mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 08:17:43 +11:00
Mega Bezel V1.11.0_2023-02-25
Changes: * Guest Advanced updated to crt-guest-advanced-2023-02-25-release1 * Improvements to the new Magic Glow feature * Turn Magic Glow on and Increase the Glow amount to see the effect * New Slot Mask Mitigation option to reduce moire * Added/Restored Guest's Raster Bloom as well as Overscan control * Updated Comments in presets to use # instead of // as per @hunterk's request * Added rotation option for Rotate CRT Tube: * -1 = 90 Degrees Clockwise (or 270 Counter Clockwise) * 0 = No Rotation * 1 = 90 Degrees Counter Clockwise * Added groundwork for the wildcard replacement feature so presets will auto rotate and not flip in the future * Added DREZ presets which keep the horizontal resolution * Helpful for applying to modern games, these two are good to try * `Presets\Base_CRT_Presets_DREZ\MBZ__3__STD__GDV__DREZ_X-VIEWPORT_Y-240p.slangp` * `Presets\Base_CRT_Presets_DREZ\MBZ__3__STD__GDV__DREZ_X-VIEWPORT_Y-480p.slangp` * Also looks good on MVC2, try `Presets\Base_CRT_Presets_DREZ\MBZ__3__STD__GDV__DREZ_X-VIEWPORT_Y-240p.slangp` * Updated preset capability and performance table * Added contrast for signal noise * Added some more Sinden presets for SCREEN-ONLY and POTATO * Added Screen Region to Resolution Debug text * Good for getting the screen region pixel coordinates if you need them * Adjusted Ambient Lighting Scaling when using the Inherit Zoom scale mode * Now when you zoom out it is much less likely to generate a black frame covering the outer parts of the background image * The minimum size of the lighting texture will be close to the height of the current viewport * This reduces the likelihood that we will see the cutoff * ScaleFx: Exposed more of the settings so they can be tweaked * Default Settings changed: * ScaleFx Threshold: now 0.43 (was 0.5) * ScaleFx Filter Corners: now 0 (was 1) * These settings result in a slighly clearer picture and less rounding of square corners * SMOOTH-ADV ntsc presets: ntsc_scale adjusted so it visually matches the regular ADV ntsc presets
This commit is contained in:
488 changed files with 59192 additions and 49683 deletions
@ -1,408 +1,2 @@
shaders = 43
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear32 = false
srgb_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear33 = false
srgb_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear34 = false
srgb_framebuffer34 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader35 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = absolute
// scale_x37 = 480
// scale_y37 = 270
// scale_x37 = 960
// scale_y37 = 540
scale_x37 = 800
scale_y37 = 600
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
float_framebuffer38 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear39 = true
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader40 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = absolute
scale_x40 = 128
scale_y40 = 128
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader41 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
scale_x41 = 12
scale_y41 = 12
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type42 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,399 +1,2 @@
shaders = 41
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type32 = source
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
alias33 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
// scale_x35 = 480
// scale_y35 = 270
// scale_x35 = 960
// scale_y35 = 540
scale_x35 = 800
scale_y35 = 600
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
float_framebuffer36 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear37 = true
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader38 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 128
scale_y38 = 128
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader39 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
scale_x39 = 12
scale_y39 = 12
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type40 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,460 +1,2 @@
shaders = 48
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = GlowPass
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = BloomPass
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
// scale_x42 = 480
// scale_y42 = 270
// scale_x42 = 960
// scale_y42 = 540
scale_x42 = 800
scale_y42 = 600
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input43 = true
filter_linear43 = true
float_framebuffer43 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear44 = true
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader45 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
scale_type45 = absolute
scale_x45 = 128
scale_y45 = 128
float_framebuffer45 = true
alias45 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader46 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input46 = true
filter_linear46 = true
scale_type46 = absolute
scale_x46 = 12
scale_y46 = 12
float_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader47 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type47 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer47 = true
alias47 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,433 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = GlowPass
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = BloomPass
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
// scale_x39 = 480
// scale_y39 = 270
// scale_x39 = 960
// scale_y39 = 540
scale_x39 = 800
scale_y39 = 600
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
float_framebuffer40 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear41 = true
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader42 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
scale_x42 = 128
scale_y42 = 128
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader43 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input43 = true
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = absolute
scale_x43 = 12
scale_y43 = 12
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,389 +1,2 @@
shaders = 41
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear33 = "false"
scale_type33 = "viewport"
scale33 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
alias33 = "CRTPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
// scale_x35 = 480
// scale_y35 = 270
// scale_x35 = 960
// scale_y35 = 540
scale_x35 = 800
scale_y35 = 600
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
float_framebuffer36 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear37 = true
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader38 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 128
scale_y38 = 128
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader39 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
scale_x39 = 12
scale_y39 = 12
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type40 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
ntsc_scale = 0.4
shadowMask = 3
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,439 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PrePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "source"
scale34 = "1.0"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
alias34 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
shader35 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear35 = "false"
scale_type35 = "source"
scale35 = "1.0"
wrap_mode35 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input35 = "false"
alias35 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer35 = "true"
shader36 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear36 = "false"
wrap_mode36 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input36 = "false"
scale_type36 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer36 = "true"
alias36 = "CRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
// scale_x38 = 480
// scale_y38 = 270
// scale_x38 = 960
// scale_y38 = 540
scale_x38 = 800
scale_y38 = 600
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
float_framebuffer39 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear40 = true
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader41 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
scale_x41 = 128
scale_y41 = 128
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader42 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
scale_x42 = 12
scale_y42 = 12
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass-hdr.slang
scale_type43 = viewport
alias43 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
alias44 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,421 +1,2 @@
shaders = 43
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PrePass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader32 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear32 = "false"
scale_type32 = "source"
scale32 = "1.0"
wrap_mode32 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input32 = "false"
alias32 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear33 = "false"
scale_type33 = "source"
scale33 = "1.0"
wrap_mode33 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input33 = "false"
alias33 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
// scale_x36 = 480
// scale_y36 = 270
// scale_x36 = 960
// scale_y36 = 540
scale_x36 = 800
scale_y36 = 600
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
float_framebuffer37 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear38 = true
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader39 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
scale_x39 = 128
scale_y39 = 128
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader40 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = absolute
scale_x40 = 12
scale_y40 = 12
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass-hdr.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
alias41 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type42 = viewport
alias42 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-GLASS__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,384 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "GlowPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BloomPass"
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = viewport
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = viewport
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
alias44 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-NO-REFLECT__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,357 +1,2 @@
shaders = 42
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "GlowPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BloomPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
alias41 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-NO-REFLECT__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,359 +1,2 @@
shaders = 41
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PrePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "source"
scale34 = "1.0"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
alias34 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
shader35 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear35 = "false"
scale_type35 = "source"
scale35 = "1.0"
wrap_mode35 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input35 = "false"
alias35 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer35 = "true"
shader36 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear36 = "false"
wrap_mode36 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input36 = "false"
scale_type36 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer36 = "true"
alias36 = "CRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect-hdr.slang
scale_type40 = viewport
alias40 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-NO-REFLECT__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,341 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PrePass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader32 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear32 = "false"
scale_type32 = "source"
scale32 = "1.0"
wrap_mode32 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input32 = "false"
alias32 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear33 = "false"
scale_type33 = "source"
scale33 = "1.0"
wrap_mode33 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input33 = "false"
alias33 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect-hdr.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-NO-REFLECT__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,370 +1,2 @@
shaders = 43
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "GlowPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BloomPass"
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type42 = viewport
alias42 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,343 +1,2 @@
shaders = 40
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "GlowPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BloomPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type39 = viewport
alias39 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,345 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PrePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "source"
scale34 = "1.0"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
alias34 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
shader35 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear35 = "false"
scale_type35 = "source"
scale35 = "1.0"
wrap_mode35 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input35 = "false"
alias35 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer35 = "true"
shader36 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear36 = "false"
wrap_mode36 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input36 = "false"
scale_type36 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer36 = "true"
alias36 = "CRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,327 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PrePass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader32 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear32 = "false"
scale_type32 = "source"
scale32 = "1.0"
wrap_mode32 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input32 = "false"
alias32 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear33 = "false"
scale_type33 = "source"
scale33 = "1.0"
wrap_mode33 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input33 = "false"
alias33 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,442 +1,2 @@
shaders = 51
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = GlowPass
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = BloomPass
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = viewport
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = viewport
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
// scale_x44 = 480
// scale_y44 = 270
// scale_x44 = 960
// scale_y44 = 540
scale_x44 = 800
scale_y44 = 600
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader45 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
float_framebuffer45 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear46 = true
float_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader47 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input47 = true
filter_linear47 = true
scale_type47 = absolute
scale_x47 = 128
scale_y47 = 128
float_framebuffer47 = true
alias47 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader48 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input48 = true
filter_linear48 = true
scale_type48 = absolute
scale_x48 = 12
scale_y48 = 12
float_framebuffer48 = true
alias48 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader49 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type49 = viewport
alias49 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader50 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type50 = viewport
alias50 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,415 +1,2 @@
shaders = 48
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = GlowPass
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = BloomPass
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
// scale_x41 = 480
// scale_y41 = 270
// scale_x41 = 960
// scale_y41 = 540
scale_x41 = 800
scale_y41 = 600
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
float_framebuffer42 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear43 = true
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader44 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
scale_x44 = 128
scale_y44 = 128
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader45 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
scale_type45 = absolute
scale_x45 = 12
scale_y45 = 12
float_framebuffer45 = true
alias45 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type46 = viewport
alias46 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader47 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type47 = viewport
alias47 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,371 +1,2 @@
shaders = 44
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear33 = "false"
scale_type33 = "viewport"
scale33 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
alias33 = "CRTPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = absolute
// scale_x37 = 480
// scale_y37 = 270
// scale_x37 = 960
// scale_y37 = 540
scale_x37 = 800
scale_y37 = 600
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
float_framebuffer38 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear39 = true
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader40 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = absolute
scale_x40 = 128
scale_y40 = 128
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader41 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
scale_x41 = 12
scale_y41 = 12
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type42 = viewport
alias42 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type43 = viewport
alias43 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
ntsc_scale = 0.4
shadowMask = 3
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,417 +1,2 @@
shaders = 47
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PrePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "source"
scale34 = "1.0"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
alias34 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
