#version 450

layout(push_constant) uniform Push
    float g_gamma_in;
    float g_gamma_out;
    float g_signal_type;
    float g_crtgamut;
    float g_space_out;
    float g_hue_degrees;
    float g_I_SHIFT;
    float g_Q_SHIFT;
    float g_I_MUL;
    float g_Q_MUL;
    float g_lum_fix;
    float g_vignette;
    float g_vstr;
    float g_vpower;
    float g_sat;
    float g_vibr;
    float g_lum;
    float g_cntrst;
    float g_mid;
    float g_lift;
    float blr;
    float blg;
    float blb;
    float wlr;
    float wlg;
    float wlb;
    float rg;
    float rb;
    float gr;
    float gb;
    float br;
    float bg;
} params;

layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
    mat4 MVP;
    vec4 SourceSize;
    vec4 OriginalSize;
    vec4 OutputSize;
    uint FrameCount;
    float wp_temperature;
    float g_satr;
    float g_satg;
    float g_satb;
    float LUT_Size1;
    float LUT1_toggle;
    float LUT_Size2;
    float LUT2_toggle;
} global;

   > Ubershader grouping some monolithic color related shaders:
    ::color-mangler (hunterk), ntsc color tuning knobs (Doriphor), white_point (hunterk, Dogway), RA Reshade LUT.
   > and the addition of:
    ::analogue color emulation, phosphor gamut, color space + TRC support, vibrance, HUE vs SAT, vignette (shared by Syh), black level, rolled gain and sigmoidal contrast.

   Author: Dogway
   License: Public domain

   **Thanks to those that helped me out keep motivated by continuous feedback and bug reports:
   **Syh, Nesguy, hunterk, and the libretro forum members.

    ###                                                                                    ###
    ###    PAL                                                                             ###
    ###        Phosphor: EBU (#3)            (or an EBU T3213 based CRT phosphor gamut)    ###
    ###        WP: D65 (6504K)               (in practice more like ~7500K)                ###
    ###        TRC: 2.8 SMPTE-C Gamma                                                      ###
    ###        Saturation: -0.02                                                           ###
    ###                                                                                    ###
    ###    NTSC-U                                                                          ###
    ###        Phosphor: P22/SMPTE-C (#1 #-1)(or a SMPTE-C based CRT phosphor gamut)       ###
    ###        WP: D65 (6504K)               (in practice more like ~7500K)                ###
    ###        TRC: 2.22 SMPTE-C Gamma       (in practice more like 2.35-2.55)             ###
    ###                                                                                    ###
    ###    NTSC-J (Default)                                                                ###
    ###        Phosphor: NTSC-J (#2)         (or a NTSC-J based CRT phosphor gamut)        ###
    ###        WP: 9300K+27MPCD (8942K)      (CCT from x:0.281 y:0.311)                    ###
    ###        TRC: 2.22 SMPTE-C Gamma       (in practice more like 2.35-2.55)             ###
    ###                                                                                    ###
    ###    *Despite the standard of 2.22, a more faithful approximation to CRT...          ###
    ###     ...is to use a gamma (SMPTE-C type) with a value of 2.35-2.55.                 ###
    ###                                                                                    ###
    ###                                                                                    ###

#pragma parameter g_gamma_in     "Game Embedded Gamma"                                     2.222 1.80 3.0 0.05
#pragma parameter g_gamma_out    "CRT Electron Gun Gamma"                                  2.50  1.80 3.0 0.05
#pragma parameter g_signal_type  "Signal Type (0:RGB 1:Composite)"                         1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
#pragma parameter g_crtgamut     "Phosphor (1:NTSC-U 2:NTSC-J 3:PAL)"                      2.0 -4.0 3.0 1.0
#pragma parameter g_space_out    "Diplay Color Space (-1:709 0:sRGB 1:DCI 2:2020 3:Adobe)" 0.0 -1.0 3.0 1.0

