// mix_step returns a or b, depending on the mix value. // mix is supposed to have just 2 values, 1.0 or 0.0; vec2 mix_step(vec2 a, vec2 b, float mix){ return (a * (1 - mix)) + (b * mix) ; } vec3 mix_step(vec3 a, vec3 b, float mix){ return (a * (1 - mix)) + (b * mix) ; } vec3 mix_step3(vec3 a, vec3 b, float mix){ return (a * (1 - mix)) + (b * mix) ; } vec4 mix_step(vec4 a, vec4 b, float mix){ return (a * (1 - mix)) + (b * mix) ; } float mix_step(float a, float b, float mix){ return (a * (1 - mix)) + (b * mix) ; } //REFLECTION RELATED START float circle_smooth(vec2 coords, vec2 middle, float f_radius, float FALLOFF) { //Draw a circle with smoothed borders: float fdistance=distance(middle, vec2(coords.x, coords.y)); float circle = (1-smoothstep(f_radius-FALLOFF, f_radius+FALLOFF, fdistance)); return circle; } float square_smooth(vec2 co, vec2 corner, float size, float smoothshade) { //Draws a square with smooth borders: vec4 rect = vec4(corner.x, corner.y, corner.x+size, corner.y+size); vec2 hv = smoothstep(rect.xy - smoothshade, rect.xy, co) * smoothstep(co - smoothshade, co, rect.zw); return hv.x * hv.y; } float corners_shade(vec2 co, float size_multiplier){ //Draws 4 smooth squares or circles in the corners. //They are intended to modulate the blur radius and the strength of the reflection. /* vec4 circles; float circle_radius = size; //0.13? float circle_falloff = smoothsize; //0.05? float circle_power =2.0; circles.x = circle_smooth(co, vec2(0.0,0.0), circle_radius, circle_falloff) * circle_power; circles.y = circle_smooth(co, vec2(0.0,1.0), circle_radius, circle_falloff) * circle_power; circles.z = circle_smooth(co, vec2(1.0,0.0), circle_radius, circle_falloff) * circle_power; circles.w = circle_smooth(co, vec2(1.0,1.0), circle_radius, circle_falloff) * circle_power; float circle = max(max(max(circles.x, circles.y), circles.z), circles.w); circle = min(circle, 1.0); circle = 1-circle; return circle; */ vec4 squares; float squaresize = BEZEL_REFL_CORNER_BLANK_SIZE * size_multiplier; float squarefade = BEZEL_REFL_CORNER_BLANK_SHADE * size_multiplier; //(vec2 co, vec2 corner, float size, float smoothshade) { squares.x = square_smooth(co, vec2(0.0,0.0), squaresize, squarefade); squares.y = square_smooth(co, vec2(1.0 - squaresize, 0.0), squaresize, squarefade); squares.z = square_smooth(co, vec2(0.0, 1-squaresize), squaresize, squarefade); squares.w = square_smooth(co, vec2(1-squaresize, 1-squaresize), squaresize, squarefade); return max(max(max(squares.x, squares.y), squares.z), squares.w); } //REFLECTION RELATED ENDS vec3 pixel_push_luminance(vec3 c, float strength) { //if (strength == 0.0) return c; //lighter without the check. float whiteness = max(max(c.r, c.g), c.b); whiteness = clamp(whiteness, 0.0, 1.0); return c * (1+vec3((1-whiteness) * strength)); } vec3 apply_fuzzy_main_pass(vec3 color) { if (DO_IN_GLOW == 1.0) color = pow(color,vec3(IN_GLOW_GAMMA))*IN_GLOW_POWER; if (DO_VMASK_AND_DARKLINES == 1.0) color *= mix ( (1.0 - ((RGB_MASK_STRENGTH*0.5)+(DARKLINES_STRENGTH*0.2))), 1.0, MASK_COMPENSATION) ; if (DO_HALO == 1.0) color += pow(color,vec3(HALO_GAMMA))*HALO_POWER; if (DO_SCANLINES == 1.0) color *= 0.5 + (SCANLINE_DARK*0.5); if (DO_CCORRECTION == 1.0) color = pow(color, vec3(GAMMA_OUT)); if (DO_VIGNETTE == 1.0) color *= 0.8 * (V_POWER); return color; } vec2 offsets_from_float(float in_param, int range){ return vec2( (int(in_param) % range) - range*0.5, floor(in_param / range) - range*0.5 ); } /*vec2 circles(float param, float c_radius, float aspect, float directions) { //given a 1d input param return full circles