shader35 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear35 = "false"
scale_type35 = "source"
scale35 = "1.0"
wrap_mode35 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input35 = "false"
alias35 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer35 = "true"
shader36 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear36 = "false"
wrap_mode36 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input36 = "false"
scale_type36 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer36 = "true"
alias36 = "CRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = absolute
// scale_x40 = 480
// scale_y40 = 270
// scale_x40 = 960
// scale_y40 = 540
scale_x40 = 800
scale_y40 = 600
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
float_framebuffer41 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear42 = true
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader43 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input43 = true
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = absolute
scale_x43 = 128
scale_y43 = 128
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader44 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
scale_x44 = 12
scale_y44 = 12
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader45 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type45 = viewport
alias45 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-hdr.slang
scale_type46 = viewport
alias46 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,399 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = refpass
shader17 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = scalefx_pass0
shader18 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = false
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer12 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
shader20 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass3.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
shader21 = ../../shaders/scalefx/hsm-scalefx-pass4.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 3
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PrePass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader32 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear32 = "false"
scale_type32 = "source"
scale32 = "1.0"
wrap_mode32 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input32 = "false"
alias32 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer32 = "true"
shader33 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear33 = "false"
scale_type33 = "source"
scale33 = "1.0"
wrap_mode33 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input33 = "false"
alias33 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer33 = "true"
shader34 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear34 = "false"
wrap_mode34 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input34 = "false"
scale_type34 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer34 = "true"
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
// scale_x38 = 480
// scale_y38 = 270
// scale_x38 = 960
// scale_y38 = 540
scale_x38 = 800
scale_y38 = 600
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
float_framebuffer39 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear40 = true
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader41 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
scale_x41 = 128
scale_y41 = 128
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader42 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
scale_x42 = 12
scale_y42 = 12
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type43 = viewport
alias43 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-hdr.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
alias44 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
ntsc_scale = 0.33
// Lottes mask, a bit like a slot mask effect
shadowMask = 1
mask_bloom = 0.3
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,485 +1,2 @@
shaders = 51
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass0.slang"
filter_linear18 = "true"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = "SamplerBloom1"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "false"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "4.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "4.000000"
float_framebuffer18 = "true"
shader19 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass1.slang"
filter_linear19 = "true"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = "SamplerBloom2"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "false"
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass2.slang"
filter_linear20 = "true"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = "SamplerBloom3"
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
shader21 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass3.slang"
filter_linear21 = "true"
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input21 = "false"
alias21 = "SamplerBloom4"
float_framebuffer21 = "true"
shader22 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass4.slang"
filter_linear22 = "true"
wrap_mode22 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input22 = "false"
alias22 = "SamplerBloom5"
float_framebuffer22 = "true"
shader23 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensFlarePass0.slang"
filter_linear23 = "true"
wrap_mode23 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input23 = "false"
alias23 = "LensFlare1"
float_framebuffer23 = "true"
shader24 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensFlarePass1.slang"
filter_linear24 = "true"
wrap_mode24 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input24 = "false"
alias24 = "LensFlare2"
float_framebuffer24 = "true"
shader25 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensFlarePass2.slang"
filter_linear25 = "true"
wrap_mode25 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input25 = "false"
alias25 = "LensFlare3"
float_framebuffer25 = "true"
shader26 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LightingCombine.slang"
filter_linear26 = "true"
wrap_mode26 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input26 = "false"
alias26 = ""
scale_type_x26 = "source"
scale_x26 = "0.250000"
scale_type_y26 = "source"
scale_y26 = "0.250000"
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias27 = "PreCRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale28 = 1.0
alias28 = "AfterglowPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
mipmap_input29 = true
scale29 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader30 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear30 = false
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
alias30 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale_x32 = 1.0
scale_y32 = 1.0
alias32 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
mipmap_input33 = true
alias33 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = source
scale34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "LinearizePass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 800.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 800.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 600.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = GlowPass
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 800.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 600.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = source
scale_x38 = 1.0
scale_type_y38 = source
scale_y38 = 1.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = BloomPass
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = viewport
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = viewport
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
// scale_x44 = 480
// scale_y44 = 270
// scale_x44 = 960
// scale_y44 = 540
scale_x44 = 800
scale_y44 = 600
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader45 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
float_framebuffer45 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear46 = true
float_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader47 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input47 = true
filter_linear47 = true
scale_type47 = absolute
scale_x47 = 128
scale_y47 = 128
float_framebuffer47 = true
alias47 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader48 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input48 = true
filter_linear48 = true
scale_type48 = absolute
scale_x48 = 12
scale_y48 = 12
float_framebuffer48 = true
alias48 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader49 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type49 = viewport
alias49 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader50 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type50 = viewport
alias50 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "Dirt;Sprite;SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
Dirt = ../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensDB.png
Dirt_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
Dirt_mipmap = "false"
Sprite = ../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensSprite.png
Sprite_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
Sprite_mipmap = "false"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Reshade-FX
bLensdirtEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
bAnamFlareEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
bChapFlareEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
bGodrayEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
iBloomMixmode = "1.000000"
fBloomAmount = "1.500000"
fBloomSaturation = "1.100000"
fBloomTint_r = "1.000000"
fBloomTint_g = "0.500000"
fBloomTint_b = "0.800000"
iLensdirtMixmode = "1.000000"
fAnamFlareWideness = "1.200000"
fAnamFlareAmount = "2.500000"
fChapFlareIntensity = "10.000000"
fGodrayDecay = "0.999900"
fGodrayWeight = "0.400000"
fGodrayThreshold = "0.850000"
iGodraySamples = "48.000000"
fFlareLuminance = "0.875000"
fFlareBlur = "10000.000000"
fFlareIntensity = "1.570000"
fFlareTint_r = "1.000000"
fFlareTint_g = "1.000000"
glow = "0.000000"
gamma_c = "1.100000"
brightboost1 = "1.300000"
scanline2 = "15.000000"
beam_min = "1.999999"
shadowMask = "10.000000"
deconrr = "-1.000000"
deconrb = "1.000000"
deconrry = "-1.000000"
deconrby = "1.000000"
post_br = "1.100000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV-RESHADE-FX__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,484 +1,2 @@
shaders = 51
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = GlowPass
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = BloomPass
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = viewport
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = viewport
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
// scale_x44 = 480
// scale_y44 = 270
// scale_x44 = 960
// scale_y44 = 540
scale_x44 = 800
scale_y44 = 600
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader45 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
float_framebuffer45 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear46 = true
float_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader47 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input47 = true
filter_linear47 = true
scale_type47 = absolute
scale_x47 = 128
scale_y47 = 128
float_framebuffer47 = true
alias47 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader48 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input48 = true
filter_linear48 = true
scale_type48 = absolute
scale_x48 = 12
scale_y48 = 12
float_framebuffer48 = true
alias48 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader49 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type49 = viewport
alias49 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader50 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type50 = viewport
alias50 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,457 +1,2 @@
shaders = 48
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = GlowPass
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = BloomPass
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
// scale_x41 = 480
// scale_y41 = 270
// scale_x41 = 960
// scale_y41 = 540
scale_x41 = 800
scale_y41 = 600
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
float_framebuffer42 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear43 = true
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader44 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
scale_x44 = 128
scale_y44 = 128
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader45 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
scale_type45 = absolute
scale_x45 = 12
scale_y45 = 12
float_framebuffer45 = true
alias45 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type46 = viewport
alias46 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader47 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type47 = viewport
alias47 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,341 +1,2 @@
shaders = 40
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear26 = false
srgb_framebuffer26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear27 = false
srgb_framebuffer27 = true
shader28 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear28 = false
srgb_framebuffer28 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader29 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
// scale_x33 = 480
// scale_y33 = 270
// scale_x33 = 960
// scale_y33 = 540
scale_x33 = 800
scale_y33 = 600
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
float_framebuffer34 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear35 = true
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader36 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 128
scale_y36 = 128
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader37 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 12
scale_y37 = 12
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type39 = viewport
alias39 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,351 +1,2 @@
shaders = 40
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type28 = source
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
filter_linear29 = true
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
alias29 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
// scale_x33 = 480
// scale_y33 = 270
// scale_x33 = 960
// scale_y33 = 540
scale_x33 = 800
scale_y33 = 600
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
float_framebuffer34 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear35 = true
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader36 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 128
scale_y36 = 128
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader37 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 12
scale_y37 = 12
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type39 = viewport
alias39 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,332 +1,2 @@
shaders = 38
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type26 = source
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
scale_x27 = 1.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
filter_linear27 = true
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
alias27 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = absolute
// scale_x31 = 480
// scale_y31 = 270
// scale_x31 = 960
// scale_y31 = 540
scale_x31 = 800
scale_y31 = 600
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader34 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 128
scale_y34 = 128
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 12
scale_y35 = 12
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type37 = viewport
alias37 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,394 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = viewport
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_type_y28 = source
scale_y28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = Pass1
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 640.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 640.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 480.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = GlowPass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 640.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 480.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 640.0
scale_type_y32 = absolute
scale_y32 = 480.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = BloomPass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
// scale_x38 = 480
// scale_y38 = 270
// scale_x38 = 960
// scale_y38 = 540
scale_x38 = 800
scale_y38 = 600
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
float_framebuffer39 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear40 = true
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader41 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
scale_x41 = 128
scale_y41 = 128
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader42 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
scale_x42 = 12
scale_y42 = 12
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type43 = viewport
alias43 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
alias44 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,366 +1,2 @@
shaders = 42
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type_x26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 800.0
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_y26 = 1.0
float_framebuffer26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type_x27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 800.0
scale_type_y27 = absolute
scale_y27 = 600.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = GlowPass
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 800.0
scale_type_y28 = absolute
scale_y28 = 600.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = BloomPass
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "CRTPass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
// scale_x35 = 480
// scale_y35 = 270
// scale_x35 = 960
// scale_y35 = 540
scale_x35 = 800
scale_y35 = 600
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
float_framebuffer36 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear37 = true
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader38 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 128
scale_y38 = 128
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader39 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
scale_x39 = 12