#pragma parameter g_hue_degrees  "Hue"                  0.0 -360.0 360.0 1.0
#pragma parameter g_I_SHIFT      "I/U Shift"            0.0 -0.2 0.2 0.01
#pragma parameter g_Q_SHIFT      "Q/V Shift"            0.0 -0.2 0.2 0.01
#pragma parameter g_I_MUL        "I/U Multiplier"       1.0  0.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_Q_MUL        "Q/V Multiplier"       1.0  0.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_lum_fix      "Sega Luma Fix"        0.0  0.0 1.0 1.0
#pragma parameter g_vignette     "Vignette Toggle"      1.0  0.0 1.0 1.0
#pragma parameter g_vstr         "Vignette Strength"    40.0 0.0 50.0 1.0
#pragma parameter g_vpower       "Vignette Power"       0.20 0.0 0.5 0.01
#pragma parameter g_lum          "Brightness"           0.0 -0.5 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_cntrst       "Contrast"             0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.05
#pragma parameter g_mid          "Contrast Pivot"       0.5  0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter wp_temperature "White Point"          6504.0 5004.0 12004.0 100.0
#pragma parameter g_sat          "Saturation"           0.0 -1.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_vibr         "Dullness/Vibrance"    0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.05
#pragma parameter g_satr         "Hue vs Sat Red"       0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_satg         "Hue vs Sat Green"     0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_satb         "Hue vs Sat Blue"      0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter g_lift         "Black Level"          0.0 -0.5 0.5 0.01
#pragma parameter blr            "Black-Red Tint"       0.0  0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter blg            "Black-Green Tint"     0.0  0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter blb            "Black-Blue Tint"      0.0  0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter wlr            "White-Red Tint"       1.0  0.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter wlg            "White-Green Tint"     1.0  0.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter wlb            "White-Blue Tint"      1.0  0.0 2.0 0.01
#pragma parameter rg             "Red-Green Tint"       0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.005
#pragma parameter rb             "Red-Blue Tint"        0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.005
#pragma parameter gr             "Green-Red Tint"       0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.005
#pragma parameter gb             "Green-Blue Tint"      0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.005
#pragma parameter br             "Blue-Red Tint"        0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.005
#pragma parameter bg             "Blue-Green Tint"      0.0 -1.0 1.0 0.005
#pragma parameter LUT_Size1      "LUT Size 1"           16.0 8.0 64.0 16.0
#pragma parameter LUT1_toggle    "LUT 1 Toggle"         0.0  0.0 1.0 1.0
#pragma parameter LUT_Size2      "LUT Size 2"           64.0 0.0 64.0 16.0
#pragma parameter LUT2_toggle    "LUT 2 Toggle"         0.0  0.0 1.0 1.0

#define M_PI            3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define gamma_in        params.g_gamma_in
#define gamma_out       params.g_gamma_out
#define signal          params.g_signal_type
#define crtgamut        params.g_crtgamut
#define SPC             params.g_space_out
#define hue_degrees     params.g_hue_degrees
#define I_SHIFT         params.g_I_SHIFT
#define Q_SHIFT         params.g_Q_SHIFT
#define I_MUL           params.g_I_MUL
#define Q_MUL           params.g_Q_MUL
#define lum_fix         params.g_lum_fix
#define vignette        params.g_vignette
#define vstr            params.g_vstr
#define vpower          params.g_vpower
#define g_sat           params.g_sat
#define vibr            params.g_vibr
#define satr            global.g_satr
#define satg            global.g_satg
#define satb            global.g_satb
#define lum             params.g_lum
#define cntrst          params.g_cntrst
#define mid             params.g_mid
#define lift            params.g_lift
#define blr             params.blr
#define blg             params.blg
#define blb             params.blb
#define wlr             params.wlr
#define wlg             params.wlg
#define wlb             params.wlb
#define rg              params.rg
#define rb              params.rb
#define gr              params.gr
#define gb              params.gb
#define br              params.br
#define bg              params.bg

#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;

void main()
    gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
    vTexCoord = TexCoord;

#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D SamplerLUT1;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D SamplerLUT2;

///////////////////////// Color Space Transformations //////////////////////////

vec3 XYZ_to_RGB(vec3 XYZ, float CSPC){

    // to sRGB
    const mat3x3 sRGB = mat3x3(
    3.24081254005432130, -0.969243049621582000,  0.055638398975133896,
   -1.53730857372283940,  1.875966310501098600, -0.204007431864738460,
   -0.49858659505844116,  0.041555050760507584,  1.057129383087158200);

    // to DCI-P3 -D65-
    const mat3x3 DCIP3 = mat3x3(
     2.49339652061462400, -0.82948720455169680,  0.035850685089826584,
    -0.93134605884552000,  1.76266026496887200, -0.076182708144187930,
    -0.40269458293914795,  0.023624641820788383, 0.957014024257659900);

    // to Rec.2020
    const mat3x3 rec2020 = mat3x3(
     1.71660947799682620, -0.66668272018432620,  0.017642205581068993,
    -0.35566213726997375,  1.61647748947143550, -0.042776308953762054,
    -0.25336012244224550,  0.01576850563287735,  0.942228555679321300);

    // to AdobeRGB
    const mat3x3 Adobe = mat3x3(
     2.0415899753570557, -0.96924000978469850,  0.013439999893307686,
    -0.5650100111961365,  1.87597000598907470, -0.118359997868537900,
    -0.3447299897670746,  0.04156000167131424,  1.015169978141784700);

   return (CSPC == 3.0) ? Adobe * XYZ : (CSPC == 2.0) ? rec2020 * XYZ : (CSPC == 1.0) ? DCIP3 * XYZ : sRGB * XYZ;

vec3 RGB_to_XYZ(vec3 RGB, float CSPC){

    // from sRGB
    const mat3x3 sRGB = mat3x3(
    0.41241079568862915, 0.21264933049678802, 0.019331756979227066,
    0.35758456587791443, 0.71516913175582890, 0.119194857776165010,
    0.18045382201671600, 0.07218152284622192, 0.950390160083770800);

