_GetCornerMask(tube_curved_coord, TUBE_DIFFUSE_ASPECT, bezel_corner_radius, 0.99);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
float screen_to_tube_mask_invert = 1 - (tube_mask - screen_mask);
float tube_diffuse_mask = HSM_GetCornerMask(tube_diffuse_curved_coord, TUBE_DIFFUSE_ASPECT, black_edge_corner_radius, 0.99);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
float black_edge_mask_invert = 1 - (tube_mask - tube_diffuse_mask);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
crt_color.rgb *= screen_to_tube_mask_invert;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
vec4 ambient_lighting_image = vec4(1);
vec4 ambient2_lighting_image = vec4(1);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec3 tube_shadow = vec3(1);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
if (HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_ON > 0.5 && (HSM_GetUseTubeDiffuseImage() || HSM_GetUseTubeColoredGelImage() || HSM_GetUseTubeStaticReflection()))
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
vec2 shadow_coord = tube_diffuse_curved_coord;
shadow_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(shadow_coord);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// TODO Shadow Coordinate isn't right with 3D Curvature
shadow_coord.x = (shadow_coord.x - HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_POS_X - 0.5) / HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_SCALE_X + 0.5;
shadow_coord.y = (shadow_coord.y + HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_POS_Y) / HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_SCALE_Y;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
vec2 curvature_values = HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_CURVATURE_SCALE * HSM_GetCurvatureValues(TUBE_DIFFUSE_ASPECT);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
shadow_coord = HSM_Get2DCurvedCoord(shadow_coord, curvature_values);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
shadow_coord.x = HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_HORIZONTAL * (shadow_coord.x - 0.5) + 0.5;
shadow_coord.y = HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_VERTICAL * (shadow_coord.y - 0.5) + 0.5;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec4 tube_shadow_sample = HSM_GetMipmappedTexSample(TubeShadowImage, shadow_coord, TUBE_SCALE * vec2(HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_SCALE_X, HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_SCALE_Y), 0);
tube_shadow_sample = HSM_GLOBAL_GRAPHICS_BRIGHTNESS * HSM_GetPreMultipliedColorLinear(tube_shadow_sample, SOURCE_MATTE_PREMULTIPLIED, DEFAULT_SRGB_GAMMA);
tube_shadow = (1 - HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_OPACITY) + HSM_TUBE_SHADOW_IMAGE_OPACITY * tube_shadow_sample.rgb;
// If the crt blend mode is multiply then use the diffuse image
float tube_diffuse_mode = HSM_CRT_BLEND_MODE == 2 ? 1 : HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_MODE;
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
vec4 tube_diffuse = vec4(0, 0, 0, tube_mask);
float adjusted_tube_diffuse_amount = HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_MODE == 0 ? 0 : HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_AMOUNT;
if (tube_diffuse_mode == 2)
// Do something if the tube is supposed to be transparent here
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
if (tube_diffuse_mode == 1)
// TubeDiffuseImage
if (adjusted_tube_diffuse_amount > 0 || HSM_CRT_BLEND_MODE == 2)
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
vec2 diffuse_coord = tube_diffuse_curved_coord;
diffuse_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(diffuse_coord);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
diffuse_coord.x = HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_HORIZONTAL * (diffuse_coord.x - 0.5) + 0.5;
diffuse_coord.y = HSM_FLIP_VIEWPORT_VERTICAL * (diffuse_coord.y - 0.5) + 0.5;
diffuse_coord = (diffuse_coord - 0.5) / (HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE * vec2(HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE_X, 1)) + 0.5;
2022-09-27 11:38:41 +10:00
// HSM_RotateCoordinate(diffuse_coord, HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_ROTATION)
tube_diffuse = HSM_GetMipmappedTexSample(TubeDiffuseImage, HSM_RotateCoordinate(diffuse_coord, HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_ROTATION), TUBE_SCALE * HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE, 0);
