mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 11:21:32 +11:00
440 lines
23 KiB
440 lines
23 KiB
#version 450
// 6xBRZ shader - Copyright (C) 2014-2016 DeSmuME team
// This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the this software. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Hyllian's xBR-vertex code and texel mapping
Copyright (C) 2011/2016 Hyllian - sergiogdb@gmail.com
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#define BLEND_NONE 0
#define BLEND_NORMAL 1
#define EQUAL_COLOR_TOLERANCE 30.0/255.0
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
} params;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
} global;
const float one_sixth = 1.0 / 6.0;
const float two_sixth = 2.0 / 6.0;
const float four_sixth = 4.0 / 6.0;
const float five_sixth = 5.0 / 6.0;
float reduce(const vec3 color)
return dot(color, vec3(65536.0, 256.0, 1.0));
float DistYCbCr(const vec3 pixA, const vec3 pixB)
const vec3 w = vec3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);
const float scaleB = 0.5 / (1.0 - w.b);
const float scaleR = 0.5 / (1.0 - w.r);
vec3 diff = pixA - pixB;
float Y = dot(diff, w);
float Cb = scaleB * (diff.b - Y);
float Cr = scaleR * (diff.r - Y);
return sqrt( ((LUMINANCE_WEIGHT * Y) * (LUMINANCE_WEIGHT * Y)) + (Cb * Cb) + (Cr * Cr) );
bool IsPixEqual(const vec3 pixA, const vec3 pixB)
return (DistYCbCr(pixA, pixB) < EQUAL_COLOR_TOLERANCE);
bool IsBlendingNeeded(const ivec4 blend)
return any(notEqual(blend, ivec4(BLEND_NONE)));
// Input Pixel Mapping: --|21|22|23|--
// 19|06|07|08|09
// 18|05|00|01|10
// 17|04|03|02|11
// --|15|14|13|--
// Output Pixel Mapping: 20|21|22|23|24|25
// 19|06|07|08|09|26
// 18|05|00|01|10|27
// 17|04|03|02|11|28
// 16|15|14|13|12|29
// 35|34|33|32|31|30
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 t1;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 t2;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 t3;
layout(location = 4) out vec4 t4;
layout(location = 5) out vec4 t5;
layout(location = 6) out vec4 t6;
layout(location = 7) out vec4 t7;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
vec2 ps = vec2(params.SourceSize.z, params.SourceSize.w);
float dx = ps.x;
float dy = ps.y;
// A1 B1 C1
// A0 A B C C4
// D0 D E F F4
// G0 G H I I4
// G5 H5 I5
t1 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx,-2.0*dy); // A1 B1 C1
t2 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, -dy); // A B C
t3 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, 0.0); // D E F
t4 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, dy); // G H I
t5 = vTexCoord.xxxy + vec4( -dx, 0.0, dx, 2.0*dy); // G5 H5 I5
t6 = vTexCoord.xyyy + vec4(-2.0*dx,-dy, 0.0, dy); // A0 D0 G0
t7 = vTexCoord.xyyy + vec4( 2.0*dx,-dy, 0.0, dy); // C4 F4 I4
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 t1;
layout(location = 2) in vec4 t2;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 t3;
layout(location = 4) in vec4 t4;
layout(location = 5) in vec4 t5;
layout(location = 6) in vec4 t6;
layout(location = 7) in vec4 t7;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
void main()
vec2 f = fract(vTexCoord.xy * params.SourceSize.xy);
// Input Pixel Mapping: 20|21|22|23|24
// 19|06|07|08|09
// 18|05|00|01|10
// 17|04|03|02|11
// 16|15|14|13|12
vec3 src[25];
src[21] = texture(Source, t1.xw).rgb;
src[22] = texture(Source, t1.yw).rgb;
src[23] = texture(Source, t1.zw).rgb;
src[ 6] = texture(Source, t2.xw).rgb;
src[ 7] = texture(Source, t2.yw).rgb;
src[ 8] = texture(Source, t2.zw).rgb;
src[ 5] = texture(Source, t3.xw).rgb;
src[ 0] = texture(Source, t3.yw).rgb;
src[ 1] = texture(Source, t3.zw).rgb;
src[ 4] = texture(Source, t4.xw).rgb;
src[ 3] = texture(Source, t4.yw).rgb;
src[ 2] = texture(Source, t4.zw).rgb;
src[15] = texture(Source, t5.xw).rgb;
src[14] = texture(Source, t5.yw).rgb;
src[13] = texture(Source, t5.zw).rgb;
src[19] = texture(Source, t6.xy).rgb;
src[18] = texture(Source, t6.xz).rgb;
src[17] = texture(Source, t6.xw).rgb;
