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synced 2025-02-23 18:17:44 +11:00
Changes: * Guest Advanced updated to crt-guest-advanced-2023-02-25-release1 * Improvements to the new Magic Glow feature * Turn Magic Glow on and Increase the Glow amount to see the effect * New Slot Mask Mitigation option to reduce moire * Added/Restored Guest's Raster Bloom as well as Overscan control * Updated Comments in presets to use # instead of // as per @hunterk's request * Added rotation option for Rotate CRT Tube: * -1 = 90 Degrees Clockwise (or 270 Counter Clockwise) * 0 = No Rotation * 1 = 90 Degrees Counter Clockwise * Added groundwork for the wildcard replacement feature so presets will auto rotate and not flip in the future * Added DREZ presets which keep the horizontal resolution * Helpful for applying to modern games, these two are good to try * `Presets\Base_CRT_Presets_DREZ\MBZ__3__STD__GDV__DREZ_X-VIEWPORT_Y-240p.slangp` * `Presets\Base_CRT_Presets_DREZ\MBZ__3__STD__GDV__DREZ_X-VIEWPORT_Y-480p.slangp` * Also looks good on MVC2, try `Presets\Base_CRT_Presets_DREZ\MBZ__3__STD__GDV__DREZ_X-VIEWPORT_Y-240p.slangp` * Updated preset capability and performance table * Added contrast for signal noise * Added some more Sinden presets for SCREEN-ONLY and POTATO * Added Screen Region to Resolution Debug text * Good for getting the screen region pixel coordinates if you need them * Adjusted Ambient Lighting Scaling when using the Inherit Zoom scale mode * Now when you zoom out it is much less likely to generate a black frame covering the outer parts of the background image * The minimum size of the lighting texture will be close to the height of the current viewport * This reduces the likelihood that we will see the cutoff * ScaleFx: Exposed more of the settings so they can be tweaked * Default Settings changed: * ScaleFx Threshold: now 0.43 (was 0.5) * ScaleFx Filter Corners: now 0 (was 1) * These settings result in a slighly clearer picture and less rounding of square corners * SMOOTH-ADV ntsc presets: ntsc_scale adjusted so it visually matches the regular ADV ntsc presets
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Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 guest(r) - guest.r@gmail.com
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../base/common/globals-and-screen-scale-params.inc"
#include "../base/common/common-functions.inc"
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 OutputSize;
uint FrameCount;
// float GAMMA_INPUT;
// float inter;
// float interm;
// float inters;
// float iscan;
// float intres;
// float downsample_level;
} params;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
vec4 SourceSize;
mat4 MVP;
} global;
// #pragma parameter bogus_gamma "[ GAMMA OPTIONS ]: " 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
// #pragma parameter GAMMA_INPUT " Gamma Input" 2.4 1.0 5.0 0.05
// #define GAMMA_INPUT params.GAMMA_INPUT
// #pragma parameter gamma_out " Gamma out" 2.4 1.0 5.0 0.05
// #define gamma_out params.gamma_out // output gamma
// #pragma parameter bogus_interlacing "[ INTERLACING OPTIONS ]: " 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
// #pragma parameter inter " Interlace Trigger Resolution :" 350.0 0.0 800.0 25.0
// #define inter params.inter // interlace resolution
// #pragma parameter interm " Interlace Mode: OFF, Normal 1-3, Interpolation 4-5" 1.0 0.0 5.0 1.0
#define interm HSM_INTERLACE_MODE // interlace mode
// #pragma parameter inters " Interlacing Effect Smoothness" 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.05 // Joint parameter with main pass, values must match
