///////////////////////////// GPL LICENSE NOTICE ///////////////////////////// // crt-royale: A full-featured CRT shader, with cheese. // Copyright (C) 2014 TroggleMonkey // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for // more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple // Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA layout(push_constant) uniform Push { vec4 SourceSize; vec4 OriginalSize; vec4 OutputSize; uint FrameCount; vec4 ORIG_LINEARIZEDSize; } params; layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO { mat4 MVP; float crt_gamma; float lcd_gamma; float levels_contrast; float halation_weight; float diffusion_weight; float bloom_underestimate_levels; float bloom_excess; float beam_min_sigma; float beam_max_sigma; float beam_spot_power; float beam_min_shape; float beam_max_shape; float beam_shape_power; float beam_horiz_filter; float beam_horiz_sigma; float beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight; float convergence_offset_x_r; float convergence_offset_x_g; float convergence_offset_x_b; float convergence_offset_y_r; float convergence_offset_y_g; float convergence_offset_y_b; float mask_type; float mask_sample_mode_desired; float mask_num_triads_desired; float mask_triad_size_desired; float mask_specify_num_triads; float aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime; float aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime; float aa_cubic_c; float aa_gauss_sigma; float geom_mode_runtime; float geom_radius; float geom_view_dist; float geom_tilt_angle_x; float geom_tilt_angle_y; float geom_aspect_ratio_x; float geom_aspect_ratio_y; float geom_overscan_x; float geom_overscan_y; float border_size; float border_darkness; float border_compress; float interlace_bff; float interlace_1080i; } global; #define ORIG_LINEARIZEDvideo_size params.SourceSize.xy #define ORIG_LINEARIZEDtexture_size params.SourceSize.xy float bloom_approx_scale_x = params.OutputSize.x / params.SourceSize.y; const float max_viewport_size_x = 1080.0*1024.0*(4.0/3.0); /////////////////////////////// VERTEX INCLUDES /////////////////////////////// #include "../../../../include/compat_macros.inc" #include "../user-settings.h" #include "bind-shader-params.h" #include "../../../../include/gamma-management.h" #include "derived-settings-and-constants.h" #include "scanline-functions.h" #pragma stage vertex layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position; layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec2 tex_uv; layout(location = 1) out vec2 blur_dxdy; layout(location = 2) out vec2 uv_scanline_step; layout(location = 3) out float estimated_viewport_size_x; layout(location = 4) out vec2 texture_size_inv; layout(location = 5) out vec2 tex_uv_to_pixel_scale; void main() { gl_Position = global.MVP * Position; float2 vTexCoord = TexCoord; const float2 video_uv = vTexCoord * IN.texture_size/IN.video_size; tex_uv = video_uv * ORIG_LINEARIZEDvideo_size / ORIG_LINEARIZEDtexture_size; // The last pass (vertical scanlines) had a viewport y scale, so we can // use it to calculate a better runtime sigma: estimated_viewport_size_x = IN.video_size.y * geom_aspect_ratio_x/geom_aspect_ratio_y; // Get the uv sample distance between output pixels. We're using a resize // blur, so arbitrary upsizing will be acceptable if filter_linearN = // "true," and arbitrary downsizing will be acceptable if mipmap_inputN = // "true" too. The blur will be much more accurate if a true 4x4 Gaussian // resize is used instead of tex2Dblur3x3_resize (which samples between // texels even for upsizing). const float2 dxdy_min_scale = ORIG_LINEARIZEDvideo_size/IN.output_size; texture_size_inv = float2(1.0)/ORIG_LINEARIZEDtexture_size; if(bloom_approx_filter > 1.5) // 4x4 true Gaussian resize { // For upsizing, we'll snap to texels and sample the nearest 4. const float2 dxdy_scale = max(dxdy_min_scale, float2(1.0)); blur_dxdy = dxdy_scale * texture_size_inv; } else { const float2 dxdy_scale = dxdy_min_scale; blur_dxdy = dxdy_scale * texture_size_inv; } // tex2Dresize_gaussian4x4 needs to know a bit more than the other filters: tex_uv_to_pixel_scale = IN.output_size * ORIG_LINEARIZEDtexture_size / ORIG_LINEARIZEDvideo_size; //texture_size_inv = texture_size_inv; // Detecting interlacing again here lets us apply convergence offsets in // this pass. il_step_multiple contains the (texel, scanline) step // multiple: 1 for progressive, 2 for interlaced. const float2 orig_video_size = ORIG_LINEARIZEDvideo_size; const float y_step = 1.0 + float(is_interlaced(orig_video_size.y)); const float2 il_step_multiple = float2(1.0, y_step); // Get the uv distance between (texels, same-field scanlines): uv_scanline_step = il_step_multiple / ORIG_LINEARIZEDtexture_size; } #pragma stage fragment #pragma format