increasing radius. param = param*(pi/directions); float m = (c_radius * floor(param/pi)) * 100; return vec2(m * sin(param) * aspect, m * cos(param)) * vec2(aspect,1.0); } vec2 spiral(float param,float spr_radius,vec2 spr_offset, vec2 spr_scale) { //given a 1d input param returns a spiral float m = spr_radius * param; return vec2(m * sin(param), m * cos(param)) * spr_scale + spr_offset; } */ bool similar(float a, float b, float threshold) { return abs(a-b) < threshold; } bool vec2_similar(vec2 a, vec2 b, float threshold) { return abs(a.x-b.x) < threshold && abs(a.y-b.y) < threshold; } vec2 zoom(vec2 in_coords, float zoom_factor) { float off = 1.0/(zoom_factor*2.0) - 0.5; return (in_coords/zoom_factor)-off; } float zoom1D(float in_coord, float zoom_factor) { float off = 1.0/(zoom_factor*2.0) - 0.5; return (in_coord/zoom_factor)-off; } vec2 zoomxy(vec2 in_coords, vec2 zoom_factor) { vec2 off = 1.0/(zoom_factor*2.0) - 0.5; return (in_coords/zoom_factor)-off; } vec2 zoomout_coords(vec2 in_coords, float zoom_out, float aspect) { // to convert to standard zoom: // zoomout_coords(x) = zoom( 1/(x+1) ); vec2 zoom = vec2( 1 + zoom_out, 1 + (zoom_out * aspect) ); vec2 offset = vec2( (zoom.x-1.0) / 2.0, (zoom.y-1.0) / 2.0 ); return (in_coords * zoom) - offset; } bool scanline_have_to_flicker(bool is_interlaced) { return ((SCANLINE_FLICKERING == 1.0) || ((SCANLINE_FLICKERING==2.0) && is_interlaced )); } bool is_interlaced() { return (params.OriginalSize.y > MIN_LINES_INTERLACED); } float scale_to_range(float x, float dmin, float dmax) { //Scales 0..1 range to a..b range return ( (dmax-dmin) * x ) + dmin; } vec3 scale_to_range_vec3(vec3 x, float dmin, float dmax) { //Scales 0..1 range to a..b range return ( (dmax-dmin) * x ) + dmin; } vec2 scale_to_range_vec2(vec2 x, float dmin, float dmax) { //Scales 0..1 range to a..b range return ( (dmax-dmin) * x ) + dmin; } float map_range(float value, float min_in, float max_in, float min_out, float max_out) { //Scales value in [min_in - max_in] to [min_out - max_out] return min_out + (value - min_in) * (max_out - min_out) / (max_in - min_in); } float normalize_range(float value, float min_in, float max_in) { //Scales value in [min_in - max_in] to 0..1 return (value - min_in) / (max_in - min_in); } vec3 apply_contrast_brightness(vec3 c, float contrast, float brightness) { return scale_to_range_vec3(c, -contrast, 1+contrast) + brightness; } float apply_contrast_brightness(float c, float contrast, float brightness) { return scale_to_range(c, -contrast, 1+contrast) + brightness; } float round_step(float f, float p) { return floor(f*p)/p; } #define VEC2_RND_A_B vec2(12.9898, 78.233) #define RND_C 43758.5453 float random(float power, vec2 seed) { //From pal-singlepass.slang //https://github.com/svofski/CRT //Copyright (c) 2016, Viacheslav Slavinsky //All rights reserved. float dt = dot(seed.xy, VEC2_RND_A_B); float sn = mod(dt,3.14); float noise_out = fract(sin(sn) * RND_C); noise_out = scale_to_range(noise_out, -power, power); return noise_out; } //The following produces weird results when with dynamic seed like framecount. float random_fast(float power, vec2 seed) { float noise_out = fract(sin(dot(seed.xy, VEC2_RND_A_B)) * RND_C); noise_out = scale_to_range(noise_out, -power, power); return noise_out; } //CURVATURE #define corner_aspect vec2(1.0, 0.75) float fn_border(vec2 coord) { coord = (coord - vec2(0.5)) + vec2(0.5, 0.5); coord = min(coord, vec2(1.0) - coord) * corner_aspect; vec2 cdist = vec2(GEOM_CORNER_SIZE); coord = (cdist - min(coord, cdist)); float dist = sqrt(dot(coord, coord)); return clamp((cdist.x - dist)*GEOM_CORNER_SMOOTH, 0.0, 1.0); } float border(vec2 coord) { coord = (coord - vec2(0.5)) + vec2(0.5, 0.5); coord = min(coord, vec2(1.0) - coord) * corner_aspect; vec2 cdist = vec2(GEOM_CORNER_SIZE); coord = (cdist - min(coord, cdist)); float dist = sqrt(dot(coord, coord)); return clamp((cdist.x - dist)*GEOM_CORNER_SMOOTH, 0.0, 1.0); } vec2 Warp_06(vec2 uv) { //Pre-calc version for curvature = 0.6,0.6 uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0; float curvedCoordsDistance = length(uv); uv /= curvedCoordsDistance; uv *= 1.0-pow(vec2(1.0-(curvedCoordsDistance/1.4142)), vec2(0.8928) ); uv /= 0.6659; uv = uv* 0.5 + 0.5; return uv; } //warp full new vec2 Warp(vec2 uv,float wx, float wy){ // Transform coordinates to range [-1, 1] uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0; vec2 pow_exp = 1.0/(1.0+vec2(wx, wy) * 0.2 ) ; //float curvedCoordsDistance = length(uv); float curvedCoordsDistance = sqrt(uv.x*uv.x+uv.y*uv.y); curvedCoordsDistance = clamp(curvedCoordsDistance, 0.0, 1.4142); vec2 pow_base = vec2(1.0-(curvedCoordsDistance/1.4142135623730950488016887242097)); pow_base = abs(pow_base); // <-- this way intel and nvidia (probably amd) acts the same. uv /= curvedCoordsDistance; uv *= (1.0-pow(pow_base, pow_exp )); uv /= (1.0-pow(vec2(0.29289321881345247559915563789515), pow_exp )); // Transform coordinates back to [0, 1] return uv* 0.5 + 0.5; } vec2 Warp_try(vec2 pos, float warpX, float warpY) { /* float dist = length(pos-vec2(0.5))*10; float c = 1 - clamp(dist, 0.0,1.0); pos=zoom(pos, c); return pos; pos=zoom(pos, 1.006); */ float k=0.5; //0.1 warpX*=k; warpY*=k; //pos.x=zoom1D(pos.x, 1+warpX*0.16); float powexp = 1.8; pos = pos*2.0-1.0; pos *= vec2(1.0 + pow(pos.y, powexp)*warpX, 1.0 + pow(pos.x, powexp)*warpY); return pos*0.5 + 0.5; } vec2 Warp_fast(vec2 uv, vec2 v_exp, vec2 arg2, float cut_ears) { /*This version is exact and faster than the other implementation, * Just because it needs precalculed arguments that can live in * vertex shader */ // Transform coordinates to range [-1, 1] uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0; //float curvedCoordsDistance = length(uv); float curvedCoordsDistance = sqrt(uv.x*uv.x+uv.y*uv.y); curvedCoordsDistance = min(curvedCoordsDistance, cut_ears); vec2 pow_base = vec2(1.0-(curvedCoordsDistance/1.4142)); pow_base = abs(pow_base); // <-- this way intel and nvidia (probably amd) acts the same. uv /= curvedCoordsDistance; uv *= 1.0-pow(pow_base, v_exp ); uv /= arg2; // Transform coordinates back to [0, 1] return uv * 0.5 + 0.5; } //VIGNETTE - SPOT /* float gauss(float x, float x0, float sx, float size, float power){ float arg = x-x0; arg = -(1/size)/2.*arg*arg/sx; float a = 1./(pow(2.*3.1415*sx, 0.5)); return a*exp(arg) * power; } float gauss_xy(float pos_x, float pos_y, float size, float power, float gmin, float gmax) { vec2 uv = vTexCoord.xy + vec2(pos_x,pos_y); float scale_uv = params.SourceSize.x / params.SourceSize.y; float gx = gauss(uv.x* scale_uv, 0.5*scale_uv, 0.1, size, power); float gy = gauss(uv.y, 0.5, 0.1, size, power); float light = gx*gy; return clamp(light,gmin,gmax); } */ //AMBILIGHT RELATED bool border_needed() { //returns if we need to draw on the border #ifdef STATIC_SUPPORT_BACKDROP return true; #else return (DO_AMBILIGHT + DO_BG_IMAGE + DO_BACKDROP > 0.0); #endif } #define mark_useless(x) mark_outer_frame(x) vec4 mark_outer_frame(vec3 pixel) { return vec4(pixel.rgb,0.0) ; //For my mental sanity, I use a specific alpha channel value to mark a frame as a border return vec4(pixel.r,pixel.g,pixel.b,alpha_mark) ; } #define