#version 450 // MMPX // by Morgan McGuire and Mara Gagiu // https://casual-effects.com/research/McGuire2021PixelArt/ // License: MIT // adapted for slang by hunterk layout(push_constant) uniform Push { vec4 SourceSize; vec4 OriginalSize; vec4 OutputSize; uint FrameCount; } params; layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO { mat4 MVP; } global; #pragma stage vertex layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position; layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord; void main() { gl_Position = global.MVP * Position; vTexCoord = TexCoord; } #pragma stage fragment layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source; float luma(vec3 col){ return dot(col, vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)); } // I tried using a hash to speed these up but it didn't really help bool same(vec3 B, vec3 A0){ return all(equal(B, A0)); } bool notsame(vec3 B, vec3 A0){ return any(notEqual(B, A0)); } bool all_eq2(vec3 B, vec3 A0, vec3 A1) { return (same(B,A0) && same(B,A1)); } bool all_eq3(vec3 B, vec3 A0, vec3 A1, vec3 A2) { return (same(B,A0) && same(B,A1) && same(B,A2)); } bool all_eq4(vec3 B, vec3 A0, vec3 A1, vec3 A2, vec3 A3) { return (same(B,A0) && same(B,A1) && same(B,A2) && same(B,A3)); } bool any_eq3(vec3 B, vec3 A0, vec3 A1, vec3 A2) { return (same(B,A0) || same(B,A1) || same(B,A2)); } bool none_eq2(vec3 B, vec3 A0, vec3 A1) { return (notsame(B,A0) && notsame(B,A1)); } bool none_eq4(vec3 B, vec3 A0, vec3 A1, vec3 A2, vec3 A3) { return (notsame(B,A0) && notsame(B,A1) && notsame(B,A2) && notsame(B,A3)); } #define src(c,d) texture(Source, vTexCoord + vec2(c,d) * params.SourceSize.zw).rgb void main() { // these do nothing, but just for consistency with the original code... float srcX = 0.; float srcY = 0.; // Our current pixel vec3 E = src(srcX+0.,srcY+0.); // Input: A-I central 3x3 grid vec3 A = src(srcX-1.,srcY-1.); vec3 B = src(srcX+0.,srcY-1.); vec3 C = src(srcX+1.,srcY-1.); vec3 D = src(srcX-1.,srcY+0.); vec3 F = src(srcX+1.,srcY+0.); vec3 G = src(srcX-1.,srcY+1.); vec3 H = src(srcX+0.,srcY+1.); vec3 I = src(srcX+1.,srcY+1.); // Default to Nearest magnification vec3 J = E; vec3 K = E; vec3 L = E; vec3 M = E; // Go ahead and put this here so we can use an early return on the next // line to save some cycles FragColor = vec4(E, 1.0); // Skip constant 3x3 centers and just use nearest-neighbor // them. This gives a good speedup on spritesheets with // lots of padding and full screen images with large // constant regions such as skies. // EDIT: this is a wash for me, but we'll keep it around if(same(E,A) && same(E,B) && same(E,C) && same(E,D) && same(E,F) && same(E,G) && same(E,H) && same(E,I)) return; // Read additional values at the tips of the diamond pattern vec3 P = src(srcX+0.,srcY-2.); vec3 Q = src(srcX-2.,srcY+0.); vec3 R = src(srcX+2.,srcY+0.); vec3 S = src(srcX+0.,srcY+2.); // Precompute luminances float Bl = luma(B); float Dl = luma(D); float El = luma(E); float Fl = luma(F); float Hl = luma(H); // Round some corners and fill in 1:1 slopes, but preserve // sharp right angles. // // In each expression, the left clause is from // EPX and the others are new. EPX // recognizes 1:1 single-pixel lines because it // applies the rounding only to the LINE, and not // to the background (it looks at the mirrored // side). It thus fails on thick 1:1 edges // because it rounds *both* sides and produces an // aliased edge shifted by 1 dst pixel. (This // also yields the mushroom-shaped arrow heads, // where that 1-pixel offset runs up against the // 2-pixel aligned end; this is an inherent // problem with 2X in-palette scaling.) // // The 2nd clause clauses avoid *double* diagonal // filling on 1:1 slopes to prevent them becoming // aliased again. It does this by breaking // symmetry ties using luminance when working with // thick features (it allows thin and transparent // features to pass always). // // The 3rd clause seeks to preserve square corners // by considering the center value before // rounding. // // The 4th clause identifies 1-pixel bumps on // straight lines that are darker than their // background, such as the tail on a pixel art // "4", and prevents them from being rounded. This // corrects for asymmetry in this case that the // luminance tie breaker introduced. // .------------ 1st ------------. .----- 2nd ---------. .------ 3rd -----. .--------------- 4th -----------------------. if (((same(D,B) && notsame(D,H) && notsame(D,F))) && ((El>=Dl) || same(E,A)) && any_eq3(E,A,C,G) && ((El=Bl) || same(E,C)) && any_eq3(E,A,C,I) && ((El=Hl) || same(E,G)) && any_eq3(E,A,G,I) && ((El=Fl) || same(E,I)) && any_eq3(E,C,G,I) && ((El // .--------------------- 1st ------------------------. .--------- 2nd -----------. if ((notsame(E,F) && all_eq4(E,C,I,D,Q) && all_eq2(F,B,H)) && notsame(F,src(srcX+3.,srcY))) K=M=F; if ((notsame(E,D) && all_eq4(E,A,G,F,R) && all_eq2(D,B,H)) && notsame(D,src(srcX-3.,srcY))) J=L=D; if ((notsame(E,H) && all_eq4(E,G,I,B,P) && all_eq2(H,D,F)) && notsame(H,src(srcX,srcY+3.))) L=M=H; if ((notsame(E,B) && all_eq4(E,A,C,H,S) && all_eq2(B,D,F)) && notsame(B,src(srcX,srcY-3.))) J=K=B; // Remove tips of bright triangles on dark // backgrounds. The luminance tie breaker for 1:1 // pixel lines leaves these as sticking up squared // off, which makes bright triangles and diamonds // look bad. if ((Bl