R8G8B8A8_SRGB layout(location = 0) in vec2 tex_uv; layout(location = 1) in vec2 blur_dxdy; layout(location = 2) in vec2 uv_scanline_step; layout(location = 3) in float estimated_viewport_size_x; layout(location = 4) in vec2 texture_size_inv; layout(location = 5) in vec2 tex_uv_to_pixel_scale; layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source; layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D ORIG_LINEARIZED; layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D Original; ////////////////////////////// FRAGMENT INCLUDES ////////////////////////////// #include "../../../../include/blur-functions.h" #include "bloom-functions.h" #include "../../../../include/gamma-management.h" /////////////////////////////////// HELPERS ////////////////////////////////// float3 tex2Dresize_gaussian4x4(sampler2D tex, float2 tex_uv, float2 dxdy, float2 tex_size, float2 texture_size_inv, float2 tex_uv_to_pixel_scale, float sigma) { // Requires: 1.) All requirements of gamma-management.h must be satisfied! // 2.) filter_linearN must == "true" in your .cgp preset. // 3.) mipmap_inputN must == "true" in your .cgp preset if // IN.output_size << SRC.video_size. // 4.) dxdy should contain the uv pixel spacing: // dxdy = max(float2(1.0), // SRC.video_size/IN.output_size)/SRC.texture_size; // 5.) texture_size == SRC.texture_size // 6.) texture_size_inv == float2(1.0)/SRC.texture_size // 7.) tex_uv_to_pixel_scale == IN.output_size * // SRC.texture_size / SRC.video_size; // 8.) sigma is the desired Gaussian standard deviation, in // terms of output pixels. It should be < ~0.66171875 to // ensure the first unused sample (outside the 4x4 box) has // a weight < 1.0/256.0. // Returns: A true 4x4 Gaussian resize of the input. // Description: // Given correct inputs, this Gaussian resizer samples 4 pixel locations // along each downsized dimension and/or 4 texel locations along each // upsized dimension. It computes dynamic weights based on the pixel-space // distance of each sample from the destination pixel. It is arbitrarily // resizable and higher quality than tex2Dblur3x3_resize, but it's slower. // TODO: Move this to a more suitable file once there are others like it. const float denom_inv = 0.5/(sigma*sigma); // We're taking 4x4 samples, and we're snapping to texels for upsizing. // Find texture coords for sample 5 (second row, second column): const float2 curr_texel = tex_uv * tex_size; const float2 prev_texel = floor(curr_texel - float2(under_half)) + float2(0.5); const float2 prev_texel_uv = prev_texel * texture_size_inv; const float2 snap = float2((dxdy.x <= texture_size_inv.x), (dxdy.y <= texture_size_inv.y)); const float2 sample5_downsize_uv = tex_uv - 0.5 * dxdy; const float2 sample5_uv = lerp(sample5_downsize_uv, prev_texel_uv, snap); // Compute texture coords for other samples: const float2 dx = float2(dxdy.x, 0.0); const float2 sample0_uv = sample5_uv - dxdy; const float2 sample10_uv = sample5_uv + dxdy; const float2 sample15_uv = sample5_uv + 2.0 * dxdy; const float2 sample1_uv = sample0_uv + dx; const float2 sample2_uv = sample0_uv + 2.0 * dx; const float2 sample3_uv = sample0_uv + 3.0 * dx; const float2 sample4_uv = sample5_uv - dx; const float2 sample6_uv = sample5_uv + dx; const float2 sample7_uv = sample5_uv + 2.0 * dx; const float2 sample8_uv = sample10_uv - 2.0 * dx; const float2 sample9_uv = sample10_uv - dx; const float2 sample11_uv = sample10_uv + dx; const float2 sample12_uv = sample15_uv - 3.0 * dx; const float2 sample13_uv = sample15_uv - 2.0 * dx; const float2 sample14_uv = sample15_uv - dx; // Load each sample: float3 sample0 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample0_uv).rgb; float3 sample1 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample1_uv).rgb; float3 sample2 = tex2D_linearize(tex, dx).rgb; float3 sample3 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample3_uv).rgb; float3 sample4 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample4_uv).rgb; float3 sample5 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample5_uv).rgb; float3 sample6 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample6_uv).rgb; float3 sample7 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample7_uv).rgb; float3 sample8 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample8_uv).rgb; float3 sample9 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample9_uv).rgb; float3 sample10 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample10_uv).rgb; float3 sample11 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample11_uv).rgb; float3 sample12 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample12_uv).rgb; float3 sample13 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample13_uv).rgb; float3 sample14 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample14_uv).rgb; float3 