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synced 2024-12-02 04:11:30 +11:00
* some ports from glsl * add ntsc-feather * Add files via upload * Rename ntsc/shaders/ntsc-feather.slang to ntsc/shaders/ntsc-simple/ntsc-feather.slang * Update zfast_crt_composite.slang 1:1 with GLSL
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#version 450
layout(push_constant) uniform Push
float MASK;
float COL_BLEED;
float NTSC_COL;
} params;
#pragma parameter MASK "Color Subcarrier Artifacts" 0.08 0.0 1.0 0.01
#pragma parameter COMPOSITE_LOWPASS "Composite Lowpass" 0.8 0.0 2.0 0.05
#pragma parameter COL_BLEED "Chroma Bleed" 1.4 0.0 2.0 0.05
#pragma parameter NTSC_COL "NTSC Colors " 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
#define MASK params.MASK
#define COL_BLEED params.COL_BLEED
#define NTSC_COL params.NTSC_COL
#define PI 3.141592
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform UBO
mat4 MVP;
vec4 OutputSize;
vec4 OriginalSize;
vec4 SourceSize;
uint FrameCount;
} global;
#define OutputSize global.OutputSize
#define SourceSize global.SourceSize
#define OriginalSize global.OriginalSize
#define FrameCount global.FrameCount
#pragma stage vertex
layout(location = 0) in vec4 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 vTexCoord;
void main()
gl_Position = global.MVP * Position;
vTexCoord = TexCoord * 1.0001;
#pragma stage fragment
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D Source;
mat3 RGBtoYIQ = mat3(
0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140,
0.5959, -0.2744, -0.3216,
0.2115, -0.5229, 0.3114);
mat3 YIQtoRGB = mat3(
1.0, 0.956, 0.6210,
1.0, -0.2720, -0.6474,
1.0, -1.1060, 1.7046);
const mat3 NTSC = mat3(
1.8088923, -0.6480268, -0.0833558,
0.4062922 , 0.6175271, -0.0038849,
-0.0025872, -0.103848 , 1.182318);
#define Time sin(float(FrameCount))
float phase = OriginalSize.x<300.0 ? 4.0*PI/15.0 : PI/3.0;
#define SC MASK*sin(vTexCoord.x*SourceSize.x*phase)+1.0-MASK
void main()
vec2 cent = floor(vTexCoord*SourceSize.xy)+0.5;
vec2 coords = cent*SourceSize.zw;
coords = vec2(mix(vTexCoord.x,coords.x,0.2),coords.y);
vec3 res = texture(Source,coords).rgb; res *= RGBtoYIQ;
float onetexel = SourceSize.z*COMPOSITE_LOWPASS;
float bleed = SourceSize.z*COL_BLEED;
vec3 resr = texture(Source,coords-(vec2(2.0*bleed,0.0))).rgb; resr *= RGBtoYIQ;
vec3 resru = texture(Source,coords-(vec2(onetexel,0.0))).rgb; resru *= RGBtoYIQ;
vec3 resrr = texture(Source,coords-(vec2(3.0*bleed,0.0))).rgb; resrr *= RGBtoYIQ;
vec3 resl = texture(Source,coords+(vec2(2.0*bleed,0.0))).rgb; resl *= RGBtoYIQ;
vec3 reslu = texture(Source,coords+(vec2(bleed,0.0))).rgb; reslu *= RGBtoYIQ;
vec3 resll = texture(Source,coords+(vec2(3.0*bleed,0.0))).rgb; resll *= RGBtoYIQ;
//color bleed
res.gb += (resr.gb+resl.gb+resrr.gb+resll.gb+reslu.gb+resru.gb); res.gb /= 7.0;
//overall bluriness
res.r = (res.r + resru.r)/2.0;
vec3 checker = texture(Source,vTexCoord - vec2(0.25/OriginalSize.x,0.0)).rgb; checker *= RGBtoYIQ;
vec3 checkerl = texture(Source,vTexCoord + vec2(0.1/OriginalSize.x,0.0)).rgb; checkerl *= RGBtoYIQ;
float diff = res.g-checker.g;
float diffl = res.g-checkerl.g;
float ydiff = res.r-checker.r;
float ydiffl = res.r-checkerl.r;
float x = mod(floor(vTexCoord.x*SourceSize.x),2.0);
float y = mod(floor(vTexCoord.y*SourceSize.y),2.0);
//Color subcarrier pattern
if (y == 0.0 && x == 0.0 && Time < 0.0 && diff > 0.0 || y == 0.0 && x == 1.0 && Time > 0.0 && diff > 0.0)
res.b *= SC; // ok
else if (y == 1.0 && x == 1.0 && Time < 0.0 && diff > 0.0 || y == 1.0 && x == 0.0 && Time > 0.0 && diff > 0.0)
res.b *= SC; // ok
else if (y == 0.0 && x == 0.0 && Time < 0.0 && ydiff < 0.0 || y == 0.0 && x == 1.0 && Time > 0.0 && ydiff < 0.0)
res.r *= SC; // ok
else if (y == 1.0 && x == 1.0 && Time < 0.0 && ydiff < 0.0 || y == 1.0 && x == 0.0 && Time > 0.0 && ydiff < 0.0)
res.r *= SC; // ok
else if (y == 0.0 && x == 0.0 && Time < 0.0 && ydiffl < 0.0 || y == 0.0 && x == 1.0 && Time > 0.0 && ydiffl < 0.0)
res.r *= SC;
else if (y == 1.0 && x == 1.0 && Time < 0.0 && ydiffl < 0.0 || y == 1.0 && x == 0.0 && Time > 0.0 && ydiffl < 0.0)
res.r *= SC;
//for testing
//if (ydiffl < 0.0) res = vec3(0.0);
res *= YIQtoRGB;
if (NTSC_COL == 1.0)res *= NTSC;
FragColor = vec4(res,1.0);