is_useless(x) is_outer_frame(x) bool is_outer_frame(vec4 pixel) { return pixel.a <= 0.004; // about 1/256 /*Check if a pixel is marked as border by comparing the value of its alpha channel Tolerance is needed, because precision can be as low as 1/256; since I don't need alpha channel, use an even large tolerance. */ return abs(pixel.a - alpha_mark) < 0.05; //<-- 0.05 allow about 20 alpha levels (1*0.05) } #define ar_tolerance 0.1 //To compensate when comparing different A/R bool is_rotated() { /* For some reason, probably retroarch rotates the view only on final viewport stage, transparent to the shader passes, The OutputSize of a pass that scales to viewport will have different aspect from the real final viewport. We exploit this to understand when a game is rotated. -->> This function only works if the calling pass scales to viewport. This will fail for very particular cases, eg: when output window is extremely tall */ return (abs((params.OutputSize.x/params.OutputSize.y) - (global.FinalViewportSize.x/global.FinalViewportSize.y)) > ar_tolerance); } float get_in_aspect() { if (ASPECT_X == 0) return 1.3333333333333; //all mame games, not rotated if (ASPECT_X == -1) return 1.5; // ntsc if (ASPECT_X == -2) return 1.25; // pal if (ASPECT_X == -3) return 1.143; // 8/7 snes if (ASPECT_X == -4) return 1.428; // 10/7 megadrive if (ASPECT_X == -5) return params.OriginalSize.x/params.OriginalSize.y; //uncorrected if (ASPECT_X == -6) return 0.75; // 3/4, pre-rotated (TATE) 1.33 games. return ASPECT_X / ASPECT_Y ; } vec2 get_scaled_coords_aspect(vec2 pTexCoord, vec4 destsize, float in_aspect , bool is_rotated){ if (!border_needed()) return pTexCoord; //else float scale_x = 1.0; float scale_y = 1.0; float offset_x = 0.0 ; float offset_y = 0.0 ; if (is_rotated) { scale_y = destsize.x/(destsize.y / in_aspect ); offset_y = (0.5 * scale_y ) - 0.5 ; } else { scale_x = destsize.x/(destsize.y * in_aspect); offset_x = (0.5 * scale_x ) - 0.5 ; } vec2 scale_coord=vec2(pTexCoord.x*scale_x - offset_x , pTexCoord.y*scale_y - offset_y); return scale_coord; } vec2 get_scaled_coords(vec2 pTexCoord, vec4 destsize, bool is_rotated){ if (!border_needed()) return pTexCoord; //else float scale_x = 1.0; float scale_y = 1.0; float offset_x = 0.0 ; float offset_y = 0.0 ; float in_aspect = get_in_aspect(); if (is_rotated) { scale_y = destsize.x/(destsize.y / in_aspect ); offset_y = (0.5 * scale_y ) - 0.5 ; } else { scale_x = destsize.x/(destsize.y * in_aspect); offset_x = (0.5 * scale_x ) - 0.5 ; } vec2 scale_coord=vec2(pTexCoord.x*scale_x - offset_x , pTexCoord.y*scale_y - offset_y); return scale_coord; } vec2 integer_scale(vec2 in_coords, float target_aspect, bool is_rotated, float uncorrected_aspect) { float raw_in_aspect = params.OriginalSize.x/params.OriginalSize.y; float adapted_aspect = target_aspect / raw_in_aspect; //Keep aspect? adapted_aspect = mix_step(adapted_aspect, 1.0, uncorrected_aspect); in_coords.x = zoom1D(in_coords.x, adapted_aspect); vec2 izoom; if (!is_rotated) { //This is 1X integer zoom: izoom = params.OriginalSize.xy / global.FinalViewportSize.xy; //Find the maximum zoom allowed float int_zoom = floor(global.FinalViewportSize.y / params.OriginalSize.y ); int_zoom = clamp(int_zoom, 1.0, GAME_GEOM_INT_SCALE_MAX); izoom *= int_zoom; } else { izoom = params.OriginalSize.xy / global.FinalViewportSize.yx; float int_zoom = floor(global.FinalViewportSize.y / (params.OriginalSize.x * adapted_aspect) ); int_zoom = clamp(int_zoom, 1.0, GAME_GEOM_INT_SCALE_MAX); izoom *= int_zoom; } return zoomxy(in_coords, izoom); } bool need_NO_integer_scale() { //returns