scale_y39 = 12
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type40 = viewport
alias40 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
alias41 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,327 +1,2 @@
shaders = 38
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear27 = "false"
scale_type27 = "viewport"
scale27 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
alias27 = "CRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = absolute
// scale_x31 = 480
// scale_y31 = 270
// scale_x31 = 960
// scale_y31 = 540
scale_x31 = 800
scale_y31 = 600
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader34 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 128
scale_y34 = 128
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 12
scale_y35 = 12
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type37 = viewport
alias37 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,369 +1,2 @@
shaders = 41
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "PrePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "source"
scale28 = "1.0"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
alias28 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear29 = "false"
scale_type29 = "source"
scale29 = "1.0"
wrap_mode29 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input29 = "false"
alias29 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
shader30 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear30 = "false"
wrap_mode30 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input30 = "false"
scale_type30 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer30 = "true"
alias30 = "CRTPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
// scale_x34 = 480
// scale_y34 = 270
// scale_x34 = 960
// scale_y34 = 540
scale_x34 = 800
scale_y34 = 600
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
float_framebuffer35 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear36 = true
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader37 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 128
scale_y37 = 128
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader38 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 12
scale_y38 = 12
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type39 = viewport
alias39 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-hdr.slang
scale_type40 = viewport
alias40 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,350 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "PrePass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader26 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear26 = "false"
scale_type26 = "source"
scale26 = "1.0"
wrap_mode26 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input26 = "false"
alias26 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear27 = "false"
scale_type27 = "source"
scale27 = "1.0"
wrap_mode27 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input27 = "false"
alias27 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
alias28 = "CRTPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = absolute
// scale_x32 = 480
// scale_y32 = 270
// scale_x32 = 960
// scale_y32 = 540
scale_x32 = 800
scale_y32 = 600
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear34 = true
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader35 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 128
scale_y35 = 128
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader36 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 12
scale_y36 = 12
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type37 = viewport
alias37 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-hdr.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,503 +1,2 @@
shaders = 48
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass0.slang"
filter_linear18 = "true"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = "SamplerBloom1"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "false"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "4.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "4.000000"
float_framebuffer18 = "true"
shader19 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass1.slang"
filter_linear19 = "true"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = "SamplerBloom2"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "false"
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass2.slang"
filter_linear20 = "true"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = "SamplerBloom3"
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
shader21 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass3.slang"
filter_linear21 = "true"
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input21 = "false"
alias21 = "SamplerBloom4"
float_framebuffer21 = "true"
shader22 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/BloomPass4.slang"
filter_linear22 = "true"
wrap_mode22 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input22 = "false"
alias22 = "SamplerBloom5"
float_framebuffer22 = "true"
shader23 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensFlarePass0.slang"
filter_linear23 = "true"
wrap_mode23 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input23 = "false"
alias23 = "LensFlare1"
float_framebuffer23 = "true"
shader24 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensFlarePass1.slang"
filter_linear24 = "true"
wrap_mode24 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input24 = "false"
alias24 = "LensFlare2"
float_framebuffer24 = "true"
shader25 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensFlarePass2.slang"
filter_linear25 = "true"
wrap_mode25 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input25 = "false"
alias25 = "LensFlare3"
float_framebuffer25 = "true"
shader26 = "../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LightingCombine.slang"
filter_linear26 = "true"
wrap_mode26 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input26 = "false"
alias26 = ""
scale_type_x26 = "source"
scale_x26 = "0.250000"
scale_type_y26 = "source"
scale_y26 = "0.250000"
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias27 = "PreCRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale28 = 1.0
alias28 = "AfterglowPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
mipmap_input29 = true
scale29 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader30 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear30 = false
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
alias30 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale_x32 = 1.0
scale_y32 = 1.0
alias32 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
mipmap_input33 = true
alias33 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = source
scale34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "LinearizePass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 800.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 800.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 600.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = GlowPass
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 800.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 600.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = source
scale_x38 = 1.0
scale_type_y38 = source
scale_y38 = 1.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = BloomPass
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
// scale_x42 = 480
// scale_y42 = 270
// scale_x42 = 960
// scale_y42 = 540
scale_x42 = 800
scale_y42 = 600
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input43 = true
filter_linear43 = true
float_framebuffer43 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear44 = true
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader45 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
scale_type45 = absolute
scale_x45 = 128
scale_y45 = 128
float_framebuffer45 = true
alias45 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader46 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input46 = true
filter_linear46 = true
scale_type46 = absolute
scale_x46 = 12
scale_y46 = 12
float_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader47 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type47 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer47 = true
alias47 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "Dirt;Sprite;SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
Dirt = ../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensDB.png
Dirt_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
Dirt_mipmap = "false"
Sprite = ../../../../reshade/shaders/bloom/LensSprite.png
Sprite_wrap_mode = "clamp_to_border"
Sprite_mipmap = "false"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Reshade-FX
bLensdirtEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
bAnamFlareEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
bChapFlareEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
bGodrayEnable_toggle = "1.000000"
iBloomMixmode = "1.000000"
fBloomAmount = "1.500000"
fBloomSaturation = "1.100000"
fBloomTint_r = "1.000000"
fBloomTint_g = "0.500000"
fBloomTint_b = "0.800000"
iLensdirtMixmode = "1.000000"
fAnamFlareWideness = "1.200000"
fAnamFlareAmount = "2.500000"
fChapFlareIntensity = "10.000000"
fGodrayDecay = "0.999900"
fGodrayWeight = "0.400000"
fGodrayThreshold = "0.850000"
iGodraySamples = "48.000000"
fFlareLuminance = "0.875000"
fFlareBlur = "10000.000000"
fFlareIntensity = "1.570000"
fFlareTint_r = "1.000000"
fFlareTint_g = "1.000000"
glow = "0.000000"
gamma_c = "1.100000"
brightboost1 = "1.300000"
scanline2 = "15.000000"
beam_min = "1.999999"
shadowMask = "10.000000"
deconrr = "-1.000000"
deconrb = "1.000000"
deconrry = "-1.000000"
deconrby = "1.000000"
post_br = "1.100000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS-RESHADE-FX__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,502 +1,2 @@
shaders = 48
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = GlowPass
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = BloomPass
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
// scale_x42 = 480
// scale_y42 = 270
// scale_x42 = 960
// scale_y42 = 540
scale_x42 = 800
scale_y42 = 600
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input43 = true
filter_linear43 = true
float_framebuffer43 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear44 = true
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader45 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
scale_type45 = absolute
scale_x45 = 128
scale_y45 = 128
float_framebuffer45 = true
alias45 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader46 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input46 = true
filter_linear46 = true
scale_type46 = absolute
scale_x46 = 12
scale_y46 = 12
float_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader47 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type47 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer47 = true
alias47 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,475 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = GlowPass
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = BloomPass
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
// scale_x39 = 480
// scale_y39 = 270
// scale_x39 = 960
// scale_y39 = 540
scale_x39 = 800
scale_y39 = 600
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
float_framebuffer40 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear41 = true
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader42 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = absolute
scale_x42 = 128
scale_y42 = 128
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader43 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input43 = true
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = absolute
scale_x43 = 12
scale_y43 = 12
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,359 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear26 = false
srgb_framebuffer26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear27 = false
srgb_framebuffer27 = true
shader28 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear28 = false
srgb_framebuffer28 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader29 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = absolute
// scale_x31 = 480
// scale_y31 = 270
// scale_x31 = 960
// scale_y31 = 540
scale_x31 = 800
scale_y31 = 600
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader34 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 128
scale_y34 = 128
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 12
scale_y35 = 12
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,369 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type28 = source
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
filter_linear29 = true
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
alias29 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = absolute
// scale_x31 = 480
// scale_y31 = 270
// scale_x31 = 960
// scale_y31 = 540
scale_x31 = 800
scale_y31 = 600
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader34 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 128
scale_y34 = 128
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader35 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 12
scale_y35 = 12
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,350 +1,2 @@
shaders = 35
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type26 = source
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
scale_x27 = 1.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
filter_linear27 = true
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
alias27 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = absolute
// scale_x29 = 480
// scale_y29 = 270
// scale_x29 = 960
// scale_y29 = 540
scale_x29 = 800
scale_y29 = 600
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear31 = true
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader32 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 128
scale_y32 = 128
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 12
scale_y33 = 12
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type34 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,412 +1,2 @@
shaders = 42
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = viewport
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_type_y28 = source
scale_y28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = Pass1
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 640.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 640.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 480.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = GlowPass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 640.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 480.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 640.0
scale_type_y32 = absolute
scale_y32 = 480.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = BloomPass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
// scale_x36 = 480
// scale_y36 = 270
// scale_x36 = 960
// scale_y36 = 540
scale_x36 = 800
scale_y36 = 600
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
float_framebuffer37 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear38 = true
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader39 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
scale_x39 = 128
scale_y39 = 128
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader40 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = absolute
scale_x40 = 12
scale_y40 = 12
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,384 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type_x26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 800.0
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_y26 = 1.0
float_framebuffer26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type_x27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 800.0
scale_type_y27 = absolute
scale_y27 = 600.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = GlowPass
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 800.0
scale_type_y28 = absolute
scale_y28 = 600.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = BloomPass
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "CRTPass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
// scale_x33 = 480
// scale_y33 = 270
// scale_x33 = 960
// scale_y33 = 540
scale_x33 = 800
scale_y33 = 600
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
float_framebuffer34 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear35 = true
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader36 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 128
scale_y36 = 128
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader37 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 12
scale_y37 = 12
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,345 +1,2 @@
shaders = 35
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear27 = "false"
scale_type27 = "viewport"
scale27 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
alias27 = "CRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = absolute
// scale_x29 = 480
// scale_y29 = 270
// scale_x29 = 960
// scale_y29 = 540
scale_x29 = 800
scale_y29 = 600
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear31 = true
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader32 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 128
scale_y32 = 128
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 12
scale_y33 = 12
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type34 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,391 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "PrePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "source"
scale28 = "1.0"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
alias28 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear29 = "false"
scale_type29 = "source"
scale29 = "1.0"
wrap_mode29 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input29 = "false"
alias29 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
shader30 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear30 = "false"
wrap_mode30 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input30 = "false"
scale_type30 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer30 = "true"
alias30 = "CRTPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = absolute
// scale_x32 = 480
// scale_y32 = 270
// scale_x32 = 960
// scale_y32 = 540
scale_x32 = 800
scale_y32 = 600
