#version 450 /* Simplified, Traced Minkowski Tube. ---------------------------------- This was inspired by Shadertoy user Akaitora's "Worley Tunnel" which you can find here: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XtjSzR Akaitora had a question, but I didn't have room to answer, so this is for anyone who's interested in understanding the reasoning behind the oldschool tunnel effect. I see a "lot" of them around. I'll assume most know that the endless tunnel effect is a simplification of a raytraced, cylindrically-mapped inner cylinder. Without going into detail, by restricting the "XY" coordinates of the ray origin (camera position) "ro" to zero, the ray intersection equation becomes almost trivial. For a 3D unit ray-direction vector, "rd," the solution is something along the lines of: float distance = 1./length(rd.xy); The 3D surface point is then: sp = vec3(0., 0., ro.z) + rd/length(rd.xy); // Where "ro.z" is time. The surface point coordinates enable you to color the surface using a 3D method, or in the case of the endless tunnel effect, cylindrically map a texture, or texture-function, (preferably seamless) onto the surface: vec3 color = TexFunction(vec3 sp) { return texUV(scaleU*atan(sp.y, sp.x)/6.2832, scaleV*sp.z); } You can see that "sp.z" is equal to: ro.z(time)*scaleV + rd.z*scaleV(constant)/length(rd.xy); The light attenuation is usually a scaled inverse of the distance, or "k*length(rd.xy)" and the normal vector is about as straight forward as it gets: normalize(vec3(-sp.xy, 0.)); Anyway, to save cycles, 1990s demo coders threw out the 3D surface information, bypassed the normalization of the ray-direction vector, and a bunch of other stuff, until there was virtually nothing left to calculate other than the texture coordinates and distance attenuation. The point is, for the price of just a few extra lines and almost no extra effort on the part of the GPU, you could have a 3D "lit" tunnel, which is more visually enticing. Like the oldschool tunnel demos, you could also have square, rounded square tunnels, etc. Hence, this simple demonstration. It's a point lit, rounded square tunnel, produced without the use of raymarching. As a point of interest that's probably not interesting, there's not a single "for loop" or "if statement" used in the code. Do I get points for that? :) If you ignore the 3D Voronesque function (which I'll explain another time), bump mapping, amateur camera movement and extra lighting, there's barely any code here. In fact, I believe you could fit a 3D lit, 3D-function mapped, possibly bumped, tunnel into a tweet or two... but I'll leave that to Fabrice Neyret, Greg Rostami, etc. ;-) Update: Here's a private link to a cylindrically mapped tube I put together. It's for those who'd like to see how to apply repeated 2D functions and textures: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ltSSR1 */ layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO { mat4 MVP; vec4 OutputSize; vec4 OriginalSize; vec4 SourceSize; uint FrameCount; } global; #pragma stage vertex layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position; layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord; const vec2 madd = vec2(0.5, 0.5); void main() { gl_Position = global.MVP * Position; vTexCoord = gl_Position.xy; } #pragma stage fragment layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; float iGlobalTime = float(global.FrameCount)*0.025; vec2 iResolution = global.OutputSize.xy; // 2D rotation. Always handy. mat2 rot(float th){ float cs = cos(th), si = sin(th); return mat2(cs, -si, si, cs); } // 3D Voronoi-like function. Cheap, low quality, 1st and 2nd order 3D Voronoi imitation. // // I wrote this a while back because I wanted a stand-alone algorithm fast enough to produce regular, or 2nd order, // Voronoi-looking patterns in a raymarching setting. Anyway, this is what I came up with. Obviously, it wouldn't // pass as genuine 3D Voronoi, but there's only so much you can do with a few lines. Even so, it has a Voronoi feel // to it. Hence, Voronesque. // // Here's a rough explanation of how it works: Instead of partitioning space into cubes, partition it into its // simplex form, namely tetrahedrons. Use the four tetrahedral vertices to create some random falloff values, then // pick off the two highest, or lowest, depending on perspective. That's it. If you'd like to know more, the // function is roughly commented, plus there's a simplex noise related link below that should make it more clear. // // Credits: Ken Perlin, the creator of simplex noise, of course. Stefan Gustavson's paper - "Simplex Noise Demystified." // IQ, other "ShaderToy.com" people, Brian Sharpe (does interesting work), etc. // // My favorite simplex-related write up: "Simplex Noise, keeping it simple." - Jasper Flick? // http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/simplex-noise/ // float Voronesque( in vec3 p ){ // Skewing the cubic grid, then determining the first vertice. vec3 i = floor(p + dot(p, vec3(0.333333)) ); p -= i - dot(i, vec3(0.166666)) ; // Breaking the skewed cube into tetrahedra with partitioning planes, then determining which side of the // intersecting planes the skewed point is on. Ie: Determining which tetrahedron the point is in. vec3 i1 = step(0., p-p.yzx), i2 = max(i1, 1.0-i1.zxy); i1 = min(i1, 1.0-i1.zxy); // Using the above to calculate the other three vertices. Now we have all four tetrahedral vertices. vec3 p1 = p - i1 + 0.166666, p2 = p - i2 + 0.333333, p3 = p - 0.5; vec3 rnd = vec3(7, 157, 113); // I use this combination to pay homage to Shadertoy.com. :) // Falloff values from the skewed point to each of the tetrahedral points. vec4 v = max(0.5 - vec4(dot(p, p), dot(p1, p1), dot(p2, p2), dot(p3, p3)), 0.); // Assigning four random values to each of the points above. vec4 d = vec4( dot(i, rnd), dot(i + i1, rnd), dot(i + i2, rnd), dot(i + 1., rnd) ); // Further randomizing "d," then combining it with "v" to produce the final random falloff values. Range [0, 1] d = fract(sin(d)*262144.)