src[ 9] = texture(Source, t7.xy).rgb;
src[10] = texture(Source, t7.xz).rgb;
src[11] = texture(Source, t7.xw).rgb;
float v[9];
v[0] = reduce(src[0]);
v[1] = reduce(src[1]);
v[2] = reduce(src[2]);
v[3] = reduce(src[3]);
v[4] = reduce(src[4]);
v[5] = reduce(src[5]);
v[6] = reduce(src[6]);
v[7] = reduce(src[7]);
v[8] = reduce(src[8]);
ivec4 blendResult = ivec4(BLEND_NONE);
// Preprocess corners
// Pixel Tap Mapping: --|--|--|--|--
// --|--|07|08|--
// --|05|00|01|10
// --|04|03|02|11
// --|--|14|13|--
// Corner (1, 1)
if ( ((v[0] == v[1] && v[3] == v[2]) || (v[0] == v[3] && v[1] == v[2])) == false)
float dist_03_01 = DistYCbCr(src[ 4], src[ 0]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 0], src[ 8]) + DistYCbCr(src[14], src[ 2]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 2], src[10]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 3], src[ 1]));
float dist_00_02 = DistYCbCr(src[ 5], src[ 3]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 3], src[13]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 7], src[ 1]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 1], src[11]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 0], src[ 2]));
bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_03_01) < dist_00_02;
blendResult[2] = ((dist_03_01 < dist_00_02) && (v[0] != v[1]) && (v[0] != v[3])) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE;
// Pixel Tap Mapping: --|--|--|--|--
// --|06|07|--|--
// 18|05|00|01|--
// 17|04|03|02|--
// --|15|14|--|--
// Corner (0, 1)
if ( ((v[5] == v[0] && v[4] == v[3]) || (v[5] == v[4] && v[0] == v[3])) == false)
float dist_04_00 = DistYCbCr(src[17], src[ 5]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 5], src[ 7]) + DistYCbCr(src[15], src[ 3]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 3], src[ 1]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 4], src[ 0]));
float dist_05_03 = DistYCbCr(src[18], src[ 4]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 4], src[14]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 6], src[ 0]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 0], src[ 2]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 5], src[ 3]));
bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_05_03) < dist_04_00;
blendResult[3] = ((dist_04_00 > dist_05_03) && (v[0] != v[5]) && (v[0] != v[3])) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE;
// Pixel Tap Mapping: --|--|22|23|--
// --|06|07|08|09
// --|05|00|01|10
// --|--|03|02|--
// --|--|--|--|--
// Corner (1, 0)
if ( ((v[7] == v[8] && v[0] == v[1]) || (v[7] == v[0] && v[8] == v[1])) == false)
float dist_00_08 = DistYCbCr(src[ 5], src[ 7]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 7], src[23]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 3], src[ 1]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 1], src[ 9]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 0], src[ 8]));
float dist_07_01 = DistYCbCr(src[ 6], src[ 0]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 0], src[ 2]) + DistYCbCr(src[22], src[ 8]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 8], src[10]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 7], src[ 1]));
bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_07_01) < dist_00_08;
blendResult[1] = ((dist_00_08 > dist_07_01) && (v[0] != v[7]) && (v[0] != v[1])) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE;
// Pixel Tap Mapping: --|21|22|--|--
// 19|06|07|08|--
// 18|05|00|01|--
// --|04|03|--|--
// --|--|--|--|--
// Corner (0, 0)
if ( ((v[6] == v[7] && v[5] == v[0]) || (v[6] == v[5] && v[7] == v[0])) == false)
float dist_05_07 = DistYCbCr(src[18], src[ 6]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 6], src[22]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 4], src[ 0]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 0], src[ 8]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 5], src[ 7]));