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
float_framebuffer33 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear34 = true
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader35 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 128
scale_y35 = 128
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader36 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 12
scale_y36 = 12
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass-hdr.slang
scale_type37 = viewport
alias37 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,372 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "PrePass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader26 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear26 = "false"
scale_type26 = "source"
scale26 = "1.0"
wrap_mode26 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input26 = "false"
alias26 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear27 = "false"
scale_type27 = "source"
scale27 = "1.0"
wrap_mode27 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input27 = "false"
alias27 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
alias28 = "CRTPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = absolute
// scale_x30 = 480
// scale_y30 = 270
// scale_x30 = 960
// scale_y30 = 540
scale_x30 = 800
scale_y30 = 600
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
float_framebuffer31 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader33 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 128
scale_y33 = 128
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader34 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 12
scale_y34 = 12
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass-hdr.slang
scale_type35 = viewport
alias35 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-GLASS__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,426 +1,2 @@
shaders = 45
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "GlowPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BloomPass"
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = viewport
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear43 = true
scale_type43 = viewport
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader44 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type44 = viewport
alias44 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-NO-REFLECT-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,399 +1,2 @@
shaders = 42
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "GlowPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BloomPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
alias41 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-NO-REFLECT-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,336 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = viewport
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_type_y28 = source
scale_y28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = Pass1
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 640.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 640.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 480.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "GlowPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 640.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 480.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 640.0
scale_type_y32 = absolute
scale_y32 = 480.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BloomPass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-NO-REFLECT__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,308 +1,2 @@
shaders = 36
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type_x26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 800.0
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_y26 = 1.0
float_framebuffer26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type_x27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 800.0
scale_type_y27 = absolute
scale_y27 = 600.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "GlowPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 800.0
scale_type_y28 = absolute
scale_y28 = 600.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BloomPass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "CRTPass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type35 = viewport
alias35 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-NO-REFLECT__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,311 +1,2 @@
shaders = 35
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "PrePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "source"
scale28 = "1.0"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
alias28 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear29 = "false"
scale_type29 = "source"
scale29 = "1.0"
wrap_mode29 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input29 = "false"
alias29 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
shader30 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear30 = "false"
wrap_mode30 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input30 = "false"
scale_type30 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer30 = "true"
alias30 = "CRTPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect-hdr.slang
scale_type34 = viewport
alias34 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-NO-REFLECT__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,292 +1,2 @@
shaders = 33
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "PrePass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader26 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear26 = "false"
scale_type26 = "source"
scale26 = "1.0"
wrap_mode26 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input26 = "false"
alias26 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear27 = "false"
scale_type27 = "source"
scale27 = "1.0"
wrap_mode27 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input27 = "false"
alias27 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
alias28 = "CRTPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect-hdr.slang
scale_type32 = viewport
alias32 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-NO-REFLECT__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,412 +1,2 @@
shaders = 43
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias22 = "PreCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale23 = 1.0
alias23 = "AfterglowPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
mipmap_input24 = true
scale24 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader25 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear25 = false
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias26 = "PrePass0"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear27 = false
float_framebuffer27 = true
scale_type_x27 = source
scale_type_y27 = source
scale_x27 = 4.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
frame_count_mod27 = 2
alias27 = NPass1
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 0.5
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
alias31 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
mipmap_input32 = true
alias32 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = source
scale33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "LinearizePass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = Pass1
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "GlowPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type_x38 = absolute
scale_x38 = 640.0
scale_type_y38 = absolute
scale_y38 = 480.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BloomPass"
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
shader40 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
scale_x40 = 1.0
scale_y40 = 1.0
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "CRTPass"
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type42 = viewport
alias42 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,385 +1,2 @@
shaders = 40
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear16 = "false"
// wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input16 = "false"
// float_framebuffer16 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = XbrSource
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "2.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear20 = "false"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = ""
float_framebuffer20 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer20 = "true"
scale_type_x20 = "source"
scale_x20 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y20 = "source"
scale_y20 = "1.000000"
shader21 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_x21 = 1
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 0.5
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_edge"
// GTU TV Processing
shader22 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_type_y23 = source
scale_y23 = 1.0
filter_linear23 = false
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias24 = "PreCRTPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
alias25 = "AfterglowPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
mipmap_input26 = true
scale26 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader27 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear27 = false
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
alias27 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
alias29 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale30 = 1.0
mipmap_input30 = true
alias30 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "LinearizePass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 800.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 800.0
scale_type_y33 = absolute
scale_y33 = 600.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "GlowPass"
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 800.0
scale_type_y34 = absolute
scale_y34 = 600.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = source
scale_x35 = 1.0
scale_type_y35 = source
scale_y35 = 1.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "BloomPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
scale_x36 = 1.0
scale_y36 = 1.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
scale_x37 = 1.0
scale_y37 = 1.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "CRTPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader39 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type39 = viewport
alias39 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,279 +1,2 @@
shaders = 32
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type28 = source
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini-potato.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
filter_linear29 = true
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
alias29 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type31 = viewport
alias31 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,260 +1,2 @@
shaders = 30
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type26 = source
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini-potato.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
scale_x27 = 1.0
scale_y27 = 1.0
filter_linear27 = true
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
alias27 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
alias29 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,322 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
alias25 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = viewport
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_type_y28 = source
scale_y28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = Pass1
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 640.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 640.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 480.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "GlowPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 640.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 480.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 640.0
scale_type_y32 = absolute
scale_y32 = 480.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BloomPass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,294 +1,2 @@
shaders = 34
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
alias23 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type_x26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 800.0
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_y26 = 1.0
float_framebuffer26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type_x27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 800.0
scale_type_y27 = absolute
scale_y27 = 600.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "GlowPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type_x28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 800.0
scale_type_y28 = absolute
scale_y28 = 600.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BloomPass"
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = viewport
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
scale_x31 = 1.0
scale_y31 = 1.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "CRTPass"
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
scale_type32 = viewport
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader33 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type33 = viewport
alias33 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,297 +1,2 @@
shaders = 33
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias16 = "PreCRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
alias17 = "AfterglowPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
mipmap_input18 = true
scale18 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader19 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear19 = false
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias20 = "PrePass0"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear21 = false
float_framebuffer21 = true
scale_type_x21 = source
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_x21 = 4.0
scale_y21 = 1.0
frame_count_mod21 = 2
alias21 = NPass1
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 0.5
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
scale_x23 = 1.0
scale_y23 = 1.0
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "PrePass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale26 = 1.0
mipmap_input26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "source"
scale28 = "1.0"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
alias28 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
shader29 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear29 = "false"
scale_type29 = "source"
scale29 = "1.0"
wrap_mode29 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input29 = "false"
alias29 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer29 = "true"
shader30 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear30 = "false"
wrap_mode30 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input30 = "false"
scale_type30 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer30 = "true"
alias30 = "CRTPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
scale_type31 = viewport
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type32 = viewport
alias32 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,278 +1,2 @@
shaders = 31
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-adv-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/ps1dither/hsm-PS1-Undither-BoxBlur.slang
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias15 = "DeditherPass"
// GTU TV Processing
shader16 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass1.slang
scale_type16 = source
scale16 = 1.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/gtu/hsm-gtu-pass2.slang
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1.0
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 1.0
filter_linear17 = false
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias18 = "PreCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
alias19 = "AfterglowPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
mipmap_input20 = true
scale20 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader21 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear21 = false
scale_type21 = source
scale21 = 1.0
alias21 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale_x22 = 1.0
scale_y22 = 1.0
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "PrePass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
mipmap_input24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader26 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear26 = "false"
scale_type26 = "source"
scale26 = "1.0"
wrap_mode26 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input26 = "false"
alias26 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer26 = "true"
shader27 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear27 = "false"
scale_type27 = "source"
scale27 = "1.0"
wrap_mode27 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input27 = "false"
alias27 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer27 = "true"
shader28 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear28 = "false"
wrap_mode28 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input28 = "false"
scale_type28 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer28 = "true"
alias28 = "CRTPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type30 = viewport
alias30 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__2__ADV-SCREEN-ONLY__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,500 +1,2 @@
shaders = 47
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias25 = "PrePass0"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear26 = false
float_framebuffer26 = true
scale_type_x26 = source
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_x26 = 4.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
frame_count_mod26 = 2
alias26 = NPass1
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale_x27 = 0.5
scale_y27 = 1.0
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
alias30 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
mipmap_input31 = true
alias31 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "LinearizePass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_type_y33 = source
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = Pass1
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 640.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = absolute