tube_diffuse.rgb = HSM_GLOBAL_GRAPHICS_BRIGHTNESS * HSM_GetPreMultipliedColorLinear(vec4(tube_diffuse.rgb, 1), SOURCE_MATTE_PREMULTIPLIED, DEFAULT_SRGB_GAMMA).rgb;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
tube_diffuse.rgb *= HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_AMOUNT;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
tube_diffuse.rgb *= tube_shadow;
// If CRT Blend Mode is Multiply (2) then the tube must be fully opaque
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
tube_diffuse.rgb = HSM_ApplyAmbientImage(tube_diffuse.rgb, ambient_lighting_image.rgb, HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_AMBIENT_LIGHTING);
tube_diffuse.rgb = HSM_ApplyAmbientImage(tube_diffuse.rgb, ambient2_lighting_image.rgb, HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_AMBIENT2_LIGHTING);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
tube_diffuse *= HSM_GetTubeOpacity();
tube_diffuse.a *= tube_mask;
out_color = tube_diffuse;
out_color.rgb += crt_color.rgb;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Don't apply the CRT images
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
out_color = tube_diffuse;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Apply the CRT image additively to the tube diffuse color
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
// out_color = HSM_BlendModeLayerMix(tube_diffuse, out_color, BLEND_MODE_ADD, HSM_CRT_BLEND_AMOUNT);
out_color.rgb += tube_diffuse.rgb;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Apply the CRT image with multiply blending
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
out_color = clamp(out_color, 0, 1);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
out_color = HSM_BlendModeLayerMix(tube_diffuse, out_color, BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY, HSM_CRT_BLEND_AMOUNT);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Add a Colored Gel image on top of the screen, this is what colors games like space invaders or battlezone
if (HSM_GetUseTubeColoredGelImage())
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
vec2 gel_coord = HSM_GetMirrorWrappedCoord(tube_diffuse_curved_coord);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
gel_coord.x = HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_FLIP_HORIZONTAL * (gel_coord.x - 0.5) + 0.5;
gel_coord.y = HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_FLIP_VERTICAL * (gel_coord.y - 0.5) + 0.5;
gel_coord = (gel_coord - 0.5) / HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_SCALE + 0.5;
vec4 gel_image = HSM_GetMipmappedTexSample(TubeColoredGelImage, gel_coord, TUBE_SCALE, 0);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
out_color = mix(out_color, out_color * gel_image, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_MULTIPLY_AMOUNT);
out_color = mix(out_color, out_color + gel_image, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_ADDITIVE_AMOUNT);
gel_image.rgb *= tube_shadow;
gel_image.rgb = HSM_ApplyScanlineMask(gel_image, SCREEN_SCALE, SCREEN_COORD, screen_curved_coord, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_FAKE_SCANLINE_AMOUNT).rgb;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
gel_image.rgb = HSM_ApplyAmbientImage(gel_image.rgb, ambient_lighting_image.rgb, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_AMBIENT_LIGHTING);
gel_image.rgb = HSM_ApplyAmbientImage(gel_image.rgb, ambient2_lighting_image.rgb, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_AMBIENT2_LIGHTING);
gel_image = HSM_BlendModeLayerMix(gel_image, vec4(vec3(vignette_factor), 1), BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_NORMAL_VIGNETTE);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
out_color = HSM_BlendModeLayerMix(out_color, gel_image, BLEND_MODE_NORMAL, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_NORMAL_AMOUNT);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
gel_image.rgb *= tube_shadow;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec4 normal_blended = HSM_BlendModeLayerMix(vec4(0, 0, 0, 1), gel_image, BLEND_MODE_NORMAL, HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_NORMAL_AMOUNT);
out_color = normal_blended + out_color;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
out_color.rgb *= black_edge_mask_invert;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
out_color.rgb *= tube_diffuse_mask;
out_color *= tube_mask;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
if (HSM_GetUseTubeStaticReflection())