if no integer scaling is requested. return DO_GAME_GEOM_OVERRIDE * GAME_GEOM_INT_SCALE == 0.0; } bool need_integer_scale() { //return if integer scaling is requested. //return DO_GAME_GEOM_OVERRIDE == 1.0 && GAME_GEOM_INT_SCALE > 0.01; return DO_GAME_GEOM_OVERRIDE * GAME_GEOM_INT_SCALE != 0.0; } float get_BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM() { //Disables bezel inner zoom when using integer scaling return BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM * float( !need_integer_scale() ); } vec2 content_geom_override(vec2 co, float aspect, float in_aspect, float vshift, float hshift, float out_zoom){ //Aspect //float bUse_original_aspect = float(aspect < 0.01); float bUse_custom_aspect = step(0.01, aspect); float scale_y; /*if (aspect > 0.01) scale_y = aspect/in_aspect; else scale_y = 1.0; */ //Unbranched previous: scale_y = mix_step(1.0, aspect/in_aspect, bUse_custom_aspect ); float offset_y = (0.5 * scale_y ) - 0.5 ; co.y = co.y*scale_y - offset_y; //shift co.y -= vshift/10.0; co.x -= hshift/10.0; //zoom return zoom(co, out_zoom); } //Blur/Glow vec3 glow_dumb(sampler2D in_texture, float glow_power, float gamma, vec2 coords) { return pow( texture(in_texture, coords).rgb, vec3(gamma) ) * glow_power; } vec3 blur9_x(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_x) { vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_x; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec2 off1 = vec2(1.3846153846, 0.0) ; vec2 off2 = vec2(3.2307692308, 0.0) ; color += texture(image, uv).rgb * 0.2270270270; color += texture(image, uv + (off1 / resolution)).rgb * 0.3162162162; color += texture(image, uv - (off1 / resolution)).rgb * 0.3162162162; color += texture(image, uv + (off2 / resolution)).rgb * 0.0702702703; color += texture(image, uv - (off2 / resolution)).rgb * 0.0702702703; return color; } vec3 blur9_x_gamma(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_x, vec3 gamma) { vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_x; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec2 off1 = vec2(1.3846153846, 0.0) ; vec2 off2 = vec2(3.2307692308, 0.0) ; vec3 lookup = texture(image, uv).rgb; color += pow(lookup, gamma) * 0.2270270270; lookup = texture(image, uv + (off1 / resolution)).rgb; color += pow(lookup, gamma) * 0.3162162162; lookup = texture(image, uv - (off1 / resolution)).rgb; color += pow(lookup, gamma) * 0.3162162162; lookup = texture(image, uv + (off2 / resolution)).rgb; color += pow(lookup, gamma) * 0.0702702703; lookup = texture(image, uv - (off2 / resolution)).rgb; color += pow(lookup, gamma) * 0.0702702703; return color; } vec3 blur9_y(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_y) { vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_y; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec2 off1 = vec2(0.0, 1.3846153846) ; vec2 off2 = vec2(0.0, 3.2307692308) ; color += texture(image, uv).rgb * 0.2270270270; color += texture(image, uv + (off1 / resolution)).rgb * 0.3162162162; color += texture(image, uv - (off1 / resolution)).rgb * 0.3162162162; color += texture(image, uv + (off2 / resolution)).rgb * 0.0702702703; color += texture(image, uv - (off2 / resolution)).rgb * 0.0702702703; return color; } /*float is_scanline(vec2 uv){ return float(int(mod(uv.y * params.OutputSize.y , 2.0 )) !