/* Mega Bezel - Creates a graphic treatment for the game play area to give a retro feel Copyright (C) 2019-2022 HyperspaceMadness - HyperspaceMadness@outlook.com Incorporates much great feedback from the libretro forum, and thanks to Hunterk who helped me get started See more at the libretro forum https://forums.libretro.com/t/hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-shader-feedback-and-updates This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. */ vec2 HSM_GetOuterBezelScale(vec2 tube_diffuse_scale, float screen_aspect) { vec2 bezel_outer_scale_offset = vec2(HSM_BZL_WIDTH / screen_aspect + 1, HSM_BZL_HEIGHT + 1); return bezel_outer_scale_offset; } vec2 GetDefaultScreenScale() { float output_aspect = global.FinalViewportSize.x / global.FinalViewportSize.y; vec2 out_placement_scale = DEFAULT_UNCORRECTED_SCREEN_SCALE; out_placement_scale.x /= output_aspect; return out_placement_scale; } vec2 GetDefaultBezelScale() { float output_aspect = global.FinalViewportSize.x / global.FinalViewportSize.y; vec2 out_placement_scale = DEFAULT_UNCORRECTED_BEZEL_SCALE; out_placement_scale.x /= output_aspect; return out_placement_scale; } float HSM_GetSimpleBezelCoords(vec2 tube_diffuse_coord, vec2 tube_diffuse_scale, vec2 tube_scale, float screen_aspect, inout vec2 bezel_outside_coord, inout vec2 frame_outside_coord) { float output_aspect = global.OutputSize.x / global.OutputSize.y; vec2 bezel_outer_pos_offset = vec2(0, HSM_BZL_OUTER_POSITION_Y); vec2 bezel_outer_scale_offset = HSM_GetOuterBezelScale(tube_diffuse_scale, screen_aspect); bezel_outside_coord = tube_diffuse_coord + bezel_outer_pos_offset; vec2 black_edge_scale_offset = tube_scale / tube_diffuse_scale; bezel_outside_coord = HSM_GetInverseScaledCoord(bezel_outside_coord, black_edge_scale_offset * bezel_outer_scale_offset) + vec2(0, HSM_BZL_OUTER_POSITION_Y); frame_outside_coord = (bezel_outside_coord + vec2(0, HSM_FRM_OUTER_POS_Y) - 0.5) / vec2((HSM_FRM_THICKNESS * HSM_FRM_THICKNESS_SCALE_X) / (tube_diffuse_scale.x / tube_diffuse_scale.y * output_aspect) + 1, HSM_FRM_THICKNESS + 1) + 0.5; return 0; } float HSM_GetBezelCoords(vec2 tube_diffuse_coord, vec2 tube_diffuse_scale, vec2 tube_scale, float screen_aspect, bool curve_coords_on, inout vec2 bezel_outside_scale, inout vec2 bezel_outside_coord, inout vec2 bezel_outside_curved_coord, inout vec2 frame_outside_coord) { float output_aspect = global.OutputSize.x / global.OutputSize.y; vec2 bezel_outer_pos_offset = vec2(0, HSM_BZL_OUTER_POSITION_Y); vec2 bezel_outer_scale_offset = HSM_GetOuterBezelScale(tube_diffuse_scale, screen_aspect); bezel_outside_coord = tube_diffuse_coord + bezel_outer_pos_offset; bezel_outside_curved_coord = bezel_outside_coord; // Only run curved coordinates if requested or we are using tilt if (curve_coords_on) if ((HSM_CURVATURE_MODE > 0) && ((HSM_CURVATURE_3D_TILT_ANGLE_X != 0) || (HSM_CURVATURE_3D_TILT_ANGLE_Y != 0))) bezel_outside_curved_coord = HSM_GetCurvedCoord(bezel_outside_curved_coord, 0, bezel_outer_scale_offset.x * output_aspect / bezel_outer_scale_offset.y); vec2 black_edge_scale_offset = tube_scale / tube_diffuse_scale; bezel_outside_scale.xy = tube_diffuse_scale * black_edge_scale_offset * bezel_outer_scale_offset; // bezel_outside_transform.zw = -vec2(HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_X, HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y) + bezel_outer_pos_offset * tube_diffuse_scale; bezel_outside_coord = HSM_GetInverseScaledCoord(bezel_outside_curved_coord, black_edge_scale_offset * bezel_outer_scale_offset) + vec2(0, HSM_BZL_OUTER_POSITION_Y); bezel_outside_curved_coord = HSM_GetInverseScaledCoord(bezel_outside_curved_coord, black_edge_scale_offset * bezel_outer_scale_offset) + vec2(0, HSM_BZL_OUTER_POSITION_Y); frame_outside_coord = (bezel_outside_curved_coord + vec2(0, HSM_FRM_OUTER_POS_Y) - 0.5) / vec2((HSM_FRM_THICKNESS * HSM_FRM_THICKNESS_SCALE_X) / (tube_diffuse_scale.x / tube_diffuse_scale.y * output_aspect) + 1, HSM_FRM_THICKNESS + 1) + 0.5; if (HSM_BZL_OUTER_CURVATURE_SCALE > 0) { if (curve_coords_on) bezel_outside_curved_coord = HSM_GetTubeCurvedCoord(bezel_outside_curved_coord, HSM_BZL_OUTER_CURVATURE_SCALE, tube_diffuse_scale, tube_scale, bezel_outer_scale_offset.x * global.OutputSize.x / global.OutputSize.y / bezel_outer_scale_offset.y, 0); if (curve_coords_on) if ( HSM_FRM_OUTER_CURVATURE_SCALE > 0) frame_outside_coord = HSM_GetTubeCurvedCoord(frame_outside_coord, HSM_BZL_OUTER_CURVATURE_SCALE * HSM_FRM_OUTER_CURVATURE_SCALE, tube_diffuse_scale, tube_scale, bezel_outer_scale_offset.x * global.OutputSize.x / global.OutputSize.y / bezel_outer_scale_offset.y, 0); } DEFAULT_SCREEN_SCALE = GetDefaultScreenScale(); DEFAULT_BEZEL_SCALE = GetDefaultBezelScale(); return 0; } float MAX_LAYER_ORDER = 12; bool HSM_GetUseTubeStaticReflection() { return HSM_TUBE_STATIC_REFLECTION_IMAGE_ON > 0.5 && HSM_GetUseOnCurrentScreenIndex(HSM_TUBE_STATIC_REFLECTION_IMAGE_DUALSCREEN_VIS_MODE); } bool HSM_GetUseTubeDiffuseImage() { return HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_MODE == 1 && HSM_GetUseOnCurrentScreenIndex(HSM_TUBE_DIFFUSE_IMAGE_DUALSCREEN_VIS_MODE); } bool HSM_GetUseTubeColoredGelImage() { return HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_ON > 0.5 && HSM_GetUseOnCurrentScreenIndex(HSM_TUBE_COLORED_GEL_IMAGE_DUALSCREEN_VIS_MODE); }