*v*2.; // Reusing "v" to determine the largest, and second largest falloff values. Analogous to distance. v.x = max(d.x, d.y), v.y = max(d.z, d.w), v.z = max(min(d.x, d.y), min(d.z, d.w)), v.w = min(v.x, v.y); return max(v.x, v.y)- max(v.z, v.w); // Maximum minus second order, for that beveled Voronoi look. Range [0, 1]. //return max(v.x, v.y); // Maximum, or regular value for the regular Voronoi aesthetic. Range [0, 1]. } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ){ // Screen coordinates, plus some movement about the center. vec2 uv = (fragCoord.xy - iResolution.xy*0.5)/iResolution.y + vec2(0.5*cos(iGlobalTime*0.5), 0.25*sin(iGlobalTime*0.5)); // Unit direction ray. vec3 rd = normalize(vec3(uv, 1.)); rd.xy *= rot(sin(iGlobalTime*0.25)*0.5); // Very subtle look around, just to show it's a 3D effect. rd.xz *= rot(sin(iGlobalTime*0.25)*0.5); // Screen color. Initialized to black. vec3 col = vec3(0); // Ray intersection of a cylinder (radius one) - centered at the origin - from a ray-origin that has XY coordinates // also centered at the origin. //float sDist = max(dot(rd.xy, rd.xy), 1e-16); // Analogous to the surface function. //sDist = 1./sqrt(sDist); // Ray origin to surface distance. // Same as above, but using a Minkowski distance and scaling factor. I tried it on a whim, and it seemed to work. // I know, not scientific at all, but it kind of makes sense. They'll let anyone get behind a computer these days. :) vec2 scale = vec2(0.75, 1.); float power = 6.; float sDist = max(dot( pow(abs(rd.xy)*scale, vec2(power)), vec2(1.) ), 1e-16); // Analogous to the surface function. sDist = 1./pow( sDist, 1./power ); // Ray origin to surface distance. //if(sDist>1e-8){ // Using the the distance "sDist" above to calculate the surface position. Ie: sp = ro + rd*t; // I've hardcoded "ro" to reduce line count. Note that "ro.xy" is centered on zero. The cheap // ray-intersection formula above relies on that. vec3 sp = vec3(0.0, 0.0, iGlobalTime*2.) + rd*sDist; // The surface normal. Based on the derivative of the surface description function. See above. //vec3 sn = normalize(vec3(-sp.xy, 0.)); // Cylinder normal. vec3 sn = normalize(-sign(sp)*vec3(pow(abs(sp.xy)*scale, vec2(power-1.)), 0.)); // Minkowski normal. // Bump mapping. // // I wanted to make this example as simple as possible, but it's only a few extra lines. Note the larger // "eps" number. Increasing the value spreads the samples out, which effectively blurs the result, thus // reducing the jaggies. The downside is loss of bump precision, which isn't noticeable in this particular // example. Decrease the value to "0.001" to see what I'm talking about. const vec2 eps = vec2(0.025, 0.); float c = Voronesque(sp*2.5); // Base value. Used below to color the surface. // 3D gradient vector... of sorts. Based on the bump function. In this case, Voronoi. vec3 gr = (vec3(Voronesque((sp-eps.xyy)*2.5), Voronesque((sp-eps.yxy)*2.5), Voronesque((sp-eps.yyx)*2.5))-c)/eps.x; gr -= sn*dot(sn, gr); // There's a reason for this... but I need more room. :) sn = normalize(sn + gr*0.1); // Combining the bump gradient vector with the object surface normal. // Lighting. // // The light is hovering just in front of the viewer. vec3 lp = vec3(0.0, 0.0, iGlobalTime*2. + 3.); vec3 ld = lp - sp; // Light direction. float dist = max(length(ld), 0.001); // Distance from light to the surface. ld /= dist; // Use the distance to normalize "ld." // Light attenuation, based on the distance above. float atten = min(1.0/max(0.75 + dist*0.25 + dist*dist*0.05, 0.001), 1.0); float diff = max(dot(sn, ld), 0.); // Diffuse light value. float spec = pow(max(dot(reflect(-ld, sn), -rd), 0.), 16.); // Specular highlighting. // Adding some fake, reflective environment information. float ref = Voronesque((sp + reflect(rd, sn)*0.5)*2.5); // Coloring the surface with the Voronesque function that is used to bump the surface. See "bump mapping" above. vec3 objCol = vec3(min(c*1.5, 1.), pow(c, 2.5), pow(c, 12.)); // Cheap, but effective, red palette. //vec3 objCol = vec3(c*c*0.9, c, c*c*0.4); // Cheap green palette. //vec3 objCol = vec3(pow(c, 1.6), pow(c, 1.7), c); // Purpley blue. //vec3 objCol = vec3(c); // Grey scale. // Using the values above to produce the final color. //col = (objCol*(diff + ref*0.25 + 0.25) + vec3(1., 0.8, 0.9)*ref*0.25 + spec*vec3(0.75, 0.9, 1.))*atten; col = (objCol*(vec3(1.0, 0.97, 0.92)*diff + ref*0.5 + 0.25) + vec3(1., 0.8, 0.9)*ref*0.3 + vec3(1., 0.9, 0.7)*spec)*atten; //col = ((vec3(1.0, 0.97, 0.92)*diff + ref*0.5 + 0.25)*c + vec3(1., 0.8, 0.9)*ref*0.3 + vec3(0.75, 0.9, 1.)*spec)*atten; //} fragColor = vec4(min(col, 1.), 1.); } void main(void) { //just some shit to wrap shadertoy's stuff vec2 FragCoord = vTexCoord.xy*global.OutputSize.xy; FragCoord.y = -FragCoord.y; mainImage(FragColor,FragCoord); }