add crt-mattias based on the 'crt emulation' shadertoy

This commit is contained in:
hunterk 2018-08-13 20:40:03 -05:00
parent 9a3bc3aa0a
commit 935d21ed3a
2 changed files with 166 additions and 0 deletions

crt/crt-mattias.slangp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
shaders = 1
shader0 = shaders/crt-mattias.slang
filter_linear0 = false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#version 450
// CRT Emulation
// by Mattias
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
} params;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
} global;
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
#define iChannel0 Source
#define iTime (float(params.FrameCount) / 60.0)
#define iResolution params.OutputSize.xy
#define fragCoord (vTexCoord.xy * params.OutputSize.xy)
vec3 sample_( sampler2D tex, vec2 tc )
vec3 s = pow(texture(tex,tc).rgb, vec3(2.2));
return s;
vec3 blur(sampler2D tex, vec2 tc, float offs)
vec4 xoffs = offs * vec4(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0) / iResolution.x;
vec4 yoffs = offs * vec4(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0) / iResolution.y;
vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.x)) * 0.00366;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.x)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.x)) * 0.02564;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.x)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.x)) * 0.00366;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.y)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.y)) * 0.05861;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.y)) * 0.09524;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.y)) * 0.05861;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.y)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, 0.0)) * 0.02564;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, 0.0)) * 0.09524;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, 0.0)) * 0.15018;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, 0.0)) * 0.09524;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, 0.0)) * 0.02564;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.z)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.z)) * 0.05861;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.z)) * 0.09524;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.z)) * 0.05861;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.z)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.x, yoffs.w)) * 0.00366;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.y, yoffs.w)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2( 0.0, yoffs.w)) * 0.02564;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.z, yoffs.w)) * 0.01465;
color += sample_(tex,tc + vec2(xoffs.w, yoffs.w)) * 0.00366;
return color;
//Canonical noise function; replaced to prevent precision errors
//float rand(vec2 co){
// return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
float rand(vec2 co)
float a = 12.9898;
float b = 78.233;
float c = 43758.5453;
float dt= dot(co.xy ,vec2(a,b));
float sn= mod(dt,3.14);
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
vec2 curve(vec2 uv)
uv = (uv - 0.5) * 2.0;
uv *= 1.1;
uv.x *= 1.0 + pow((abs(uv.y) / 5.0), 2.0);
uv.y *= 1.0 + pow((abs(uv.x) / 4.0), 2.0);
uv = (uv / 2.0) + 0.5;
uv = uv *0.92 + 0.04;
return uv;
void main()
vec2 q = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
vec2 uv = q;
uv = mix( curve( uv ), uv, 0.5 );
vec3 oricol = texture( iChannel0, vec2(q.x,q.y) ).xyz;
vec3 col;
float x = sin(0.1*iTime+uv.y*21.0)*sin(0.23*iTime+uv.y*29.0)*sin(0.3+0.11*iTime+uv.y*31.0)*0.0017;
float o =2.0*mod(fragCoord.y,2.0)/iResolution.x;
col.r = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(x+uv.x+0.0009,uv.y+0.0009),1.2).x+0.005;
col.g = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(x+uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.0015),1.2).y+0.005;
col.b = 1.0*blur(iChannel0,vec2(x+uv.x-0.0015,uv.y+0.000),1.2).z+0.005;
col.r += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(x+uv.x+0.0009,uv.y+0.0009),2.25).x-0.005;
col.g += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(x+uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.0015),1.75).y-0.005;
col.b += 0.2*blur(iChannel0,vec2(x+uv.x-0.0015,uv.y+0.000),1.25).z-0.005;
float ghs = 0.05;
col.r += ghs*(1.0-0.299)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(x-0.01, -0.027)+vec2(uv.x+0.001,uv.y+0.001),7.0).x;
col.g += ghs*(1.0-0.587)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(x+-0.022, -0.02)+vec2(uv.x+0.000,uv.y-0.002),5.0).y;
col.b += ghs*(1.0-0.114)*blur(iChannel0,0.75*vec2(x+-0.02, -0.0)+vec2(uv.x-0.002,uv.y+0.000),3.0).z;
col = clamp(col*0.4+0.6*col*col*1.0,0.0,1.0);
float vig = (0.0 + 1.0*16.0*uv.x*uv.y*(1.0-uv.x)*(1.0-uv.y));
vig = pow(vig,0.3);
col *= vec3(vig);
col *= vec3(0.95,1.05,0.95);
col = mix( col, col * col, 0.3) * 3.8;
float scans = clamp( 0.35+0.15*sin(3.5*iTime+uv.y*iResolution.y*1.5), 0.0, 1.0);
float s = pow(scans,0.9);
col = col*vec3( s) ;
col *= 1.0+0.0015*sin(300.0*iTime);
col*=1.0-0.15*vec3(clamp((mod(fragCoord.x+o, 2.0)-1.0)*2.0,0.0,1.0));
col *= vec3( 1.0 ) - 0.25*vec3( rand( uv+0.0001*iTime), rand( uv+0.0001*iTime + 0.3 ), rand( uv+0.0001*iTime+ 0.5 ) );
col = pow(col, vec3(0.45));
if (uv.x < 0.0 || uv.x > 1.0)
col *= 0.0;
if (uv.y < 0.0 || uv.y > 1.0)
col *= 0.0;
float comp = smoothstep( 0.1, 0.9, sin(iTime) );
FragColor = vec4(col,1.0);