sample15 = tex2D_linearize(tex, sample15_uv).rgb; // Compute destination pixel offsets for each sample: const float2 dest_pixel = tex_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale; const float2 sample0_offset = sample0_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample1_offset = sample1_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample2_offset = sample2_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample3_offset = sample3_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample4_offset = sample4_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample5_offset = sample5_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample6_offset = sample6_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample7_offset = sample7_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample8_offset = sample8_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample9_offset = sample9_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample10_offset = sample10_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample11_offset = sample11_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample12_offset = sample12_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample13_offset = sample13_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample14_offset = sample14_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; const float2 sample15_offset = sample15_uv * tex_uv_to_pixel_scale - dest_pixel; // Compute Gaussian sample weights: const float w0 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample0_offset) * denom_inv); const float w1 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample1_offset) * denom_inv); const float w2 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample2_offset) * denom_inv); const float w3 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample3_offset) * denom_inv); const float w4 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample4_offset) * denom_inv); const float w5 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample5_offset) * denom_inv); const float w6 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample6_offset) * denom_inv); const float w7 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample7_offset) * denom_inv); const float w8 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample8_offset) * denom_inv); const float w9 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample9_offset) * denom_inv); const float w10 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample10_offset) * denom_inv); const float w11 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample11_offset) * denom_inv); const float w12 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample12_offset) * denom_inv); const float w13 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample13_offset) * denom_inv); const float w14 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample14_offset) * denom_inv); const float w15 = exp(-LENGTH_SQ(sample15_offset) * denom_inv); const float weight_sum_inv = 1.0/( w0 + w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + w6 + w7 + w8 +w9 + w10 + w11 + w12 + w13 + w14 + w15); // Weight and sum the samples: const float3 sum = w0 * sample0 + w1 * sample1 + w2 * sample2 + w3 * sample3 + w4 * sample4 + w5 * sample5 + w6 * sample6 + w7 * sample7 + w8 * sample8 + w9 * sample9 + w10 * sample10 + w11 * sample11 + w12 * sample12 + w13 * sample13 + w14 * sample14 + w15 * sample15; return sum * weight_sum_inv; } void main() { // Would a viewport-relative size work better for this pass? (No.) // PROS: // 1.) Instead of writing an absolute size to user-cgp-constants.h, we'd // write a viewport scale. That number could be used to directly scale // the viewport-resolution bloom sigma and/or triad size to a smaller // scale. This way, we could calculate an optimal dynamic sigma no // matter how the dot pitch is specified. // CONS: // 1.) Texel smearing would be much worse at small viewport sizes, but // performance would be much worse at large viewport sizes, so there // would be no easy way to calculate a decent scale. // 2.) Worse, we could no longer get away with using a constant-size blur! // Instead, we'd have to face all the same difficulties as the real // phosphor bloom, which requires static #ifdefs to decide the blur // size based on the expected triad size...a dynamic value. // 3.) Like the phosphor bloom, we'd have less control over making the blur // size correct for an optical blur. That said, we likely overblur (to // maintain brightness) more than the eye would do by itself: 20/20 // human vision distinguishes ~1 arc minute, or 1/60 of a degree. The // highest viewing angle recommendation I know of is THX's 40.04 degree // recommendation, at