2020-06-19 16:19:28 -05:00

282 lines
9.8 KiB

#version 450
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 SourceSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
int FrameDirection;
} params;
#define SamplerColorVHS Original
#include ""
#include ""
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 txcoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
txcoord = TexCoord;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 txcoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Original;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D tape;
#include ""
#define SamplerTape tape
void main()
const float t = float(params.FrameCount) * 0.0075;//_Time.y;
vec2 p = txcoord.xy;
float SLN = screenLinesNum; //TODO use only SLN
float SLN_Noise = noiseLinesNum; //TODO only SLN_Noise
float ONE_X = 0.0;
float ONE_Y = 0.0;
//basically if its 0 -> set it to fullscreen
//TODO calc it before shader / already float done
SLN = screenLinesNum; //TODO use only SLN
SLN_Noise = noiseLinesNum; //TODO only SLN_Noise
if(SLN==0.0) SLN = _ScreenParams.y;
if(SLN_Noise==0 || SLN_Noise>SLN) SLN_Noise = SLN;
ONE_X = 1.0/_ScreenParams.x; //assigning works only here
ONE_Y = 1.0/_ScreenParams.y;
if (VHS_Twitch_V){
p = twitchVertical(0.5*twitchVFreq, p, t);
if (VHS_Twitch_H){
p = twitchHorizonal(0.1*twitchHFreq, p, t);
//make discrete lines /w or wo float
float sh = fract(-t*linesFloatSpeed); //shift // float sh = fmod(t, 1.); //shift
// if(p.x>0.5)
p.y = -floor( -p.y * SLN + sh )/SLN + sh/SLN; //v1.3
// p.y = floor( p.y * SLN + sh )/SLN - sh/SLN; //v1.2
} else {
// if(p.x>0.5)
p.y = -floor( -p.y * SLN )/SLN; //v1.3
// p.y = floor( p.y * SLN )/SLN; //v1.2
if (VHS_Stretch){
p = stretch(p, t, 15.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0);
p = stretch(p, t, 8.0, 1.2, 0.45, 0.5);
p = stretch(p, t, 11.0, 0.5, -0.35, 0.25); //up
if (VHS_Jitter_H){
if( fmod( p.y * SLN, 2.0)<1.0)
p.x += ONE_X*sin(t*130.0)*jitterHAmount;
//just init
vec3 col = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
vec3 signal = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);// rgb2yiq(col);
//gotta initiate all these things here coz of tape noise distortion
//[NOISE uv init]
//if SLN_Noise different from SLN->recalc linefloat
vec2 pn = p;
const float sh = fract(t); //shift // float sh = fmod(t, 1.); //shift
pn.y = floor( pn.y * SLN_Noise + sh )/SLN_Noise - sh/SLN_Noise;
} else {
pn.y = floor( pn.y * SLN_Noise )/SLN_Noise;
//SLN_X is quantization of X. goest from _ScreenParams.x to SLN_X
const float ScreenLinesNumX = SLN_Noise * _ScreenParams.x / _ScreenParams.y;
const float SLN_X = noiseQuantizeX*(_ScreenParams.x - ScreenLinesNumX) + ScreenLinesNumX;
pn.x = floor( pn.x * SLN_X )/SLN_X;
const vec2 pn_ = pn*_ScreenParams.xy;
//TODO probably it shud be 1.0/SLN_Noise
const float ONEXN = 1.0/SLN_X;
//[//noise uv init]
float distShift = 0; // for 2nd part of tape noise
if (VHS_TapeNoise) {
//uv distortion part of tapenoise
distShift = 0; // for 2nd part of tape noise
for (int ii = 0; ii < 20 % 1023; ii++){
//this is t.n. line value at pn.y and down each pixel
//TODO i guess ONEXN shud be 1.0/sln noise
float tnl = textureLod(SamplerTape, vec2(0.0,pn.y-ONEXN*ii), 0.).y;
// float tnl = texture(SamplerTape, vec2(0.0,pn.y-ONEXN*ii)).y;
// float tnl = tapeNoiseLines(vec2(0.0,pn.y-ONEXN*i), t*tapeNoiseSpeed)*tapeNoiseAmount;
tnl -= 0.15 * float(params.FrameDirection);
// float fadediff = hash12(vec2(pn.x-ONEXN*i,pn.y));
if(tnl>0.27) {
//TODO get integer part other way
const float sh = sin( 1.0*PI*(float(ii)/float(20))) ; //0..1
p.x -= float(int(sh)*4.0*ONEXN); //displacement
distShift += sh ; //for 2nd part