float dist_06_00 = DistYCbCr(src[19], src[ 5]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 5], src[ 3]) + DistYCbCr(src[21], src[ 7]) + DistYCbCr(src[ 7], src[ 1]) + (4.0 * DistYCbCr(src[ 6], src[ 0]));
bool dominantGradient = (DOMINANT_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_05_07) < dist_06_00;
blendResult[0] = ((dist_05_07 < dist_06_00) && (v[0] != v[5]) && (v[0] != v[7])) ? ((dominantGradient) ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL) : BLEND_NONE;
vec3 dst[36];
dst[ 0] = src[0];
dst[ 1] = src[0];
dst[ 2] = src[0];
dst[ 3] = src[0];
dst[ 4] = src[0];
dst[ 5] = src[0];
dst[ 6] = src[0];
dst[ 7] = src[0];
dst[ 8] = src[0];
dst[ 9] = src[0];
dst[10] = src[0];
dst[11] = src[0];
dst[12] = src[0];
dst[13] = src[0];
dst[14] = src[0];
dst[15] = src[0];
dst[16] = src[0];
dst[17] = src[0];
dst[18] = src[0];
dst[19] = src[0];
dst[20] = src[0];
dst[21] = src[0];
dst[22] = src[0];
dst[23] = src[0];
dst[24] = src[0];
dst[25] = src[0];
dst[26] = src[0];
dst[27] = src[0];
dst[28] = src[0];
dst[29] = src[0];
dst[30] = src[0];
dst[31] = src[0];
dst[32] = src[0];
dst[33] = src[0];
dst[34] = src[0];
dst[35] = src[0];
// Scale pixel
if (IsBlendingNeeded(blendResult) == true)
float dist_01_04 = DistYCbCr(src[1], src[4]);
float dist_03_08 = DistYCbCr(src[3], src[8]);
bool haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_01_04 <= dist_03_08) && (v[0] != v[4]) && (v[5] != v[4]);
bool haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_03_08 <= dist_01_04) && (v[0] != v[8]) && (v[7] != v[8]);
bool needBlend = (blendResult[2] != BLEND_NONE);
bool doLineBlend = ( blendResult[2] >= BLEND_DOMINANT ||
((blendResult[1] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[4])) ||
(blendResult[3] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[8])) ||
(IsPixEqual(src[4], src[3]) && IsPixEqual(src[3], src[2]) && IsPixEqual(src[2], src[1]) && IsPixEqual(src[1], src[8]) && IsPixEqual(src[0], src[2]) == false) ) == false );
vec3 blendPix = ( DistYCbCr(src[0], src[1]) <= DistYCbCr(src[0], src[3]) ) ? src[1] : src[3];
dst[10] = mix(dst[10], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[11] = mix(dst[11], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[12] = mix(dst[12], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((!haveShallowLine && !haveSteepLine) ? 0.500 : 1.000) : 0.000);
dst[13] = mix(dst[13], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[14] = mix(dst[14], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[25] = mix(dst[25], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[26] = mix(dst[26], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[27] = mix(dst[27], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[28] = mix(dst[28], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[29] = mix(dst[29], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[30] = mix(dst[30], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.9711013910) : 0.000);
dst[31] = mix(dst[31], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[32] = mix(dst[32], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[33] = mix(dst[33], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[34] = mix(dst[34], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[35] = mix(dst[35], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dist_01_04 = DistYCbCr(src[7], src[2]);
dist_03_08 = DistYCbCr(src[1], src[6]);
haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_01_04 <= dist_03_08) && (v[0] != v[2]) && (v[3] != v[2]);
haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_03_08 <= dist_01_04) && (v[0] != v[6]) && (v[5] != v[6]);
needBlend = (blendResult[1] != BLEND_NONE);
doLineBlend = ( blendResult[1] >= BLEND_DOMINANT ||
!((blendResult[0] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[2])) ||
(blendResult[2] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[6])) ||
(IsPixEqual(src[2], src[1]) && IsPixEqual(src[1], src[8]) && IsPixEqual(src[8], src[7]) && IsPixEqual(src[7], src[6]) && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[8])) ) );
