#version 450 #include "config.inc" #pragma stage vertex layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position; layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord; #include "includes/functions.include.slang" void main() { gl_Position = global.MVP * Position; vTexCoord = TexCoord; } #pragma stage fragment layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D Source; layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D first_pass; #include "includes/functions.include.slang" float borders_gradient(vec2 co, float smoothness) { //Draws a square with smooth borders: float size = 1.0; vec4 rect = vec4(0.0+smoothness, 0.0+smoothness, size - smoothness, size - smoothness); vec2 hv = smoothstep(rect.xy - smoothness, rect.xy, co) * smoothstep(co - smoothness, co, rect.zw); return hv.x * hv.y; } void main() { if (DO_BEZEL == 0.0) return; //Zoom out the image coordinates by the bezel border size to make room for reflections: vec2 coords = zoom(vTexCoord, BEZEL_REFL_ZOOMOUT_ROOM); //Skip unuseful pixels float skip_border = BEZEL_REFL_SKIP_SIZE; if (coords.x > skip_border && coords.x < 1.0 - skip_border && coords.y > skip_border && coords.y < 1.0 - skip_border ) { FragColor = vec4(0.0); return; } //Create a gradient near borders to modulate between blurrend and sharp refection. float smoothness = 0.11; float shade_sharp_blur = borders_gradient(vTexCoord, smoothness); shade_sharp_blur = 1 - (shade_sharp_blur + BEZEL_RFL_BLR_SHD); //Modulates between sharp and blur via user parameter //Create gradients in the corners to blur more more near corners: #define CORNER_BLURRINESS 0.6 float fcorners_shade = corners_shade(vTexCoord, 0.9) * CORNER_BLURRINESS; shade_sharp_blur = max(fcorners_shade, shade_sharp_blur); //Sample a lod and the next integer one, then do a linear smapling between them //to blur the reflections as they goes far from the tube. float shade_sharp_blur_adapted = shade_sharp_blur * 5.5; float lod0 = floor(shade_sharp_blur_adapted); float lod1 = lod0 + 1; vec3 s1 = textureLod( Source, coords, lod0).rgb; vec3 s2 = textureLod( Source, coords, lod1).rgb; float lodmix = fract(shade_sharp_blur_adapted); vec3 pixel_out = mix(s1, s2, lodmix) * BEZEL_REFL_STRENGTH; //Next simulate a diffused light vec3 pixel_diffused = textureLod( first_pass, coords, 6.0).rgb; pixel_out = mix( pixel_out, pixel_diffused, BEZEL_DIFFUSION_STR); //multiply the blurred image by the corner shade so that reflections will not be visible in the corners. //This has been moved to final pass because it didn't worked well with curvature //at 0.0 inner zoom level. //pixel_out = pixel_out * (1 - fcorners_shade); pixel_out = apply_fuzzy_main_pass(pixel_out); FragColor = vec4(pixel_out, 1.0); }