scale_y35 = 480.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = GlowPass
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = BloomPass
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
scale_x38 = 1.0
scale_y38 = 1.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "CRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input41 = true
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = absolute
// scale_x41 = 480
// scale_y41 = 270
// scale_x41 = 960
// scale_y41 = 540
scale_x41 = 800
scale_y41 = 600
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input42 = true
filter_linear42 = true
float_framebuffer42 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear43 = true
float_framebuffer43 = true
alias43 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader44 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input44 = true
filter_linear44 = true
scale_type44 = absolute
scale_x44 = 128
scale_y44 = 128
float_framebuffer44 = true
alias44 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader45 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input45 = true
filter_linear45 = true
scale_type45 = absolute
scale_x45 = 12
scale_y45 = 12
float_framebuffer45 = true
alias45 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader46 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type46 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer46 = true
alias46 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,459 +1,2 @@
shaders = 42
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale_x26 = 1.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
alias26 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
mipmap_input27 = true
alias27 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "LinearizePass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 800.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 800.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 600.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = GlowPass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 800.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 600.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = source
scale_x32 = 1.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = BloomPass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input36 = true
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = absolute
// scale_x36 = 480
// scale_y36 = 270
// scale_x36 = 960
// scale_y36 = 540
scale_x36 = 800
scale_y36 = 600
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input37 = true
filter_linear37 = true
float_framebuffer37 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear38 = true
float_framebuffer38 = true
alias38 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader39 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input39 = true
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = absolute
scale_x39 = 128
scale_y39 = 128
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader40 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
filter_linear40 = true
scale_type40 = absolute
scale_x40 = 12
scale_y40 = 12
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,335 +1,2 @@
shaders = 28
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type19 = source
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
alias20 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = absolute
// scale_x22 = 480
// scale_y22 = 270
// scale_x22 = 960
// scale_y22 = 540
scale_x22 = 800
scale_y22 = 600
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
float_framebuffer23 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader25 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = absolute
scale_x25 = 128
scale_y25 = 128
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader26 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 12
scale_y26 = 12
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,302 +1,2 @@
shaders = 24
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type15 = source
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type16 = viewport
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
filter_linear16 = true
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = absolute
// scale_x18 = 480
// scale_y18 = 270
// scale_x18 = 960
// scale_y18 = 540
scale_x18 = 800
scale_y18 = 600
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input19 = true
filter_linear19 = true
float_framebuffer19 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader21 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 128
scale_y21 = 128
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader22 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 12
scale_y22 = 12
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type23 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,378 +1,2 @@
shaders = 33
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type_x19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_type_y19 = source
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = Pass1
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type_x20 = absolute
scale_x20 = 640.0
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type_x21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 640.0
scale_type_y21 = absolute
scale_y21 = 480.0
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = GlowPass
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type_x22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 640.0
scale_type_y22 = absolute
scale_y22 = 480.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type_x23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 640.0
scale_type_y23 = absolute
scale_y23 = 480.0
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = BloomPass
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
float_framebuffer24 = true
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = viewport
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "CRTPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
scale_type26 = viewport
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = absolute
// scale_x27 = 480
// scale_y27 = 270
// scale_x27 = 960
// scale_y27 = 540
scale_x27 = 800
scale_y27 = 600
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
float_framebuffer28 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear29 = true
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader30 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 128
scale_y30 = 128
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader31 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 12
scale_y31 = 12
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type32 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,336 +1,2 @@
shaders = 28
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type_x15 = absolute
scale_x15 = 800.0
scale_type_y15 = source
scale_y15 = 1.0
float_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type_x16 = absolute
scale_x16 = 800.0
scale_type_y16 = absolute
scale_y16 = 600.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = GlowPass
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type_x17 = absolute
scale_x17 = 800.0
scale_type_y17 = absolute
scale_y17 = 600.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type_x18 = source
scale_x18 = 1.0
scale_type_y18 = source
scale_y18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = BloomPass
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "CRTPass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = absolute
// scale_x22 = 480
// scale_y22 = 270
// scale_x22 = 960
// scale_y22 = 540
scale_x22 = 800
scale_y22 = 600
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
float_framebuffer23 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader25 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = absolute
scale_x25 = 128
scale_y25 = 128
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader26 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 12
scale_y26 = 12
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,297 +1,2 @@
shaders = 24
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "viewport"
scale16 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = absolute
// scale_x18 = 480
// scale_y18 = 270
// scale_x18 = 960
// scale_y18 = 540
scale_x18 = 800
scale_y18 = 600
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input19 = true
filter_linear19 = true
float_framebuffer19 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader21 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 128
scale_y21 = 128
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader22 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 12
scale_y22 = 12
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass.slang
scale_type23 = viewport
srgb_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "ReflectionPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,357 +1,2 @@
shaders = 30
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = "PrePass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader19 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear19 = "false"
scale_type19 = "source"
scale19 = "1.0"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear20 = "false"
scale_type20 = "source"
scale20 = "1.0"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
shader21 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear21 = "false"
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input21 = "false"
scale_type21 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer21 = "true"
alias21 = "CRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = absolute
// scale_x23 = 480
// scale_y23 = 270
// scale_x23 = 960
// scale_y23 = 540
scale_x23 = 800
scale_y23 = 600
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input24 = true
filter_linear24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear25 = true
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader26 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 128
scale_y26 = 128
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader27 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 12
scale_y27 = 12
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass-hdr.slang
scale_type28 = viewport
alias28 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
alias29 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,324 +1,2 @@
shaders = 26
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-glass.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-glass.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer12 = true
alias12 = "PrePass"
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
float_framebuffer13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader15 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear15 = "false"
scale_type15 = "source"
scale15 = "1.0"
wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input15 = "false"
alias15 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "source"
scale16 = "1.0"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
alias16 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
scale_type17 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer17 = "true"
alias17 = "CRTPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-glass.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "PostCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input19 = true
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = absolute
// scale_x19 = 480
// scale_y19 = 270
// scale_x19 = 960
// scale_y19 = 540
scale_x19 = 800
scale_y19 = 600
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input20 = true
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear21 = true
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader22 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 128
scale_y22 = 128
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader23 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 12
scale_y23 = 12
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/reflection-glass-hdr.slang
scale_type24 = viewport
alias24 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type25 = viewport
alias25 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/TopLayerImageGradient_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Parameters
HSM_BG_OPACITY = "1.000000"
HSM_GLASS_BORDER_ON = "1.000000"
HSM_FRM_OPACITY = "100.000000"
HSM_BG_BRIGHTNESS = "0.000000"
g_vignette = "0.0"
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-GLASS__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,481 +1,2 @@
shaders = 36
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type_x19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_type_y19 = source
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = Pass1
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type_x20 = absolute
scale_x20 = 640.0
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type_x21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 640.0
scale_type_y21 = absolute
scale_y21 = 480.0
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = GlowPass
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type_x22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 640.0
scale_type_y22 = absolute
scale_y22 = 480.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type_x23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 640.0
scale_type_y23 = absolute
scale_y23 = 480.0
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = BloomPass
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
float_framebuffer24 = true
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = viewport
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "CRTPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
scale_type26 = viewport
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = viewport
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = absolute
// scale_x29 = 480
// scale_y29 = 270
// scale_x29 = 960
// scale_y29 = 540
scale_x29 = 800
scale_y29 = 600
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear31 = true
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader32 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 128
scale_y32 = 128
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 12
scale_y33 = 12
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type34 = viewport
alias34 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type35 = viewport
alias35 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,409 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear12 = "false"
// wrap_mode12 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input12 = "false"
// float_framebuffer12 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer12 = "true"
alias12 = XbrSource
shader13 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear13 = "false"
wrap_mode13 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input13 = "false"
float_framebuffer13 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer13 = "true"
shader14 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear14 = "false"
wrap_mode14 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input14 = "false"
alias14 = ""
float_framebuffer14 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer14 = "true"
scale_type_x14 = "source"
scale_x14 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y14 = "source"
scale_y14 = "2.000000"
shader15 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear15 = "false"
wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input15 = "false"
alias15 = ""
float_framebuffer15 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
scale_type_x15 = "source"
scale_x15 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y15 = "source"
scale_y15 = "1.000000"
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
alias16 = ""
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
scale_type_x16 = "source"
scale_x16 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y16 = "source"
scale_y16 = "1.000000"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear17 = false
scale_type_x17 = source
scale_x17 = 1
scale_type_y17 = source
scale_y17 = 0.5
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale_x18 = 1.0
scale_y18 = 1.0
alias18 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input18 = true
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = source
scale19 = 1.0
mipmap_input19 = true
alias19 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = source
scale20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "LinearizePass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type_x21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 800.0
scale_type_y21 = source
scale_y21 = 1.0
float_framebuffer21 = true
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type_x22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 800.0
scale_type_y22 = absolute
scale_y22 = 600.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = GlowPass
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type_x23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 800.0
scale_type_y23 = absolute
scale_y23 = 600.0
float_framebuffer23 = true
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type_x24 = source
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_type_y24 = source
scale_y24 = 1.0
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = BloomPass
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = viewport
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = viewport
scale_x26 = 1.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "CRTPass"
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input27 = true
scale_type27 = viewport
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = viewport
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = absolute
// scale_x30 = 480
// scale_y30 = 270
// scale_x30 = 960
// scale_y30 = 540
scale_x30 = 800
scale_y30 = 600
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input31 = true
filter_linear31 = true
float_framebuffer31 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader32 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear32 = true
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader33 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 128
scale_y33 = 128
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader34 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input34 = true
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 12
scale_y34 = 12
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type35 = viewport