    // from DCI-P3 -D65-
    const mat3x3 DCIP3 = mat3x3(
    0.48659050464630127, 0.22898375988006592, 0.00000000000000000,
    0.26566821336746216, 0.69173991680145260, 0.04511347413063049,
    0.19819043576717377, 0.07927616685628891, 1.04380297660827640);

    // from Rec.2020
    const mat3x3 rec2020 = mat3x3(
    0.63697350025177000, 0.24840137362480164, 0.00000000000000000,
    0.15294560790061950, 0.67799961566925050, 0.04253686964511871,
    0.11785808950662613, 0.03913172334432602, 1.06084382534027100);

    // from AdobeRGB
    const mat3x3 Adobe = mat3x3(
    0.57666999101638790, 0.2973400056362152, 0.02703000046312809,
    0.18556000292301178, 0.6273599863052368, 0.07068999856710434,
    0.18822999298572540, 0.0752900019288063, 0.9913399815559387);

   return (CSPC == 3.0) ? Adobe * RGB : (CSPC == 2.0) ? rec2020 * RGB : (CSPC == 1.0) ? DCIP3 * RGB : sRGB * RGB;

vec3 XYZtoYxy(vec3 XYZ){

    float XYZrgb = XYZ.r+XYZ.g+XYZ.b;
    float Yxyg = (XYZrgb <= 0.0) ? 0.3805 : XYZ.r / XYZrgb;
    float Yxyb = (XYZrgb <= 0.0) ? 0.3769 : XYZ.g / XYZrgb;
    return vec3(XYZ.g, Yxyg, Yxyb);

vec3 YxytoXYZ(vec3 Yxy){

    float Xs = Yxy.r * (Yxy.g/Yxy.b);
    float Xsz = (Yxy.r <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
    vec3 XYZ = vec3(Xsz,Xsz,Xsz) * vec3(Xs, Yxy.r, (Xs/Yxy.g)-Xs-Yxy.r);
    return XYZ;

///////////////////////// White Point Mapping /////////////////////////
// PAL: D65       NTSC-U: D65     NTSC-J: CCT NTSC-J NTSC-FCC: C
// PAL: 6504K     NTSC-U: 6504K   NTSC-J: 8942K      NTSC-FCC: 6780K
// 0.3127 0.3290  0.3127 0.3290   0.281 0.311        0.310 0.316

vec3 wp_adjust(float temperature, vec3 color){

    float temp3 = pow(10.,3.) / temperature;
    float temp6 = pow(10.,6.) / pow(temperature, 2.);
    float temp9 = pow(10.,9.) / pow(temperature, 3.);

    vec3 wp = vec3(1.);

    wp.x = (temperature <= 7000.) ? 0.244063 + 0.09911 * temp3 + 2.9678 * temp6 - 4.6070 * temp9 : \
                                    0.237040 + 0.24748 * temp3 + 1.9018 * temp6 - 2.0064 * temp9 ;

    wp.y = -3.000 * pow(wp.x,2.) + 2.870 * wp.x - 0.275;
    wp.z = 1. - wp.x - wp.y;

    const mat3x3 CAT02 = mat3x3(
     0.7328,  0.4296, -0.1624,
    -0.70360, 1.6975,  0.0061,
     0.003,  -0.0136,  0.9834);

    vec3 fw_trans = (vec3(wp.x/wp.y,1.,wp.z/wp.y) * CAT02) / (vec3(0.95045,1.,1.088917) * CAT02) ;

    return color.xyz * fw_trans.xyz ;



// Monitor Curve Functions: https://github.com/ampas/aces-dev

float moncurve_f( float color, float gamma, float offs)
    // Forward monitor curve
    color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
    float fs = (( gamma - 1.0) / offs) * pow( offs * gamma / ( ( gamma - 1.0) * ( 1.0 + offs)), gamma);
    float xb = offs / ( gamma - 1.0);

    color = ( color > xb) ? pow( ( color + offs) / ( 1.0 + offs), gamma) : color * fs;
    return color;

vec3 moncurve_f_f3( vec3 color, float gamma, float offs)
    color.r = moncurve_f( color.r, gamma, offs);
    color.g = moncurve_f( color.g, gamma, offs);
    color.b = moncurve_f( color.b, gamma, offs);
    return color.rgb;

float moncurve_r( float color, float gamma, float offs)
    // Reverse monitor curve
    color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
    float yb = pow( offs * gamma / ( ( gamma - 1.0) * ( 1.0 + offs)), gamma);
    float rs = pow( ( gamma - 1.0) / offs, gamma - 1.0) * pow( ( 1.0 + offs) / gamma, gamma);

    color = ( color > yb) ? ( 1.0 + offs) * pow( color, 1.0 / gamma) - offs : color * rs;
    return color;

vec3 moncurve_r_f3( vec3 color, float gamma, float offs)
    color.r = moncurve_r( color.r, gamma, offs);
    color.g = moncurve_r( color.g, gamma, offs);
    color.b = moncurve_r( color.b, gamma, offs);
    return color.rgb;