vec3 tube_highlight_image = HSM_GetTubeHighlight(tube_curved_coord, false, TubeStaticReflectionImage).rgb;
tube_highlight_image = HSM_ApplyAmbientImage(tube_highlight_image.rgb, ambient_lighting_image.rgb, HSM_TUBE_STATIC_AMBIENT_LIGHTING);
tube_highlight_image = HSM_ApplyAmbientImage(tube_highlight_image.rgb, ambient2_lighting_image.rgb, HSM_TUBE_STATIC_AMBIENT2_LIGHTING);
tube_highlight_image.rgb *= HSM_TUBE_STATIC_SHADOW_OPACITY * tube_shadow + (1 - HSM_TUBE_STATIC_SHADOW_OPACITY);
tube_highlight_image = clamp(HSM_TUBE_STATIC_BLACK_LEVEL * (tube_highlight_image - 1) + 1, 0, 1);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
tube_highlight_image *= 1 - HSM_TUBE_STATIC_OPACITY_DIFFUSE_MULTIPLY + HSM_TUBE_STATIC_OPACITY_DIFFUSE_MULTIPLY * adjusted_tube_diffuse_amount;
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
out_color.rgb += tube_highlight_image * HSM_TUBE_STATIC_REFLECTION_IMAGE_OPACITY;
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Apply the final Gamma
out_color = HSM_Delinearize(out_color, DEFAULT_SRGB_GAMMA);
// #endif
return out_color;
void main()
if (HSM_AB_COMPARE_FREEZE_CRT_TUBE == 1 && HSM_GetIsInABCompareArea(vTexCoord))
FragColor = texture(PassFeedback, vTexCoord);
VIEWPORT_UNSCALED_COORD = HSM_GetViewportCoordWithFlip(vTexCoord);
vec2 viewportCoordTransformed = HSM_GetViewportCoordWithZoomAndPan(vTexCoord);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
HSM_UpdateGlobalScreenValuesFromCache(InfoCachePass, vTexCoord);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
vec2 cache_bounds_coord = TUBE_COORD;
// If it's the potato preset render the whole frame
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
// Have to get the scale of the coordinates so we can figure out the size of the onscreen rectangle of the area
2022-09-27 11:38:41 +10:00
vec2 bezel_outside_flat_coord;
vec2 frame_outside_flat_coord;
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
cache_bounds_coord = (frame_outside_flat_coord - 0.5) * 0.9 + 0.5;
2022-09-27 11:38:41 +10:00
if (HHLP_IsOutsideCoordSpace(cache_bounds_coord))
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
2022-09-27 11:38:41 +10:00
FragColor = vec4(0);
2022-10-11 07:26:21 +11:00
// Have to get the scale of the coordinates so we can figure out the size of the onscreen rectangle of the area
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00
vec2 screen_curved_coord = HSM_GetCurvedCoord(SCREEN_COORD, 1, SCREEN_ASPECT);
FragColor = texture(Source, UNFLIPPED_VIEWPORT_COORD);
Mega Bezel update to V1.0.003_2022-07-28_Rev-1 * Updated to the latest guest release: crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-27-release1 * Changed Guest mask size to 1 by default so that there isn't inconsistency using guest settings in the Mega Bezel * Adjusted the default SMOOTH-ADV scaling parameters for a sharper smooth look: * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_SCANLINE_DIR = 300 * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR = 125 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR = 0 * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR = 0 * Added **Shift Sampling Relative to Scanlines** to shift the image relative to the scanlines * The ScaleFx settings now only appear on the SMOOTH-ADV preset nearer the bottom of the parameter list * Fixed Double image when using cropping in NTSC presets reported by @JHorbach1 * Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2022-07-17-release1 * Includes Scanline Gamma * Tube Gel and Diffuse Fixes * Gel is now mapped to the tube, independent of the black edge * Added a feature to add a bit of tube diffuse shading to the GEL this should make it look a little more natural * [ TUBE COLORED GEL IMAGE ] > Normal Multiply by Tube Diffuse Shading * HSM_TUBE_BLACK_EDGE_LAYERING_MODE has been removed as it's not needed anymore * CRT Multiply blend mode now works better when there is extra tube thickness * Changed HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_SCALE to 120 by default to have a less rounded look * If you want a stronger rounded shaded look reset it to 100 * Fixed Scale discrepancy when using the Cab Glass Image * Added Shadow Opacity param to control shadow being applied to the static tube highlight
2022-07-29 11:56:28 +10:00
FragColor = HSM_GetPostCrtPreppedColor(FragColor, vTexCoord, screen_curved_coord, IntroPass, false, TubeDiffuseImage, TubeColoredGelImage, TubeStaticReflectionImage, BackgroundImage, BackgroundVertImage, NightLightingImage, NightLighting2Image);
2022-06-25 10:06:45 +10:00