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synced 2025-02-23 18:17:44 +11:00
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201 lines
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#version 450
#include "config.inc"
#define RGB_SHIFT_RANGE 20
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) out vec2 r_offset;
layout(location = 2) out vec2 g_offset;
layout(location = 3) out vec2 b_offset;
#include "includes/functions.include.slang"
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord ;
if (DO_SHIFT_RGB == 1.0) {
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 r_offset;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 g_offset;
layout(location = 3) in vec2 b_offset;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D FXAA_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D first_pass;
#define bandwidth_mhz_Y_ntsc 4.2
#define bandwidth_mhz_I 1.5
#define bandwidth_mhz_Q 0.5
const mat3 mat3_RGB2YIQ = mat3(
0.2989, 0.5959, 0.2115,
0.5870, -0.2744, -0.5229,
0.1140, -0.3216, 0.3114);
const mat3 mat3_YIQ2RGB = mat3(
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
0.956, -0.2720, -1.1060,
0.6210, -0.6474, 1.7046);
#define bandwidth_mhz_Y_pal 5.0
#define bandwidth_mhz_U 1.3
#define bandwidth_mhz_V 1.3
const mat3 mat3_RGB2YUV = mat3(
0.299, 0.587, 0.114,
-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436,
0.615, -0.514991, -0.10001);
const mat3 mat3_YUV2RGB = mat3(
1.000, 0.000, 1.13983,
1.000, 2.03211, 0.00000);
vec3 pixel_offset(vec3 pixel_cur,vec2 coord, sampler2D in_texture, vec4 sourcesize2) {
vec2 d = -vec2(sourcesize2.z, sourcesize2.w)*0.5;
vec3 pixel_offset;
pixel_offset.r=texture(in_texture,coord + r_offset * d).r;
pixel_offset.g=texture(in_texture,coord + g_offset * d).g;
pixel_offset.b=texture(in_texture,coord + b_offset * d).b;
return mix(pixel_cur,pixel_offset,OFFSET_STRENGTH);
/* why did i make this? commit message : https://github.com/kokoko3k/koko-aio-slang/commit/843d71af40d32c2e2b088a71bf3ad18683812a98
* does not help...
vec3 color_difformity = vec3(pixel_offset.r-pixel_cur.r, +pixel_offset.g-pixel_cur.g, pixel_offset.b - pixel_cur.b);
vec3 pixel_offset_to_add = pixel_offset * color_difformity;
return pixel_cur + (pixel_offset_to_add *OFFSET_STRENGTH);
//return pixel_cur + (pixel_offset *OFFSET_STRENGTH*color_difformity);
vec3 pixel_offset_wrap (vec2 coord) {
if ( DO_FXAA == 1.0) {
return pixel_offset(texture(FXAA_pass, vTexCoord).rgb, vTexCoord, FXAA_pass, global.FXAA_passSize);
} else {
return pixel_offset(texture(first_pass, vTexCoord).rgb, vTexCoord, first_pass, global.first_passSize);
vec3 pixel_bleed_side_NTSC(vec3 pixel_in, vec2 co, float size, float side, sampler2D in_texture, vec4 sourcesize2) {
vec3 blur_YIQ = pixel_in * mat3_RGB2YIQ; //Work in YIQ space
float i = 0.0;
for ( i=1 ; i <= size ; i++ ){
//w = w * exp(i*i*(1-SAT_BLEED_FALLOFF)*0.1);
vec3 smp_YIQ = texture(first_pass, co - side * vec2(sourcesize2.z*i,0.0)).rgb * mat3_RGB2YIQ;
blur_YIQ.x = mix(blur_YIQ.x, smp_YIQ.x, w/bandwidth_mhz_Y_ntsc); // Blur Y
blur_YIQ.y = mix(blur_YIQ.y, smp_YIQ.y, w/bandwidth_mhz_I ); // Blur I
blur_YIQ.z = mix(blur_YIQ.z, smp_YIQ.z, w/bandwidth_mhz_Q ); // BlurQ
//Tried to optimize as follows to no avail:
//vec3 vec3_mix = vec3(w/bandwidth_mhz_Y_ntsc, w/bandwidth_mhz_I, w/bandwidth_mhz_Q);
//blur_YIQ = mix(blur_YIQ.xyz, smp_YIQ.xyz, vec3_mix);
return blur_YIQ.xyz * mat3_YIQ2RGB; //return to RGB colorspace
vec3 pixel_bleed_side_PAL(vec3 pixel_in, vec2 co, float size, float side, sampler2D in_texture, vec4 sourcesize2) {
vec3 blur_YUV = pixel_in * mat3_RGB2YUV; //Work in YIQ space
float i = 0.0;
for ( i=1 ; i <= size ; i++ ){
vec3 smp_YUV = texture(first_pass, co - side * vec2(sourcesize2.z*i,0.0)).rgb * mat3_RGB2YUV;
blur_YUV.x = mix(blur_YUV.x, smp_YUV.x, w/bandwidth_mhz_Y_pal); // Blur Y
blur_YUV.y = mix(blur_YUV.y, smp_YUV.y, w/bandwidth_mhz_U ); // Blur U
blur_YUV.z = mix(blur_YUV.z, smp_YUV.z, w/bandwidth_mhz_V ); // Blur V
return blur_YUV.xyz * mat3_YUV2RGB; //return to RGB colorspace
#define SIDE_RIGHT 1
#define SIDE_LEFT -1
vec3 pixel_bleed(vec3 pixel_in, vec2 co, sampler2D in_texture, vec4 sourcesize2) {
vec3 side_left ; vec3 side_right;
//Tried to unbranch the following, no gain (even worse) probably due to not using constants anymore.