//-------------------------- Luma Functions ----------------------------

//  Performs better in gamma encoded space
float contrast_sigmoid(float color, float cont, float pivot){

    cont = pow(cont + 1., 3.);

    float knee = 1. / (1. + exp(cont * pivot));
    float shldr = 1. / (1. + exp(cont * (pivot - 1.)));

    color = (1. / (1. + exp(cont * (pivot - color))) - knee) / (shldr - knee);

    return color;

//  Performs better in gamma encoded space
float contrast_sigmoid_inv(float color, float cont, float pivot){

    cont = pow(cont - 1., 3.);

    float knee = 1. / (1. + exp (cont * pivot));
    float shldr = 1. / (1. + exp (cont * (pivot - 1.)));

    color = pivot - log(1. / (color * (shldr - knee) + knee) - 1.) / cont;

    return color;

float rolled_gain(float color, float gain){

    float gx = abs(gain) + 0.001;
    float anch = (gain > 0.0) ? 0.5 / (gx / 2.0) : 0.5 / gx;
    color = (gain > 0.0) ? color * ((color - anch) / (1 - anch)) : color * ((1 - anch) / (color - anch)) * (1 - gain);

    return color;

vec4 rolled_gain_v4(vec4 color, float gain){

    color.r = rolled_gain(color.r, gain);
    color.g = rolled_gain(color.g, gain);
    color.b = rolled_gain(color.b, gain);

    return vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);

float SatMask(float color_r, float color_g, float color_b)
    float max_rgb = max(color_r, max(color_g, color_b));
    float min_rgb = min(color_r, min(color_g, color_b));
    float msk = clamp((max_rgb - min_rgb) / (max_rgb + min_rgb), 0.0, 1.0);
    return msk;

//  This shouldn't be necessary but it seems some undefined values can
//  creep in and each GPU vendor handles that differently. This keeps
//  all values within a safe range
vec3 mixfix(vec3 a, vec3 b, float c)
    return (a.z < 1.0) ? mix(a, b, c) : a;

vec4 mixfix_v4(vec4 a, vec4 b, float c)
    return (a.z < 1.0) ? mix(a, b, c) : a;

//---------------------- Range Expansion/Compression -------------------

//  to Studio Swing/Broadcast Safe/SMPTE legal/Limited Range
vec3 PCtoTV(vec3 col, float luma_swing, float Umax, float Vmax, float max_swing, bool rgb_in)
   col *= 255.;
   Umax = (max_swing == 1.0) ? Umax * 224. : Umax * 239.;
   Vmax = (max_swing == 1.0) ? Vmax * 224. : Vmax * 239.;

   col.x = (luma_swing == 1.0) ? ((col.x * 219.) / 255.) + 16. : col.x;
   col.y = (rgb_in == true) ? ((col.y * 219.) / 255.) + 16. : (((col.y - 128.) * (Umax * 2.)) / 255.) + Umax;
   col.z = (rgb_in == true) ? ((col.z * 219.) / 255.) + 16. : (((col.z - 128.) * (Vmax * 2.)) / 255.) + Vmax;
   return col.xyz / 255.;

//  to Full Swing/Full Range
vec3 TVtoPC(vec3 col, float luma_swing, float Umax, float Vmax, float max_swing, bool rgb_in)
   col *= 255.;
   Umax = (max_swing == 1.0) ? Umax * 224. : Umax * 239.;
   Vmax = (max_swing == 1.0) ? Vmax * 224. : Vmax * 239.;

   float colx = (luma_swing == 1.0) ? ((col.x - 16.) / 219.) * 255. : col.x;
   float coly = (rgb_in == true) ? ((col.y - 16.) / 219.) * 255. : (((col.y - Umax) / (Umax * 2.)) * 255.) + 128.;
   float colz = (rgb_in == true) ? ((col.z - 16.) / 219.) * 255. : (((col.z - Vmax) / (Vmax * 2.)) * 255.) + 128.;
   return vec3(colx,coly,colz) / 255.;


//--------------------- ITU-R BT.470/601 (M) (1953) --------------------

//  FCC (Sanctioned) YIQ matrix
vec3 RGB_FCC(vec3 col)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    0.299996928307425,  0.590001575542717,  0.110001496149858,
    0.599002392519453, -0.277301256521204, -0.321701135998249,
    0.213001700342824, -0.525101205289350,  0.312099504946526);

    return col.rgb * conv_mat;

//  FCC (Sanctioned) YIQ matrix (inverse)
vec3 FCC_RGB(vec3 col)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    1.0000000,  0.946882217090069,  0.623556581986143,
    1.0000000, -0.274787646298978, -0.635691079187380,
    1.0000000, -1.108545034642030,  1.709006928406470);

    return col.rgb * conv_mat;