alias35 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,293 +1,2 @@
shaders = 29
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear15 = false
srgb_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear16 = false
srgb_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear17 = false
srgb_framebuffer17 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader18 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = absolute
// scale_x22 = 480
// scale_y22 = 270
// scale_x22 = 960
// scale_y22 = 540
scale_x22 = 800
scale_y22 = 600
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
float_framebuffer23 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear24 = true
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader25 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = absolute
scale_x25 = 128
scale_y25 = 128
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader26 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = absolute
scale_x26 = 12
scale_y26 = 12
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
alias27 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type28 = viewport
alias28 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,317 +1,2 @@
shaders = 31
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type19 = source
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
alias20 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = viewport
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input24 = true
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = absolute
// scale_x24 = 480
// scale_y24 = 270
// scale_x24 = 960
// scale_y24 = 540
scale_x24 = 800
scale_y24 = 600
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
float_framebuffer25 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader27 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 128
scale_y27 = 128
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader28 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 12
scale_y28 = 12
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
alias29 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type30 = viewport
alias30 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,284 +1,2 @@
shaders = 27
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type15 = source
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type16 = viewport
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
filter_linear16 = true
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input20 = true
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = absolute
// scale_x20 = 480
// scale_y20 = 270
// scale_x20 = 960
// scale_y20 = 540
scale_x20 = 800
scale_y20 = 600
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
filter_linear21 = true
float_framebuffer21 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear22 = true
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader23 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 128
scale_y23 = 128
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader24 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input24 = true
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = absolute
scale_x24 = 12
scale_y24 = 12
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type25 = viewport
alias25 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type26 = viewport
alias26 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,450 +1,2 @@
shaders = 36
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type_x19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_type_y19 = source
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = Pass1
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type_x20 = absolute
scale_x20 = 640.0
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type_x21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 640.0
scale_type_y21 = absolute
scale_y21 = 480.0
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = GlowPass
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type_x22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 640.0
scale_type_y22 = absolute
scale_y22 = 480.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type_x23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 640.0
scale_type_y23 = absolute
scale_y23 = 480.0
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = BloomPass
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
float_framebuffer24 = true
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = viewport
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "CRTPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
scale_type26 = viewport
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = viewport
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = absolute
// scale_x29 = 480
// scale_y29 = 270
// scale_x29 = 960
// scale_y29 = 540
scale_x29 = 800
scale_y29 = 600
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input30 = true
filter_linear30 = true
float_framebuffer30 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear31 = true
float_framebuffer31 = true
alias31 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader32 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input32 = true
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = absolute
scale_x32 = 128
scale_y32 = 128
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader33 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input33 = true
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = absolute
scale_x33 = 12
scale_y33 = 12
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader34 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type34 = viewport
alias34 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type35 = viewport
alias35 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,318 +1,2 @@
shaders = 31
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type_x15 = absolute
scale_x15 = 800.0
scale_type_y15 = source
scale_y15 = 1.0
float_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type_x16 = absolute
scale_x16 = 800.0
scale_type_y16 = absolute
scale_y16 = 600.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = GlowPass
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type_x17 = absolute
scale_x17 = 800.0
scale_type_y17 = absolute
scale_y17 = 600.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type_x18 = source
scale_x18 = 1.0
scale_type_y18 = source
scale_y18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = BloomPass
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "CRTPass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = viewport
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input24 = true
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = absolute
// scale_x24 = 480
// scale_y24 = 270
// scale_x24 = 960
// scale_y24 = 540
scale_x24 = 800
scale_y24 = 600
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
float_framebuffer25 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader27 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = absolute
scale_x27 = 128
scale_y27 = 128
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader28 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 12
scale_y28 = 12
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
alias29 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type30 = viewport
alias30 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,279 +1,2 @@
shaders = 27
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "viewport"
scale16 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt.slang
mipmap_input20 = true
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = absolute
// scale_x20 = 480
// scale_y20 = 270
// scale_x20 = 960
// scale_y20 = 540
scale_x20 = 800
scale_y20 = 600
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
filter_linear21 = true
float_framebuffer21 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear22 = true
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader23 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input23 = true
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 128
scale_y23 = 128
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader24 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input24 = true
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = absolute
scale_x24 = 12
scale_y24 = 12
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type25 = viewport
alias25 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes.slang
scale_type26 = viewport
alias26 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,335 +1,2 @@
shaders = 32
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = "PrePass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader19 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear19 = "false"
scale_type19 = "source"
scale19 = "1.0"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear20 = "false"
scale_type20 = "source"
scale20 = "1.0"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
shader21 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear21 = "false"
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input21 = "false"
scale_type21 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer21 = "true"
alias21 = "CRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = viewport
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = absolute
// scale_x25 = 480
// scale_y25 = 270
// scale_x25 = 960
// scale_y25 = 540
scale_x25 = 800
scale_y25 = 600
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
filter_linear26 = true
float_framebuffer26 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear27 = true
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader28 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input28 = true
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = absolute
scale_x28 = 128
scale_y28 = 128
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader29 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input29 = true
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 12
scale_y29 = 12
float_framebuffer29 = true
alias29 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type30 = viewport
alias30 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader31 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-hdr.slang
scale_type31 = viewport
alias31 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,302 +1,2 @@
shaders = 28
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-all.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-all-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer12 = true
alias12 = "PrePass"
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
float_framebuffer13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader15 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear15 = "false"
scale_type15 = "source"
scale15 = "1.0"
wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input15 = "false"
alias15 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "source"
scale16 = "1.0"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
alias16 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron.slang"
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
scale_type17 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer17 = "true"
alias17 = "CRTPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-image-layers.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Reduce Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the resolution to a small static size regardless of final resolution
// Allows consistent look and faster at different final resolutions for blur
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/linearize-crt-hdr.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type21 = absolute
// scale_x21 = 480
// scale_y21 = 270
// scale_x21 = 960
// scale_y21 = 540
scale_x21 = 800
scale_y21 = 600
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "BR_MirrorLowResPass"
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Horizontal) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-horiz.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
filter_linear22 = true
float_framebuffer22 = true
// Add Blur for the Reflection (Vertical) ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/blur-outside-screen-vert.slang
filter_linear23 = true
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_MirrorBlurredPass"
// Reduce resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduced to a very small amount so we can create a blur which will create a glow from the screen
// Mipmap option allows smoother downscaling
shader24 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input24 = true
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = absolute
scale_x24 = 128
scale_y24 = 128
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_MirrorReflectionDiffusedPass"
// Add Diffused glow all around the screen ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Blurred so much that it's non directional
// Mipmap option allows downscaling without artifacts
shader25 = ../../../../blurs/shaders/royale/blur9x9.slang
mipmap_input25 = true
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = absolute
scale_x25 = 12
scale_y25 = 12
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "BR_MirrorFullscreenGlowPass"
// Bezel Reflection ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/reflection.slang
scale_type26 = viewport
alias26 = "ReflectionPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-hdr.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
alias27 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__3__STD__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,424 +1,2 @@
shaders = 44
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias25 = "PrePass0"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear26 = false
float_framebuffer26 = true
scale_type_x26 = source
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_x26 = 4.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
frame_count_mod26 = 2
alias26 = NPass1
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale_x27 = 0.5
scale_y27 = 1.0
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
alias30 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
mipmap_input31 = true
alias31 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "LinearizePass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_type_y33 = source
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = Pass1
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 640.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = absolute
scale_y35 = 480.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "GlowPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BloomPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
scale_x38 = 1.0
scale_y38 = 1.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "CRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear41 = true
scale_type41 = viewport
float_framebuffer41 = true
alias41 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader42 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear42 = true
scale_type42 = viewport
float_framebuffer42 = true
alias42 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader43 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type43 = viewport
alias43 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,383 +1,2 @@
shaders = 39
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale_x26 = 1.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
alias26 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
mipmap_input27 = true
alias27 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "LinearizePass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 800.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 800.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 600.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "GlowPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 800.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 600.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = source
scale_x32 = 1.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BloomPass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type36 = viewport
float_framebuffer36 = true
alias36 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader37 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type37 = viewport
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader38 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type38 = viewport
alias38 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,235 +1,2 @@
shaders = 23
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear15 = false
srgb_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear16 = false
srgb_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear17 = false
srgb_framebuffer17 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader18 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type22 = viewport
alias22 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,259 +1,2 @@
shaders = 25
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type19 = source
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
alias20 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = viewport
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type24 = viewport
alias24 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,226 +1,2 @@
shaders = 21
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type15 = source
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type16 = viewport
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
filter_linear16 = true
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
alias20 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,302 +1,2 @@
shaders = 30
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type_x19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_type_y19 = source
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = Pass1
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type_x20 = absolute
scale_x20 = 640.0
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type_x21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 640.0
scale_type_y21 = absolute
scale_y21 = 480.0
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "GlowPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type_x22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 640.0
scale_type_y22 = absolute
scale_y22 = 480.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type_x23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 640.0
scale_type_y23 = absolute