dist_01_04 = DistYCbCr(src[7], src[2]);
dist_03_08 = DistYCbCr(src[1], src[6]);
haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_01_04 <= dist_03_08) && (v[0] != v[2]) && (v[3] != v[2]);
haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_03_08 <= dist_01_04) && (v[0] != v[6]) && (v[5] != v[6]);
needBlend = (blendResult[1] != BLEND_NONE);
doLineBlend = ( blendResult[1] >= BLEND_DOMINANT ||
!((blendResult[0] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[2])) ||
(blendResult[2] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[6])) ||
(IsPixEqual(src[2], src[1]) && IsPixEqual(src[1], src[8]) && IsPixEqual(src[8], src[7]) && IsPixEqual(src[7], src[6]) && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[8])) ) );
blendPix = ( DistYCbCr(src[0], src[7]) <= DistYCbCr(src[0], src[1]) ) ? src[7] : src[1];
dst[ 7] = mix(dst[ 7], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[ 8] = mix(dst[ 8], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[ 9] = mix(dst[ 9], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((!haveShallowLine && !haveSteepLine) ? 0.500 : 1.000) : 0.000);
dst[10] = mix(dst[10], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[11] = mix(dst[11], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[20] = mix(dst[20], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[21] = mix(dst[21], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[22] = mix(dst[22], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[23] = mix(dst[23], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[24] = mix(dst[24], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[25] = mix(dst[25], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.9711013910) : 0.000);
dst[26] = mix(dst[26], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[27] = mix(dst[27], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[28] = mix(dst[28], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[29] = mix(dst[29], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[30] = mix(dst[30], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dist_01_04 = DistYCbCr(src[5], src[8]);
dist_03_08 = DistYCbCr(src[7], src[4]);
haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_01_04 <= dist_03_08) && (v[0] != v[8]) && (v[1] != v[8]);
haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_03_08 <= dist_01_04) && (v[0] != v[4]) && (v[3] != v[4]);
needBlend = (blendResult[0] != BLEND_NONE);
doLineBlend = ( blendResult[0] >= BLEND_DOMINANT ||
!((blendResult[3] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[8])) ||
(blendResult[1] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[4])) ||
(IsPixEqual(src[8], src[7]) && IsPixEqual(src[7], src[6]) && IsPixEqual(src[6], src[5]) && IsPixEqual(src[5], src[4]) && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[6])) ) );
blendPix = ( DistYCbCr(src[0], src[5]) <= DistYCbCr(src[0], src[7]) ) ? src[5] : src[7];
dst[ 4] = mix(dst[ 4], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[ 5] = mix(dst[ 5], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[ 6] = mix(dst[ 6], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((!haveShallowLine && !haveSteepLine) ? 0.500 : 1.000) : 0.000);
dst[ 7] = mix(dst[ 7], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[ 8] = mix(dst[ 8], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[35] = mix(dst[35], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[16] = mix(dst[16], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[17] = mix(dst[17], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[18] = mix(dst[18], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[19] = mix(dst[19], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[20] = mix(dst[20], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.9711013910) : 0.000);