//--------------------- SMPTE RP 145 (C), 170M (1987) ------------------

vec3 RGB_YIQ(vec3 col)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    0.2990,  0.5870,  0.1140,
    0.5959, -0.2746, -0.3213,
    0.2115, -0.5227,  0.3112);

    return col.rgb * conv_mat;

vec3 YIQ_RGB(vec3 col)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    1.0000000,  0.956,  0.619,
    1.0000000, -0.272, -0.647,
    1.0000000, -1.106,  1.703);

    return col.rgb * conv_mat;

//----------------------- ITU-R BT.470/601 (B/G) -----------------------

vec3 r601_YUV(vec3 RGB)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    0.299000,  0.587000,  0.114000,
   -0.147407, -0.289391,  0.436798,
    0.614777, -0.514799, -0.099978);

    return RGB.rgb * conv_mat;

vec3 YUV_r601(vec3 RGB)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    1.0000000,  0.00000000000000000,  1.14025080204010000,
    1.0000000, -0.39393067359924316, -0.58080917596817020,
    1.0000000,  2.02839756011962900, -0.00000029356581166);

    return RGB.rgb * conv_mat;

//  Custom - not Standard
vec3 YUV_r709(vec3 YUV)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    1.0000000,  0.0000000000000000,  1.14025092124938960,
    1.0000000, -0.2047683298587799, -0.33895039558410645,
    1.0000001,  2.0283975601196290,  0.00000024094399364);

    return YUV.rgb * conv_mat;

//  Custom - not Standard
vec3 r709_YUV(vec3 RGB)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    0.2126000,  0.715200,   0.0722000,
   -0.1048118, -0.3525936,  0.4574054,
    0.6905498, -0.6272304, -0.0633194);

    return RGB.rgb * conv_mat;

//------------------------- SMPTE-240M Y�PbPr --------------------------

//  Umax 0.886
//  Vmax 0.700
//  RGB to YPbPr -full to limited range- with Rec.601 primaries
vec3 r601_YCC(vec3 RGB)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    0.299,                   0.587,                   0.114,
   -0.16873589164785553047, -0.33126410835214446953,  0.500,
    0.500,                  -0.41868758915834522111, -0.08131241084165477889);

    return RGB.rgb * conv_mat;

//  YPbPr to RGB  -limited to full range- with Rec.601 primaries
vec3 YCC_r601(vec3 YUV)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    1.0000000,  0.000,                   1.402,
    1.0000000, -0.34413628620102214651, -0.71413628620102214651,
    1.0000000,  1.772,                   0.000);

    return YUV.rgb * conv_mat;

//  Umax 0.53890924768269023496443198965294
//  Vmax 0.63500127000254000508001016002032
//  RGB to YPbPr -full range in-gamut- with Rec.709 primaries
vec3 r709_YCC(vec3 RGB)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    0.2126,                  0.7152,                  0.0722,
   -0.11457210605733994395, -0.38542789394266005605,  0.5000,
    0.5000,                 -0.45415290830581661163, -0.04584709169418338837);

    return RGB.rgb * conv_mat;

//  YPbPr to RGB -full range in-gamut- with Rec.709 primaries
vec3 YCC_r709(vec3 YUV)
    const mat3 conv_mat = mat3(
    1.0000000,  0.00000000000000000000,  1.5748,
    1.0000000, -0.18732427293064876957, -0.46812427293064876957,
    1.0000000,  1.8556,                  0.00000000000000000000);

    return YUV.rgb * conv_mat;

//------------------------- IPT --------------------------

const mat3 LMS =
 0.4002, 0.7076, -0.0808,
-0.2263, 1.1653,  0.0457,
 0.0,       0.0,  0.9182);

const mat3 IPT =
 0.4000,  0.4000, 0.2000,
 4.4550, -4.8510, 0.3960,
 0.8056, 0.3572, -1.1628);


// ITU-R BT.470/601 (M) (proof of concept, actually never used)
// SMPTE 170M-1999
// NTSC-FCC 1953 Standard Phosphor (use with temperature C: 6780K)
const mat3 NTSC_FCC_transform =
 0.60699284076690670, 0.2989666163921356, 0.00000000000000000,
 0.17344850301742554, 0.5864211320877075, 0.06607561558485031,
 0.20057128369808197, 0.1146121546626091, 1.11746847629547120);

// ITU-R BT.470/601 (M)
// Conrac 7211N19 CRT Phosphor
const mat3 Conrac_transform =
 0.55842006206512450, 0.28580552339553833, 0.03517606481909752,
 0.20613566040992737, 0.63714659214019780, 0.09369802474975586,
 0.18589359521865845, 0.07704800367355347, 0.96004259586334230);

// NTSC-J (use with D93 white point)
// Sony Trinitron KV-20M20
const mat3 Sony20_20_transform =
 0.33989441394805910, 0.18490256369113922, 0.019034087657928467,
 0.33497872948646545, 0.71182984113693240, 0.149544075131416320,
 0.22866378724575043, 0.10326752066612244, 1.143318891525268600);

// SMPTE-C - Measured Average Phosphor (1979-1994)
const mat3 P22_transform =
 0.4665636420249939, 0.25661000609397890, 0.005832045804709196,
 0.3039233088493347, 0.66820019483566280, 0.105618737637996670,
 0.1799621731042862, 0.07518967241048813, 0.977465748786926300);