scale_y23 = 480.0
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BloomPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
float_framebuffer24 = true
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = viewport
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "CRTPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
scale_type26 = viewport
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = viewport
float_framebuffer27 = true
alias27 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader28 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = viewport
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader29 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type29 = viewport
alias29 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,260 +1,2 @@
shaders = 25
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type_x15 = absolute
scale_x15 = 800.0
scale_type_y15 = source
scale_y15 = 1.0
float_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type_x16 = absolute
scale_x16 = 800.0
scale_type_y16 = absolute
scale_y16 = 600.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = "GlowPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type_x17 = absolute
scale_x17 = 800.0
scale_type_y17 = absolute
scale_y17 = 600.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type_x18 = source
scale_x18 = 1.0
scale_type_y18 = source
scale_y18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BloomPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "CRTPass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = viewport
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type24 = viewport
alias24 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,221 +1,2 @@
shaders = 21
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "viewport"
scale16 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
alias20 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,277 +1,2 @@
shaders = 26
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = "PrePass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader19 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear19 = "false"
scale_type19 = "source"
scale19 = "1.0"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear20 = "false"
scale_type20 = "source"
scale20 = "1.0"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
shader21 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear21 = "false"
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input21 = "false"
scale_type21 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer21 = "true"
alias21 = "CRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = viewport
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
float_framebuffer24 = true
alias24 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect-hdr.slang
scale_type25 = viewport
alias25 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,244 +1,2 @@
shaders = 22
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer12 = true
alias12 = "PrePass"
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
float_framebuffer13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader15 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear15 = "false"
scale_type15 = "source"
scale15 = "1.0"
wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input15 = "false"
alias15 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "source"
scale16 = "1.0"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
alias16 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
scale_type17 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer17 = "true"
alias17 = "CRTPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "PostCRTPass"
// Bezel Generation & Composite of Image Layers ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-under-crt.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "BR_LayersUnderCRTPass"
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/bezel-images-over-crt.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "BR_LayersOverCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/combine-passes-no-reflect-hdr.slang
scale_type21 = viewport
alias21 = "CombinePass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-NO-REFLECT__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,410 +1,2 @@
shaders = 42
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias25 = "PrePass0"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear26 = false
float_framebuffer26 = true
scale_type_x26 = source
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_x26 = 4.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
frame_count_mod26 = 2
alias26 = NPass1
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale_x27 = 0.5
scale_y27 = 1.0
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
alias30 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
mipmap_input31 = true
alias31 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "LinearizePass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_type_y33 = source
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = Pass1
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 640.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = absolute
scale_y35 = 480.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "GlowPass"
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = "BloomPass"
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
scale_x38 = 1.0
scale_y38 = 1.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "CRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader41 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type41 = viewport
alias41 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,369 +1,2 @@
shaders = 37
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale_x26 = 1.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
alias26 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
mipmap_input27 = true
alias27 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "LinearizePass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 800.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 800.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 600.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = "GlowPass"
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 800.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 600.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = source
scale_x32 = 1.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "BloomPass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader36 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type36 = viewport
alias36 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,221 +1,2 @@
shaders = 21
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear15 = false
srgb_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear16 = false
srgb_framebuffer16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear17 = false
srgb_framebuffer17 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader18 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader20 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
alias20 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,245 +1,2 @@
shaders = 23
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type19 = source
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
filter_linear20 = true
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
alias20 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type22 = viewport
alias22 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,212 +1,2 @@
shaders = 19
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type15 = source
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini.slang
scale_type16 = viewport
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
filter_linear16 = true
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type18 = viewport
alias18 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,288 +1,2 @@
shaders = 28
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type16 = source
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
alias16 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input16 = true
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type_x19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_type_y19 = source
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
alias19 = Pass1
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type_x20 = absolute
scale_x20 = 640.0
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
shader21 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear21 = true
scale_type_x21 = absolute
scale_x21 = 640.0
scale_type_y21 = absolute
scale_y21 = 480.0
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "GlowPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type_x22 = absolute
scale_x22 = 640.0
scale_type_y22 = absolute
scale_y22 = 480.0
float_framebuffer22 = true
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type_x23 = absolute
scale_x23 = 640.0
scale_type_y23 = absolute
scale_y23 = 480.0
float_framebuffer23 = true
alias23 = "BloomPass"
shader24 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass2-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear24 = true
scale_type24 = viewport
scale_x24 = 1.0
scale_y24 = 1.0
float_framebuffer24 = true
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = viewport
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
float_framebuffer25 = true
alias25 = "CRTPass"
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input26 = true
scale_type26 = viewport
float_framebuffer26 = true
alias26 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader27 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type27 = viewport
alias27 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,336 +1,2 @@
shaders = 23
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type_x15 = absolute
scale_x15 = 800.0
scale_type_y15 = source
scale_y15 = 1.0
float_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear16 = true
scale_type_x16 = absolute
scale_x16 = 800.0
scale_type_y16 = absolute
scale_y16 = 600.0
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = "GlowPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type_x17 = absolute
scale_x17 = 800.0
scale_type_y17 = absolute
scale_y17 = 600.0
float_framebuffer17 = true
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type_x18 = source
scale_x18 = 1.0
scale_type_y18 = source
scale_y18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "BloomPass"
shader19 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear19 = true
scale_type19 = viewport
scale_x19 = 1.0
scale_y19 = 1.0
float_framebuffer19 = true
shader20 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear20 = true
scale_type20 = viewport
scale_x20 = 1.0
scale_y20 = 1.0
float_framebuffer20 = true
alias20 = "CRTPass"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input21 = true
scale_type21 = viewport
float_framebuffer21 = true
alias21 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type22 = viewport
alias22 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,297 +1,2 @@
shaders = 19
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/lcd-cgwg/hsm-lcd-grid-v2.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "viewport"
scale16 = "1.0"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/output-sdr.slang
scale_type18 = viewport
alias18 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__LCD-GRID.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,263 +1,2 @@
shaders = 24
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias11 = "PrePass0"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear12 = false
float_framebuffer12 = true
scale_type_x12 = source
scale_type_y12 = source
scale_x12 = 4.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
frame_count_mod12 = 2
alias12 = NPass1
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer13 = true
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale_x13 = 0.5
scale_y13 = 1.0
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale_x14 = 1.0
scale_y14 = 1.0
shader15 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear15 = true
scale_type15 = source
scale_x15 = 1.0
scale_y15 = 1.0
shader16 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer16 = true
alias16 = "PrePass"
shader17 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = source
scale17 = 1.0
mipmap_input17 = true
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader18 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear18 = true
scale_type18 = source
scale18 = 1.0
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader19 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear19 = "false"
scale_type19 = "source"
scale19 = "1.0"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer19 = "true"
shader20 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear20 = "false"
scale_type20 = "source"
scale20 = "1.0"
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input20 = "false"
alias20 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer20 = "true"
shader21 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear21 = "false"
wrap_mode21 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input21 = "false"
scale_type21 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer21 = "true"
alias21 = "CRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input22 = true
scale_type22 = viewport
float_framebuffer22 = true
alias22 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader23 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type23 = viewport
alias23 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__MEGATRON-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,230 +1,2 @@
shaders = 20
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-no-reflect.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-no-reflect-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-std-no-reflect.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "DeditherPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PreCRTPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
alias8 = "AfterglowPass"
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
mipmap_input9 = true
scale9 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader10 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
alias10 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
float_framebuffer12 = true
alias12 = "PrePass"
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
float_framebuffer13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
feedback_pass = "0"
// Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor by Major Pain The Cactus
shader15 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-source-pass.slang"
filter_linear15 = "false"
scale_type15 = "source"
scale15 = "1.0"
wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input15 = "false"
alias15 = "SourceSDR"
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-hdr-pass.slang"
filter_linear16 = "false"
scale_type16 = "source"
scale16 = "1.0"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
alias16 = "SourceHDR"
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = "../../shaders/megatron/crt-sony-megatron-no-reflect.slang"
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
scale_type17 = "viewport"
float_framebuffer17 = "true"
alias17 = "CRTPass"
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-no-reflect.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "PostCRTPass"
// Combine Passes ----------------------------------------------------------------
shader19 = ../../shaders/base/output-hdr.slang
scale_type19 = viewport
alias19 = "OutputPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;IntroImage;ScreenPlacementImage;TubeDiffuseImage;TubeColoredGelImage;TubeShadowImage;TubeStaticReflectionImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage;ReflectionMaskImage;FrameTextureImage;CabinetGlassImage;DeviceImage;DeviceVertImage;DeviceLEDImage;DecalImage;NightLightingImage;NightLighting2Image;LEDImage;TopLayerImage;"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
IntroImage = ../../shaders/textures/IntroImage_MegaBezelLogo.png
IntroImage_linear = true
IntroImage_mipmap = 1
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
TubeDiffuseImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Diffuse_2390x1792.png
TubeDiffuseImage_linear = true
TubeDiffuseImage_mipmap = 1
TubeColoredGelImage = ../../shaders/textures/Colored_Gel_Rainbow.png
TubeColoredGelImage_linear = true
TubeColoredGelImage_mipmap = 1
TubeShadowImage = ../../shaders/textures/Tube_Shadow_1600x1200.png
TubeShadowImage_linear = true
TubeShadowImage_mipmap = 1
TubeStaticReflectionImage = ../../shaders/textures/TubeGlassOverlayImageCropped_1440x1080.png
TubeStaticReflectionImage_linear = true
TubeStaticReflectionImage_mipmap = 1
ReflectionMaskImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_White_16x16.png
ReflectionMaskImage_linear = true
ReflectionMaskImage_mipmap = 1
FrameTextureImage = ../../shaders/textures/FrameTexture_2800x2120.png
FrameTextureImage_linear = true
FrameTextureImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/BackgroundImage_Carbon_3840x2160.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
CabinetGlassImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
CabinetGlassImage_linear = true
CabinetGlassImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceImage_linear = true
DeviceImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceVertImage_linear = true
DeviceVertImage_mipmap = 1
DeviceLEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DeviceLEDImage_linear = true
DeviceLEDImage_mipmap = 1
DecalImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
DecalImage_linear = true
DecalImage_mipmap = 1
NightLightingImage = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingClose_1920x1080.png
NightLightingImage_linear = true
NightLightingImage_mipmap = 1
NightLighting2Image = ../../shaders/textures/NightLightingFar_1920x1080.png
NightLighting2Image_linear = true
NightLighting2Image_mipmap = 1
LEDImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
LEDImage_linear = true
LEDImage_mipmap = 1
TopLayerImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
TopLayerImage_linear = true
TopLayerImage_mipmap = 1
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Sony Megatron Color Monitor
hcrt_hdr = "0.000000"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__4__STD-SCREEN-ONLY__MEGATRON.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,344 +1,2 @@
shaders = 41
