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synced 2025-02-19 08:17:43 +11:00
* Update koko-aio to 3.8 * Missing files from previous commit * Still missing files * Fix full presets, hopefully ready for merging
195 lines
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195 lines
7 KiB
#version 450
/* This pass simulates the presence of a led strip placed on the back of the virtual screen */
#include "config.inc"
#define PastSampler ambi_temporal_passFeedback
#define internalness 0.07 //The distance between the screen border and the led strip
#define leds_per_strip 8 //How many leds per border
#define radius 0.001 //The base radius of the emitted light (tuned by user parameter later)
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) out float border_min;
layout(location = 2) out float border_max;
layout(location = 3) out float fstep;
layout(location = 4) out float lod;
layout(location = 5) out vec2 vWarp_vexp;
layout(location = 6) out vec2 vWarp_arg2;
void main() {
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord;
border_min=internalness ;
border_max=1.0-internalness ;
fstep = (border_max - border_min) / (leds_per_strip-1);
//Calc a lod for a texture sized led_strip x led_strip
lod = log2(global.first_passSize.y / leds_per_strip);
//Precalc some Curvature/Warp values:
vWarp_vexp = 1.0/ (1 + (vec2(GEOM_WARP_X, GEOM_WARP_Y) * 0.2)) ;
vWarp_arg2 = 1.0 - pow(vec2(0.29289321881345247559915563789515), vWarp_vexp );
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 1) in float border_min;
layout(location = 2) in float border_max;
layout(location = 3) in float fstep;
layout(location = 4) in float lod;
layout(location = 5) in vec2 vWarp_vexp;
layout(location = 6) in vec2 vWarp_arg2;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D PastSampler;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D avglum_pass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D avglum_passFeedback;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D first_pass;
#include "includes/functions.include.slang"
vec3 ambi_push_pass(vec2 coords, float f_lod) {
vec3 pixel_out = textureLod(first_pass, coords, f_lod).rgb;
pixel_out = apply_fuzzy_main_pass(pixel_out);
pixel_out = pixel_push_luminance(pixel_out, AMBI_POWER-1);
return pixel_out;
vec3 circle_smooth(vec2 coords, vec2 middle, float f_radius, float FALLOFF, float f_lod) {
float fdistance=distance(middle, vec2(coords.x, coords.y));
float circle = (1-smoothstep(f_radius-FALLOFF, f_radius+FALLOFF, fdistance));
vec3 circle_color = ambi_push_pass(middle, f_lod) * circle;
return circle_color;
#define tol_start 0.06 //skip tolerance
#define tol_end 0.94 //1-tol_start
vec3 ambi_pre_pass() {
//Scale to the original aspect
vec2 coords = get_scaled_coords(vTexCoord, global.FinalViewportSize, is_rotated());
if (DO_GLOBAL_SHZO >0.5)
coords = zoom(coords + vec2(-GLOBAL_OFFX, -GLOBAL_OFFY), GLOBAL_ZOOM );
if (DO_BEZEL==1.0) coords = zoomout_coords(coords, -BEZEL_INNER_ZOOM , 1.0);
//Skip coords in the rect "under the monitor"
FragColor = vec4(0.0);
//First consider to skip the curved coords
if (DO_CURVATURE == 1.0) {
if ((GEOM_WARP_X > 0.0) || (GEOM_WARP_Y > 0.0)) {
vec2 coords_curved = Warp_fast(coords, vWarp_vexp, vWarp_arg2); // vec2 coords_curved = Warp(coords, GEOM_WARP_X, GEOM_WARP_Y);
if ( ( (coords_curved.x > tol_start && coords_curved.x < 1.0 - tol_start ) && (coords_curved.y > tol_start && coords_curved.y < 1.0 - tol_start) ) &&
!( (coords.x < - tol_start || coords.x > 1.0 + tol_start) || (coords.y < - tol_start || coords.y > 1.0 + tol_start) ) )
return vec3(0.0);
//...next, the straight ones (needed even when curvature is due, because it returns particular values in the corners)
//skip_pass = skip_pass && !( (coords.x < 0.0 -tol || coords.x > 1.0 +tol) || (coords.y < 0.0 -tol || coords.y > 1.0 +tol) );
if (coords.x > tol_start && coords.x < tol_end && coords.y > tol_start && coords.y < tol_end) return vec3(0.0);
//Finally, emulate leds.
vec3 pixel_out = vec3(0.0);
float middle_x; float middle_y ;
for (middle_y=border_min ; middle_y <= border_max+eps ; middle_y=middle_y + fstep ) {
pixel_out +=circle_smooth(coords, vec2(middle_x,middle_y), radius, AMBI_FALLOFF, lod);
for (middle_y=border_min ; middle_y <= border_max+eps ; middle_y=middle_y + fstep ) {
pixel_out +=circle_smooth(coords, vec2(middle_x,middle_y), radius, AMBI_FALLOFF, lod);
for (middle_x=border_min+fstep ; middle_x <= border_max-fstep+eps ; middle_x=middle_x + fstep ) {
pixel_out +=circle_smooth(coords, vec2(middle_x,middle_y), radius, AMBI_FALLOFF, lod);
for (middle_x=border_min+fstep ; middle_x <= border_max-fstep+eps ; middle_x=middle_x + fstep ) {
pixel_out +=circle_smooth(coords, vec2(middle_x,middle_y), radius, AMBI_FALLOFF, lod);
return pixel_out;
float ambi_step(float start, float end, float mystep) {
float diff = start-end;
if (abs(diff) < mystep) return end;
//Does not worth to try to unbranch:
if (start >= end)
return start - mystep;
return start + mystep;
vec3 ambi_step_rgb(vec3 s,vec3 d, vec3 mystep){
//step fade from s to d
return vec3 ( ambi_step(s.r, d.r, mystep.r),
ambi_step(s.g, d.g, mystep.g),
ambi_step(s.b, d.b, mystep.b)
vec4 pixel_ambilight() {
vec4 past_pixel_vec4 = texture(PastSampler, vTexCoord);
vec3 present_pixel = ambi_pre_pass().rgb;
vec3 past_pixel = past_pixel_vec4.rgb;
float scene_change_remaining = past_pixel_vec4.a;
float past_avg_lum = texture(avglum_passFeedback,vec2(0.25,0.25)).a;
float present_avg_lum = texture(avglum_pass ,vec2(0.25,0.25)).a;
float diff_avg_lum = abs(past_avg_lum - present_avg_lum);
if (diff_avg_lum >= AMBI_SCENE_CHG_THRSHLD) {
scene_change_remaining = 1.0;
// Are we changing scene?
vec3 mystep;
if (scene_change_remaining > 0.0) {
mystep = vec3(max(1.0/MAX_STEPS, AMBI_FAST_STEP)); // <- Never slow down fades due to fast step when changing scene
scene_change_remaining -= AMBI_FAST_STEP;
} else {
mystep = abs((past_pixel - present_pixel) / MAX_STEPS); //OK
return vec4(ambi_step_rgb(past_pixel, present_pixel, mystep), scene_change_remaining);
//3.0 makes scene detection not working.
#define FRAME_DIVIDER 2.0
void main() {
if (DO_AMBILIGHT != 1.0)
if ( mod(params.FrameCount,FRAME_DIVIDER) != 0.0) {
vec4 past_sampler = texture(PastSampler, vTexCoord);
past_sampler = max(past_sampler, 0.0); // <- Sanitize input to avoid glitches when enabling the option runtime.
FragColor = past_sampler;
FragColor = pixel_ambilight();