// SMPTE RP 145-1994 (SMPTE-C), 170M-1999
// SMPTE-C - Standard Phosphor (Rec.601 NTSC)
const mat3 SMPTE_transform =
 0.39354196190834045, 0.21238772571086884, 0.01874009333550930,
 0.36525884270668030, 0.70106136798858640, 0.11193416267633438,
 0.19164848327636720, 0.08655092865228653, 0.95824241638183590);

// SMPTE RP 145-1994 (SMPTE-C), 170M-1999
// NTSC-J - Standard Phosphor (https://web.archive.org/web/20130413104152/http://arib.or.jp/english/html/overview/doc/4-TR-B09v1_0.pdf)
const mat3 NTSC_J_transform =
 0.39603787660598755, 0.22429330646991730, 0.02050681784749031,
 0.31201449036598206, 0.67417418956756590, 0.12814880907535553,
 0.24496731162071228, 0.10153251141309738, 1.26512730121612550);

// ITU-R BT.470/601 (B/G)
// EBU Tech.3213-E PAL - Standard Phosphor for Studio Monitors
const mat3 EBU_transform =
 0.43194326758384705, 0.22272075712680817, 0.020247340202331543,
 0.34123489260673523, 0.70600330829620360, 0.129433929920196530,
 0.17818950116634370, 0.07127580046653748, 0.938464701175689700);


void main()

// Retro Sega Systems: Genesis, 32x, CD and Saturn 2D had color palettes designed in TV levels to save on transformations.
    float lum_exp = (lum_fix ==  1.0) ? (255./239.) : 1.;

    vec3 src = texture(Source, vTexCoord.xy).rgb * lum_exp;

// Assumes framebuffer in Rec.601 with baked gamma
// make a YUV * NTSC Phosphor option too and a FCC * NTSC phosphor
    vec3 col = (crtgamut ==  3.0) ? r601_YUV(src)   : \
               (crtgamut ==  2.0) ?  RGB_YIQ(src)   : \
               (crtgamut == -3.0) ?  RGB_FCC(src)   : \
               (crtgamut == -4.0) ?  RGB_FCC(src)   : \
                                     RGB_YIQ(src)   ;

// Clipping Logic / Gamut Limiting
    vec2 UVmax = (crtgamut ==  3.0) ? vec2(0.436798,          0.614777)         : \
                 (crtgamut == -4.0) ? vec2(0.599002392519453, 0.52510120528935) : \
                 (crtgamut == -3.0) ? vec2(0.599002392519453, 0.52510120528935) : \
                                      vec2(0.5959,            0.5227)           ;

    col = clamp(col.xyz, vec3(0.0, -UVmax.x, -UVmax.y), vec3(1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y));

    col = (crtgamut ==  3.0) ?        col                                       : \
          (crtgamut ==  2.0) ?        col                                       : \
          (crtgamut == -3.0) ? PCtoTV(col, 1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y, 1.0, false)   : \
          (crtgamut == -4.0) ? PCtoTV(col, 1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y, 1.0, false)   : \
                               PCtoTV(col, 1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y, 1.0, false)   ;

// YIQ/YUV Analogue Color Controls (HUE + Color Shift + Color Burst)
    float hue_radians = hue_degrees * (M_PI / 180.0);
    float hue = atan(col.z, col.y) + hue_radians;
    float chroma = sqrt(col.z * col.z + col.y * col.y);
    col = vec3(col.x, chroma * cos(hue), chroma * sin(hue));

    col.y = (mod((col.y + 1.0) + I_SHIFT, 2.0) - 1.0) * I_MUL;
    col.z = (mod((col.z + 1.0) + Q_SHIFT, 2.0) - 1.0) * Q_MUL;

// Back to RGB
    col = (crtgamut ==  3.0) ?        col                                       : \
          (crtgamut ==  2.0) ?        col                                       : \
          (crtgamut == -3.0) ? TVtoPC(col, 1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y, 1.0, false)   : \
          (crtgamut == -4.0) ? TVtoPC(col, 1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y, 1.0, false)   : \
                               TVtoPC(col, 1.0, UVmax.x, UVmax.y, 1.0, false)   ;

    col = (crtgamut ==  3.0) ?     YUV_r601(col)    : \
          (crtgamut ==  2.0) ?      YIQ_RGB(col)    : \
          (crtgamut == -3.0) ?      FCC_RGB(col)    : \
          (crtgamut == -4.0) ?      FCC_RGB(col)    : \
                                    YIQ_RGB(col)    ;

// Gamut Limiting
    col = r601_YCC(clamp(col, 0., 1.));
    col = (signal == 0.0) ? src : YCC_r601(clamp(col, vec3(0.0, -.886,-.700), vec3(1.0, .886,.700)));

//_   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
// \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \

// Developer baked CRT gamma (2.20 - 2.25)
    col = moncurve_f_f3(col, gamma_in, 0.099);