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-potato.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-potato.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro-potato.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias25 = "PrePass0"
shader26 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear26 = false
float_framebuffer26 = true
scale_type_x26 = source
scale_type_y26 = source
scale_x26 = 4.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
frame_count_mod26 = 2
alias26 = NPass1
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer27 = true
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale_x27 = 0.5
scale_y27 = 1.0
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale_x28 = 1.0
scale_y28 = 1.0
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type29 = source
scale_x29 = 1.0
scale_y29 = 1.0
shader30 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type30 = source
scale_x30 = 1.0
scale_y30 = 1.0
alias30 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input30 = true
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type31 = source
scale31 = 1.0
mipmap_input31 = true
alias31 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type32 = source
scale32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = "LinearizePass"
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type_x33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_type_y33 = source
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
alias33 = Pass1
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type_x34 = absolute
scale_x34 = 640.0
scale_type_y34 = source
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
shader35 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear35 = true
scale_type_x35 = absolute
scale_x35 = 640.0
scale_type_y35 = absolute
scale_y35 = 480.0
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = GlowPass
shader36 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear36 = true
scale_type_x36 = absolute
scale_x36 = 640.0
scale_type_y36 = absolute
scale_y36 = 480.0
float_framebuffer36 = true
shader37 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear37 = true
scale_type_x37 = absolute
scale_x37 = 640.0
scale_type_y37 = absolute
scale_y37 = 480.0
float_framebuffer37 = true
alias37 = BloomPass
shader38 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-potato.slang
filter_linear38 = true
scale_type38 = viewport
scale_x38 = 1.0
scale_y38 = 1.0
float_framebuffer38 = true
shader39 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence.slang
filter_linear39 = true
scale_type39 = viewport
scale_x39 = 1.0
scale_y39 = 1.0
float_framebuffer39 = true
alias39 = "CRTPass"
shader40 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-potato.slang
mipmap_input40 = true
scale_type40 = viewport
float_framebuffer40 = true
alias40 = "PostCRTPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;ScreenPlacementImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background_Vert.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
// Parameters
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO-SUPER-XBR__GDV-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,303 +1,2 @@
shaders = 36
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-potato.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-potato.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro-potato.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-1-before.slang
alias6 = LinearGamma
shader7 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass1.slang
filter_linear7 = false
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass2.slang
filter_linear8 = false
scale_type8 = source
scale8 = 1.0
shader9 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass3.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = CB_Output
shader10 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass4.slang
filter_linear10 = false
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/hyllian/sgenpt-mix/sgenpt-mix-pass5.slang
filter_linear11 = false
shader12 = ../../shaders/dedither/dedither-gamma-prep-2-after.slang
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-g-sharp_resampler.slang
alias13 = "DeditherPass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/extras/hsm-sharpsmoother.slang
// alias14 = "DeditherPass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
// filter_linear15 = "false"
// wrap_mode15 = "clamp_to_border"
// mipmap_input15 = "false"
// float_framebuffer15 = "false"
// srgb_framebuffer15 = "true"
alias15 = XbrSource
shader16 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass0.slang
filter_linear16 = "false"
wrap_mode16 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input16 = "false"
float_framebuffer16 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer16 = "true"
shader17 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass1.slang
filter_linear17 = "false"
wrap_mode17 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input17 = "false"
alias17 = ""
float_framebuffer17 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer17 = "true"
scale_type_x17 = "source"
scale_x17 = "2.000000"
scale_type_y17 = "source"
scale_y17 = "2.000000"
shader18 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/super-xbr-pass2.slang
filter_linear18 = "false"
wrap_mode18 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input18 = "false"
alias18 = ""
float_framebuffer18 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer18 = "true"
scale_type_x18 = "source"
scale_x18 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y18 = "source"
scale_y18 = "1.000000"
shader19 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-X.slang
filter_linear19 = "false"
wrap_mode19 = "clamp_to_border"
mipmap_input19 = "false"
alias19 = ""
float_framebuffer19 = "false"
srgb_framebuffer19 = "true"
scale_type_x19 = "source"
scale_x19 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y19 = "source"
scale_y19 = "1.000000"
shader20 = ../../shaders/hyllian/crt-super-xbr/custom-bicubic-y.slang
filter_linear20 = false
scale_type_x20 = source
scale_x20 = 1
scale_type_y20 = source
scale_y20 = 0.5
wrap_mode20 = "clamp_to_edge"
shader21 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias21 = "PreCRTPass"
shader22 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear22 = true
scale_type22 = source
scale22 = 1.0
alias22 = "AfterglowPass"
shader23 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear23 = true
scale_type23 = source
mipmap_input23 = true
scale23 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader24 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear24 = false
scale_type24 = source
scale24 = 1.0
alias24 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader25 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear25 = true
scale_type25 = source
scale_x25 = 1.0
scale_y25 = 1.0
shader26 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear26 = true
scale_type26 = source
scale_x26 = 1.0
scale_y26 = 1.0
alias26 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input26 = true
shader27 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear27 = true
scale_type27 = source
scale27 = 1.0
mipmap_input27 = true
alias27 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader28 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear28 = true
scale_type28 = source
scale28 = 1.0
float_framebuffer28 = true
alias28 = "LinearizePass"
shader29 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_horizontal.slang
filter_linear29 = true
scale_type_x29 = absolute
scale_x29 = 800.0
scale_type_y29 = source
scale_y29 = 1.0
float_framebuffer29 = true
shader30 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-gaussian_vertical.slang
filter_linear30 = true
scale_type_x30 = absolute
scale_x30 = 800.0
scale_type_y30 = absolute
scale_y30 = 600.0
float_framebuffer30 = true
alias30 = GlowPass
shader31 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_horizontal.slang
filter_linear31 = true
scale_type_x31 = absolute
scale_x31 = 800.0
scale_type_y31 = absolute
scale_y31 = 600.0
float_framebuffer31 = true
shader32 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-bloom_vertical.slang
filter_linear32 = true
scale_type_x32 = source
scale_x32 = 1.0
scale_type_y32 = source
scale_y32 = 1.0
float_framebuffer32 = true
alias32 = BloomPass
shader33 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-guest-advanced-potato.slang
filter_linear33 = true
scale_type33 = viewport
scale_x33 = 1.0
scale_y33 = 1.0
float_framebuffer33 = true
shader34 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-deconvergence-potato.slang
filter_linear34 = true
scale_type34 = viewport
scale_x34 = 1.0
scale_y34 = 1.0
float_framebuffer34 = true
alias34 = "CRTPass"
shader35 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-potato.slang
mipmap_input35 = true
scale_type35 = viewport
float_framebuffer35 = true
alias35 = "PostCRTPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;ScreenPlacementImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background_Vert.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
// Parameters
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
max_w = 0.05
min_w = 0
smoot = 0.4
lumad = 0.5
mtric = 0.3
ntsc_scale = 0.45
// gamma_c = 0.9
// gsl = -1
// scanline1 = 3
// shadowMask = 3
// maskDark = 0.4
// maskLight = 1.2
// mask_gamma = 4
// Mask Size is Auto, so it will look the same at 1080p and 4K
masksize = 0
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO-SUPER-XBR__GDV.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,152 +1,2 @@
shaders = 19
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-potato.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-potato.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro-potato.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
shader6 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias6 = "PreCRTPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-afterglow0.slang
filter_linear7 = true
scale_type7 = source
scale7 = 1.0
alias7 = "AfterglowPass"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-pre-shaders-afterglow.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
mipmap_input8 = true
scale8 = 1.0
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader9 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear9 = false
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
alias9 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader10 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear10 = true
scale_type10 = source
scale_x10 = 1.0
scale_y10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
alias11 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input11 = true
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale12 = 1.0
mipmap_input12 = true
alias12 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
float_framebuffer13 = true
alias13 = "LinearizePass"
shader14 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_horiz.slang
filter_linear14 = false
srgb_framebuffer14 = true
shader15 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-blur_vert.slang
filter_linear15 = false
srgb_framebuffer15 = true
shader16 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-threshold.slang
filter_linear16 = false
srgb_framebuffer16 = true
// Easymode's Shader!
shader17 = ../../shaders/easymode/hsm-crt-easymode-halation.slang
filter_linear17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "CRTPass"
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader18 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-potato.slang
mipmap_input18 = true
scale_type18 = viewport
float_framebuffer18 = true
alias18 = "PostCRTPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "SamplerLUT1;SamplerLUT2;SamplerLUT3;SamplerLUT4;ScreenPlacementImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage"
SamplerLUT1 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT1_linear = true
SamplerLUT2 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/inv-trinitron-lut.png
SamplerLUT2_linear = true
SamplerLUT3 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/nec-lut.png
SamplerLUT3_linear = true
SamplerLUT4 = ../../shaders/guest/lut/ntsc-lut.png
SamplerLUT4_linear = true
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background_Vert.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
// Parameters
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// Easymode Parameters
gamma_out = 2.2
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__EASYMODE.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,152 +1,2 @@
shaders = 18
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-potato.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-potato.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro-potato.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader6 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear6 = false
scale_type6 = source
scale6 = 1.0
alias6 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
alias7 = "PrePass0"
shader8 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass1.slang
filter_linear8 = false
float_framebuffer8 = true
scale_type_x8 = source
scale_type_y8 = source
scale_x8 = 4.0
scale_y8 = 1.0
frame_count_mod8 = 2
alias8 = NPass1
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass2.slang
float_framebuffer9 = true
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
scale_x9 = 0.5
scale_y9 = 1.0
shader10 = ../../shaders/guest/ntsc/hsm-ntsc-pass3.slang
filter_linear10 = true
scale_type10 = source
scale_x10 = 1.0
scale_y10 = 1.0
shader11 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear11 = true
scale_type11 = source
scale_x11 = 1.0
scale_y11 = 1.0
shader12 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear12 = true
scale_type12 = source
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
alias12 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input12 = true
shader13 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear13 = true
scale_type13 = source
scale13 = 1.0
mipmap_input13 = true
alias13 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader14 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear14 = true
scale_type14 = source
scale14 = 1.0
float_framebuffer14 = true
alias14 = "LinearizePass"
shader15 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type15 = source
float_framebuffer15 = "true"
shader16 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini-potato.slang
scale_type16 = viewport
scale_x16 = 1.0
scale_y16 = 1.0
filter_linear16 = true
float_framebuffer16 = "true"
alias16 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader17 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-potato.slang
mipmap_input17 = true
scale_type17 = viewport
float_framebuffer17 = true
alias17 = "PostCRTPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "ScreenPlacementImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage"
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background_Vert.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
// Parameters
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
// NTSC Parameters
gamma_out = 1.95
h_sharp = "15.000000"
s_sharp = "1.500000"
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI-NTSC.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
@ -1,119 +1,2 @@
shaders = 14
shader0 = ../../shaders/base/add-params-potato.slang
alias0 = "CorePass"
shader1 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear1 = false
srgb_framebuffer1 = true
scale_type1 = source
scale_x1 = 1
scale_y1 = 1
alias1 = "DerezedPass"
shader2 = ../../shaders/base/add-negative-crop-area.slang
filter_linear2 = false
mipmap_input2 = false
srgb_framebuffer2 = true
scale_type2 = source
scale_x2 = 1
scale_y2 = 1
alias2 = "NegativeCropAddedPass"
shader3 = ../../shaders/base/cache-info-screen-scale-params.slang
filter_linear3 = false
scale_type3 = source
scale3 = 1.0
alias3 = "InfoCachePass"
shader4 = ../../shaders/base/text-potato.slang
filter_linear4 = false
float_framebuffer4 = true
scale_type4 = source
scale4 = 1.0
alias4 = "TextPass"
shader5 = ../../shaders/base/intro-potato.slang
filter_linear5 = false
float_framebuffer5 = true
scale_type5 = source
scale5 = 1.0
alias5 = "IntroPass"
// Color Correction with Dogway's awesome Grade shader
// Grade is after Afterglow so that brightening the black level does not break the afterglow
shader6 = ../../shaders/dogway/hsm-grade.slang
filter_linear6 = false
scale_type6 = source
scale6 = 1.0
alias6 = "ColorCorrectPass"
shader7 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-custom-fast-sharpen.slang
filter_linear7 = true
scale_type7 = source
scale_x7 = 1.0
scale_y7 = 1.0
shader8 = ../../shaders/base/stock.slang
filter_linear8 = true
scale_type8 = source
scale_x8 = 1.0
scale_y8 = 1.0
alias8 = "PrePass"
mipmap_input8 = true
shader9 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-avg-lum.slang
filter_linear9 = true
scale_type9 = source
scale9 = 1.0
mipmap_input9 = true
alias9 = "AvgLumPass"
// Pass referenced by subsequent blurring passes and crt pass
shader10 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-interlace-and-linearize.slang
filter_linear10 = true
scale_type10 = source
scale10 = 1.0
float_framebuffer10 = true
alias10 = "LinearizePass"
shader11 = ../../shaders/base/delinearize.slang
scale_type11 = source
float_framebuffer11 = "true"
shader12 = ../../shaders/guest/hsm-crt-dariusg-gdv-mini-potato.slang
scale_type12 = viewport
scale_x12 = 1.0
scale_y12 = 1.0
filter_linear12 = true
float_framebuffer12 = "true"
alias12 = "CRTPass"
g_sat = 0.15
g_gamma_out = 2.45
shader13 = ../../shaders/base/post-crt-prep-potato.slang
mipmap_input13 = true
scale_type13 = viewport
float_framebuffer13 = true
alias13 = "PostCRTPass"
// Define textures to be used by the different passes
textures = "ScreenPlacementImage;BackgroundImage;BackgroundVertImage"
ScreenPlacementImage = ../../shaders/textures/Placeholder_Transparent_16x16.png
ScreenPlacementImage_linear = false
BackgroundImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background.png
BackgroundImage_linear = true
BackgroundImage_mipmap = 1
BackgroundVertImage = ../../shaders/textures/Baked_Frame_Carbonfiber_Background_Vert.png
BackgroundVertImage_linear = true
BackgroundVertImage_mipmap = 1
// Parameters
// Use for matching vanilla GDV-Advanced
#reference "Root_Presets/MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI.slangp"
#reference "../../resource/param_values/base/auto-settings.params"
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