// p.x += ONEXN * float(int(((tnl-thth)/thth)*4.0));
// col.x = sh;
//uv transforms over
//picture proccess start
if (VHS_Jitter_V){
signal = yiqDist(p, jitterVAmount, t*jitterVSpeed);
} else {
col = texture(SamplerColorVHS, p).rgb;
// col = vec3(p.xy, 0.0);//debug
signal = rgb2yiq(col);
if (VHS_LineNoise || VHS_FilmGrain){
signal.x += texture(SamplerTape, pn).z;
//iq noise from yiq
if (VHS_YIQNoise){
if (signalNoiseType == 0) {
//TODO make cheaper noise
//type 1 (best) w Y mask
const vec2 noise = n4rand_bw( pn_,t,1.0-signalNoisePower ) ;
signal.y += (noise.x*2.0-1.0)*signalNoiseAmount*signal.x;
signal.z += (noise.y*2.0-1.0)*signalNoiseAmount*signal.x;
} else if (signalNoiseType == 1){
//type 2
const vec2 noise = n4rand_bw( pn_,t, 1.0-signalNoisePower ) ;
signal.y += (noise.x*2.0-1.0)*signalNoiseAmount;
signal.z += (noise.y*2.0-1.0)*signalNoiseAmount;
} else {
//type 3
const vec2 noise = n4rand_bw( pn_,t, 1.0-signalNoisePower )*signalNoiseAmount ;
signal.y *= noise.x;
signal.z *= noise.y;
signal.x += (noise.x*2.0-1.0)*0.05;
//2nd part with noise, tail and yiq col shift
if (VHS_TapeNoise){
//here is normilized p (0..1)
float tn = texture(SamplerTape, pn).x;
signal.x = bms(signal.x, tn*tapeNoiseAmount ).x;
// float tn = tapeNoise(pn, t*tapeNoiseSpeed)*tapeNoiseAmount;
//tape noise tail
const int tailLength=10; //TODO adjustable
for(int j = 0; j < tailLength % 1023; j++){
const float jj = float(j);
const vec2 d = vec2(pn.x-ONEXN*jj,pn.y);
tn = textureLod(SamplerTape, vec2(d), 0. ).x;
// tn = texture(SamplerTape, d).x;
// tn = tapeNoise(vec2(pn.x-ONEXN*i,pn.y), t*tapeNoiseSpeed)*tapeNoiseAmount;
float fadediff = 0.0;
//for tails length difference
// if(__RENDERER__ == 0x0A100 || __RENDERER__ == 0x0B000) {
// fadediff = textureLod(SamplerTape, vec2(d), 0.).a; //hash12(d);
// }
// if(__RENDERER__ == 0x09300 || __RENDERER__ >= 0x10000) {
fadediff = texture(SamplerTape, d).a; //hash12(d);
// }
if( tn > 0.8 ){
float nsx = 0.0; //new signal x
const float newlength = float(tailLength)*(1.0-fadediff); //tail lenght diff
if( jj <= newlength ) nsx = 1.0-( jj/ newlength ); //tail
signal.x = bms(signal.x, nsx*tapeNoiseAmount).x;
//tape noise color shift
// float tnl = tapeNoiseLines(vec2(0.0,pn.y), t*tapeNoiseSpeed)*tapeNoiseAmount;
const float tnl = texture(SamplerTape, pn).y;//tapeNoiseLines(vec2(0.0,pn.y), t*tapeNoiseSpeed)*tapeNoiseAmount;
signal.y *= 1.0/distShift;//tnl*0.1;//*distShift;//*signal.x;
signal.z *= 1.0/distShift;//*distShift;//*signal.x;
//back to rgb color space
//signal has negative values
col = yiq2rgb(signal);
//TODO put it into 2nd pass
if (VHS_ScanLines){
col *= scanLines(txcoord.xy, t);
//fisheye cutoff / outside fisheye
//helps to remove noise outside the fisheye
if (VHS_FishEye){
p = txcoord.xy;
float far;
const vec2 hco = vec2(ONE_X*cutoffX, ONE_Y*cutoffY) * 0.25; //hard cuttoff x
const vec2 sco = vec2(ONE_X*cutoffFadeX, ONE_Y*cutoffFadeY) * 0.25; //soft cuttoff x
//hard cutoff
if( p.x<=(0.0+hco.x) || p.x>=(1.0-hco.x) || p.y<=(0.0+hco.y) || p.y>=(1.0-hco.y) ){
col = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
} else {
if( //X
(p.x>(0.0+hco.x) && p.x<(0.0+(sco.x+hco.x) )) || (p.x>(1.0-(sco.x+hco.x)) && p.x<(1.0-hco.x))
if(p.x<0.5) far = (0.0-hco.x+p.x)/(sco.x);
far = (1.0-hco.x-p.x)/(sco.x);
col *= float(far).xxx;
if( //Y
(p.y>(0.0+hco.y) && p.y<(0.0+(sco.y+hco.y) )) || (p.y>(1.0-(sco.y+hco.y)) && p.y<(1.0-hco.y))
if(p.y<0.5) far = (0.0-hco.y+p.y)/(sco.y);
far = (1.0-hco.y-p.y)/(sco.y);
col *= float(far).xxx;
// col = texture(SamplerTape, txcoord.xy).x;
FragColor = vec4(col, 1.0);
// FragColor = (VHS_TapeNoise && params.FrameDirection < 0) ? FragColor + (vec4(texture(tape, txcoord).g)) * 2. : FragColor;