which 20/20 vision can distinguish about 2402.4 // lines. Assuming the "TV lines" definition, that means 1201.2 // distinct light lines and 1201.2 distinct dark lines can be told // apart, i.e. 1201.2 pairs of lines. This would correspond to 1201.2 // pairs of alternating lit/unlit phosphors, so 2402.4 phosphors total // (if they're alternately lit). That's a max of 800.8 triads. Using // a more popular 30 degree viewing angle recommendation, 20/20 vision // can distinguish 1800 lines, or 600 triads of alternately lit // phosphors. In contrast, we currently blur phosphors all the way // down to 341.3 triads to ensure full brightness. // 4.) Realistically speaking, we're usually just going to use bilinear // filtering in this pass anyway, but it only works well to limit // bandwidth if it's done at a small constant scale. // Get the constants we need to sample: // const sampler2D texture = ORIG_LINEARIZED.texture; // const float2 tex_uv = tex_uv; // const float2 blur_dxdy = blur_dxdy; const float2 texture_size_ = ORIG_LINEARIZEDtexture_size; // const float2 texture_size_inv = texture_size_inv; // const float2 tex_uv_to_pixel_scale = tex_uv_to_pixel_scale; float2 tex_uv_r, tex_uv_g, tex_uv_b; if(beam_misconvergence) { const float2 uv_scanline_step = uv_scanline_step; const float2 convergence_offsets_r = get_convergence_offsets_r_vector(); const float2 convergence_offsets_g = get_convergence_offsets_g_vector(); const float2 convergence_offsets_b = get_convergence_offsets_b_vector(); tex_uv_r = tex_uv - convergence_offsets_r * uv_scanline_step; tex_uv_g = tex_uv - convergence_offsets_g * uv_scanline_step; tex_uv_b = tex_uv - convergence_offsets_b * uv_scanline_step; } // Get the blur sigma: const float bloom_approx_sigma = get_bloom_approx_sigma(IN.output_size.x, estimated_viewport_size_x); // Sample the resized and blurred texture, and apply convergence offsets if // necessary. Applying convergence offsets here triples our samples from // 16/9/1 to 48/27/3, but faster and easier than sampling BLOOM_APPROX and // HALATION_BLUR 3 times at full resolution every time they're used. float3 color_r, color_g, color_b, color; if(bloom_approx_filter > 1.5) { // Use a 4x4 Gaussian resize. This is slower but technically correct. if(beam_misconvergence) { color_r = tex2Dresize_gaussian4x4(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_r, blur_dxdy, texture_size_, texture_size_inv, tex_uv_to_pixel_scale, bloom_approx_sigma); color_g = tex2Dresize_gaussian4x4(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_g, blur_dxdy, texture_size_, texture_size_inv, tex_uv_to_pixel_scale, bloom_approx_sigma); color_b = tex2Dresize_gaussian4x4(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_b, blur_dxdy, texture_size_, texture_size_inv, tex_uv_to_pixel_scale, bloom_approx_sigma); } else { color = tex2Dresize_gaussian4x4(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv, blur_dxdy, texture_size_, texture_size_inv, tex_uv_to_pixel_scale, bloom_approx_sigma); } } else if(bloom_approx_filter > 0.5) { // Use a 3x3 resize blur. This is the softest option, because we're // blurring already blurry bilinear samples. It doesn't play quite as // nicely with convergence offsets, but it has its charms. if(beam_misconvergence) { color_r = tex2Dblur3x3resize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_r, blur_dxdy, bloom_approx_sigma); color_g = tex2Dblur3x3resize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_g, blur_dxdy, bloom_approx_sigma); color_b = tex2Dblur3x3resize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_b, blur_dxdy, bloom_approx_sigma); } else { color = tex2Dblur3x3resize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv, blur_dxdy); } } else { // Use bilinear sampling. This approximates a 4x4 Gaussian resize MUCH // better than tex2Dblur3x3_resize for the very small sigmas we're // likely to use at small output resolutions. (This estimate becomes // too sharp above ~400x300, but the blurs break down above that // resolution too, unless min_allowed_viewport_triads is high enough to // keep bloom_approx_scale_x/min_allowed_viewport_triads < ~1.1658025.) if(beam_misconvergence) { color_r = tex2D_linearize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_r).rgb; color_g = tex2D_linearize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_g).rgb; color_b = tex2D_linearize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv_b).rgb; } else { color = tex2D_linearize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv).rgb; } } // Pack the colors from the red/green/blue beams into a single vector: if(beam_misconvergence) { color = float3(color_r.r, color_g.g, color_b.b); } // Encode and output the blurred image: FragColor = encode_output(float4(tex2D_linearize(ORIG_LINEARIZED, tex_uv))); }