#define inters HSM_INTERLACE_EFFECT_SMOOTHNESS_INTERS // interlacing effect smoothing
// #pragma parameter iscan " Interlacing Scanline Effect" 0.20 0.0 1.0 0.05
#define iscan HSM_INTERLACE_SCANLINE_EFFECT // interlacing effect scanlining
// #pragma parameter intres " Internal Resolution Y: 224p/240p, 1.5...y-dowsample" 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.5 // Joint parameter with main pass, values must match
// #define intres params.intres // interlace resolution
// #pragma parameter downsample_levelx " Downsampling-X (High-res content, pre-scalers)" 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.25
#define downsample_level HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR // downsample level
// #pragma parameter downsample_levely " Downsampling-Y (High-res content, pre-scalers)" 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.25
#pragma parameter iscans " Interlacing (Scanline) Saturation" 0.25 0 1 0.05
#define iscans global.iscans
bool use_vert_scanlines_bool = false;
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord * 1.00001;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform sampler2D InfoCachePass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D PrePass;
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D NegativeCropAddedPass;
#define COMPAT_TEXTURE(c,d) texture(c,d)
vec3 plant (vec3 tar, float r)
float t = max(max(tar.r,tar.g),tar.b) + 0.00001;
return tar * r / t;
// TODO need to adjust downsample
vec3 fetch_pixel(vec2 coord)
vec2 prescale_tex_size = textureSize(NegativeCropAddedPass, 0);
vec2 dx = vec2(1 / prescale_tex_size.x, 0.0) * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR;
vec2 dy = vec2(0.0, 1 / prescale_tex_size.y) * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR;
if (use_vert_scanlines_bool)
dx = vec2(1 / prescale_tex_size.x, 0.0) * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_OPPOSITE_DIR;
dy = vec2(0.0, 1 / prescale_tex_size.y) * HSM_DOWNSAMPLE_BLUR_SCANLINE_DIR;
vec2 d1 = dx + dy;
vec2 d2 = dx - dy;
float sum = 15.0;
vec3 result = 3.0*COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord ).rgb +
2.0*COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord + dx).rgb +
2.0*COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord - dx).rgb +
2.0*COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord + dy).rgb +
2.0*COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord - dy).rgb +
COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord + d1).rgb +
COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord - d1).rgb +
COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord + d2).rgb +
COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, coord - d2).rgb;
return result/sum;
// noise function:
// Dedicated to the public domain.
// If you want a real license, you may consider this MIT/BSD/CC0/WTFPL-licensed (take your pick).
// Adapted from ChuckNorris - shadertoy: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XtK3Dz
vec3 noise(vec3 v, float noise_amount){
if (noise_amount < 0.0) v.z = -noise_amount; else v.z = mod(v.z,6001.0)/1753.0;
// ensure reasonable range
v = fract(v) + fract(v*1e4) + fract(v*1e-4);
// seed
v += vec3(0.12345, 0.6789, 0.314159);
// more iterations => more random
v = fract(v*dot(v, v)*123.456);
v = fract(v*dot(v, v)*123.456);
v = fract(v*dot(v, v)*123.456);
v = fract(v*dot(v, v)*123.456);
return v;
void main()
/* HSM Removed
vec3 c1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, vTexCoord).rgb;
vec3 c2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, vTexCoord + vec2(0.0, params.OriginalSize.w)).rgb;
vec3 c1 = vec3(0);
vec3 c2 = vec3(0);