// CRT Phosphor Gamut
    mat3 m_in;

    if (crtgamut == -4.0) { m_in = NTSC_FCC_transform;          } else
    if (crtgamut == -3.0) { m_in = Conrac_transform;            } else
    if (crtgamut == -2.0) { m_in = Sony20_20_transform;         } else
    if (crtgamut == -1.0) { m_in = SMPTE_transform;             } else
    if (crtgamut ==  1.0) { m_in = P22_transform;               } else
    if (crtgamut ==  2.0) { m_in = NTSC_J_transform;            } else
    if (crtgamut ==  3.0) { m_in = EBU_transform;               }

    vec3 gamut = m_in*col;

// White Point Mapping
    vec3 wp   = (crtgamut == -4.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (6404. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                (crtgamut == -3.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (6504. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                (crtgamut == -2.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (7600. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                (crtgamut == -1.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (6504. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                (crtgamut ==  1.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (6504. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                (crtgamut ==  2.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (7400. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                (crtgamut ==  3.0) ? wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature - (6504. - 6504.), gamut) : \
                                     wp_adjust(global.wp_temperature, gamut) ;

    vec3 adj  = clamp(XYZ_to_RGB(wp, SPC), 0., 1.);

// Guest Emulated CRT Electron Gun gamma (2.35 - 2.50) (phosphor gamma brings it up back to ~2.222)
    adj = moncurve_r_f3(crtgamut ==  0.0 ? col : adj, pow(gamma_in, 2.) / gamma_out, 0.099);

// Look LUT - (in SPC space)
    float red =   (adj.r * (global.LUT_Size1 - 1.0) + 0.4999) / (global.LUT_Size1 * global.LUT_Size1);
    float green = (adj.g * (global.LUT_Size1 - 1.0) + 0.4999) /  global.LUT_Size1;
    float blue1 = (floor(adj.b * (global.LUT_Size1 - 1.0)) / global.LUT_Size1) + red;
    float blue2 =  (ceil(adj.b * (global.LUT_Size1 - 1.0)) / global.LUT_Size1) + red;
    float mixer = clamp(max((adj.b - blue1) / (blue2 - blue1), 0.0), 0.0, 32.0);
    vec3 color1 = texture(SamplerLUT1, vec2(blue1, green)).rgb;
    vec3 color2 = texture(SamplerLUT1, vec2(blue2, green)).rgb;
    vec3 vcolor = (global.LUT1_toggle == 0.0) ? adj : mixfix(color1, color2, mixer);

// OETF - Opto-Electronic Transfer Function (Rec.709 does a Dim to Dark Surround adaptation)
    vcolor = (SPC == 3.0) ?     clamp(pow(vcolor,                     vec3(563./256.)),     0., 1.) : \
             (SPC == 2.0) ? moncurve_f_f3(vcolor,                          2.20 + 0.022222, 0.0993) : \
             (SPC == 1.0) ?     clamp(pow(vcolor,                     vec3(2.20 + 0.40)),   0., 1.) : \
             (SPC == 0.0) ? moncurve_f_f3(vcolor,                          2.20 + 0.20,     0.0550) : \
                            clamp(pow(pow(vcolor, vec3(1./1.019264)), vec3(2.20 + 0.20)),   0., 1.) ;

    vcolor = RGB_to_XYZ(vcolor, SPC);

// Sigmoidal Contrast
    vec3 Yxy = XYZtoYxy(vcolor);
    float toGamma = clamp(moncurve_r(Yxy.r, 2.40, 0.055), 0., 1.);
    toGamma = (Yxy.r > 0.5) ? contrast_sigmoid_inv(toGamma, 2.3, 0.5) : toGamma;
    float sigmoid = (cntrst > 0.0) ? contrast_sigmoid(toGamma, cntrst, mid) : contrast_sigmoid_inv(toGamma, cntrst, mid);
    vec3 contrast = vec3(moncurve_f(sigmoid, 2.40, 0.055), Yxy.g, Yxy.b);
    vec3 XYZsrgb = clamp(XYZ_to_RGB(YxytoXYZ(contrast), SPC), 0., 1.);
    contrast = (cntrst == 0.0) ? XYZ_to_RGB(vcolor, SPC) : XYZsrgb;

// Vignetting & Black Level
    vec2 vpos = vTexCoord*(global.OriginalSize.xy/global.SourceSize.xy);

    vpos *= 1.0 - vpos.xy;
    float vig = vpos.x * vpos.y * vstr;
    vig = min(pow(vig, vpower), 1.0);
    contrast *= (vignette == 1.0) ? vig : 1.0;

    contrast += (lift / 20.0) * (1.0 - contrast);

// RGB Related Transforms
    vec4 screen = vec4(max(contrast, 0.0), 1.0);
    float sat = g_sat + 1.0;

