#version 450 // Skyline 3D - FabriceNeyret2 - 2015-07-02 // https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4tlSWr // in the spirit of the 2D skylines (e.g., https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4tlXzM )... but in 3D :-) ( I even reproduced the original temporal aliasing :-D ) // Be sure to wait long enough ;-) layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO { mat4 MVP; vec4 OutputSize; vec4 OriginalSize; vec4 SourceSize; uint FrameCount; } global; #pragma stage vertex layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position; layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord; const vec2 madd = vec2(0.5, 0.5); void main() { gl_Position = global.MVP * Position; vTexCoord = gl_Position.xy; } #pragma stage fragment layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; float iGlobalTime = float(global.FrameCount)*0.025; vec2 iResolution = global.OutputSize.xy; #define T iGlobalTime // --- using the base ray-marcher of Trisomie21: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4tfGRB# vec4 bg = vec4(0); // vec4(0,0,.3,0); void mainImage( out vec4 f, vec2 w ) { vec4 p = vec4(w,0,1)/iResolution.yyxy-.5, d,c; p.x-=.4; // init ray // r(p.xz,.13); r(p.yz,.2); r(p.xy,.1); // camera rotations d =p; // ray dir = ray0-vec3(0) p.x += 15.*T; p += 2.*d; f = bg; float l,x=1e9, closest = 999.; for (float i=1.; i>0.; i-=.01) { vec4 u = floor(p/8.), t = mod(p, 8.)-4., ta; // objects id + local frame u.y = 0.; u = sin(78.17*(u+u.yzxw)); // randomize ids c = p/p*1.2; ta = abs(t); x=1e9; if (sin(17.*(u.x+u.y+u.z))>.95) { // 10% of blocks ta.y = p.y + 30.*u.x - .3*pow(abs(.03*floor(p.z)),3.) + 35.; x = max(ta.x,max(ta.y,ta.z)) -3.; } closest = min(closest, p.y+150.); // artifacts: passed a object, we might be fooled about dist to next (hidden in next modulo-tile) #if 1 // if dist to box border is closest to object, go there. <<< the working solution ! (at mod8 scale) vec4 k, k1 = (4.-t)/d ,k2 = (-4.-t)/d, dd; k = min (k1-1e5*sign(k1),k2-1e5*sign(k2))+1e5; // ugly trick to get the min only if positive. // 2 less ugly/costly formulations, but less robust close to /0 : // k = mix(k1,k2, .5+.5*sign(k2)); // dd = d+.001*clamp(1.-d*d,.999,1.); k = (4.*sign(dd)-t)/dd; l = min(k.x,min(k.y,k.z)); if (l