// HSM Added
HSM_UpdateGlobalScreenValuesFromCache(InfoCachePass, vTexCoord);
use_vert_scanlines_bool = (USE_VERTICAL_SCANLINES > 0.5);
// HSM Added
if (abs(HSM_ROTATE_CORE_IMAGE) > 0.5)
use_vert_scanlines_bool = !use_vert_scanlines_bool;
vec2 rotated_derezed_size = HSM_GetRotatedDerezedSize();
float derezed_opposite_dir_res = use_vert_scanlines_bool ? rotated_derezed_size.x : rotated_derezed_size.y;
float derezed_scaled_opposite_dir_res = derezed_opposite_dir_res * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR;
float orig_opposite_dir_res = use_vert_scanlines_bool ? ROTATED_CORE_PREPPED_SIZE.x : ROTATED_CORE_PREPPED_SIZE.y;
float scaled_opposite_dir_res = orig_opposite_dir_res * HSM_CORE_RES_SAMPLING_MULT_OPPOSITE_DIR;
float orig_scanline_dir_res = use_vert_scanlines_bool ? ROTATED_CORE_PREPPED_SIZE.y : ROTATED_CORE_PREPPED_SIZE.x;
float tex_coord_scan_dir = use_vert_scanlines_bool ? vTexCoord.x : vTexCoord.y;
vec2 downsample_offset = vec2(0, 1 / orig_opposite_dir_res / NEGATIVE_CROP_EXPAND_MULTIPLIER );
if (use_vert_scanlines_bool)
downsample_offset = vec2(1 / orig_opposite_dir_res / NEGATIVE_CROP_EXPAND_MULTIPLIER, 0 );
c1 = fetch_pixel(vTexCoord);
c2 = fetch_pixel(vTexCoord + downsample_offset);
c1 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, vTexCoord).rgb;
c2 = COMPAT_TEXTURE(PrePass, vTexCoord + downsample_offset).rgb;
vec3 c = c1;
float intera = 1.0;
float gamma_in = clamp(GAMMA_INPUT, 1.0, 5.0);
float m1 = max(max(c1.r,c1.g),c1.b);
float m2 = max(max(c2.r,c2.g),c2.b);
vec3 df = abs(c1-c2);
float d = max(max(df.r,df.g),df.b);
if (interm == 2.0) d = mix(0.1*d,10.0*d, step(m1/(m2+0.0001),m2/(m1+0.0001)));
float r = m1;
/* HSM Removed
float yres_div = 1.0; if (intres > 1.25) yres_div = intres;
if (inter < params.OriginalSize.y/yres_div && interm > 0.5 && intres != 1.0 && intres != 0.5)
// HSM Added
if (HSM_INTERLACE_TRIGGER_RES <= derezed_scaled_opposite_dir_res && interm > 0.5)
intera = 0.25;
/* HSM Removed
float line_no = clamp(floor(mod(params.OriginalSize.y*vTexCoord.y, 2.0)), 0.0, 1.0);
// HSM Added
float line_no = clamp( floor( mod( orig_opposite_dir_res * tex_coord_scan_dir, 2.0 ) ), 0.0, 1.0 );
float frame_no = clamp(floor(mod(float(params.FrameCount),2.0)), 0.0, 1.0);
float ii = abs(line_no-frame_no);
if (interm < 3.5)
c2 = plant(mix(c2, c2*c2, iscans), max(max(c2.r,c2.g),c2.b));
r = clamp(max(m1*ii, (1.0-iscan)*min(m1,m2)), 0.0, 1.0);
c = plant( mix(mix(c1,c2, min(mix(m1, 1.0-m2, min(m1,1.0-m1))/(d+0.00001),1.0)), c1, ii), r);
if (interm == 3.0) c = (1.0-0.5*iscan)*mix(c2, c1, ii);
intera = 0.0;
if (interm == 4.0) { c = plant(mix(c, c*c, 0.5*iscans), max(max(c.r,c.g),c.b)); intera = 0.45; }
if (interm == 5.0) { c = mix(c2, c1, 0.5); c = plant(mix(c, c*c, 0.5*iscans), max(max(c.r,c.g),c.b)); intera = 0.45; }
// Linearize Color
c = pow(c, vec3(gamma_in));
// intera = 1;
// HSM Added Noise based on Guest.r's noise from deconvergence pass
float rc = 0.6*sqrt(max(max(c.r, c.g), c.b))+0.4;
vec2 upscale_mult = global.SourceSize.xy / global.DerezedPassSize.xy;
float noise_size = 1;
// Scanline sized noise
// Core resolution sized noise
noise_size = upscale_mult.x * HSM_SIGNAL_NOISE_SIZE_MULT;
// Uprezed sized noise
vec3 noise0 = noise(vec3(floor(global.SourceSize.xy * vTexCoord / noise_size), float(global.FrameCount)), HSM_SIGNAL_NOISE_AMOUNT);
noise0 = clamp(HSM_SIGNAL_NOISE_BLACK_LEVEL * (noise0 - 0.5) + 0.5, 0, 1);
c = mix(c,
0.25 * abs(HSM_SIGNAL_NOISE_AMOUNT) * rc);
c = min(c * mix(1.0,
1.5 * noise0.x, 0.5 * abs(HSM_SIGNAL_NOISE_AMOUNT)),
if (vTexCoord.x > 0.5) gamma_in = intera; else gamma_in = 1.0/gamma_in;
FragColor = vec4(c, gamma_in);
} |