                   //  r    g    b  alpha ; alpha does nothing for our purposes
    mat4 color = mat4(wlr, rg,  rb,   0.0,              //red tint
                      gr,  wlg, gb,   0.0,              //green tint
                      br,  bg,  wlb,  0.0,              //blue tint
                      blr/20., blg/20., blb/20., 0.0);  //black tint

    vec3 coeff = (SPC == 3.0) ? vec3(0.29734000563621520, 0.62735998630523680,  0.07529000192880630) : \
                 (SPC == 2.0) ? vec3(0.24840137362480164, 0.67799961566925050,  0.03913172334432602) : \
                 (SPC == 1.0) ? vec3(0.22898375988006592, 0.69173991680145260,  0.07927616685628891) : \
                                vec3(0.21264933049678802, 0.71516913175582890,  0.07218152284622192) ;

    mat3 adjust = mat3((1.0 - sat) * coeff.x + sat, (1.0 - sat) * coeff.x,       (1.0 - sat) * coeff.x,
                       (1.0 - sat) * coeff.y,       (1.0 - sat) * coeff.y + sat, (1.0 - sat) * coeff.y,
                       (1.0 - sat) * coeff.z,       (1.0 - sat) * coeff.z,       (1.0 - sat) * coeff.z + sat);

    screen = clamp(rolled_gain_v4(screen, clamp(lum, -0.49, 0.99)), 0., 1.);
    screen = color * screen;

//  HUE vs SAT
    vec3 src_h = RGB_to_XYZ(screen.rgb, SPC) * LMS;
    src_h.x = src_h.x >= 0.0 ? pow(src_h.x, 0.43) : -pow(-src_h.x, 0.43);
    src_h.y = src_h.y >= 0.0 ? pow(src_h.y, 0.43) : -pow(-src_h.y, 0.43);
    src_h.z = src_h.z >= 0.0 ? pow(src_h.z, 0.43) : -pow(-src_h.z, 0.43);

    src_h.xyz *= IPT;

    float hue_at = atan(src_h.z, src_h.y);
    chroma = sqrt(src_h.z * src_h.z + src_h.y * src_h.y);

    float hue_radians_r = -40.0 * (M_PI / 180.0);
    float hue_r = chroma * cos(hue_at + hue_radians_r) * 2.;

    float hue_radians_g = 230.0 * (M_PI / 180.0);
    float hue_g = chroma * cos(hue_at + hue_radians_g) * 2.;

    float hue_radians_b = 100.0 * (M_PI / 180.0);
    float hue_b = chroma * cos(hue_at + hue_radians_b) * 2.;

    float msk = dot(clamp(vec3(hue_r, hue_g, hue_b), 0., 1.), vec3(satr, satg, satb)*(-1.));
    src_h = mixfix(screen.rgb, vec3(dot(coeff, screen.rgb)), msk);

    float sat_msk = (vibr < 0.0) ? 1.0 - abs(SatMask(src_h.x, src_h.y, src_h.z) - 1.0) * abs(vibr) : \
                                   1.0 -    (SatMask(src_h.x, src_h.y, src_h.z) * vibr)            ;

    src_h = mixfix(src_h, clamp(adjust * src_h, 0., 1.), clamp(sat_msk, 0., 1.));

// EOTF - Electro-Optical Transfer Function (Rec.709 does a Dim to Dark Surround adaptation)
    vec3 TRC = (SPC == 3.0) ?     clamp(pow(src_h,                  vec3(1./(563./256.))),    0., 1.) : \
               (SPC == 2.0) ? moncurve_r_f3(src_h,                           2.20 + 0.022222, 0.0993) : \
               (SPC == 1.0) ?     clamp(pow(src_h,                  vec3(1./(2.20 + 0.40))),  0., 1.) : \
               (SPC == 0.0) ? moncurve_r_f3(src_h,                           2.20 + 0.20,     0.0550) : \
                              clamp(pow(pow(src_h, vec3(1.019264)), vec3(1./(2.20 + 0.20))),  0., 1.) ;

// Technical LUT - (in SPC space)
    float red_2 =   (TRC.r * (global.LUT_Size2 - 1.0) + 0.4999) / (global.LUT_Size2 * global.LUT_Size2);
    float green_2 = (TRC.g * (global.LUT_Size2 - 1.0) + 0.4999) / global.LUT_Size2;
    float blue1_2 = (floor(TRC.b * (global.LUT_Size2 - 1.0)) / global.LUT_Size2) + red_2;
    float blue2_2 =  (ceil(TRC.b * (global.LUT_Size2 - 1.0)) / global.LUT_Size2) + red_2;
    float mixer_2 = clamp(max((TRC.b - blue1_2) / (blue2_2 - blue1_2), 0.0), 0.0, 32.0);
    vec3 color1_2 = texture(SamplerLUT2, vec2(blue1_2, green_2)).rgb;
    vec3 color2_2 = texture(SamplerLUT2, vec2(blue2_2, green_2)).rgb;
    vec3 LUT2_output = mixfix(color1_2, color2_2, mixer_2);

    LUT2_output = (global.LUT2_toggle == 0.0) ? TRC : LUT2_output;

    FragColor = vec4(LUT2_output, 1.0);