//Just dont try again.
if (SAT_BLEED_PAL == 1.0) {
side_right = pixel_bleed_side_PAL(pixel_in, co, SAT_BLEED_SIZE_RIGHT, SIDE_RIGHT, in_texture, sourcesize2);
side_left = pixel_bleed_side_PAL(pixel_in, co, SAT_BLEED_SIZE_LEFT, SIDE_LEFT, in_texture, sourcesize2);
} else {
side_right = pixel_bleed_side_NTSC(pixel_in, co, SAT_BLEED_SIZE_RIGHT, SIDE_RIGHT, in_texture, sourcesize2);
side_left = pixel_bleed_side_NTSC(pixel_in, co, SAT_BLEED_SIZE_LEFT, SIDE_LEFT, in_texture, sourcesize2);
//Clamping min to 0.0 is needed for nvidia to avoid bad graphical glitches, why?
return max( mix(side_left,side_right,0.5), 0.0) ;
void main() {
float pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts; // <- this holds ntsc artifacts needed by glow to modulate blur there.
vec3 pixel_out;
//Handle case where both are needed:
//First shift the right source, then pass it to bleed function.
if (DO_SHIFT_RGB + DO_SAT_BLEED > 1.0) {
pixel_out = pixel_offset_wrap(vTexCoord);
if (DO_SAT_BLEED > 0.0) {
if ( DO_FXAA == 1.0) {
pixel_out = pixel_bleed(pixel_out, vTexCoord, FXAA_pass, global.FXAA_passSize);
pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts = texture(FXAA_pass, vTexCoord).a;
} else {
pixel_out = pixel_bleed(pixel_out, vTexCoord, first_pass, global.first_passSize);
pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts = texture(first_pass, vTexCoord).a;
} else
//Handle case where only color shifting is requested
if (DO_SHIFT_RGB > 0.0) {
pixel_out = pixel_offset_wrap(vTexCoord);
} else
if (DO_SAT_BLEED > 0.0) {
//Handle case where only chroma bleed is requested
if ( DO_FXAA == 1.0) {
pixel_out = texture(FXAA_pass, vTexCoord).rgb;
pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts = texture(FXAA_pass, vTexCoord).a;
pixel_out = pixel_bleed(pixel_out, vTexCoord, FXAA_pass, global.FXAA_passSize);
} else {
pixel_out = texture(first_pass, vTexCoord).rgb;
pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts = texture(first_pass, vTexCoord).a;
pixel_out = pixel_bleed(pixel_out, vTexCoord, first_pass, global.first_passSize);
} else
if ( DO_FXAA == 1.0) {
pixel_out = texture(FXAA_pass, vTexCoord).rgb;
pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts = texture(FXAA_pass, vTexCoord).a;
} else {
pixel_out = texture(first_pass, vTexCoord).rgb;
pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts = texture(first_pass, vTexCoord).a;
//pre-gamma if needed by glow.
if (DO_IN_GLOW > 0.5)
pixel_out = pow(pixel_out, vec3(IN_GLOW_GAMMA));
FragColor = vec4(pixel_out,pixel_alpha_ntsc_artifacts);