dst[21] = mix(dst[21], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[22] = mix(dst[22], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[23] = mix(dst[23], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[24] = mix(dst[24], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[25] = mix(dst[25], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dist_01_04 = DistYCbCr(src[3], src[6]);
dist_03_08 = DistYCbCr(src[5], src[2]);
haveShallowLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_01_04 <= dist_03_08) && (v[0] != v[6]) && (v[7] != v[6]);
haveSteepLine = (STEEP_DIRECTION_THRESHOLD * dist_03_08 <= dist_01_04) && (v[0] != v[2]) && (v[1] != v[2]);
needBlend = (blendResult[3] != BLEND_NONE);
doLineBlend = ( blendResult[3] >= BLEND_DOMINANT ||
!((blendResult[2] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[6])) ||
(blendResult[0] != BLEND_NONE && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[2])) ||
(IsPixEqual(src[6], src[5]) && IsPixEqual(src[5], src[4]) && IsPixEqual(src[4], src[3]) && IsPixEqual(src[3], src[2]) && !IsPixEqual(src[0], src[4])) ) );
blendPix = ( DistYCbCr(src[0], src[3]) <= DistYCbCr(src[0], src[5]) ) ? src[3] : src[5];
dst[13] = mix(dst[13], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[14] = mix(dst[14], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[15] = mix(dst[15], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((!haveShallowLine && !haveSteepLine) ? 0.500 : 1.000) : 0.000);
dst[ 4] = mix(dst[ 4], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000)) : 0.000);
dst[ 5] = mix(dst[ 5], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[30] = mix(dst[30], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
dst[31] = mix(dst[31], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[32] = mix(dst[32], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[33] = mix(dst[33], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveSteepLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[34] = mix(dst[34], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[35] = mix(dst[35], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.9711013910) : 0.000);
dst[16] = mix(dst[16], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? 1.000 : 0.4236372243) : 0.000);
dst[17] = mix(dst[17], blendPix, (needBlend) ? ((doLineBlend) ? ((haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : ((haveSteepLine) ? 0.750 : 0.500)) : 0.05652034508) : 0.000);
dst[18] = mix(dst[18], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 1.000 : 0.000);
dst[19] = mix(dst[19], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.750 : 0.000);
dst[20] = mix(dst[20], blendPix, (needBlend && doLineBlend && haveShallowLine) ? 0.250 : 0.000);
vec3 res = mix( mix( mix( mix( mix( mix(dst[20], dst[21], step(one_sixth, f.x) ), dst[22], step(two_sixth, f.x) ), mix( mix(dst[23], dst[24], step(four_sixth, f.x) ), dst[25], step(five_sixth, f.x) ), step(0.50, f.x) ),
mix( mix( mix(dst[19], dst[ 6], step(one_sixth, f.x) ), dst[ 7], step(two_sixth, f.x) ), mix( mix(dst[ 8], dst[ 9], step(four_sixth, f.x) ), dst[26], step(five_sixth, f.x) ), step(0.50, f.x) ), step(one_sixth, f.y) ),
mix( mix( mix(dst[18], dst[ 5], step(one_sixth, f.x) ), dst[ 0], step(two_sixth, f.x) ), mix( mix(dst[ 1], dst[10], step(four_sixth, f.x) ), dst[27], step(five_sixth, f.x) ), step(0.50, f.x) ), step(two_sixth, f.y) ),
mix( mix( mix( mix( mix(dst[17], dst[ 4], step(one_sixth, f.x) ), dst[ 3], step(two_sixth, f.x) ), mix( mix(dst[ 2], dst[11], step(four_sixth, f.x) ), dst[28], step(five_sixth, f.x) ), step(0.50, f.x) ),
mix( mix( mix(dst[16], dst[15], step(one_sixth, f.x) ), dst[14], step(two_sixth, f.x) ), mix( mix(dst[13], dst[12], step(four_sixth, f.x) ), dst[29], step(five_sixth, f.x) ), step(0.50, f.x) ), step(four_sixth, f.y) ),
mix( mix( mix(dst[35], dst[34], step(one_sixth, f.x) ), dst[33], step(two_sixth, f.x) ), mix( mix(dst[32], dst[31], step(four_sixth, f.x) ), dst[30], step(five_sixth, f.x) ), step(0.50, f.x) ), step(five_sixth, f.y) ),
step(0.50, f.y) );
FragColor = vec4(res, 1.0);