=0.0) ; } vec3 blur9_y_e_scanline(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_y) { float mymod = int(mod(uv.y * params.OutputSize.y , 2.0 )) ; float scanline = float( (mymod != 0.0) ) ; vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_y; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec2 off1 = vec2(0.0, 1.3846153846) ; vec2 off2 = vec2(0.0, 3.2307692308) ; scanline = is_scanline(uv); color += texture(image, uv).rgb * scanline * 0.2270270270; scanline = is_scanline(uv + (off1 / resolution)); color += texture(image, uv + (off1 / resolution)).rgb * scanline * 0.3162162162; scanline = is_scanline(uv - (off1 / resolution) ); color += texture(image, uv - (off1 / resolution)).rgb * scanline * 0.3162162162; scanline = is_scanline(uv + (off2 / resolution) ); color += texture(image, uv + (off2 / resolution)).rgb * scanline * 0.0702702703; scanline = is_scanline(uv - (off2 / resolution) ); color += texture(image, uv - (off2 / resolution)).rgb * scanline * 0.0702702703; return color; } vec3 blur9_y_alpha_aware(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_y) { vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_y; vec2 off1 = vec2(0.0, 1.3846153846) ; vec2 off2 = vec2(0.0, 3.2307692308) ; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec4 lookup = texture(image, uv); color += lookup.a * lookup.rgb * 0.2270270270; lookup = texture(image, uv + (off1 / resolution)); color += lookup.a * lookup.rgb * 0.3162162162; lookup = texture(image, uv - (off1 / resolution)); color += lookup.a * lookup.rgb * 0.3162162162; lookup = texture(image, uv + (off2 / resolution)); color += lookup.a * lookup.rgb * 0.0702702703; lookup = texture(image, uv - (off2 / resolution)); color += lookup.a * lookup.rgb * 0.0702702703; return color; } */ vec3 blur5_x(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_x, float lod) { vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_x; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec2 off1 = vec2(1.333333333333, 0.0) ; color += textureLod(image, uv, lod).rgb * 0.29411764705882354; color += textureLod(image, uv + (off1 / resolution), lod).rgb * 0.35294117647058826; color += textureLod(image, uv - (off1 / resolution), lod).rgb * 0.35294117647058826; return color; } vec3 blur5_y(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 sourcesize, float sharpness_y, float lod) { vec2 resolution = sourcesize * sharpness_y; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); vec2 off1 = vec2(0.0, 1.333333333333) ; color += textureLod(image, uv, lod).rgb * 0.29411764705882354; color += textureLod(image, uv + (off1 / resolution), lod).rgb * 0.35294117647058826; color += textureLod(image, uv - (off1 / resolution), lod).rgb * 0.35294117647058826; return color; } float rgb_to_gray(vec3 rgb) { return dot(rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); } //smoothly shade x and y < 0.0, currently unused /*float blur_shade(vec2 co, float size) { float co_1D; (co.x < 0.0 || co.x > 1.0) ? co_1D = co.x : co_1D = co.y ; float side_hi_switch = float(co_1D > 1.0); float side_lo_switch = float(co_1D < 0.0); float smooth_min = 1.0 * side_hi_switch; float smooth_max = smooth_min + ( ( size * side_hi_switch) + (-size * side_lo_switch ) ); return smoothstep(smooth_min, smooth_max, co_1D); } */ vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c){ vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0); vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www); return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y); } #define eps10 1.0e-10 vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c){ vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0); vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g)); vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, c.r), vec4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r)); float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y); return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + eps10)), d / (q.x + eps10), q.x); } float get_dyn_zoom(sampler2D tex) { return 1.0 + (texture(tex, vec2(0.75,0.75) ).a/ DYNZOOM_FACTOR) ; } vec2 tilt(vec2 co, float is_rotated, vec2 tilt) { vec2 r_tilt = vec2( mix_step(tilt.x, tilt.y, is_rotated), mix_step(tilt.y, -tilt.x, is_rotated) ); vec2 tilt_min = 1 - r_tilt; vec2 tilt_max = 1 + r_tilt; // X Tilt float tilt_x_range = scale_to_range(co.y, tilt_min.x, tilt_max.x); co = vec2( zoom1D(co.x, tilt_x_range), zoom1D(co.y, tilt_x_range) ); // Y Tilt float tilt_y_range = scale_to_range(co.x, tilt_min.y, tilt_max.y); co = vec2( zoom1D(co.x, tilt_y_range), zoom1D(co.y, tilt_y_range) ); // Aply FOV; vec2 fov = mix(vec2(1.0), vec2(TILT_FOV), abs( tilt.xy )); co = zoomxy(co, mix_step(fov.yx, fov.xy, is_rotated)); co.xy += mix_step(tilt.yx, -tilt.xy, is_rotated) * 0.4; return co; } bool is_first_outside_rect(vec2 point, vec4 rect) { return (point.x < rect.x || point.x > rect.z || point.y < rect.y || point.y > rect.w) ; } bool is_first_inside_rect(vec2 point, vec4 rect) { return (point.x >= rect.x && point.x < rect.z && point.y >= rect.y && point.y < rect.w) ; } // COLOR TOOLS vec3 kelvin2rgb(float k) { //Convert kelvin temperature to rgb factors k = clamp(k,1000,40000); k=k/100.0; float tmpCalc; vec3 pixel_out; if (k<=66) { pixel_out.r = 255; pixel_out.g = 99.47080258612 * log(k) - 161.11956816610; } else { pixel_out.r = 329.6987274461 * pow(k - 60 ,-0.13320475922); pixel_out.g = 288.12216952833 * pow(k-60, -0.07551484921); } if (k >= 66) pixel_out.b = 255; else if (k<=19) pixel_out.b = 0; else pixel_out.b = 138.51773122311 * log(k - 10) - 305.04479273072; return pixel_out/255.0; } #define W vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721) vec3 color_tools(vec3 pixel_out, vec3 Temperature_rgb) { //Apply color corrections to input signal. //Push luminance without clipping pixel_out = pixel_push_luminance(pixel_out,LUMINANCE); //Modify contrast and brightness if (CONTRAST != 0.0 || BRIGHTNESS != 0.0) pixel_out.rgb = apply_contrast_brightness(pixel_out.rgb, CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS); //Modify color temperature if (TEMPERATURE != 6500.0) pixel_out.rgb = pixel_out.rgb * Temperature_rgb; //Colorization for monochrome display on hsv colorspace. //Select different hues for dark and bright pixels and mix them depending on the brightness if (COLOR_MONO_COLORIZE > 0.01) { vec3 pixel_grayscale = vec3(dot(pixel_out.rgb, W)); vec3 pixel_in_hsv = rgb2hsv(pixel_grayscale); //FIXME needed? yes, checked. float lum = pixel_in_hsv.z * pixel_in_hsv.z; //<-- looks way better! vec2 bias = mix_step( vec2(0.0, COLOR_MONO_HUE_BIAS), vec2(COLOR_MONO_HUE_BIAS, 0.0), float(COLOR_MONO_HUE_BIAS > 0.0)); bias = abs(bias); lum=scale_to_range(lum, 0.0-bias.x, 1.0+bias.y); pixel_in_hsv.y=1.0; //sat //Mix hues in rgb colorspace: vec3 pixel_rgb_hue1 = hsv2rgb( vec3(COLOR_MONO_HUE1, 1.0, pixel_in_hsv.z ) ); vec3 pixel_rgb_hue2 = hsv2rgb( vec3(COLOR_MONO_HUE2, 1.0, pixel_in_hsv.z ) ); vec3 pixel_rgb_hue12 = mix(pixel_rgb_hue2, pixel_rgb_hue1, vec3(lum)); //Mix original and colorized with a specified strength pixel_out = mix(pixel_out, pixel_rgb_hue12, COLOR_MONO_COLORIZE); //pixel_in_hsv.x = mix(COLOR_MONO_HUE2, COLOR_MONO_HUE1, lum); //hue //pixel_out = mix(pixel_out, hsv2rgb(pixel_in_hsv), COLOR_MONO_COLORIZE);pk } //Modify saturation if (!(SATURATION == 1.0)) { vec3 intensity = vec3(dot(pixel_out.rgb, W)); pixel_out.rgb = mix(intensity, pixel_out.rgb, SATURATION); } return pixel_out; }